The Ripple Effect

Jen & Dr. John Wendt

Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode, I interview Dr. John from the lens of him being the very reason me and my family have had instrumental healing on our journey.  We get the back story of Dr. John and how he found chiropractic, talk about some collective conditioning surrounding chiropractic and alternative health care, and we dive deep into the modality of NeuroEmotional Technique.  I get to give Dr. John a HUGE shout out for being the very reason I am now a NET practitioner and there are so many nuggets of brilliant awarenesses for others to get inspired to be open to ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  Dr. John embodies this frequency and he shares in ways with analogies and humor to keep us laughing and being open to possibilities in life and in consciousness.

Dr. John Wendt practices out of Houston, TX at Origin8 Health and Wellness.  You can book sessions online and work with him from around the world at

Find him on social media:
IG:  origin8_health

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Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us. All right. All right. Today I have a very special guest on my very new podcast. I want to say hello and welcome. Dr. John Wendt with Origin8 Health and Wellness out of Houston. And, Dr. John is a very special person and healer on, my personal healing journey, as well as my entire mc nutty family. So welcome Dr. John. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, so thanks for being on. I knew when I was creating this idea of a, this concept of a podcast that concept phrase, I wanted to bring in these people, these healers that have really been significant on our own personal journey because there's so many amazing humans and doctors out there that are making a difference in the world, and you are one of them. So thank you for all you've done. So today I just wanted to interview you and get to know like where you're at now. I know how we met. We met here in Colorado and you were our very first. I knew we had found chiropractic for my kids cuz they had some, Injuries from some scheduled things that are on wellness checks and things. And I had found chiropractic in California and then we moved and then we found you. But little did I know that I needed probably the most support and you know, I had to put my oxygen mask on. So you really have been instrumental and you were the one who introduced me to. The modality that I think has transformed my entire life in its entirety, it's called neuro emotional technique. So tell us what you're doing now, and I'm gonna ask you some questions just about what makes you, you.

Dr. John Wendt:

wow. yes. And thank you for having me on here. It's an honor and a pleasure. I mean, just knowing your family and being around you guys for the years, it truly is a blessing to know you guys and to watch you evolve, and your process as well. So I'm just happy to be part of your journey.

Jennifer McNerney:

So, yeah. Thank you. You're, and you help, thousands of people. So yeah, I'm just this little, we're just this little small blip

Dr. John Wendt:

so Oh, you're bigger than life I got the, the n e t uh, study chart behind me there as well, so that's kind of cool. I didn't realize that was in the background, but Oh yeah, look at that. so how, how much better does it get? Yeah. When you first came into my office, I remember from day one with, Chloe, I believe. Mm-hmm. We got her to meditate. Remember the breathing exercise

Jennifer McNerney:

did with her? Yeah. And I was like, who is this guy? I need him in my life. Help, help. It's chaos over here.

Dr. John Wendt:

So that's, that was a real treat to, to watch everything. I mean, to the twins going crazy on my supplements and all my face paper stuff. and watching you stress out

Jennifer McNerney:

about it. And, uh, oh yeah, you were totally neutral. And I was like, not. Okay.

Dr. John Wendt:

and like most moms, you're the glue that holds the family together. Right? And, and generally moms are the ones that are pushing the boundaries of, especially exploring alternative health, because, you know, feed the family. We see the behavior changes with our kids. and that's a big deal. Mm-hmm. And so, kudos to you for being that force in the world and just watching you now have a podcast and do all these amazing things. Uh, uh, it's exciting. I love watching when patients really. Into who they're truly meant to be. So, super excited to be here. Um, yeah, as far

Jennifer McNerney:

as, go ahead. Absolutely. And I just need to know, because you're kind of like that, that Kevin Bacon figure, what is it that's six degrees? Where like somehow everybody's tying back to Dr. John went for me in my world, right? And so I just got to, now I'm gonna be doing n e T out of. Buddy and colleague's office. And now I'm having you on my podcast. I'm like, thank you universe. This is just a real celebration here. but I wanna know what inspired you to become a chiropractor and then how did you find neuro emotional technique? Like how Yeah. Great

Dr. John Wendt:

question. Uh, well in. When I was 15, I got hurt in a pool accident where I was trying to impress the lifeguard. She was 16 and beautiful, and I was, I was 15 and invisible. So, uh, when I dove in, I, when I hit the water, my head kind of gave me whiplash and I hurt myself pretty bad. I couldn't see, it was super nauseous, headache. So I rolled out of the pool, laid there for a while. Lifeguard never came over, by the way.

Jennifer McNerney:

Oh my gosh. Wow.

Dr. John Wendt:


Jennifer McNerney:

a little while later, you really were invisible. your beliefs co-created that, huh? Yeah.

Dr. John Wendt:

How about it? and so, my buddy's mom, uh, well, I was there with my friend and his brothers. and his mom. So she came over a little while later. She's like, you've been laying here for a while. Are you okay I was like, no, I need to go home. So she took me home. she worked for a chiropractor, Dr. James Schaffer, outta York, Pennsylvania. Shout out to Dr. Jim, practicing. Oh, cool. He came in on a day off. At her behest because she felt terrible cuz I got hurt on her watch, oh, you

Jennifer McNerney:

know how moms are? Yes. Oh God. I would be, I would be mortified if that happened.

