The Ripple Effect

Jen & Dr. Kevin Gyurina: The connections that heal.

Season 1 Episode 4

Jen(ny) and Dr. Kevin Gyurina delve into everything from consciousness, chiropractic, Center Point Meditation, NET, to the quantum laws and spiritual laws.  Dr. Kevin G shares his journey of becoming a chiropractor and healer, and his journey of many concussions in his life, leading him to trusting his heart and what resonated as truth for him on his path.  There are so many brilliant nuggets of information in this conversation with Dr. Kevin.  He is a brilliant healer.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina is the owner/chiropractor at Harmonious Healing Holistic Healthcare in Medford, New Jersey.  Dr. Kevin G has a wonderful show called Unwinding Stress that airs each week on Roku, Hulu, Apple TV.

Be sure to check out Dr. Kevin's offerings (in person and online).  

Find Dr. Kevin Gyurina:


Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us. All right. All right. Today on my podcast I have a very special guest and his name is Dr. Kevin Gyurina. He is a doctor of chiropractic. He is a wizard a doctor of the quantum realm, I would like to call him. He's an energy healer he has a show that's streaming on all the things. Roku, Hulu, apple TV called Unwinding Stress and. I


Jennifer McNerney:

honored to be a guest on that one time. And he's here on my podcast now, and I'm like, what a beautiful synchronistic, journey. And, a little bit about how I met, Dr. Kevin G, is, we were, I just like, knew he was a badass and I wanted to get to know him. when he showed up at a NET n e T seminar. You showed up and you just were like, you were resonating. The truth, frequency, and the thing around the world around us was not resonating in truth. And you were so solid in standing up for the truth. And I'll never forget that you sat like a one row or two rows in front of me and I, and I was just like, wow. you kind of knew the world was, following a lot of rules of filled with lies and you weren't gonna succumb to that. And to this day, I still. Oh my gosh, you're amazing.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Okay. Thank Ken. Thank

Jennifer McNerney:

you so much. My God. You can call me Jenny. I feel like Kevin, Dr. Kevin's like the only one because I feel like this is tied to like past lives or we've just known each other in the quantum realm for many, many lifetimes because of growing up. Um, I was Jenny, Jenny Czech and he just is from comes and he just calls me Jenny and I'm like, we just must know each other. So, yeah, go ahead and tell me your perspective of like we met and how we met and and then we'll get to I want, I have all the questions about your journey as to who you are, Dr. Kevin right now in this moment and this unfolding journey that you're on and how you're helping to heal others. I just, yeah, you

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

got it. You got it. Well, that, that moment, Jenny, that, that I'm gonna, you

Jennifer McNerney:

got it. We just go to Jenny. Just do, just go

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

with what feels right, Jenny, that moment. We met down in Florida at that, conference in, Captiva Island, Captiva. Mm-hmm. And that was such a powerful moment and not even realizing how powerful it is, even just till now having that introduction. Yeah. that was a moment when the world has been shut down. Mm-hmm. everyone is, forcibly being told to do mass and other things and mm-hmm. and here I show up down at n e t at this conference and everything beauti, everything's there. Beautiful. Although I go to check into a hotel, I'm not allowed to check in., I will not put that on my face. Right. And there's reasons for that right. Here I am. Fast forward, I get in, I get into the hotel, I'm allowed in, in the conference, I'm standing just kind of not knowing anybody. Yeah,

Jennifer McNerney:

yeah, yeah. It was. Yeah, I remember you standing up against the wall or something, or, yeah.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

it was like, it was my second conference. I attended the basic mm-hmm. and because I decided to go all in with the one year packet. Oh, the, the pack certification program. Seven hours to get certified in one year. I attended everything I could because they said that's the way to do

Jennifer McNerney:

it. Mm-hmm. they're not wrong. That was the way.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

The n e t community has such a good vibration. Mm-hmm. the doctors, the people that are just around it. Everyone is to a place that I strive to be all the time, yet I know there's times when that's not happening that

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. There's ebs and flows. Yep. Mm-hmm.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

and I arrived at that seminar at, the end of many of my. Mm-hmm. sticking true to what I know to be true. Yet it doesn't fit the mainstream model in any way. From health insurance, health coverage to healthcare from traumatic injury. Yeah. And that's where I found myself getting into n e t, was because of, we've been able to, based on the test mm-hmm. my nervous system is sensitive to over 37, major grade three concuss.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah, you're like until, so this is part of your journey. I would love to know. it is not, I looked into it do I wanna go back to chiropractic school right now? it is not an easy feat and there's, it's a lot of money, so you had to be passionate about esp plus there's some conditioning around chiropractic that the collective holds on to. So it's not like people are signing up to be a chiropractor because we kind of get. Yeah, there's like name calling, there's false conditioning. There's lies spread around chiropractics. So not everybody wants to sign up for that. And what made you go into chiropractic school and become this doctor of chiropractic care? And yeah, there you gotta have a story, especially with the concussions, of course, of

