The Ripple Effect

Jen & Amy Stark: The friendships that heal

Season 1 Episode 1

Amy Stark, is the host of The Stark Transformation Show, a gifted energy healer, motivational speaker, and PURE love.  Fall in love with Amy like I did when I first met her.  She embodies this unique and healing frequency that loves others unconditionally.  In this episode we get to hear the stories that made Amy Stark the extraordinary person she is today.  I'm grateful to call her my friend and the very INSPIRATION for me starting to share my journey in the format of a podcast.  

Find Amy Stark and her brilliant work here:

She has an amazing course you can take here:

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us. Everyone. Today on my very first episode ever, on my very first podcast, I have the most perfect guest. Her name is Amy Stark, and she is an amazing energy healer, motivational speaker, and she is the host and the creator of her podcast called The Stark Transformation Show, and she's also a good friend of mine and I really wanted to have her be my very first guest because she's the very inspiration for this podcast. After being on her podcast twice now, I. Felt amazing telling my story. I didn't realize that there's so much healing that goes on in her podcast specifically and the way that she embodies this unique, loving, non-judgmental frequency and she understands energy and she's a motivational speaker and she just, her very vibration is healing. And I didn't expect to be on her podcast and then get a healing as well when I shared my story. So, Just wanted to share with you and welcome you to this show,

Amy Stark:

I'm so excited to be here. Jen, you're amazing. I love you. I'm grateful that we met I think it's about seven years ago now in a class, and I was blown away with your. Intensity in which to grow and heal. And I was like, wow. I think that this girl is gonna be an amazing friend and I really wanna get to know her I probably can learn a lot from her. I come to you for healings. Very few people in life match. Me, in terms of upleveling, I was, it's kind of, oh yeah, we're intense, we're intense, we're intense. But we also love to have fun. We both love, you know, to let loose and drink some tequila together. Yeah. And laugh, laugh at ourselves. I mean, laugh, humor,

any Yes. Humor's a high vibration. And I can take, and I know you can too. We can go balls out with our, healing and then that's usually when we need to have some fun, sip some tequila, balance it out. Doesn't take it too seriously. Yeah. And I've always loved your playful energy, your frequency. We have a lot of similarities. We both played soccer, you know, I think a little competitive little competitive, and, you come from this really boisterous, fun-loving, big stark family, and I've met like half of'em now. I don't know, it's just like when you recognize somebody's soul that feels familiar or there's like vibrational frequency, we just kind of had a match. And I felt the same way about you when I sat next to you and you introduced yourself. I need to know this healer. She's amazing. I can already feel it.

Amy Stark:

Awesome. Yay us Yay us. But I

Jennifer McNerney:

wanted to ask you and have you on here, because I know that we both go after looking at our triggers, looking at our emotions, looking at our beliefs, and kind of questioning why are we the way that we are? Kind of like those, that deep dive of the stories that make us who we are today in this present moment. And obviously we're. Always unfolding and unpacking and peeling layers off to our true purest form. But would love to know a little of whatever you're willing to share with the audience about what makes Amy Stark. Amy Stark,

Amy Stark:

I don't know you that you wanna know that

Jennifer McNerney:

Yes, we do. Absolutely.

Amy Stark:

So, you know, it's funny, lately I've been thinking about this a lot because, I feel like I am in a transitional period where I'm going to be taking a new step. I don't know really what it is. There's something coming. And so I'm reviewing my life, reviewing the way that I see the world, and I've been triggered recently quite deeply going through a dark night of the soul. So thank you for helping me through that. Absolutely. A lot of people look at me and they think, I have like a sun shiny disposition. I have a smile always on my face I have this frequency that I emit. Yes. and I love people unconditionally. I truly do. Like I really. I know I used to apologize for it. I'm being know, embarrassed

Jennifer McNerney:

and I and I, yeah. And there's no need. So don't apologize for being you. I think we need to say hell yeah. you're you.

Amy Stark:

Yeah. Well, you know what, Jen, actually, you've really helped me to embody more of who I am, which I've heard from many people that I trigger that within them like to be more their authentic self. And, and you even helped me to own it even more so, so I appreciate that from you. Yeah, truly. I mean, I, I, I've never met somebody who really received me the way that you have, and so I, I'm very grateful for that. But you know, life hasn't always been easy for me, and that's, Something that people think that because I'm so happy and because I look at the bright side and because I am so loving that I haven't been hurt Or that I haven't, I have been struggled. I'm like, there could be probably nothing further from the truth. Not only do I, sort through my thinking, I have this unbelievable. Desire to help so many people. So that causes me to constantly always look at myself and how can I improve and then help others. So throughout my life I was chronically ill for 30 years. So that was really, really challenging. I mean, I was in and out of doctor's offices, probably weekly I, it definitely weekly for my allergy shots, but then also was going to the doctor to get. Antibiotics or whatever, because I was just chronically sick and one of the reasons why I was chronically sick was I had a lot of food allergies. I, suffered some injuries from the things, different