Dr. John Wendt:

on my watch. Responsible. Responsible for everybody. Right? so, he came in and on his day off and he smelled of old bay seasoning. So when I tell this story, I remember that smell and I, my mouth waters a little bit. Let me just clear that up real quick. Oh, And he kind of, you know, snapped me up and just scared the crap outta me. and then he told me to come back the next day and the next day and the next day, and generally by the end of the week, he was, handed me some called on purpose tapes. this is Dr. Christopher Kent and, Patrick Gen Tempo, a couple classic chiropractor names. and they were basically philosophy, audio. So at 16, I'm listening to these audio tapes, just getting brainwashed into the chiropractic alternative health modality, and I loved it. and, my grandmother had Alzheimer's when I was, maybe 12 or so. After a couple of mini strokes. And so, uh, watching her decline in health, I, I really wanted to make an impact to neurology. And, I went to school for pre-med and all along Dr. Jim. Inviting me out to lunch and dinners whenever I was home and kept encouraging me to, check out chiropractic. And I was like, thanks Jim I got this. I'm gonna go to medical school. I'm gonna be a neurologist. I'm gonna make real change, you know?, and, uh, lo and behold, I watched my grandmother over 10 years continue to decline. the medical compression failed her miserably. And, nobody seemed to care. Nobody seemed to, wanna. Have any answers or even look for'em in my opinion. and so my junior year in college, my mom. in cahoots with Dr. Jim She bought me, some plane tickets to, a couple cities. Yeah. In, the US Kansas City, Dallas, and I think, Daytona Beach. Ooh, okay. For my=spring break. So I'm thinking Kansas City, Dallas, that usually

Jennifer McNerney:

it's Daytona like Mama Wendt, was right with Daytona Beach, but I don't know about Kansas.

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah. Like, what the hell is this? So, uh, but when I got to Kansas City, I had an amazing time, meet amazing people. The school was not so great. I went to Dallas and I was blown away by the neuro program there. and I went to, uh, Daytona Beach and had an amazing experience. The school was brand new and I was like, yes, this is it, right? And my mom's like, you're not going to the beach. You're not gonna learn anything so I settled on Dallas and they have a great neuro program. Dr. Mike Halls over. so shout out to him. He really, helped me evolve as a, as a mind. I always kind of discounted my ability to be intelligent. I was super smart, but didn't get a lot of praise as far as my educational prowess. Yeah. so he helped me kind of bridge the gap of what I really know. And, so yeah, truly grateful for that. But in school, Dr. Bob Wilborne, had n e t Club. Okay. And that was head up by Dr. Jared Allomong. So you know Dr. Jared. Yeah. And, another practitioner, Dr. Clint Damaris, were both in my class and they were the, presidents of the N E T Club. Cool. And, I was friends with all those guys, but I was more of a neuro guy for the most part in the school. And, the muscle testing was always kind of,

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. Right. I mean, it, it was, it's not even still regarded as like I, from what I ask about the new grads, right. It's not. We

Dr. John Wendt:

got an MRI study to back us up now. So now we do. So good. We can. We good. You know. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

You guys, we got science. I know. Gotta love the one foundation and the Dr. Walkers. They're really,. They're going after it. But

Dr. John Wendt:

so you, so you quite a visionary,

Jennifer McNerney:

so take me back to, so did chiropractic make such a difference with your injury from the pool and that you always, were very interested in the mind or the neurology and then having your grandmother be sick. well with, you know, Alzheimer's decline, cognitive decline. so you just knew that that was your path, but you were choosing between a western model and a more alternative the chiropractic.

Dr. John Wendt:

Is that correct? Yeah. I mean, the chiropractic, neurology programs are doing amazing things, pulling people out of comas. They're, facilitating, quadriplegics to get activation of their body again. So they, some of'em begin to walk again. I mean, this is phenomenal

Jennifer McNerney:

stuff. Yeah. You, you were the one who introduced me to not only, neuro emotional technique, but, quantum neurology and using, the red light therapy. And I, and I was blown away by, but I will say, I wasn't healing. I mean, I, you know, I was getting adjusted your amazing, like traditional, not even know if it's traditional. You're in a, you have amazing adjustments to get that spine aligned and communicating freely that nervous system. But for me it was a lot of the emotions and not even, I don't even think I believed I could heal. I had been going through, I had, breast implants that were making me really ill. I mean, impaired, my whole nervous system was a wreck, as you know. The peeling away the layers with neuro emotional technique, which you were very instrumental. It was like then everything started to fall into place. I don't even think, I think we worked on me just getting okay with getting healthy I don't think I was, I didn't even think I, I believed I could. or deserve to be feeling well, like my whole, it was like doom and gloom and suffering. For me, that was my bottom belief and through n e t just clearing. So tell me a little bit more about like how modalities that you use currently. combining your neuro, your neurology background and cuz chiropractic is such a big scope, right? There's so many specialty areas that you could.