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

course. Well, I never knew anything about chiropractic before. Mm-hmm. I started working in a chiropractic office my junior year of college to get my final credits in exercise and sport sciences. Mm. I was attending University of Delaware. I was playing football, college football there. at the time it was called one aa, so it wasn't like Penn State and versus, uh, Ole Miss, but it was like really good stuff. Villanova, nears, Delaware Way. We marry all these East coast schools along 95, right? 95, yeah. Highway and I started that job and I'm doing therapies and exercises for their clients and they're pretty well established practice with two chiropractors, one young Uhhuh, younger and a little older, a couple years older. But I'm watching dozens and dozens of people getting better, better, better. This in less than two weeks. My first patient, you know? Mm-hmm. here I am. Patients are existing a hundred people a day kind of thing. Yeah. But I got friendly with a guy who started the same day. I started, and he was a client and he was a medical doctor that was two, three weeks away from a gastric bypass surgery. He did not want. The ulcer were so bad. Yeah. The three adjustments, his ulcer pain was gone and he's telling me as I'm doing his therapy, he's like, I don't, I didn't know what's going on. I don't know why is this working? I don't know what's happening here. Yeah. Because he's been to every specialist and everything, and every, everybody has a MET doctor and

Jennifer McNerney:

that energy alone, you, if you're in that and you're seeing it before your eyes and the disbelief or whatever. I would be curious too.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Yeah, I was totally curious and I had been through a number of injuries and at that time I had lost teeth. I had been knocked out a number of times from sports and outside of sports, I actually had five major concussions before the age of 14.

Jennifer McNerney:

Wow. Kevin, holy smokes. I've only heard snippets of your stories just because, well, we, when we go to these N E T workshops, we are getting all of the work done on ourselves, so we are not just Providing, we're walking the talk, we're these wounded healers healing ourselves and bringing the modalities to others. So I didn't know that, that Wow, that's significant. And I played soccer, so I'm not, and I've had some concussions, so they are gnarly and yeah. but the,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

the two big ones that everyone that I had numerous witnesses to, so none of this is made up. I can tell you this. Mm-hmm. there's other ones that maybe nobody was around cause I falling out A tree was one that nobody knows about. Wow. Wow. And other little things like that. But the two that people know about was, one, one when I was around, I guess around 10. Mm-hmm. My father was, towing someone on a water tube with, you know, the long hundred foot rope, and the man was quite large and we had, he had gunned the boat to go and the rope snapped and hit me in the face, and I don't, you know,

Jennifer McNerney:

lights out. Holy moly.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

There's pictures, there's pictures of all kinds of me recovering and eating ice cream, but I have no memory. I have, in the n E T session, I had the sense of being carried off the boat in the dock, but that none, nothing else came. Nothing else. Mm.

Jennifer McNerney:

When you lost consciousness, I mean, in no memory, and I don't know, you probably would know about this, those near death experiences. do you think there was any consciousness where you were like, so far outta your body that you were getting? Who knows what kind of downloads on the Astro plane? Because I, I mean, do you feel like you were ever outta body and could see

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

not, not with that one, but other ones, yes.

Jennifer McNerney:

Mm. Yeah. Yeah. So you didn't, so you didn't find chiropractic because of like a major injury. You just happened to be working at a chiropractic office and seeing miracles before your eyes?

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Well, to lead to that is, I, I have, I guess I have learned, because these, so in high school, yeah. I can remember playing football. I cannot remember a. Wow. So however,, when I was, put under the field to play mm-hmm. I was always in the right place. I always did the right thing. Wow. And I wa and I remember, I can remember recalling, even this happened, college football too. I remember watching the film like, I don't even remember any of this, but I, to be doing well, I, getting all, I was getting all kinds of accolades. I was getting, the biggest hit of the game I was getting, Wow. Wow. And, My high school, I really didn't play much. I played my freshman year and my senior year I had Lyme disease. I had knocked out teeth. I had three or four major concussions in high school. Mm-hmm. one's where the stories just keep adding up. it's over the top. So I learned why I'm saying this is they learned to listen to my intuition and these other senses that were very strong. Mm-hmm. yet some of my. Typical classic mental executive functions. the thinking logic and reasoning were never my strong suit yet. I was exceptionally good at certain kinds of math and physics. Mm-hmm. I was exceptionally good at all art, all music, all sports. It didn't matter what I did, I was able to adapt and just play. Wow. Wow. So, hmm. And I, you know, I was an average. Yeah, but what, same way it led me to n e t, the same way it led me to chiropractic that led me to that job was someone said something that felt my heart go, that's it. And I just went with