Jennifer McNerney:

things, the things that we, the things that are on schedule to put into kids,

Amy Stark:

yes, I had, I got an injury from that and, it changed, my behavior. I had a nervous system that was really outta whack and it. My meeting, my wife really, who worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years to look at me and say like, are you sure you wanna be taking those for the rest of your life? And I was like, I'm coming from

Jennifer McNerney:

somebody that is in the pharmaceutical

Amy Stark:

inside world. Inside. Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty shocking. In fact, actually, I said, I you make these drugs and you won. Won't take them. Oh. Like, so I was like, wow, I'll reconsider this now. And you know what, one of the things that really occurred to me, that was a really pivotal moment in my life where I was like, Okay, so I have like 60, 70 more years of my life. Do I really wanna be a slave to when I get my drugs, when I you know, ha picking them up and remembering to take them and all the things that go along with it. Yeah. And maybe taking the other things that go with it and just everything, everything that goes along with that. I was like, you know what, let me see if I can figure this out in an alternative way. Mm-hmm. because I wanted to free myself, Jen, like I, I wanted to empower myself and nobody, I mean, when I was nine years old, a doctor looked at me and said, you will never, you know, not have allergies. You will never not have asthma. You will, if we could take your immune system out, we would, and we would replace it with a whole new one. So what's interesting is, is like I now don't take any drugs, right? And I had my D n A sequence and I. At 41 years old, I had the immune system of a 28 year old. So I've reversed things. Exactly. Not only with, you know, The reprogramming of my, my subconscious and the ways that I see the world and the trauma, but I also changed what I was eating. and I, you know, have a lot of biohacking tools that I incorporate. So I worked really hard to go from chronically ill and sick and dependent on drugs to the freedom that I experienced now within my life and the happiness and the, the incredible health that I have on a daily basis.

Jennifer McNerney:

Oh, I know. And you now, what I love about you is your show. Interviews all the people that. Some kind of a piece or part or component that has helped heal you, yourself or others or that you know works, and it's all energy and you've taught me that and you have a brilliant course out there that is you are energy and it is that simple. I've been talking a lot more about like frequency medicine, that we're all energy, everything has a frequency. Everything we put into our body has a frequency and we wanna be terrible. No good hosts. For things that are foreign. And that could be metaphysically, that could be, the physical matter of the food, the supplements, even the drugs and the things. But I wanted to ask you like obviously with hindsight being 2020 and when we do life reviews, we're like, oh, that's suffering that darkness soul. Well, it makes sense now. I went through that and I got these silver lining gifts and awarenesses. So could you take us through some of your biggest awarenesses. because what I love about you is that you had a lot of challenging, times, and I know this because I'm friends with Amy and we go on walks and, and I've, I've heard different, we drink and we drink tequila and, and we have like parasite talks and we talk about, there's nothing that is not on the table to talk about with you. And I love you for that. And you don't judge me. And like, again, you unconditionally love me. And that's been the most heal like a healing relationship. And friendships for me is finding the friends that do. Unconditionally love me, all of me, even those shadowy spidery, like sneaky little, the dirty little secrets that we don't talk about when we're, presenting ourselves to the world or on social media, that you accept me fully. But I wanted to know what were some of your big events. And in neuro emotional technique, we call'em big events. And we revisit them and we suss through and heal layers. And that modality that. I tend to use a lot in my practice. And you use EF f t as a modality and you're very gifted at getting to those root beliefs, very quickly. Mm-hmm. through like mm-hmm. through EF T. So if you were looking back on your life right now, what would you like to share with all of us in terms of hindsight being 2020 and what you went through and how you're using that and how you rewrote it as well, I ha I now, I, now I know why, or this taught me this, or now I can. No, no. Better do better kind of thing,

Amy Stark:

right? Well, definitely with being chronically ill and then healing that was, such a gift to myself, but also a gift that I share with others. So, that really is helpful for me to be able to, to look back and say, I'm glad that I get to share that with people. I actually, when I was in my twenties, believed very strongly. Now, remember, I'm psychic, that I was not going to make it past 40. And now looking at, you know, what happened in 2020, which is when I turned 40, yeah, I probably would've passed of Covid. I, I really, truly believe that. I did not, yeah. Had I not gotten on a different path and I actually ran into a psychic once and she was like, you, you got off that. That you were supposed to die when you're 40. And so it was confirmation she had, she did not know that I knew that I didn't share it with her. So I'm grateful for that. That alone, is amazing. And, the other thing is, is I also was bullied by my brother, for many years. I mean, there's a seven year difference. He's older than me and, for whatever reason, he decided that he was gonna target me. And I w I felt very unsafe growing up, but, I mean, I used to hold my breath and pass out in order because I couldn't deal with the, the situation, and I felt very helpless. And that created a lot of programming within me where I wasn't worthy of help or I wasn't worthy of being saved, or justice would never be served. I mean, these are all literal programs that I've worked on, on with, within myself. Teasing can be really triggering to me, when you see other people getting bullied or teased. Yeah. Yeah. And or even if somebody teases me, I mean, It's just something that, first of all, I am somebody who won't do that. Like, I just, it's not in my nature. I don't find joy in it. I don't see why people have, find joy in it. But, to have been the victim of that for many, many years, it. It was something that made me a stronger person. Mm-hmm. And like I, I know, you know, from being raised in the eighties, we kind of raised ourselves we're like a this and this is