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah, it's just like medicine. You have a cardiologist, you have a pulmonologist, you have a, nephrology,, all these different, all these different right things. And so, what I love is that, isn't, a person is in a heart, a liver, along a kidney. They're, they're all of these things. Mm-hmm. and Neurology is about activating the pathways so that you have clear communication between these things. and so that's where my linear mind, I'm very much like I have to know things in my mental capacity. I was right. I was a learned individual and I felt like that was how I proved my value. and then in chiropractic school, I was in my last trimester and my back all of a sudden got. Mm. I went everywhere. Got to the best adjusters. I went to seminars and got adjusted by the facilitator, the person teaching the class, doing nutritional stuff. All this stuff. My back wasn't getting any better. Okay. And, Dr. Clinton Marris, a good friend of mine in school, I go up and Hey, Clint, man, my back is killing me. I do all this other stuff. Nothing's helping. Like maybe this like emotional stuff can do something. I don't know, Uh, and uh, And sure enough, he said, sure, okay, let's check it out. it's that ccuriosity So we started doing some muscle testing, found out it was related to my kidneys. had to do with some, paralyzed will, and some shame. And it was about when I was a little kid, I had made a promise to my mom that I would protect her, I was five years old. Mm-hmm. And, it started because three months earlier when my back pain started, I got off the phone with my mom and I told her I was gonna move to. I'm from Pennsylvania. Mm-hmm. So when I said that to her, her voice changed. And she says, every time I talk to you, you're getting farther and farther away. Mm.

Jennifer McNerney:

Boom. Your heart just, yeah, those heart strengths, man, just

Dr. John Wendt:

destroyed me.? Yeah. So I couldn't protect her anymore. And it was all unconscious. I didn't recognize that in the moment. I'm like, whatever, mom, see you.

Jennifer McNerney:

Right, right, right. Like, we do

Dr. John Wendt:

So, um, yeah. So that, that kind of broke me. And so when he did the n e T on. He hooked me up to the pulse points and I'm having my process, I'm sweating and tears and snot and all this stuff, like total ugly crying. Right, right. Uh, and I'm just like, what the hell is happening to my body right now? Yeah. And, uh, and I, and I finished and I kind of like, wow, that was crazy. He goes, yeah, that's, that was crazy. It doesn't normally happen like that. I was like, what? What do you mean? I was like, you do this technique that's not normal. He's like, not like that I was like, wow. That's crazy. Yeah. So needless to say, I had a very powerful first n e t experience. Mm-hmm. not everybody has that profound gene, n e t, but it does change your brain performance as that study shows behind me. so it was, it was powerful. It was exactly what I needed when I needed it. And he goes, well, how's your back feel? I was like, oh my God, it's gone. You

Jennifer McNerney:

know? Right. You were just like blown away and then you had to actually remember to check into your back. That's what I love about N E t

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah. I was a, I was a freaking mess. I mean, I wasn't paying attention to anything. I was more concerned like, who's looking at me right now? You know? Yeah. Um, you're unloading. Yeah., so then I, I joined the club and I started going to, And, and that's when I started learning the process. And then, when I graduated, I went to practice in Long Mountain, Colorado. And, for probably four months or so, I was, working by myself and whatever. And, Dr. Jared, a friend of mine, was gonna go to California, but that didn't work out for him. So I invited him into my practice with me. Cool. And, together, we practiced together maybe four years. I'd. and, just having him there with me and he just kind of helped me evolve with n e t. Mm-hmm. I joined the home run practice,

Jennifer McNerney:

which is Oh, yeah. That I, I've heard about this. You're an old timer if you're in the home run practice. Not old. No, you're not old. Wow. But like old thanks a lot in terms of you're the pioneer and, and, yeah. No, Yeah.

Dr. John Wendt:

but in, uh, yeah, exactly. That's perfect. No. Home run practice was amazing. It was a, it was a practice management only for any team practitioners. Mm-hmm. And the caveat to that was when I went to club, if I had gone 10 times, I would've had been certified as having taken a basic n e t seminar. Oh, well, I had never done that. And so I went nine times. So three years after I've been in the home run. Dr. Deb Walker comes up to me and she goes, John, have you taken an n e T seminar? I was like, no, I, I did the, the basic with club. And she goes, oh, well we don't have you recorded as an N E T doctor. And I was like, oh, okay. so what do I do? She's like, well, you should probably get certified. I was like, oh, okay. Yeah. And so they actually, I think they might have created that certification path where they can buy it all in one package. Mm-hmm. Of me being an idiot. I like you

Jennifer McNerney:

and, uh, people like you,

Dr. John Wendt:

Having not had any seminars at all. Mm-hmm. Cause I thought I was good. I had the basic training, you know? Yeah, yeah. But turns out I, I didn't qualify yet. So anyway, I went and got certified within, a year, year and a half. And, the rest is, history as they say.

Jennifer McNerney:

You know, you're really gifted at, knowing the brain and analogies. And how would you describe, neuro emotional technique? Because it is based on five element emotions, right? The meridian system and we have these pulse points, but you also have, you're a chiropractor and know all these body reflexes and, and whatnot. Ooh. And I knew you can't see us, but we were just like, We, we do, I gesture a lot when we talk So it's like, so, tell us in your words, knowing you have such a grasp of it, how would you describe what neuro emotional technique is and what it does and Yeah. Give us your Dr. Wendt, take on it all.