Jennifer McNerney:

it. And they say, as I'm learning more about the heart, that is has its own awarenesses, that's. Closely linked to what the soul, you're following your heart and so many of us are walking around with the lies of the brain, the programming, the faulty programming. We're listening to this. And it sounds like with everything that went on and the challenges you had, maybe with the mind stuff, you had to follow your heart that was Yeah,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I really did. In the path of the heart, just like the mind, there's wounds too. Yeah,

Jennifer McNerney:

that's true. That's true. And one

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

of the things I found was a pattern. I'll say it this way cuz this is like an n e t phrase I like to use and I noticed, let's check the concept some things, but the test is indicating my system was sensitive to Yeah. past lives and all kinds of other experiences and all these really interesting stories mm-hmm. with components that would, that impact the living life now. one has to navigate through and learn and extract the wisdom from mm-hmm. and then imply that wisdom in a new way because the old way wasn't working. That's why all the accidents, injuries, traumas and dramas come. Mm-hmm. Yet there's a, there's a soul pattern that must be played out. And every pattern has a different timing and that timing can be deciphered. Yet, one of the common issues I fell into, and I think a lot of people fall into is we apply our own pattern on everybody around us. Mm-hmm. and, there's different timing and reasoning and circumstances. who's doing what in the grand play of your life. Mm-hmm. and each one of us here in our own lives is the lead actor, actress. Mm-hmm. And I look at it as, we're co-creating all these energies we're co-creating our life by, at the same time, there's the natural forces that must play. there's that component. I heard this one time recently. It was, the only thing that trump's over free will is divine, uh, divine timing. It's like the divine. The sources plan. The plan, yes. And the, in chiropractic it's. internal forces and external forces. Innate intelligence. Universal intelligence. In physics and, natural sciences and things like that. It's the cosmic forces versus the individual's forces. the metaphysical above down, inside out as above, so below. That's the same kind of conversation, just different words describing the same thing, that there's forces from outside of us, the medical system, the word epigenetics. but that's not very well known. No. We're still being taught that your genes are dictating everything in life, but we're not being taught that our genes are adapting to the environment. And then we have the physical adaptation.

Jennifer McNerney:

And Right now, you have a lot of different tools that you're. In many instances, I feel like we have all of this, knowledge right within us, this innate wisdom to heal that I believe if that's a belief, I'm, I'm solid in that I know it. I've seen it happen my own life. And, I was the one getting in the way of my own healing. And that's how n e T had helped me was to know that my belief. My thoughts, which are energy. Were co-creating my reality on the externals. And you just described that divine, the free will versus divine, intervention. I think I'm studying a modality called contact reflex analysis. It's Dr. Vernal's genius and it's all about the heart being the main system and every other. Will sacrifice itself to keep that heart happy and in homeostasis. And you not

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

know that, that's a beautiful synopsis. Thank you. Cause I love his work and I'm learning. Yeah. And he's all

Jennifer McNerney:

those people who do that work. And he, I feel like he understood that too. He said something like, you can do the right thing in the wrong timing. Like it's this whole homeostasis and it could be a good thing you're doing for yourself, but the wrong time and just like getting to the root. And I feel like all the modalities. I'm drawn to are uncovering our unique frequency that we're supposed to express here. And I don't even know, time not being linear and could be other aspects of us existing on other timelines and past lives that, when I look and do past life, work with people, I keep being shown that maybe this is the reality cuz it will feel when you name it and it's truth in the body and it resonates for them. Even if they don't believe in past lives. They're like, wow, this is the same energy I'm feeling right now. So it's all energy and who knows? We wanna put a linear concept to it being the past and I'm starting to question maybe it's not, maybe it's time not being linear. and a consciousness that's existing, pieces of us existing elsewhere,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Yeah. So what to kind of comment on that, I wanna bring back to the first thing. The one thing that offers, that ties. That lines all my services and all my ideas. Everything, yes. I wanna know is the concept of light. Light, ah, the future of medicine is light. Yes. It's frequencies, it's vibrations. Yes. It's that conversation. Regardless of the science, the more you go down into the details, it comes down to vibrational energetic patterns of electromagnetic fields. Yes. At various scales and intensities. Both that we have tools to measure our own natural gifted tools, our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and senses. Yet our technologies have expanded that. Yeah. Yet they're still discovering way beyond that. things that are influencing our reality.