Jennifer McNerney:

that child. This is just the collective how it was, this is, no, this is not, yeah. This is no shame or blame on our. Parents, this is just how it, it was, right? No,

Amy Stark:

And like being one of six kids, it was kind of just overwhelming for my mom, obviously. And I also have a younger brother who had it really rough growing up, having to have a lot of surgeries and things like that. So my mom was constantly busy and also taking me to the doctors a lot. I was one of the kids that was really sick all the time. And you

Jennifer McNerney:

have a, you're, you have a twin? I have a twin sister as well, right? I mean, as a mother. Twins. It is, no joke. Mama Stark. So having that many children plus a set of twins, I just, yeah,

Amy Stark:

right. So like, we were just allowed to leave the house in the morning and if it was the summer,, and just go out all day and like my parents didn't worry if I was drinking water and they didn't care if I ate, like, you know what I mean? Yeah. It was

Jennifer McNerney:

like we were, we were intermittent fasting before it was cool.

Amy Stark:

I know, right? We were drinking from B hoses and I'm like, I've seen those things where the kid, people nowadays are like, why? What, like the kids, why, why didn't you just go inside the house? It's like we weren't allowing, we were like, like sometimes our homes were locked

Jennifer McNerney:

to, no, we didn't have the key. No, it's so true. Like that we

Amy Stark:

were just, to be outside, which is great. Right. it's very helpful for us, but it, really developed, a sense of. Confidence in myself.. and that I could figure things out. It's one of the reasons why I love inventing things. I like to solve a problem really quickly. Mm-hmm. and, and, and actually the fastest way possible. So that's why I love biohacking, and that's why I share biohacking and all the tools that I talk about with mindset, because that's also another kind of hack. Same thing with energy healing. So, while my childhood was a little rough in certain ways, because there was so many of us, and we would get left behind or we, somebody wouldn't share information with us, and, you know, my brother, he, he didn't, nobody taught him where the. The brakes were for his bike when they were teaching him how to ride his bike. And so he, for laughing.

Jennifer McNerney:

This is Joey. This is Joey, right? This is Joey.

Amy Stark:

Joey, yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

Oh, sorry Joey. We're laughing at your expense. I hope we're not creating any trauma right now, No, I know,

Amy Stark:

right. And then so he bounces off the garage door and falls over and I'm like, we killed Joey. No anyway, so we were all, we all banded together, right? Yeah. We, we supported each other. We looked out for each other. And that was partly why also, Like gifts developed, I was able to read rooms really well. See who might be doing something wrong. Maybe stop them from doing it. Maybe, yeah. Keep mom out of the room where that something was going down. Maybe avoid the room because then I'd be accomplice to them when I wasn't really. So, a lot of stuff happened when I was a kid. There was a lot of love, which was also cool. Mm-hmm.

Jennifer McNerney:

So, and I felt that by meeting them, in present day and present time and then, and you know, we all evolve. I wasn't the same parent, when my first born till I'm now so Sure. Cool. It's kind of cool to, it's kind of cool to see our parents evolve because we're doing the work and we're breaking lineage patterns and mindset patterns and whatnot. But let me, I know that you had a big event and you were told doomsday information like. Your allergy thing, and I don't know if you want to talk about this or not, but can you talk about your back break?

Amy Stark:

Yeah. Yeah. So that was another big, pivotal moment in my life. So I was 16 years old. I played soccer since I was five years old. I absolutely loved it. I defined myself by it. And I was out on the soccer field, and it was a big game where my whole family was gonna come to the game, and all of a sudden I felt like I got struck by lightning. I was just passing the ball to one of my teammates and I had broken my lower back and I pinched the disc above it. So, being 16 years old, people don't expect a 16 year old to have a problem like that. No. So they weren't even looking for that. I mean, what they saw was that the, the disc had been pinched. Sure. And they thought that's why I was in extreme pain. But it turned out I actually had broken it. And, for three and a half months I went undiagnosed. Wow. And yeah, and they thought I was making it up. And it's like the why you always advocate for yourself. I was no, I need something to hold me up. I cannot hold myself up. So I didn't get the services from school because they kept thinking I was coming back the next day or the next week, you know? Mm-hmm. And so eventually I went to an expert and he looked at me in five minutes. First of all, it was absolutely, Horrible to walk in, you know, to drive into New York City and then walk into his office. I had to lay down while I wait on the floor because I was in so much pain. He, he goes, do this, do this and that, and the other thing. And, oh, you have broken your back and we're gonna need to make a body brace for you and you'll never play soccer again. You'll never have a standup job or a sit down job. And I looked at him like, wow, what the hell is going on? Like, I'm 16 years old, like my whole life is over. He was like, we're gonna give you a surgery and then that's gonna help and you'll have to have that heel or whatever. And I ran into a kid actually in the office, same age as me, a boy. Mm-hmm. played soccer. Same thing happened to him. He wound up getting the surgery and I actually chose not to get it. And I'm not even sure why. Would,