Dr. John Wendt:

on n e t. Yeah, thanks. Uh, that's, that's a good question. it is based on, five element theory in Chinese medicine. Mm-hmm. And each element is representative of different organ systems. We call'em meridian systems. And, the elements are fire, wood, water, metal, and earth, I believe. Mm-hmm. And then there's, two called the conception vessel governing vessel that kind of are our midline. Yeah. And, the idea. They're kind of secondary, pathways of communication. So the nervous system is like a superhighway, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, you know, nervous nerves fire really rapidly. And your meridians are like the lymphatic system. So it's a little bit more based on the, the clearance, the detox, that's kind of stuff. So it's like the plumbing of the system, or like a secondary or country road. So each one will get the we'll get you to your destination. One's just fast, one's a little slower, but they both operate together. Right. Right. and so that's the baseline of how I describe the nervous system and the meridian system to people. Mm-hmm. and, so, in Chinese medicine there's an excess or a deficiency issue, right? So what we're looking for is homeostasis. Mm-hmm. If it's excess, we wanna. Dampen down the excess, and if it's deficient, we wanna fuel it, to be, um, you know properly performing. So, with n e t, basically these are, hormones in your bloodstream or in your lymphatic system, and, when you get triggered with an emotion, usually unconsciously, let's say it's fear, it has a certain what's called neuro peptide, which is basically like, operates like a hormone, right? And so when you feel fear, your. it triggers your, neuropeptide to release these chemicals and they have an influence or an impact to those systems. So fear will impact the kidneys. Mm-hmm. the kidneys will affect your spine. It'll affect your low back, your hip flexors. Right. And your inner part of your lower leg. So like arch problems and stuff like that. Yeah. And so, uh, what happens is, is unconsciously. walking around the world like total zombies. And, you see a guy with a beard and it reminds you of your uncle. And your uncle was a bit perverted and he might have touched you funny or right was weird sexually or whatever. And so you get triggered unconsciously and all of a sudden now your back hurts or your foot cramps or something bizarre happens. And so basically, n e t is a way of using muscle testing, which started with, Dr. Dr. Uh, George Goodhart. Yes. the founder of ak and then Dr. Walker also gives shout outs to a couple different osteopaths and things like that because a lot of these muscle reflexes actually stemmed from those practitioners. but Dr. George Goodhart created ak, which is the muscle testing. And basically anything that causes a stress response in the nervous system will have an impact to the muscle performance. Think of it as it overloads the circuitry, right? And so, your muscle becomes weak or appears weak. Appears weak. Uh, in AK we call it inhibited, mm-hmm. And so we wanna activate inhibited muscles, and when muscles are activated, they stabilize the. So if you get stressed and it triggers an inactivation of a muscle, and then you walk outside to pick up the paper, I guess nobody does that anymore, right? yeah, that's, you walk outside to pick up your dog poop, right? There you go. And all of a sudden your back goes out on you. then it's not a physical problem necessarily, but it'll manifest physically as long as that stress is still.

Jennifer McNerney:

It's still like it's still, we could say what un it's like an unresolved whatever. A stored something motion. Yeah. Basically

Dr. John Wendt:

what. What I tell people, it's like when you have all those apps open on your phone, it drains your battery, right? Yep. So you gotta, you gotta close the apps down. Yeah. Or else, oh, I like that. You run that battery,

Jennifer McNerney:

you're taking the current analogies. I

Dr. John Wendt:

love it. Yeah. So what we wanna do is we want to recognize, hey, there's something here in the body, this muscle's not performing. And we usually check the emotional reflexes on the forehead. Mm-hmm. And if it activates that muscle, then we can then we underst. The problem with this dysfunction, wherever it is in the body, is related to an emotional reflex. Mm-hmm. And, then we tie it together. We use a system of, called the 15 steps of n e t, where we prioritize and categorize what the emotion is and the quote unquote snapshot or the story behind it. Yeah. And now, unlike psychology, where we get lost in the story, right. n e t is about extinguishing the physiological. uh, from the stress, right. Going back. He, yeah. Yeah. So basically we would say, the analogy of the earlier guy with the beard, right? In fear two weeks ago, what was going on in your life? Oh, you know, I was, concerned about this or that, you know, gone on in life or whatever. Okay. yeah, that seems to, your body responds to that. let's see if there's an original event and then all of a sudden it's five years old. What was going on? Five. Fear, worried about something. Oh, man. my uncle used to watch me when I was a kid. Yeah. And sometimes he would be weird, or awkward or, a little sexual or whatever. And it made me uncomfortable in my body, so I was afraid to go to his house. So that's why it's, it's hard to. Link the two concepts together because it's completely unconscious. Yes, your, yes, your nervous system is recording all this stuff, and so it's an opportunity for your unconscious nervous system to express through the performance of your body. what's actually going on. Mm-hmm. and if you extinguish or you close down that program, it frees up the energy for your body to heal.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. And that's amazing. you probably have so many stories cuz you've been doing this for so long, but when people are like, you know, the body. is such a cool instrument to tell us where the stress is stored and unresolved. Mm-hmm. and those, the hormones and the molecules of emotions, because I've been blown away. Like, why is this event like, you don't, you're, it's unconscious. Like why is this event a thing? I have some big events that keep coming up that are like layers and layers of, stuff that is resolving. So I'm always blown away that you. those original events, it's important. So, but there's also a two minute technique to just take the charge off of something in your, the stress in your system right now. But then I find the magic as going back and figuring out. Why was that a trigger? Why, why did that man with the beard, the example that you gave like so

Dr. John Wendt:

Well, yeah. Well, in, in a current event, a person might not even remember seeing the man with the beard. Exactly. It's just recording. Yeah. But you, you bring up a timeline saying, what was going on in your life? Well, two weeks ago I was stressed about this or that, right? Mm-hmm. and we call it the lowest common denominator. We find the theme or the element of the. that will take us back in the filing system of our unconscious system into that original event, right? Mm-hmm. and if it's, if it's too traumatic, a lot of times people can't even confront it. They right, they, they literally have walled it up and put it in a lockbox in the basement. They

Jennifer McNerney:

don't remember. Yeah.

