The Ripple Effect

Jen & Ann Bruinsma ~ Live Your Light

Ann Bruinsma Season 1 Episode 8

Jen and Ann delve into the modalities that Ann Bruinsma offers people near (Lafayette, CO) and a far.  The modalities that Ann is highly gifted in offering are:

Core Synchronism 
Qigong (medical)
Body Code
Emotion Code

I share with vulnerability how Ann helped support me on my healing journey and also the biggest gratitude is how Ann helped my oldest through a very depressed state of being when all the lock downs had been going on globally.  Just one remote session with Ann, I had my cheerful, curious 8 year old back to herself and balanced to homeostasis using Qigong and the Body and Emotion Code. 

Ann is a brilliant healer with a journey of healing herself and her children that guided her to finding these profound modalities of healing. 

Listeners can find Ann Bruinsma with Live Your Light at:

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Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

Okay, on this episode, I'm so excited to bring you a, friend and an energy healer that I have come to know. Her name is Anne Bruinsma with Live Your Light. And Anne, and I met, we were just discussing cuz we had gone on a timeline event. We met through a mutual healer, mentor, Stasia. And then I just don't know how it's unfolded to where it has, but it's been cool. I know that we've, I've booked, I saw you on your journey and we were both kind of going on our own journeys for a while. Different paths, learning different modalities. And then I know I needed to, I scheduled an appointment with you and you do a lot of cool different modalities and I just wanna welcome you to this podcast, the Ripple Effect, and just know that you are part of. My story and also my children in creating a rippling healing effect. And I'm so grateful for you, Ann, and thank you. Ah, thank you Jen. And I'm so happy to be on with you today and, and get to share., I love this. It's like we are playing in a sandbox of all these different modalities and tools and. You're right. it's hard to know where we met. Yes. but it's all of a sudden, like it was all a sudden, like our vibration of frequency, like there you are, and then Exactly. We had, and then we had all these Which I'm so excited to delve into your story. I feel like we have a lot of similarities to our story, like we do. Yeah. Yeah. So we were taking intuitive classes through Stasia. Yes. And and then I started renting an office from her and offering all the other healers a free session if they wanted it. Yes. So I could just practice and get my work out there. And somehow this all snowballs. And then you, yeah, that's how I started to work on you. And I will say that, you tell us about the modalities that you use because it just makes sense. Like you, what you do to me, because of all the modalities I'm drawn to, they're very, they're, there's a common thread in so many of the modalities. Absolutely. So. Well, I mean, it's all energy. So yes, that's the common thread, right? It's all the same, and yet there are these different windows and entranceway into them. And so I dabble in so many different things. I started off with core synchronism, which is basically cranial sacral work plus polarity. So you're adding the energy to cranial sacral. It's a hands-on modality and simply touching the body, and this gentle movement and flow of the cerebral spinal fluid up and down the spine and the cerebral spinal fluid is the body's intelligence. It is the fluid that goes into all the tissues and tells you how to heal it. It's really so beautiful, magical, and beautiful. Yes, we're just tapping into the body's innate wisdom. Yes. How to heal. Yeah. Your body knows how to do it yourself. Yeah. And what we find with pain is that often pain is just the body signaling that something isn't right, that it needs a little bit more support. So somebody might get a concussion or might have sciatica or, have different. Lower back pain and whatever's going on in the body. And what we find is that the organs or the bones or the muscles are closing when they're supposed to open uhhuh or they're opening when they're supposed to close. So they're supposed to be absorbing the cerebral spinal fluid and instead they are, they're closed off to it. And so I'm simply touching the body and helping to remind it how to get back into synchronistic. Alignment with itself that is beautiful. And that's I think why those modalities, I've had profound sessions with you because I'm like, it's simple and it's the tenant that we have this innate wisdom within us and if we can just release whatever is not ours, whether that's energy or thoughts or Toxins that are in our body. Mm. just really need to just get to our unique frequency and express that and embody it. I will say that my big story, and I'm not gonna share too much, is that during, lockdowns when we, when we as a collective went through the same thing, that was such a challenge, a global, you know, Affected. Like there was nobody that was not going through, we were all in the same storm, but having a different experience in it. Right. And right. Even with my toolbox and being a mother, my daughter was struggling and I reached out to you and you were, you did this and this because it's energy. You did this work with remotely like you were at your house and my d I was with my daughter. Checking out a school or something. And I notice, and I did Qigong with your daughter. And so poor Synchronism, I really need to be in person touching the body. Yes. But Qigong work, we can be remote. So I can explain more about what that is. You, can you? Yeah. Well I'll, um, I'll share, yes. Let me share what I noticed. From my perspective of mm-hmm. Of observing my daughter. My daughter was just, she's like a. Extroverted introvert. So she's very energetic, very empathic, very very gifted. And she, the school not being in person and being on Zoom was a very tri, it was triggering for her. So I had to do something kind of abrupt because it, I knew they weren't, her particular school wasn't going back in person, but, I will say we got to low points where she was saying things like, I just don't see the point to this life, and how are we living this way? And that was when my mama bear was like the gravity of those words for