Jennifer McNerney:

That vibrational frequency. I'm learning, I'm getting a big lesson in that. everything has frequency that could be measured and hertz. It's cycles per second and it's light, it's light, it's vibration and, your mold, your virus that you have, guess what? It's vibrating at a frequency and we're mostly made up of water and it travels and you wanna be a terrible, no good host for these foreign. Frequencies, whether it's a parasite or an energy vampire these metaphysical things that we don't see but we feel or perceive. and so tell me more about your practice And I know, cuz I was just talking with within chiropractic, I think some people just think whatever the construct of, the collective that you just crack. Go into the chiropractor and you're getting your back cracked, but it is so much more. And what specialty area did you choose? When you were in chiropractic school, did you go for neurology or what was your intention? Well,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

kind of, it would be nice., there's all kinds of infographics that this, that kind of show the general track of education that medical doctors get, chiropractors get, and really the major difference is everything's almost exactly the same except in the medical system. They have pharmacology. To a extreme amount. And in chiropractic, we have neurology in extreme amount. Almost to the level of a classical neurologist. Yeah, absolutely. And with, and within chiropractic, there's advanced studies of advanced neurology and things of that nature now, in my chiropractic training to me, There was no route to choose. Everyone gets the same training. You're taught the top three to five techniques that are most common throughout the most numbers of chiropractors, diversified technique. The upper cervical, some people call it Holden one. Some call it h i o. Toggle is the official name. Was the original official name. And there's some other Thompson techniques and yeah. And some other ones that, are relevant. some are very popular. We have things like, kinesiology's one of top five. and this is where I didn't know, but I was being drawn that way. The whole. Yeah, and what is kinesiology? And many of the other techniques I started being drawn towards are what's called tone based, like musical tone based. And then we have the other side of the coin is very mechanistic bones, muscles looking at disc, and that's it.. So I started to see the value of both because of some of my earlier experiences in life, I was taught to look at, I was raised biblically. I was raised in a traditional Baptist Christian upbringing out in the, pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey. Oh, wow. Not the city part, but like the woods, like where the Jersey devil supposedly lives. But this is also the area where native. Bathed and it's very pristine. And, there's a major natural aquifer under the ground. Right. So

Jennifer McNerney:

the earth has a really healing grid there where you

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

grew up. There's ton of that. And a lot of interesting mystery and weird stories from the old pines that still are alive, that you know, however, there's just like any culture you study, there's the westernized medicals community. Though, they're, if you look at American. Natives, they have what we call the shaman, We have stories of every culture of every past has a spiritual communicator, one that translates, one that, and even the Bible, there's the prophecies. the first five books of the Old Testament. And in the rest of the books, first of all, books are the law. The rest of the books are all people that see the future. and I, that's not a common knowledge that the Bible's 40 books in the Bible. Talk about people who see the future.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. Yeah. And then there's that collective of yeah, I definitely wanna visit the, the Bible now with my more quantum lens, because I believe that, it was being filtered through a lot of conditioning of what's bad. And, and well,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

yeah. The statement of love is the winners of history. Right? History. so I don't think we know the truth. I don't know if it'll ever be fully discovered. I don't know if it will ever be fully discover. at the 3D level. Yeah. though that being said is what is this journey? We can talk about all these dimensions and conversations and frequencies, but like you said, everything has a specific frequency and I tell my clients it's like a specific note on the spectrum of music. and this is living life from an eye cell to a hair. My beard to a thought has unique set of patterns that are detectable with technologies these days.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. And you have that technology in your


Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I have a couple things in my office. Yeah. And one of them that is, I can't call it a medical. Okay. Right. I know this. The evidence, the, these are not new sciences. these are not new technologies are 50, 60 years old. Some of them yet put into better play because of technology. And this comes from things in our voice. Things that we put, light in our eyes, sounds for our ears. We all know, we can look at physical touch. being in proximity to somebody, a certain kind of sound will trigger you like a chop or, kind of thing. And then the wave's kind of a sound or a bird chirping or just something gentle. We know that certain sounds, certain tones produce peace in the body. Yeah. And the, of course the opposite, right? When we hear there's opposite tones and this is normal, natural, everyday nature and we can incorporate that with technology. To essentially get the best of both worlds. That's called the AO scan. And there's other technologies out there that do other things. I know I have, I've subscribed to this one group from Australia, and they have thousands of technologies to refer. Yeah. many of them are still from the old world. I don't say Old World 20 years ago. And there's certain companies that are taking it and bridging forward. bridging. And that's beautiful. And that's what AOS has done, has really collected a ton of technologies and techniques and understandings and put into one unit, in one system that when, not just myself, but medical doctors, allopath, veterinarians, chiropractors, natural paths, they're comparing side by side blood work. I don't do blood. Never got into that. But those that are doing blood work, they, and they get a unit. They're looking at both the old way the functional medicine way and the traditional blood work way and the AO scan and their readouts, they're accurate. And the AO scan's finding way more data that is hidden because of the way these tests work. That's amazing. We're not just, so everything on this medical side operates on Newtonian physics, particles bumping into other particles. but we know it doesn't work over here. Quantum, we know mother's intuition's a real thing., we know that people will get, divine inspiration and create something beautiful. Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich, their author who ev from Tony Robbins to every personal, growth guru. Took concepts from biblical trainings, which, what is the biblical trainings? It's the study of spiritual. It's