Jennifer McNerney:

would you call it like an inner knowingness? It must

Amy Stark:

have been. You know, I just, I just knew that I wasn't supposed to get it. Mm-hmm. and so my mom trusted me, which, you know, which is, which

Jennifer McNerney:

was really great. Thank you Mama Stark. Because now our parents too, and I mean, as anybody, we have to make some of these big medical decisions for our children thinking we're doing the best and greatest. But thankfully she listened to

Amy Stark:

you. Yeah, it, well, what they were gonna do is they were gonna fuse my lower back and it would've been an issue for the rest of my life. And thankfully it isn't really an issue for me. Every once in a while, you know, like if I'm working out or stressed out or something, it'll pop up and I just baby it, you know, stretch it out or whatever. But this poor kid now has chronic. Back pain for the rest of his life and really unavoidably because it, it's now fused. So I'm grateful that I listened to my intuition. My mom honored. And I actually wound up healing my back so well that the, after nine months I was laying on my back. It was ac you know, really You're

Jennifer McNerney:

doing everything on your back, like school tutoring? Well, tutoring and, yeah. I had

Amy Stark:

to do all of that. on my back and I was, you know, trying to keep up with the students that were, you know, juniors in high school, learning all this information, preparing for college, all that stuff by myself. So I learned, actually the good news is this one I visualized a lot playing soccer. So I was like, screw, this is not gonna be my life. I literally remember saying to myself, Well, that's not gonna happen. I can't have that happen. I'm gonna play soccer again. I'm gonna have a standup job, I'm gonna have a sit down job. I'm gonna, you believe that wholeheartedly. And like I did, I fully embodied it and I used to dream about playing with, my teammates and cuz I was friends with them. Oh, so you were

Jennifer McNerney:

mocking it up on like the astrol level too. You're visualizing Holy.

Amy Stark:

Yep. And I was like, whatever I have to do, and right now I will do it. Mm-hmm. because that is what I want. So I laid on my back and so I also learned that I was actually a lot smarter than I was giving myself credit for. Of course, because I was able to teach myself. But also like things like chemistry and algebra two and things like that, I had previously just been kind of skating by because I believed I was a jock. And you know, people were like, oh, you have blonde hair, you must be stupid. You know, I believed those things and it was a great time for me to really find out who I really was. And I wound up getting into Syracuse University, which I then thought was also a mistake, but, turns out wasn't,

Jennifer McNerney:

no mistakes. Right? There's a lot of coincidences that are interesting that the universe synchronicities. Yeah.

Amy Stark:

And so I became obsessed with the brain and the mind and understanding my childhood, why people do the things that they do. And I actually had originally wanted to be a science teacher when I went to Syracuse. But then got so in, involved in all of the psychology classes and loving them and healing myself essentially, and figuring out why people do the things that they do that I, I got to the end and my parents were like, so what are you gonna do? Are you gonna go to grad school? And I was kind of, Hmm. I don't, I don't wanna be a therapist. Hmm. I did not want to hear people's problems all day. And then like, cuz I knew in my heart of hearts that like they probably were re-traumatizing themselves. Yeah. They were traumatizing me because I was You're like, I'm be

Jennifer McNerney:

upset. Wow. Yeah. And you're so energy and ener, everything's energy. So you're just stewing in that energy and it's probably just regulating helpless. You're, yeah, you're helpless again, which is, Yeah.

Amy Stark:

Yeah. So I was like, let's put this on hold. I have no idea what I'm ever gonna do with this degree, but I will apply to this New York City Teaching Fellows program cuz as like a life raft. And I got in and I guess I'm going to New York City and I'm gonna teach. And like, I grew up in a town where we didn't even have a stoplight. There was, there was only 5,000 people in my whole town. and that was actually two towns combined. We used to have to get shipped to the school, the high school, and the elementary school and the middle school because our town was so small. So for me to be working with inner city kids, it was like such a culture shock. And I went in there all sun shining and happy and loving, and they just rejected me so big time. And it was really hard on my soul because I truly wanted to make a difference. Yeah. And it really wasn't them, it was the system that was the problem. Totally. They, and they

Jennifer McNerney:

online also, you got like so many lessons on trauma, what trauma actually does, gosh. And how it affects people and, and their judgments and their emotional reality and, and all the things. But yes, share how you came in there with probably a completely different intention and maybe it wasn't able to be received or it was on some levels, but share what you've learned from. All of that.