me and being, and then I was in a place of fear, but I was also in a place of I need to get her help. You know? and before it becomes worse. Before it becomes worse, if you know those words at age eight are. are not as critical as those same words at age 15. Right. But we have to switch the trajectory so they don't get there. Yeah. So they don't get there. And I knew that this was big and I had, it was interesting, I had a call out to a school, a charter school that's near our house. We were also gonna go to a farm school, like one they only had one day a week. So I think we were visiting the farm that day and. And she does, she tends to tell me a lot when we're just driving alone and when you have more multiple children, as you know, those one-on-one, time, it's limited. And we were together, but she was, and you were working on her while she was in the car. And I could just see her like shifting to a more expansive and calm, I guess it's gonna be what it is. And then, So much shifted and my daughter's such a powerful manifestor. She's a manifesting generator in human design. Like as soon as she thinks of something and it's a full body, yes. It just like shows up and she's very powerful. And so whatever stuckness she was in or whatever energy that was not hers, that was in her space or all of it. The fight or flight, um, she, your session, we got the call from the school. Well, like, you know, and as soon after I had my call, cuz she always, Anne is so meticulous and she gives you like the input of the session after she's worked with you maybe remotely doing Qigong and yeah, we got the call that she got in and was starting, could start the next day and I was like, whoa. Like the shift was like so profound that I was like, what just happened? And I wanted and it was instant. Yes. Wow. Yes. So I wa I wanna say thank you because we, I never, I, once she started on the school was the big thing and once she went in person and was around people again and human connection and contact and, she's such an energetic, so being isolated in her home was right just in, we were giving her, but we need, we're energetic beings and she's living her life purpose and she needs to go. On her journey.. So it, it was instrumental. And then I hadn't heard, and she'll still remember that time period of time in her life, she's oh mom, I was so depressed. Oh, she knows it. So that is actually how I decided to get into Qigong. we had found a Qigong healer in the area and, you know, just dabbled a little bit and, you know, it, it was interesting. But the really profound piece was I had a son who was depressed. And we were not used to seeing that side of him. And we started to do therapy and tried out different things and, it all helps a little bit, but it wasn't shifting the whole picture. and yeah, he was starting to speak in a way that I said, oh, in another five years this is suicidal. What are we gonna do? Thank you for naming it, because I felt that same energy from an eight year old. Right. You're like, exactly. And he was also in grade school. And I scheduled a session with our Chiang person and she does not see children in person. I will see children in person, but a lot of them don't, because, you know, it's a lot for a kid to have to lay there and be calm. Yeah. And I said, okay, I trust you. Do whatever you do. And that day he, I can see him walking home from school and he was skipping and whistling. That's what I mean, Anne. And that was like the shift I saw in my daughter. Yes. After you worked doing Qigong, I was like, woo, what is that? Skipping and whistling. And he comes in the house happy and I said, I have not seen this in you in six months now. And he has never reverted. It's been six years, never reverted. Oh my gosh. I have like full body chills. Yeah. Amazing. And. And what it was is his metal element was off. And actually I looked at my notes and it was same with your daughter, her metal element. Was off and metal in Chinese medicine is very much about, connection. It's about connecting to yourself and your divine. It's about connecting with other people. It's about having good enough boundaries to know what's yours and what's not yours, what to let go of, what to receive, and just being true to yourself. So it goes with depression and grief and sadness. and loss. Loss. They lost, when I think of the amount of loss that. My daughter was perceiving it was everything. It was her. Yes. In a way it was her identity, which is back to that uniqueness I think, of the metal element when I, cuz neuro emotional technique, one of the modalities that I, delve in does use Chinese medicine and principles of acupuncture. And so I'm, I just think that's why. When you described what you were doing with Qigong, I was like, oh my gosh. Like this is, here's the five elements again. it is so similar and so I should explain a little bit about what Chi is. It's especially because a lot of people think that if they were coming into a Qigong session that we'd be doing, we're gonna do the movements, which you do teach those classes. And I have take y'all. She's brilliant. If you're local to like Lafayette or Nawa, She teaches and I love'em. I always feel my body feels so great after the movements, but it's not just that. It's so much more. Right? And so I think of Qigong as an a huge umbrella. so Chi is your life force energy. It chi can be translated as your breath. It is your vitality. And gong translates to cultivating. And so you're cultivating your chi, you're cultivating your breath, you're cultivating your vitality. How do we cultivate that in your body? So there's this huge umbrella of all the different things that can do that. And back in ancient times, your sosman your, your fighters. Yes. Were also the healers, which is so cool, like the martial arts energy and like knowing how to act. Right, and it kind of makes sense because if you're out on a battlefield and somebody gets injured, you need to be able to heal them very quickly or heal yourself very quickly. Oh, I like that perspective. I never thought of it that way. And, and as a soman, you need to be so centered and connected with yourself and aware that you know what's coming and you can react really quickly. So, Chiang includes Tai Chi. Which it also can include Qigong movement forms. So Tai Chi is