The Ripple Effect

Jen & Herself Part 1

Season 1 Episode 2

I share a short synopsis of my backstory and my WHY for this podcast laying a canvas of the journey through the guests on this podcast.  Each guest has had a ripple effect within my own personal journey and beyond.  

Follow Jen on social media:

TikTok:  @slpjenmom
IG: @heartrootedhealing
IG (personal): @jen_mcnerney_healer

Jen is a licensed Speech Language Pathologist morphed into a healer.  She is a certified NET (NeuroEmotional Technique Practitioner), Theta Healing Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, and going for certification for Contact Reflex Analysis in May of 2023.  

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us. This is episode two, and guess what? I'm gonna share my story. Yes, I've started a podcast. I am now a podcaster, a host, if you will, and lots of inspiration here. I wanted to just chat about my why, why this podcast. Everybody's doing podcasts. Why would, why would I do a podcast? It's important for me to tell my story and to share my story and my journey, and I will be interviewing guests that have created a healing ripple effect within my own journey and it's still unfolding and my family's journey and my husband, and I'm gonna interview people that are their own unique frequency, amazing people. It might be a friend that touched my journey in such a way. Feels profound. It's likely gonna be a lot of doctors. I already have recorded three podcasts and realize, wow, you know what? These, my listeners probably need the backstory. And so I'm just gonna create a synopsis of my backstory and keep this short. So I'm trained as a speech language pathologist. Always wanted to be a helper healer type. I didn't know what I wanted do. I know I wanted to work with people, serving others, and helping made me feel good. So I went on to be a speech language pathologist over 20 years ago. I graduated with my master's degree and my journey took me out to. California. I worked, I went to school in Illinois, Eastern Illinois University. Shout out to those panthers. Played soccer there. Loved, college was a lot of fun. I had a very colorful college, experience. I dabbled with a lot of things., and I have a journey even before that. That was pretty. where I do, I dove deep into this in a friend's podcast called The Stark Transformation Show. You definitely need to be following that podcast. and I was like episode 1 0 6, talking about my Dark Knight the Soul and trying to fit in and all the things. And I did some drugs at a party, blah, blah, blah. It matters in the story because, you know, I go out to California, I went into private practice as a speech language path. I have to work with the coolest kids and individuals ever, usually labeled autistic. And these individuals helped me to really start to dive into the energetic realm, the unseen and that we are actually energy and how being a clear conduit is important because these kids would pick up on energy that was not match. that empathy. So I've always been really good and called very sensitive. Having this level of feeling other people's feelings and not always being able to discern what's mine and what's not. I've taken a lot of coursework and done the inner work for that discernment, and it's still, Still a thing that I'm refining every single day, So anyhow, I do believe I became a speech language pathologist in hindsight, to find my own voice, to find my own unique frequency and embody it. never did I imagine, because the amount of passion I had as a speech language pathologist early on. I never thought I would get burnt out yet. I think I read somewhere that we changed careers. Most people do every seven years, and here I am going on 22 years, with a speech language pathology, licensure. I haven't been seeing as many clients, for speech therapy as of late. I've really morphed into more of a healer that works with modalities that get to the root and get everybody expressing the. at their core, whatever the frequency in which they were created and peeling away the layers to that. And so that is what I'm really passionate about now, is a lot of different modalities. So you're gonna have people that helped me find these modalities, a lot of chiropractors, and. I had a, I already interviewed, this episode's coming out soon as I edit it. I, a guest name, Dr. John went, who's gonna be on next week's episode, and he was my mentor for something called Neuro Emotional Technique. And it's transformed my life. It basically goes in figures out where you have some stored emotions in your. and when the original event where this unresolved stress got stored, your issues get stored in your tissues and it has transformed my life. And so you'll hear about that modality and technique. And so I'm gonna fast forward to living out in California, having a private practice there. Also getting very burnt out, and then finding my husband. 13 years after the fact that I moved to California, but that's okay. timing was just right for me for the lessons I needed to undergo to meet him. And anywho, I ended up, meeting my husband, having my own children, and it was that journey of having my own kids that I just didn't have enough. I was also living with, breast implants that were making me very ill. my immune system tanked. I didn't know I had chronic Lyme disease and co-infections and mold and parasites and horrible gut health. And, I never really figured that out. I just figured out about my own kids having, I think the pregnancy plus the breast implants plus the stress. I also lost my father in 2011, the same year I met my husband. I had a immense grief. And then my daughter was born with a very rare birthmark and condition, a vascular anomaly. So I was dealing with, we were dealing with a lot of stress. And, hindsight being 2020, we didn't realize that the, the toxins, the toxic load was just becoming too great for. and then I got pregnant with twins two years after my first born was born. And also, mind you, I was considered a