Amy Stark:

That, that I, yeah, it was, it was incredible. It was e every single day, every single minute I was learning something. these kids these kids. First of all, I was trying to be a good teacher, so I'm learning how to be a teacher. Right. I have, I have no skills whatsoever. Right, right. Outta You're fresh outta school. Fresh outta college. Yeah. I'm actually. Figuring, like I'm getting my master's degree about how to teach these kids while I'm actually teaching. So it's like building the plane while you're flying. Right. and And meanwhile the kids are throwing massive, huge desks at me that are a hundred pounds. I'm like, I don't understand. Why are they angry with me? But they were angry at the world, not at me. And I, I took it personally. So I was learning not to take things personally, at a very deep level. I cried every single day, probably for eight months. And I was like, what am I doing wrong? And it was it's not about you, Amy. It's not about you. It's about their circumstances, where they grew up, how people have treated them, what I represent, being a white woman, being a woman in general. it was just really hard for them to grasp the fact that I could love them unconditionally. They literally, I remember the day that I was like, oh my gosh. How I care about them is a threat to them. They perceive my love as a threat and I was like, they didn't

Jennifer McNerney:

trust it. you wouldn't trust it because there's always, there must be a belief there that life sucks. It's shitty. Cuz they have been shown it's shitty and They can't even accept something good to happen. Without it being like a shoot, a drop for boom. Right. Exactly. Or that they owe you. It's not trustworthy. I get it. Yeah. I, I only, I mean, I get it not at the level that those. Kids do, but I get it from a dysregulated nervous system cuz I can feel that energy in myself or have felt it where I didn't believe. I was worthy of good things.

Amy Stark:

So right when they see me that loves them, this doesn't make sense to anything I know. Anything that I don't understand is a threat, mm-hmm. So I remember having that aha moment and things really started to change after that. I was lucky that. Syracuse won the final four that year. So they were like, oh, there were bonding moments, right? Yeah, yeah. There were some bonding moments and you know, over time, when a kid would come and threaten me, there, cuz this school was full of students with emotional disturbances, so mm-hmm. they were already classified as dysregulated. They had, a really long scanning process every single morning to make sure they didn't have weapons that could hurt us. They were, they had, a lot of them had parole officers. I mean they took every single delinquent kid in New York City and put'em in one building and just packed a full, and it's almost like, yeah, it almost feels, I mean, I don't know if it's a good analogy cuz I wasn't there, but it's almost like because of their age, they couldn't go to prison. So they sent all the

Jennifer McNerney:

kids that have all the issues with the weapons and having the different gang. You know how people have to join? Like they have to Yeah. They're

Amy Stark:

engaged now. Fun and try, they're right. Like I can, I can

Jennifer McNerney:

only imagine

Amy Stark:

I don't know how you did that cause I only worked one time with like a, in a wealthier area with a different social economic class that had ed and. it.

Jennifer McNerney:

It's not for the week. I took things

Amy Stark:

personally too. They would like, yeah, they knew. It's almost like trauma wise, they knew. They knew what my weaknesses were and they went out. All of'em. It's so funny you say that because that was another pivotal moment where one of the mentors said to me, these kids are like water through a pipe. If there's a hole, they will go through it. They'll know. Yeah, or just. If you are not watertight with like how you're feeling, they will see your one weakness and they will go after and obliterate you. And that is exactly what they used to do. And I remember I was sta standing in my, principal's office and I was crying and they were like, you know, you can take mental health days. And I was like, What, what you're

Jennifer McNerney:

such a, I'm like, what? What are those? Oh my

Amy Stark:

God. I'm like, wait, what? Well, how many days do I get of those? So the, they gave you 10. 10 a year and I always took nine and I got written up because I would always take all of them. But after I found out about'em, I was like, fuck this. yeah, of course. Because it's so true. If you did not feel a hundred percent, they would, they would go after you and, and, and there was a girl. It was so ridiculous because there was a girl, very few girls in the school, so the one girl that I remember, she hated me and she used to spit my face and, tell me that she was gonna kill me. And it's like, what Yeah. Why are you jealous of me? That's what she would say. Yeah. You know, the boys liked me and I'm what? I don't care. And I'm,

Jennifer McNerney:

I'm gonna be a snarky with this comment, but it's a good thing you were paid a lot of money to be there. Oh yeah. Yeah. A lot. Lot of money. A lot of money. As a teacher, I just look at all of these people that show up. They're all healers. These teachers, I meet them and they have unbearable caseloads and managing all the things, and all the teachers during the lockdowns, holy mo, they're but I wanted to say what did you take away from that experience that makes you who you are right now?

Amy Stark:

Well, it was quite victorious when, they, it was like night and day, a light switch. As soon as they decided they were gonna trust me, and that they, they would receive the love that I was giving them, it felt like victory night and day. Yeah. And so, yeah, so I stayed there two more years., it was rough and I had rough days or whatever, but I had students who would watch out for me. and, and

Jennifer McNerney:

I can only imagine the difference you made in. Kids' lives. Yeah. Thank you. You might not ever know it, or they're

Amy Stark:

not gonna call. Well, they did, they did tell me. a lot of them came to me and they were like, Ms. Stark, you are one of my favorite teachers ever. they would come back and they would, they would say that, and

Jennifer McNerney:

imagine some of these individuals doing a life review right now and being wow, that teacher that really cared, loved doing, cared and, you know, broke down some of those walls and taught them a different way, or even taught them the love frequency, that unconditional love. What does mm-hmm. what does that even feel like? Right from a, from a non-family member, somebody that doesn't have to care.