Jennifer McNerney:

natural law. It's like cosmic law, spiritual law, whatever you wanna call it. It's the laws.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Yeah. It's whether it's spiritual law, divine law, natural. Yeah. It's really talking about how nature operates in the ways that what we're learning about. We're in our, in science, science what science is observing nature and then trying to prove their theory right or wrong. So to me, anything that science is ever doing is really proving does their, does is their study method accurate or not? Cause nature's doing nature no matter how much we.

Jennifer McNerney:

Exactly. Yeah. Wow. And you, somebody that comes into your practice and you have this technology, can they like sign up for a membership? Like how does, can they take it home and scan themselves or is that. Is that possible? Okay.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

So for me personally, as a provider for healthcare, there's a couple levels of how I work. At the highest level, I essentially help companies and individuals navigate the holistic world. Tools, techniques, philosophies, practices. I have a, I have my power pack. Yeah. Though I'm not in every part of the world and I'm not the expert on everything, and I know I'm not gonna be working with everybody. So I started to find, You had a previous guest, Dr. Went recently, and yeah, him and I have had a good conversation about this exact topic is how do you even navigate holistic health? What is holistic living? How do you know what vitamins? How do you know? Yeah. This, that, and the other thing. What is it? Because many people are just doing the best they can to find the best practitioner, and they don't know that there's different techniques. They don't know. There's different styles, they don't know. There's different ways of going about it. So it's kind of frozen in fear because of too many options, but at the same time, We need all these options at different times.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. That's beautiful. And I think I had just interviewed, Dr. W went and he mentioned that he's I'm not at gonna be everybody's cup of tea. just like, Jen, you're doing any tea? You're a female and so you're gonna have a different, and I have my own, we each have. our own unique, vibrations. And it's, so I use a, I utilize a lot of different practitioners and I always joke, I'm like, listen, I have about five different chiropractors that I see and we rotate through because I trust my intuition. And I'll be like, you know what? I need to go see Dr. Marchman today for this, or I need to go see Dr. Wen for any tea. Because I. That there's some sort of thing that is blocked that I am not seeing and inviting and we're supposed to be in community I mean, that's how I think I look at old tribal communities. It wasn't there was one person that provided every single thing, just like you can't. And I think in marriages this is happening. It's not like you can be everything for your spouse. And we used. we didn't exist that way when we were in more simpler times without all the technology and whatnot. So I think it's beautiful that you just named that, that you can't be everything to everybody. and you just have to, but

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

you have, cla for the audience. You basically stated the business. I don't call it a business. Yeah. It's the community model. I'm not the only one doing it though. When I met, have met so many people that are doing exactly the same thing. So I know it's a divine truth. It's restoring this community model that you're referring to., and I call it the Center for Harmonious Living. And this to me, this is. Every community pattern that will be I that can be implemented and there's people doing it in Florida and Canada and around the world. And this is where part of my 2020 journey where I met you was also going on at the same time. Cuz when I met you, I was signing the legal paperwork to put that into play because when it's in play, no government, no other entity. That's right to tell you. What to do if you, and say, you and I live in you each other, we would just walk to each other's house and do our healing. Do our farming. Yeah. Do our community, do our education. And no one could say anything because of the agreement that you and I have has a, what's called a higher jurisdiction that anything that they can

Jennifer McNerney:

say, it's like, it's a sovereignty that is above the

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

control. So it's so we talked about natural law. So it's the conversation of. Water,

Jennifer McNerney:

which is those five elements. Yeah. Getting those five elements in

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

there. so go, let's go back one more step. Okay. So let's go back. Let's use nature as the blueprint you, have you ever heard a term, cause I had mentioned music, FCI

Jennifer McNerney:

sequence. yes. It's in everything. The 360 9? Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Now it could be wrong. Maybe it's called the golden ratio, but one plus one is two. Two plus one is three. Plus two, two plus three is five, right? Three plus five is eight. That pattern is what we see in that spiral. in nature. And in every, in the dna you

Jennifer McNerney:

see it in the sunflower. Yeah. You see it Ev it's, I love the patterning of the sunflower. When you look at that, I'm like, oh, there. So

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I said that spiral. Cause you said five elements. the law is talking about from, it's talking about three elements. Really? What do you just think? So it's a higher order because this conversation's a higher order. So in the human body, we talk about seven chakras. In Chinese medicine, they talk about. really, I'm in the more of the campus 13 chakras now. Seven. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Okay. Yep. And then there's another number after that. However, with that being said, cuz, so 13 adds up to the sequence more appropriately than seven does. So when we get 13 chakras, we have, there's the five element system from Chinese medicine, but in Aveda we had the three Dantes. And then we have the human being itself, masculine and feminine. Two. Yeah. Two. And we come from a single source. One. One. This is, there's this sake of geometry, math in human form, expressing as light, ultimately ending as the chakra system.