geriatric pregnancy cuz I got pregnant when I was 34. Had my first born at 35, twins at 37, and now I have a three year old. So I had a baby at age 43. So my journey. Childcare, also being expensive. I became more of a stay-at-home mom or working very part-time and scaling back with my own private practice in California. And we moved around a bit. eventually we decided to make a big move to Colorado and that ended up being a very good move for us. we moved here in 2015, woke up, we closed in 2015 and. in our home, we got here December 31st, and on January 1st, 2016, we were in our new home here in Frederick, Colorado. But before that, I had signed up for, we had found chiropractic because my twins had some injuries and things from, injectables. That was starting our healing journey with health and chiropractic and chiropractors really just have a very good awareness of the nervous system and these emotions I'm learning and they understand neurology so well. And Dr. Wendt is gonna talk about that. and we started to see big healing happen with my own kids, with chiropractic. Then we just started going as a family, became, a way of life. I had always been into, metaphysical stuff, so I signed up for a class called Awaken Woman, taught by a mentor of mine. Her name is Stacia Synnevendt event and she is, a tied to the curriculum called Psychic Horizons in Boulder, Colorado, and I signed up for that class and met so many amazing humans, soul family there, and honed in on an intuitive training course. look her up if you want. I'd love to have her on and talk about her program, but I really started to hone in on my own energy and discerning what energy was mine and what was not. And I and I took those techniques and was teaching mindfulness classes to kids and teens and tools. I wish I had tools as a kid, as a sensitive kid especially, and so I have had a newfound passion with my own journey where my kids have found. they've been the reason we found these other alternative methods to healing my own journey I didn't know I had Lyme disease and it really flared up after the twin pregnancy. And I got my breast implants out in 2017 Oh man. I thought I was dying. I probably was dying. My toxic load had to be insane. I was like a chronic fatigue, horrible, gnarly, weird symptoms, a disassociation, cuz I didn't, it was uncomfortable to be in my body. So basically, my journey of getting my breast implants out, detoxing, finding products that helped to detox metals and all sorts of things. Was key and I found a muscle testing Doctor Outta Sound Clinic in Denver and once I got my Lyme diagnosis started healing from that. It was also the same time I found Dr. Wendt, when we moved here because I had very soon we wanted to have a lifestyle change and we met Katie Stanley, who is our amazing, she's feels like a daughter too, my husband and. and she's an incredible human. Her frequency is just pure, joy and love. And she told us about Dr. Wendt. And then, Dr. John is, just brilliant and an amazing gifted healer and chiropractor, and focuses on the neurology aspect, and. I started to heal my emotions and heal my trauma, my stored trauma. And then my supplements started working and I just started healing rather quickly. And even my Lyme doctor was like, wow, usually Lyme patients take a lot longer to heal and you're healing so quickly. And cuz I know that we're multidimensional and that's why I bring and share and learn all the modalities that have been profound in our lives. And I bring them to others. And that is, I am called to do, and this podcast is about interviewing the friendships that heal the people, the healers that have healed us, and the information that needs to get out there to help us express and embody our awesome uniqueness. We were made unique for a reason and it's time for us to claim it and let go of anything that is not. and I do metaphysical healings. I do some theta healing for belief work. I do non-emotional technique that also addresses those unresolved emotions and some beliefs. And I am learning and getting certified in something called contact reflux analysis, which is a testing system that really leaves no stone unturned and is helps me to put my unique tools on a menu. And I'm really taking steps with the herbs and the supplements that will. to, get our toxins out of our body that we are being bombarded with our air quality. That's terrible, and our food source is horrible. Our soil just doesn't have the nutrients and the minerals anymore. So I am learning about how to hold and embody our unique frequency. and not have our vibration to go down. Cuz then we become good hosts for all sorts of things. So you're gonna hear me talk about a lot of different things on my podcast and interview a lot of cool people, and you get to know a little bit more about me and now I'm just excited to have some cool guests. so stay tuned to the Ripple Effect with Jen McNerney. I hope you enjoy this podcast. And even if one person gets something out of this, the ripples that one person creates in this vastness called the universe is magical and wonderful. And I'm ready to send the ripples out in the form of frequency, in the form of our voices, in the form of us embodying our unique frequency and gifts. So take a listen and. Thank you. Thank you for considering hearing my story and I'm super grateful for Amy Stark who, has inspired me and she's the first person I met in a Waken woman. So you'll hear our story about how we met. I interviewed her last week, so that's my very first podcast, interview. And you'll get to just hear about a bunch of people that have made huge impact. Along the way and you'll hear about new people that I met in the n e T community. I interviewed somebody named Dr. Kevin Jina, and he is just really amazing. Dr. Adam New Jersey doing some really cool quantum stuff and healing, and he is chiropractor and yeah. So take a listen and let's just watch this unfolding beautiful journey called life.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.