Dr. John Wendt:

and so they, they can't even access that stuff. N e t is an accumulated thing. So we have accumulated stressors in our life. Everyone does. There's no one who's, immune to this issue. and it's all based on like conditioning, right? So, the story of our family, the story of our culture, the story of, our environment or whatever those stories. encoded in our bodies. Like the emotion code is a great book for people. Yeah. and it actually starts to create a change to what's called your epigenetics. And as long as that story is told and the body is maladaptive, it's not responding appropriately, it's responding to the stressor as if it's real. Right. Then the genetics even start to change. And if you have generations of this, and this is where you get into the weirdness of

Jennifer McNerney:

yeah, that's what I mean. I've been the type of person that indexed for time preconception. And I'm like, okay. And then you talk a little bit about what we use as the term of emotional reality. Cuz we've been talking about a lot of consciousness of like, why am I the way that I am? And just realizing how much of it isn't really US

Dr. John Wendt:

Oh my gosh. Yeah. Everything. I question everything

Jennifer McNerney:


Dr. John Wendt:

Well, and I don't wanna take it too far off course with N e T or whatever. Yeah. But I, I recently, in the last two plus years I've been working with, a practitioner named Dr. Dan Hare. Yeah. And, Gary Douglas. And they have a technique called Access Consciousness. Great. Yeah. And this has been blowing my mind. It's more of the energetics of consci. Anything else. Yeah. But, in regards to my evolution, I've always been an intuitive person. Mm-hmm. you talk about empaths and stuff like that. And so typically what it is, usually these people were not conditioned to be emotional, right? Mm-hmm. they were, shut down. Shut up. don't cry, stop crying. Be a man. Buck up. Right?

Jennifer McNerney:

you know, it's just sensitive. All the things. Especially, I couldn't imagine your empathy in a male body, like in societal terms. Men aren't supposed to cry or emote,

Dr. John Wendt:

you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and, a German background, right. We're very stoic. Right.

Jennifer McNerney:

So I'm Yep. I know what you Yeah. You don't talk, hold it in. We just stuff those emotions, man. Exactly. Until, until it takes your body out.

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah. Stuff it down there in the genetics somewhere until it turns into cancer in four generations. Right, exactly.

Jennifer McNerney:

I dunno what you're talking about. I mean that sounds like a fictional character. No, we are laughing cuz Dr. John knows I'm also German. Mostly German and I can relate and we grew up kind of in the Midwest. There's a different, there's definitely a vibe and a conditioning that comes with Midwest upbringing and.

Dr. John Wendt:

Absolutely. And that's just from this lifetime. Right, right, right,

Jennifer McNerney:

right. Yeah. So I, and exactly that's why, that's like you went with Access Consciousness and I kind of delved into, theta. Healing, which is really just a brain state, a hypnosis, and to remembering these different consciousness and like where they originate, it's all about getting to that original event and resolving something.

Dr. John Wendt:

Um, absolutely. Yeah. So yeah. Akasha records, yes. And all these kinds of reference points that we use. you can do plant-based medicine to try to access these memories. because it's all stored in, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's all, it's all out there In the energetic universe, we don't think of it very much, but the sun is, however far away it is, and it lets plants grow here on earth. Right. Right. We get a sunburn if we stay out there too long, or at least I do. I'm, I'm pretty pale. Okay. Right. Me too. But the idea though is that everything is e. You know, you think of, protons and neutrons and electrons. just going out into the world, all that energy is pulsating everywhere all the time, all around us. The earth has a magnetic sealed around us. Um, you know, measured

Jennifer McNerney:

hurts. Yeah. Measured in cycles per second. I've been doing some sound research and whatnot because it's, everything is frequency and has a resonance and mm-hmm. Yeah. Um, think. How are you using, cuz you're like, you've been going deep into this. So how are you using that in your practice today? Like in Houston or is it Well, yes.

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah, that's a good question. Typically it's just a matter of meeting people where they're at, right? Mm-hmm. So, I get hung up because people say, oh, you're a chiropractor, and they say it like, that means something to them. Like a i they put me in a box, a k a yes. The chiro box. Yeah. And, most of the

Jennifer McNerney:

time there's a, there's a, yeah, there's like, if anyone knows, I mean, I even get triggered and upset when people. Have that attitude and I'm like, well, these chiropractors are like used to it at some point. But yeah, the chiropractor box, whatever that snake oil, I don't know. It's just, it's a weird energy. The consciousness, collective has

Dr. John Wendt:

formed it. It's, it's conditioning, right? You can go back to uh, the 18 hundreds when the, ama, the American Medical Association was brought on by the, say not the Carnegie, but the Ro Rock, rock.