Amy Stark:

Right, right. And, so I, after the three years, I was like, you know what? I'm ready for a new situation where I can really devote myself. Let's see if I can find a better school. And I wound up working with seventh grade students and that was a whole nightmare. and so I left that school depressed and being, I can't do this anymore. I can't keep giving of myself. I'm trying to pour from an empty cup. I was$60,000 in debt. From working at these schools cuz I was throwing pizza parties and buying materials. Yeah. And, you know, giving them you know, candy and stuff like that. So it was, it was insane. And I was like, here I am, after four years of giving everything that I possibly could to these kids as well as getting my master's degree coming out of the closet. That was another huge, pivotal moment for me while I was trying to teach. So I was pouring from an empty cup and I realized this can't happen anymore. I need to take care of my mental health. I need to take care of my. something was going wrong, like, and I, and I wasn't judging myself necessarily, but I was like, I don't want this ever to happen again. I don't want to be this desperate in life. I almost took my life. Mm-hmm. so I knew that big changes had to come in order for me to stay here. So I cleaned up, what I was eating on a daily basis cuz I was going out to the bars with all my teacher friends and, we were drinking about how ridiculous our situations were and just trying to, well, trauma bonding really. Yeah, I know,

Jennifer McNerney:

I know,

Amy Stark:

I know. and so we, We've, I eventually was like, you know what, I'm gonna start making my own food exercising. And I took some vacations and I finally got my head right and it was time for me to get a job again. Okay. because the summer was over and I was like, I could go back. And the universe was you will not. Yeah, I was in the car and I was about to accept the job from the new principal, and I got rear-ended while I was sitting in a parked car. So the universe was like,

Jennifer McNerney:

holy moly, you can't make

Amy Stark:

this up. Yeah. Like the universe shook me and all of a sudden I had like an out-of-body experience and I was like, what am I doing? You are not going back to that school. I mean, the school that I was supposed to go to was so dim and dingy and like, It was, ugh. It was horrible. And I, so I was like, you can't go back. it'll just, it'll kill you. It'll, it'll crush you. Yeah. Yeah. So I was like, you know what, who cares? I'm great with kids. Let me just put my name and my picture. I'll look nice and wholesome, and somebody will hire me to like watch over their kids for a year. and it'll be the greatest thing ever. I'll just take the year off, basically, and I'll live with my parents. I don't even fucking care. Well, you just knew you

Jennifer McNerney:

needed a big, big shift and you'll, you were willing to do anything. So

Amy Stark:

I even looked at some celebrity websites and I was like, I can, I could be a celebrity nanny or, or help out or whatever for their family. Yeah, yeah. but they were so, like Hoy Toy, they were like, if you smoke, if you look at us wrong, da, da da, this, that, and the other thing. I'm like, no way. I'm not dealing with that. So anyway, I went on a different website. It feels like a different trauma, different I know, right? Different type of trauma. I'm like, nope, I'm not, I'm not pleasing anybody. so I put out my name and. Stuff up on a different website, and I got contacted and it worked out phenomenally because I wound up working for a celebrity and I had no idea. So they were absolutely amazing that my nervous system was able to calm down. I started meditating for two hours in the morning and then working out for an hour, hour and a half after. My whole life, as I, I would always say this, around that time, I would say as bad as my life was, within three months. It was that good. Yeah. It had just shifted and I know

Jennifer McNerney:

you so massively, you've, you've experienced that, so you get to like, give that message to people you meet right now that are dysregulated and feeling like,

Amy Stark:

what's the point of this? No hope. Right? No hope, hopelessness. Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

That's awesome.

Amy Stark:

And I had no idea what was coming. Right. Like Right. And I just recently was thinking about this cuz I, as I mentioned, I'm at this point where I feel like a transition's coming and I kind of wanna know more. Here's the thing, part of our experience here in life is to just trust. You know, God, trust our angels. Trust the energies that are, or trust even that, you know, you have the friends that are gonna support you and help you through it and, as I was like, okay, I'm I, I'm gonna uh, surrender to this. I turn and I look at a bench cuz I was on a walk and it said to New beginnings and I was like, holy moly. I actually had envisioned myself in the same way that I went from, this horrible job to this amazing job. It felt like I got in an elevator and just went up. Rather than going up steps like that are like,

Jennifer McNerney:

You upleveled, like by levitating

Amy Stark:

in an elevator. Exactly. I'm like, I'm ready for it. Like, whatev, what does the universe have for me? I'm here for it. I just want to share my love, my light, the things that I've learned. I wanna give people hope and have other people share their stories about how they navigated these horrible and, and hard times. Because it's possible to do it with grace. Yeah. And it's possible to do it with some help.