Jennifer McNerney:

Beautiful. You just described, you have such a gift, Kevin, at explaining these really. Sort of, they're quantum, cosmic, divine or natural law. you give it to us all in a way that's, attainable and I appreciate you always, I'm always like, Kevin's gonna have an analogy for me. When we're, and you helped, I will say this whole podcast is about people I've met who have helped me. or my family or along the journey, cuz I know a lot of cool people doing amazing things and it's just a ripple effect. And I remember we had in Montana the most recent success that I attended and we went and we got to hike and be out in nature on that grid in Glacier National Park. I mean, oh my gosh. Doesn't get much more divine and better than that. But then our conversations after, and then you even showed me, I think, I was like, oh man, I knew I'm working through something my neck. And he showed me just to like I was just using my body. I think that was the center point meditation stuff. Yes.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Right. This is the one of the biggest things I'm sharing now. It's changed my life. Any t changed my life. Sure. And all these methods I'm learning are nuances to tap into the quantum realm of ourselves. In more accurate, authentic, and simple ways. Yeah.

Jennifer McNerney:

I was blown away because. all you did was have me tune in within me Mm. And then the neck pain was completely gone, and it was, I was blown away. And, and I, in full disclosure, me and PJ have the coursework. we want to get trained in it. Everything in divine order for us. and it was something we got to do together. PJ often feels left out because he cannot get certified in neuro emotional technique because he doesn't have a license that would support him going that route. So when CenterPoint came along and Dr. Matt's like, yeah, you can take it, we're like, finally we can do something together. And I will say that you were talking to me about the masculine and the feminine, this polarity and PJ and I. Doing that work together, diving down deep and reclaiming our divine masculine and our divine feminine, which exists in anybody, but balancing it out so that we could move forward. And you shared some books and resources and just the whole experience. And then, Rasa was at that conference and she has done it, she does a ton of work and it is just like this ripple effect of the healing journey. Yeah.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I. bring that point more for everyone Who's watching that? I met Jen. Jenny. I love it. I love it. You're all Jenny and Jenny helped me connect to raa, and RAA helped me go to a place so deep in the energy work. I was afraid to go.

Jennifer McNerney:

And she's doing a lot of the, she does a lot of the plant-based like journeys and the Shama, she's brilliant I just know her as Rasa and she's amazing. And she's out in California and I could we, yeah. I just wanna give her a shout out. She's wonderful. Sure.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

she, she deserves a shout out So, where did the dance, where you mentioned PJ and yourself this is where it's a require. To go to a certain depth of healing, to have the counterpart with you, I've realized. absolutely. You can only, there's a there's a depth of going it alone that is attainable, and then there's a place of going it alone that is way out there. And that gets, that's really tricky, scary. And I only made it out cause of people like yourself and Rosa.

Jennifer McNerney:

Ah, yeah. you did the dance of yeah. I can remember not even the dancing, I'm.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Sorry, go ahead. Go. You go ahead. Yeah. Describe that. No, I'm not even talking any kind of medicinal assist. I'm talking sober and going down to some of these depths of the conscious, because we are, when we go to the subconscious, we are connecting to the infinite. Are we ready for the infinite? Can the human mind, I don't know, handle the.

Jennifer McNerney:

That is a good question because, I shared with my unique, journey about being a 17 year old not knowing and wanting so desperately to fit in. Just put this piece of paper on your tongue. I didn't know it was L s D and it was laced with a whole bunch of other stuff, and my mind was not ready to go to the places that. Synthetic drug took me the psychedelic and holy moly, that opened up a portal of so many things. But now getting with the reframe in many years of healing work and N E T I choose to see that experience as a gift. And it makes me really good at detecting some gnarly metaphysical attachments of low vibration that exasperate and mess with people. Yeah. Neurology, their quantum neurology, that's their spine and their nervous system in the physical body, but the also their auric, there's so many levels of our bodies that we have, like an emotional body, a spiritual body, your astro body when you go and dream. Yeah. But, well, I