Jennifer McNerney:

Rockefeller. Yes. Rock. Yeah. I don't know

Dr. John Wendt:

it's the Rockefeller. Yeah. and so this guy put out a report saying, all alternative medicine stuff is quackery. Mm-hmm. And and that conditioning just like we. if you wanna consider the, the most recent conditioning we've had with certain, injectables, let's call'em Yes, injectables. I like that word. It's been a story that's been presented to us there. That was only half true, and there was lies all around it. Yeah. And so the unfortunate thing is, If you're aware of the energy of the world, when somebody tells you a truth with a lie attached to it, it doesn't feel congruent. Right? And we know this intuitively. When your kids are lying to you, you're like, yeah, you know, you little bastard. I

Jennifer McNerney:

know you're lying to me. Exactly. there's so, it's in the physiology. We could see it. Yeah. You just, yeah. You feel it. You're like, this isn't true. You feel it. It doesn't feel. Fair. There's a frequency to truth, I'll

Dr. John Wendt:

tell you that. Right, exactly. And unfortunately, with any businesses, because again, that's just another form of conditioning, more boxes that mm-hmm. you know, we all operate from, the chiropractor who turns the healing art, the philosophy of chiropractic, the self-healing, innate immune response can be turned on with an adjustment. If it goes from that philosophy to a business model, to a money-making operation, it totally changes the energy. And that's unfortunate because then it becomes the business model, the snake oil salesman, Yeah. The, the grifter, the person who's taken advantage of people. and that's unfortunate. And it happens in any business. It's not just chiropractors and other Yeah, that's true. Alternative

Jennifer McNerney:

medicine things, money. Kind of muddles things though. But yeah, we're, we're here. We have, we are. whatever, quote unquote the matrix is. And we signed up for this, I believe. So I'm like, ah, some days I question why,

Dr. John Wendt:

but well, apparently sooner or later we'll own nothing and be happy about it. So hopefully, that might be a thing. I don't know. I don't know. Might see, go by the wayside of financial stuff. But anyway, so yeah, it's that. autonomic nervous system, that mirroring, nervous system. Mm-hmm. we resonate with all these energies and so we can tell when something's not congruence not right. Something is off. Right, right. And so, I lost myself in the question,

Jennifer McNerney:

so Yeah. So I was gonna ask you like No, we're gr I go off track a lot though. I wanted, it was more like you were saying that you're meeting people where they're at in your practice right now. Mm-hmm. However, you have all these amazing tools. You have the quantum neural you just did. You just came back to Colorado to you. You come back periodically and you did some cool new stuff with like reflexes, like primitive reflexes and quantum neurology. So I think you just learned some cool stuff. So, how do you, I know you are great at analogies. Do you just meet people where they're at, give them the analogies about the like educate them as you're helping them to heal? Is that your, how do you get them to access these like deep. emo because in my reality, emotions are everything. So unresolved emotions that then become beliefs. And then your reticulated activating system is now looking for patterns in, and then you're creating a physical manifestation in your body, kind of what you just talked about with Chinese medicine and the meridian system and the nervous system. how do you, you just meet somebody where they're at and then go with it. Like, how are you incorporating quantum neurology or this access consciousness and n e t and all.

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah. I mean it's, it's a tightrope, you know what I mean? and ultimately again, it's meeting people where they're at because they're willing to go, where they're willing to go when they're willing to go there. Mm-hmm. And as a practitioner, I leave the door open, I don't, I'm not a big believer in like long treatment plans and stuff like that, because ultimately it's about their interest. If they're interested, then. uh, invest, right? Mm-hmm. And so it's not about resolving an issue, it's about investing in their future self. Mm-hmm. everything I do is about upgrading you. So we all need software updates on our phone. Mm-hmm. our bodies are no different. Mm-hmm. our mind is no different. Our physiology is no different. So we always gotta look at what can we do to improve the performance of the system. And we use all these tools, AK ology, n e t, to assess and to locate the current prior. So when it comes to what do I do, it's like a person comes in just a bit ago, an 80 year old woman came in and she's I have this neck pain, but I don't want to get adjusted cuz it freaks me out. And I said, okay. So she then spent 20 minutes telling me her story, her story about all this stuff that to me pertains to nothing. And I kind of, okay, okay, she's paying for my time, so whatever, she can talk as much as she wants. Right? Um, and I said, okay, well how about we actually addressed some of this stuff? Yeah. And, so then, we. I go through it cuz she's in a mechanistic mind. Mm-hmm. I then go into mechanistic treatment. So I go into range of motion, posture, talk about the muscles, and then I start as, as she's hearing me, look at her body touching her, doing testing on her muscles. And I'm expressing it's related to a nerve, it's related to a meridian system. These are how these are pulled together. Her mind starts kind of going off of like, wow. All this stuff is connected cuz she has, you know, bladder issues and maybe a heart issue and some of these other things. And when I start tying it together, when she left, she's like, this is amazing. She goes, why don't people, that's amazing. Why don't people know about this? And I said, well, you know, there's a trillion dollar industry out there to try to keep you Exactly. For knowing about it. Yeah, exactly.