Jennifer McNerney:

And what's cool about what you manifest. And I know that we wouldn't mention any names, and this is that you didn't just like manifest any celebrity. You, you manifested a good, wholesome, vibrational match of who you are that are loving and kind and wanna put out goodness in the world. Yes. Like you could have, Manifest. I

Amy Stark:

almost ran up things cause I thought it, it was gonna be a bad person and I was almost oh my God, I'm gonna be in big trouble like if I turn this down. But it was not that person that I thought they, yeah. So I'm just saying

Jennifer McNerney:

that's interesting about vibrational frequency and you being the frequency that you, and then the external matching that attracting the celebrity to give you. Great experience and to turn your life around. Yeah. And it wasn't like a trickster kind. Not a trickster. That's not even quite like everybody's frequency and energy, but it was a different, it would've been different if it was a celebrity, say like, I don't know, just name I, I'm not gonna do that. But you know, some of those hot mess celebrities where it seems like it's all drama and drugs and alcohol and you know,

Amy Stark:

Right. Well, what's so interesting is that I was so happy working for them, and other people started asking me to work and travel the world. Like for instance, the Dixie Chicks were looking for somebody and they were like, you could be hired. And then somebody else was like, well take you, And I'm like, ho, what is going on here? Yeah, it was crazy., and the, but the level that I enjoyed working at this place, and the support and love and being a part of a family,, it was. Perfect. It was exactly what I needed in order to really bloom the way that I needed to bloom. And I was able to, like I said, meditate for two hours in the morning and study all these people and read, the biology of belief and go to conferences and things like that. So it was. so magical and, but eventually I was like, you know what? On the weekends I was seeing people and I just was seeing incredible things happening before my eyes. And I was like, you know what, Amy, it's time for you to up level again. Mm-hmm. you need to start sharing more of what, you know,

Jennifer McNerney:

more, reaching more people like mm-hmm. Yeah. Like you were just I get it. I think I'm like at this phase where I'm, I'm enjoying the one-on-one and seeing the entrusting and the miracles that happen with, the energy healing and vibrational frequency and trusting and all that, and you're like the next level of let me reach even more people. Just, that's just how a natural progression, right? Mm-hmm. and being congruent and okay with where you're at and it's unfolding. And I love that the, you got a different message just before that upleveling with the car getting hit, but now you get like a positive one from a bench, right? right? So,

Amy Stark:

so it was definitely less jarring. So


Jennifer McNerney:

where What do you, what's,, what do you think's unfolding for you and where can people tune in and fi, cuz you have a whole slew of work. That you've done and put together, and I think it's in your podcast, you have all the content there. You have how many episodes on the Star

Amy Stark:

Transformation show? Well, 185 and, three years of podcasting. I only missed one week, but there were some weeks that I had two podcasts that came out. I also have 75 blogs, so I, when in 2010, when I started. Really diving into this stuff, I was like, you know what? Let me just start sharing it as I learn it, as I transform, as these amazing miracles are happening to me, let me talk about it, so that people can understand that. Cuz I was a science teacher, I didn't expect to get into this. So I needed the proof and so I thought if I share my journey, then people understand that there's really something to this. And that's also why I started the podcast because it's obviously a lot easier to talk about things than it is to write about it. So I've recorded many videos and podcasts and summits and all kinds of formats in which to share what's happened to me and how I've healed my body. I recently just did the energy healers, A national energy practitioner test. Mm-hmm. Wow. And I passed it with flying colors, but I was like, kind of worried, even though I had been doing it for 16 years. Yeah. I not only passed, but I broke two laws of physics, with my energy and that was incredible. I've been able to, Start two cars with my energy I, which means that I run DC They were my batteries, I run DC from my, my body and actually my laugh actually carries that DC frequency, which is pretty cool.

Jennifer McNerney:

Which is why I think podcasting is perfect. And you being a motivational speaker cuz your voice is healing. Thank

Amy Stark:

you. You, I mean, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. And then I was able to change the structure of water without, oh, just

Jennifer McNerney:

no biggie,

Amy Stark:

You're not supposed to be able to do what I do.

Jennifer McNerney:

I am floored. I know how powerful you are, but it's kind of cool to see that you had somebody measure it,, or has some Yeah. Sort of fun tool to measure quantum physics and how powerful you are in your unique frequency. Yeah. Thank you.

Amy Stark:

Yeah. For years and years there's been electronic things happening around me and, you know, elevators going out and buildings at one

Jennifer McNerney:

time, electricity stove, didn't you get your certificate in, at a mom's space and Yes. Then he was like, Yeah. Yeah.