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

look at you, what you just shared as, and I'll take this phrase is all things can be turned for good. Absolutely. And that's what nature does. You, the tree falls down the storm with, there's one root. then it's gonna grow. And if it doesn't, if it falls over and there is no roots, it's going to disintegrate and feed the everything around it. Through its disintegration process. Yeah. And it's a beautiful cycle. It's a beautiful cycle. Yet there's an essence within that tree, that life force that is present and it goes someplace. when it dissipates from that physical form of the tree or the human body. And so where does it go? What is that world? What is that thing? And this is where all kinds of people who have died and come back and wrote books have phenomenal information to share. Kids, oh, they do. Parents, parents and psychologists who interview kids who have these interesting dreams and they can tell the therapist or the officer where they were murdered or where they were buried. The thing is, it's like, what is this information that I'm reading here and what is it that it means to be a human being? And that's the kind of stuff that got me really interested. Going deeper, deeper. Deeper.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. So tell a little bit, tell the audience a little bit more about, where to find you in the center point. CenterPoint meditation is very simple, right?

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Center CenterPoint. Yeah. I was where I wanted to

Jennifer McNerney:

go. CenterPoint. Thank. Yeah. Go ahead and tell us more about CenterPoint and cuz you're gonna be teaching it, right? And like people can take some coursework with.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

So for everyone, you can get the online. Jenny did the online demo. Yes. So it was 20, it is basically they were charging you a hundred dollars. Now it's 20 bucks. And

Jennifer McNerney:

you, and that's what I love it. It's. The creator,, the person that got the download for this technique, I feel like it's all a download right from source, from creator. We are getting downloads and we have access to anything as possible, and so he's not charging a bunch of money for this. He's not putting ego in. He wants everybody to be expressing themselves in their truest form, which I love that. That resonates with me so deeply.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Dr. Matt is truly that kind of guy.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. He's truly authentic. His energy is that Absolutely. I got and I, what a privilege. I got to meet him on Zoom and I mean, yeah, we can bash technology, but. Like he's, where is he? He's in Holland or

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

he's in Netherland somewhere. Netherland. I don't know exact.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah. but we get to like VIN or something. We get to be together like, and yeah. So anyways, go back to, this whole year gonna be, so the,

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

the breakthrough awareness was center point, 10 or 11 years ago. He had a moment of he was going to see a chiropractor be a crazy sciatica, and he found this doc through these tonal methods. The doctor had oriented his body into a physical position. No pain was there present and he was having the worst of kind of things, drop foot the whole nine yards, I believe. Meaning his nerves was getting damaged, his discs were bulging. his, he was having arthritis in his spine. The disc space were crushing. He's having pain in his back and his leg, unable to walk, do his work. that's, Some of the real life feel from that word. but if you can, if anyone out there watching can imagine some of the worst leg pain he can't do, then all of a sudden it all goes away. Yeah. That's whoa, whoa. He goes, what was that? He spent 8, 8, 9 years reverse engineering that, that experience, that one experience. Whoa. And he came up, he calls it center point meditation. Cause it puts the center point. When you find your center point. the result is your body goes into a meditative. Akin to people that have been learning to meditate for 10 years. It's nearly instantaneous. And the concept is counterintuitive to what we've been all been taught about body therapy and body work. yet it makes complete sense. Yeah. And here's what I mean by that. Just like we cut our hand, it gets better if we keep it clean in center point. It's the path of lease resistance. So for example, people's body's posture is falling in a certain direction. Now what Dr. Matt and his workers talking, telling us to do is to follow that lean, to go into that direction. Not necessarily is it because of the work that you're doing every day, although that's part of it, but the, there's a place where when we lean into that path, something unlock. And as we add layers to finding of how to find that exact center point for that condition at hand, something amazing happens and the people who measure the human physiology and the human brain are blown away with the changes. And where this got. Connected in another level was people who do fascia work. Their results got better too. My results as a chiropractor got better. Like anytime I start to apply this, and ultimately what I've begun to say myself is we're accessing the inner wisdom from within and allowing it to flow more, more freely.

Jennifer McNerney:

Mm. Well, thank you because after this podcast recording, I wanna get to it and go look at those videos. Now I knew I needed a nudge

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

it's the right time for a Nudge universe is giving us nudges and Yeah. If it's along the path that keeps us moving in, the thing that gets us, I have like my Spidey sensors are going off with this conversation right now.

Jennifer McNerney:

Yeah, same. Same. I'm like, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. My cells are like bouncing

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Well, I was doing with the woman this morning who can hardly walk. She has crazy sadica. And I go to her house cuz she can't get outta the house. And I leaned her into the right orientation. We found the center point and she goes, oh my God, I can feel the energy my leg going. Oh my God. Oh my God. And she kept saying, oh my God.