Jennifer McNerney:

I mean, and it, and I didn't until I was in this world, you know, my husband had, we have. Health insurance, do we use it? Absolutely not. Yeah, we do. If we have a, if we, we, like, we use our HSA account, like we put all our money into that because every mode, everything that works for us is, your line of work. Like the chiropractic. Yeah, the functional health. The, the functional, the, like the quantum world, the, the emotions. The NET you know, but again, we pay like hundreds of dollars a month for a plan We don't use unless like, there was one time, my. Broker elbow, there's certain things you go to the get the acute care for, car accident, those kind of things, but yeah. Um, but yeah, why don't people know about it? I, that's kind of why I am doing this podcast is that I happen to meet amazing healers that are doing, like you, that are doing such amazing work in this world. And I'm like screaming from the rooftops, people need to know about this. It's change, it's life

Dr. John Wendt:

changing. Absolutely. And again, it's conditioning, right? We've had several generations now, if you think of 1850s, that's what, six generations or so? Yeah. Of, of 20 years segments or whatever. Yeah. so we've had a lot of time where it's been all about medical. It's all about these things. It's all about business. It's all about, that type of stuff. And. And it's a juggernaut. once you start centralizing the money and you centralize all these things, then that point of view becomes the mainstream point of view, and everything else is alternative. But in reality, if we allow ourselves to sit in truth and resonate with what is, and we just experience life and take a breath and walk barefoot in the sand and just have these moments, we can start to assess that. Hmm, something's off here, isn't it? Mm-hmm. Um, and that's what's happening, right? You're seeing this mass awakening, this mass consciousness shift, away from these centralized, mainstream ideals. and we're starting to investigate the more innate, those deeper truths. Right. And, I think that's, it's a powerful time we're in right now, especially with social media and podcasts and all this sharing of information As long as it's not censored.

Jennifer McNerney:

Right. That's the unfortunate, right. That is the unfortunate part. I, we saw that big time during the last huge whatever. This was three years. I mean, and, and I will say, Yeah, that was challenging, but it was like my red pill situation to like,, I was already questioning things within the medical realm cuz of our journey and being injured by western medicine and the wellness checks and those types of things. But this was like a new level of,, and I think n E t, because I, I got more to my. my unique frequency that I'm expressing this world. Right. And I'm getting closer to that. I'm not, I'm definitely not there yet. And that, but peeling away the layers, the truth starts to resi. Like it's just easier to pick up on what's not congruent and Absolutely. Um, the more you do this work, and I was gonna ask you this because of one more question. You doing the work, have you noticed a difference in like the vibrational frequency of your entire. even if they're not doing the work, let's say, cause I know people ask them, oh, family of

Dr. John Wendt:

origin. Yeah. Um, I mean, I'm sure, or

Jennifer McNerney:

you're, well, you've changed yourself, so then you're not as charged when, you know how when you go back to family stuff and you're like, I, well I'm not gonna say I'm projecting when I go back to my family stuff and I'm like, all right, I've done all this healing. There are little things, but. Re-triggered, which I'm now learning to be like, thank you. Trigger, I can go take this to my n e T practitioner or get curious as to why this triggered me and release some more stuff. But, there's that saying that when you do this type of work and the epigenetics and the beliefs and the consciousness work that you can heal some generations forwards and backwards. I don't know. What are your thoughts on that,

Dr. John Wendt:

Well, absolutely. I, I think it's creating space for change to occur for all people. so if everything is energetic and I have an aura around me of energy, then that is changing my immediate environment. Now my family is, a thousand miles away. and I don't necessarily see them regularly or talk to'em a whole lot. So, are they changing? I'm sure they are. is. a frequency. Mm-hmm. uh, am fm radio frequency, are they tuning in to my frequency and resonating with that now in a new way? I'm sure they are to a degree. Right. Um, again, if I had, deeper relationships with my family, I could probably speak more to that, but, um, being the black sheep, so to speak mm-hmm. I've often, reached out and received very little. Mm-hmm. and I

Jennifer McNerney:

was like, yeah, it's hard to like connect and then when you're on this authentic path, it's hard to connect with when it's about the weather or the superficial stuff. Yeah. Right. That feels like small talk and like kind of energy that I wouldn't wanna say wasted. It just isn't the right, it's not the vibrational match of where, I get it cuz I can't do small talk right now. I'm like, oh my gosh. who cares about the weather? You know? Yeah. I mean, I do, I do care about the weather when it feels like they're modifying it, but whoever they is, But, but that kinda stuff still triggers me. Yeah. So, yeah. just let it be simple, right? Let's just let this existence be and not manipulate it, right?

Dr. John Wendt:

Yeah. Well, in neurology we have something called cortical blindness, where the eyes. you know, they're able to perceive the environment, but, there's somewhere between the eye itself, the receptors in the back of your rib eyeball and the area of your brain, which perceives your sight. Right? Right. There's a disconnect, so in your, that

Jennifer McNerney:

is, this is what's going on in the last three years. You just solved it. Um, keep going. So in neurology, what happens?

Dr. John Wendt:

Well, it's the idea of that cortical blindness, right? and we can have emotional blindness. I don't wanna look at this thing. It's too uncomfortable for me, right? and that's all about safety and trust, right? And if you go to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, safety and trust are big deals. You know,, a community, a tribe being excommunicated is a big deal because it's rejection from a safety and community. you know, those things are a big deal too. Understand. So when somebody comes into your office or any alternative practitioner, if anybody's out there looking for an alternative practitioner and you don't feel safe in that space, then don't go there.