Amy Stark:

Stasha gave me a hug when I was graduating and the whole block, went out. Yeah, I remember. I, I wasn't

Jennifer McNerney:

there, but I was, I remember that story because I, and I've been, I've been around you when some interesting stuff has happened and I'm Amy

Amy Stark:

I, it's, you know, it's interesting because also what I've learned is when my body is like a little bit challenged, if I'm getting sick and I interact. something that's electrical, it can fry it. So I've learned that if I start seeing like lights flicker, I need to take care of my body. Mm-hmm. better. I need to, yeah. Give it water, rest, whatever. Yeah. So it's been a very interesting journey, but I've al even though I've been through a lot and I've really. Had such good intentions and people have taken advantage of that. I always choose love. It's because one, it's who I am. But I I wanna look back on my life and my life review, as someone who always showed up in a, with integrity and with love and healing, and. You know what? At the end of the day, if somebody is horrible to me, it's probably because someone else is horrible to them. Yeah. And I can find compassion in my heart for that. Yeah. Because of course, you know, that's sad. Like those kids that I worked with, they were the way that they were because of their environment, because their circumstances, because of the way that people looked at them and talked to them and treated them. And, if I can help people along on this journey, that's my greatest pleasure. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

And, so as we wrap it up, and not to put you on the spot, but like,, what's something that's simple that you've learned throughout your journey that is universal that you could share with everybody? If it's like hope or what? what is something that you know about energy or beliefs or your mindset? Something to share. Leave the listeners

Amy Stark:

with. Well, there's, I'll, I'll give you two, one. Okay, perfect. Always Always follow your heart. It's always right. Yeah. so get outta your head into your heart. So you will need to do something to calm your nervous system in order to do that. So tapping or N e t or meditation or a walk or going Yes. And watching a movie balance. That's fun. That heart

Jennifer McNerney:

has the most energy. Mm-hmm. And it's yes, the queen of your entire body and system. And being this metaphysically and physically.

Amy Stark:

Yep. And actually there's neurons they're finding in your heart, which is pretty unusual. It's almost like it has,

Jennifer McNerney:

it's its own, it's this,, it has its own brain and yeah, I just, yeah. Perfect. I know I'm studying that right now, with a different modality, but what's the second thing?

Amy Stark:

The second thing is always look at how the things are happening for you rather than to you. Mm-hmm. So if you start to look at life as this is a story that is unfolding and I wanna see how it's working out for me, you will naturally put on your parasympathetic nervous system, which is where you are in rest, digest, and heal. You have access to your intuition. You have a better immune system, you have more creativity to solve problems. So, it causes you to get curious. And when you're curious, you start to see things differently. And if you ask yourself, how is this happening for me? You will go from feeling like a victim to your circumstances, to an empowered person, and then you will know that you can write the story of your life.

Jennifer McNerney:

I love that. I love that. And where, I'll put it in the, I'll link you up for where to find you, but where are most people finding you these days and finding your work? Stark transformation,

Amy Stark:

Awesome. Then they're now 20, or sorry, 13 years.

Jennifer McNerney:

So starks Yes. And the name, and it's real easy to just type your podcast name into any of those like apples, Spotify, all the platforms, and find your podcast, correct.

Amy Stark:

Yeah, the Stark transformation.

Jennifer McNerney:

Awesome. And you'll, and you'll get to see the blonde, glowy, loving picture of Amy. and I just love you friends so much. I, I love you so much. I am excited for what's unfolding for you. I know it's really big It feels big and I think you're just purging out, vibrations that are not in alignment and, and we'll, I'll, keep going on walks with you and drinking tequila and we will just keep leveling up together. So thank you Yeah.

Amy Stark:

For being You're welcome.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome. Thank you for being the inspiration for this and. me taking a big step in just, doing this podcast, even if I don't have a name just yet. I'm just gonna be downloading that, very soon. I just needed to have you on and go put the energy into action, so thank you for. Being my first

Amy Stark:

Yeah. I love you and I am grateful that you're doing this and sharing your journey. Cuz first of all, you've healed yourself a lot mm-hmm. And your family. Yeah. you've been through so much and I have been able to watch you through now seven years. Yeah. that healing and it's been awesome. And I, you inspire me so much to keep learning. And actually, I was just looking online about getting a, ice tank thing. awesome.

Jennifer McNerney:

We just started that this weekend. It it, yeah. It's powerful. I,. I didn't, I thought it was a craze, but until I actually got in there and had to be only with my breath and be present, I was like, oh. And then feeling completely reset after that. I was you know, there's something to this right Moff method or whatever, even if it's just whim H, that coined up this cold, cold water. and I was like, wow, I wanna know more

Amy Stark:

Here's what it triggers. It triggers you feeling uncomfortable, and you never grow unless you're uncomfortable. We just don't. Right. We don't grow when we're comfortable. There's no reason to. So,

Jennifer McNerney:

and my, yeah, and sadly my uncomfort levels only like at 42 seconds, but I'm working up to like, you know, my husband who's, doing like three and a half minutes in that cold. He's amazing. I'm like, wow. But you. everybody's their own unique journey. Yeah.

Amy Stark:

Just take you where you're at. That's what I always, you know, do with myself, with other people. It's like, it is hard being here on earth and we don't get a manual. And so we can give everybody grace to try to figure it out, because I'm figuring it out and I don't want people to judge me when I make, you know, a decision that's wrong or whatever. I want to have that grace given to me, so I give it to others.

Jennifer McNerney:

Ah, well thank you for being you and. We'll see where this podcast goes, and maybe they'll be at part two

Amy Stark:

I'll, I, I'm here for it, Awesome. All right. Thank you, Amy. You're welcome. Thank you.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.