Jennifer McNerney:

And I love that she said, oh my god, because. and again, like I wanna say that you doing all your healing work on yourself, Kevin, Dr. Kevin, like you are, I felt safe with you cuz it was a trust thing. You had, I had to trust that you were gonna lead me into my pain where, in my neck and but I had that full trust because of your frequency and your connection to God. Whatever the word people are using for what we're talking about is essentially the same thing, in my opinion. wow. Lately, I

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

mean, I've been all through that conversation. I love the word source. Source. I mean, where, where, where's your source information? Where did you learn that? Where'd you hear that? That's true. I

Jennifer McNerney:

a copy of that source. Yeah.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I love the idea of sorcerer. You know, the one who studies the nature of the universe. Yeah. Like, I like.

Jennifer McNerney:

So yeah, Kevin, the soer, I think at Kevin g Soer.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Oh my goodness. Well, you sent me that, you sent me some Palo Santo with that wood etching, the wizard. You melted my heart that day, by

Jennifer McNerney:

the way. Oh, that's awesome. No, that is true. I keep, I am. So, the n e t community has introduced me to so many amazing wizards and healers and sorcerers, and I just am so grateful. And I'm so grateful our past

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

crossed to demystify these words, people that have tuned in future of what life is and to bridge that into the conversation of allopathic or western thinking. The science is called psycho somato Neuroimmunology.

Jennifer McNerney:

Hmm. Look at you. See, I love that you can look at everything and see the common thread.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

I want to find that common thing, cuz that was one of my biggest challenges in life was, well I'm being taught all this over here, but this is saying that over. And I've learned it was just different words describing the same thing.

Jennifer McNerney:

Exactly. And that's why me as a speech language pathologist as my traditional training know that it's the semantics and now doing belief work, I'm like one word. it means something complete. The same word to mean something completely different. It has a different frequency because of their experiences. And so I'm like, wow, but we're all talking and seeking the same, I don't know if it's the word love, but it's the same vibration that we all yearn for. That is us actually.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

It's that, it's that wholeness. Yeah. that satisfied, that's that safe yet feeling empowered. That regardless of what shows up, you're ready. You're okay. Yeah. and so CenterPoint has allowed me to help people access that interference that's resisting that, that plays out in the physical world. So it's reverse engineering how to connect with that higher self in a better. you

Jennifer McNerney:

just describe it beautifully. So, so I'm teach give us a shout out. Are you teaching it today? Is it Thursdays

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

is your day or what? I'm teaching it? I'm speaking at in, if you're in Philadelphia region, yeah. H hh Okay. I'm teaching the basic demo, in front of a stages of. 15 seats remaining in the reserve seat section. Wow. I'll be there all day showing how people demoing at the expo. There's one March 19th and there's one April 2nd, but you can go online to my website, Dr. Kevin G you'll see it. Where is

Jennifer McNerney:

that? Right down? Yeah. And I'm gonna link it into this, podcast.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

You can go to CenterPoint meditation main website, get access there. I'm also, I just started. 12 weeks of teaching like a yoga class in my local Medford area. A place called Studio 67. basically like a yoga class, teaching people how to access this and move their body. Cuz it is a dance you do, you can do this laying on your bed, sitting in a chair, or standing. And we wanna do all three because we have different injuries and different posture.

Jennifer McNerney:

Wow. thank you. I could talk to you all day long. and I always get downloads when I do.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

We're done, we're done already. I got, I got all more to go here. Jenny

Jennifer McNerney:

Well, let's do a part two. Let's, absolutely. I I don't, again, that like, you talk about intuition and just following it quite honestly, sources like, it's time for your podcast. And I'm like, okay, I don't know how to do this. And it's just start recording and the content is here. I have people. that are like, yeah, I'll, yeah, I'll totally talk with you, Jen, and we'll talk and And it's just a conversation. Yeah. It's just sharing our unique awarenesses and. Yeah, all the things. So thank

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:


Jennifer McNerney:

So, well, thank you again and So much love to you. I love you. You feel like a brother. I know. We're like, we've been doing some existences throughout the ethers for many, many lifetimes or whatever you wanna call it. So

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

so thank you. Yeah. And everyone, please keep watching Miss Jenny here. She's a real deal. Uh, I, I have reached out a couple times and I felt the

Jennifer McNerney:

shift. Aw. And, uh, oh, thank you. Thank you for that Yeah. Hundred

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

percent. That means a lot. You are on my team. I have my local team. I have my ethereal team too. And that is for sure in your

Jennifer McNerney:

moment? Yes. Ah, awesome. Thank you very much, Dr.

Dr. Kevin Gyurina:

Kevin G. Thank you, buddy. Thank you, Jen.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.