Jennifer McNerney:

Right? Bottom line and listen to your body in the limbic resonance, right? You have to feel safe in somebody's presence.

Dr. John Wendt:

Totally. And, and it should be fun and it should make sense. And so if it's confusing or incongruent or whatever, uh, there's a way to tap into that. But also it doesn't necessarily mean it's a problem with the practitioner. It just means that you, the two of you aren't present on a vibrational match. Yeah. Maybe in a past life they executed you for whatever. Right. I know. And you're like, wait a minute, you're gonna kill me again.

Jennifer McNerney:

I've definitely had have seen that be very real, that metaphysical stuff. So totally, totally. Where you like, or you can't explain why you feel so comfortable with somebody that you just met on the street. Like where you're like, you feel very familiar. The, and who knows? I, I like to explore past life work. Um, not, not within the confines of any, but maybe the theta, like a different consciousness, kind of more that metaphysical. I guess this kind of feels like a metaphysical nervous system of the universe, right? So just explore that stuff.

Dr. John Wendt:

So, yeah. it, it's one of the biggest things that I try to help people with is, uh, your mind is like a door. It only works when it opens, right? And so just maintain an open mind about anything being possible. And if a person has. Point of view where anything is possible, then we can access anything. And again, it's not about taking advantage of people or any of that stuff, it's just. If a person is willing.. What I used to have on my business card years ago is I'm in the business of helping those who are willing to make change. Mm-hmm. and,

Jennifer McNerney:

and you, that's exactly it's beautiful because that's what you did for me. I didn't come in thinking that anything was possible but showing up to you weekly or I think we bought, we bought a package cuz we were such a hot mess. we'd have to buy, we, we utilized your package deals and like every. and when once I was getting all these shifts coming to you, I was like, Hey, uh, you know, Dr. John, I wanna learn n e t. Do you think that's possible? And you're like, yeah, like anything, so contact them. I think there's an slp, a speech language pathologist that is doing this already and you're the very reason, you just showing up in your unique frequency and your. as you just described about anything being possible gave me permission to, see something differently mm-hmm. To step out of my programs and conditioning and, through the modalities that you offer, but also just you being, you your unique frequency. So thank you. I mean, I, I can't like you. I could get emotional and I might let it cuz that German, that German little girl. but yeah, thank you. You've just been, it's been life changing and I did go and get certified with neuro emotional technique cuz of you and they did let me in, which was great cuz And then now I get to go in Dr. Jared's office. What a full circle and, yeah. Right. I start, April 3rd doing n e t there and it's, how awesome is that? Beautiful. Yeah. Expression of cool synchronicities and life and healing and, and thank you. Absolutely. Yeah. Where can people find you? Do you have a website? Tell us your

Dr. John Wendt:

website. my website is my Cool. and, it's Originate Health and Wellness in Houston, Texas. I do, do, uh, I do do

Jennifer McNerney:

I do do Do, do, do, do,

Dr. John Wendt:

do. Um, so I have, I, I only see patients in, person two days a. okay. I no longer sell packages, so now I value myself in, in a much better way. Good job. Good job. So I actually charge more now. but I also do some stuff online. I do functional medicine stuff. I do some genetics work, some coaching stuff online. So a lot of the stuff is really about wherever people are in the world. It's just what do you want? What do you want to change? And one of the things that's really humbled me in. You know, five years has been the recognition that I'm not for everybody and that's okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

I love that. So

Dr. John Wendt:

true. And ult, ultimately we need to have a team, of people to really kind of have those questions because you do resonate with a female practitioner differently than a male practitioner or whatever. Right. There are certain ways to, have deeper change cuz every practitioner is.

Jennifer McNerney:

See, bring something a different lens, right? They, they have their own unique frequency. Yeah. And

Dr. John Wendt:

so I love where I'm at now because I really can, I've really let go of my preconceived notions that I have to help everybody in the world. Yes. Oh goodness. You let that go. Oh my gosh. And truly just, it gives me a space to have a huge amount of gratitude for those who are really, truly willing to step up and to. play with me in making change for themselves. The investment, the money, the ease of it, the joy of it. It just flows right? Like your entire family has been such a treat. You know, from day one, kids show up ripping tissues outta my tissue box. Oh gosh.

Jennifer McNerney:

Remember those supplement towers I used to make, we supplement towers. We, we created any. Sees for your office stuff. I feel like

Dr. John Wendt:

yeah. But, you know, having the kids jump on my back when they're running into the office and play with my dogs and oh my gosh, yeah. Has been such a treat and, I'm just blessed to know you guys and to, and to be invited onto this space like this and talk about what I love

Jennifer McNerney:

No thank you really again. Ah, I can feel the. I love you. I wanna spread the word about any t when you get those awarenesses, you're like, I don't know why I am supposed to do this. But that's been the kind of calling of this podcast because I don't even know what to, like literally pj, my husband he's been my biggest cheerleader. He's like, just hit. record let it all flow. And I'm okay, you're right. I don't have to be that Capricorn that has to figure it out, all of it. And then before I start, you know, like that does. That's not how life flows. But anyways, well thank you for your time. Thank you for your amazing knowledge and just thank you for being you.

Dr. John Wendt:


PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.