more, martial arts focused and really specific positioning. And Qigong tends to be, we don't worry about specific p positioning, we're really focused on what's going on inside. We're moving the energy. And we're loosening up the energy and dissolving any blocks and stagnation while we're moving. That's why. And I love, that's why I think I love it because I have perfectionistic pictures and people please their stuff to like blow through. And when I go, when I showed up to your class, this is why I'm like, no way. No way. Yoga. Nope, Nope. Not getting on that mat and perfecting those, like what looks so, difficult. so that's when I went to your class, I was like, ugh. This is what my body's been, this is the movement my body's been missing. Right. Get out of your head. It's all about don't be in your head and just let the breath and the energy flow through you. there's also meditation that can be Qigong based and you are closing your eyes and meditating, but it's guided and you're focused on moving the energy through your body and you're opening up your energy body through that meditation. and then there's also acupuncture is under that umbrella as well. The chi is flowing through the meridians of the body and we can access it through acupuncture points. and then there is clinical chik, medical Chik. And so that is where somebody lays on my table and I'm moving the energy for them. And so we're cultivating their chi, we're finding the stagnations of energy and helping to clear that out. we're finding balance within the body. Ah, and so it's, it's, I love it. Right, so Qigong can mean so many different things and I just wanna make sure that your listeners understand that there, there are a lot of different terms and to not. Feel bad if you're thinking movement forms when I'm talking medical and it's all the same thing. We're just accessing it in a different way. I love it. You just, I just learned so much from that. So, so what I do in a chigong session, I'm actually. Tapping into the body's energy and it's similar to what some of your other guests have talked about. They explain muscle testing. Yes. And you know how the body is reacting to certain inputs. in this case, I could muscle test you use a pendulum, which is just an extension of the muscle test cuz you're holding, I prefer to use a pendulum. Yes. Yeah, totally. And the main point is for me to clear my mind and to. Become a whole h o l E hole to not have any of me there. I'm not thinking conduit. Yeah, you're like a clear conduit, not right. I'm not setting intentions, I'm just allowing spirit to flow through me and control the pendulum, and it gives me a yes or a no. And generally a yes with a pendulum moves in the direction of the chakras spinning. So if you were to just hold a pendulum, it should go clockwise cuz that's the way a chakra would spin and naturally move that pendulum and then no, it either doesn't move or it might even go counterclockwise. so that can mean a no or out of balance or an imbalance cuz the same thing when I'm doing like muscle testing. It's sometimes the intention or is imbalance and bringing it back to balance. Right. So I'm a data person. Love, I love having data, love. I take lots of data. Why are you, why are you a data person? And he was like, what? What did you do before you became this brilliant like energy healer and ego master? Well, okay, so I'll answer that next, but I'm asking the body. I'm asking the body about a hundred different questions with my pendulum. They're all yes no questions, and I'm asking if there are vibrations in your space that don't belong to you. Just vibrations that make it hard to feel like you, where you just have to work harder to be you. And it's pulling you around. I'm looking for old patterns. That you're ready to release. So I'm, I think of the meridian system. The energy is flowing up your legs or down your arms, but it might get this funky pattern to it. that might be from age four when you were afraid of something like, can we clear out some of these patterns today? Do we need to still be reacting to life like we did when we were four? I like that you ask, if it's ready to release, you're asking permission. We only release what is ready to release. Yes. And that's a, it's very important law, right? Like you don't wanna create karma by forcing somebody too soon or listening to spirit and then their energy and all the things. Right? We don't rip off the bandaid. Thank you. We, you, we ask if this is okay and I'm asking a lot to only work for the person's greatest and highest good. You're holding that pregnancy and intention throughout, and what are you ready to release today? So all of those questions, and we of course look at the five elements to see if any of the Chinese medicine, five elements are out of balance. so it's a lot of different pieces and it's so cool how it all comes together in a different way for every person. It's very similar to reiki in that we're accessing the same energy, but I'm asking all these questions that make it a unique session for the client. Yeah. Whereas I think reiki is a little bit more, we're bringing spirit energy and whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen. And this is more fine-tuned. Yeah. That's why I think, like I hang out with a lot of chiropractors that do the applied kinesiology or the bio frequency medicine with the energy of the vials and other, but it's, it's very detailed and right, but that becomes an individualized, like just because somebody's expressing the same symptom of a migraine, let's say. The root cause can look so different for the same person with the same symptom. And so I love how detailed medical Qigong is, or different bio frequency medicine people that I go to because yeah, we're unique expressions of energy. So the same supplement may not do the same thing for me. it's just I do like the. You know,, you're bringing your gifts with data and noticing patterns and using it in right with energy, which is cool, right? Yeah. Yeah. Um, and the third modality that I do is body code and emotion code. And I mean,, I think it's so similar to n e T as well. Yeah, totally. I know it is. It is. What are the trapped emotions that you have in your body that are ready to be released right now? I tend to think that Qigong is really this generalized, comprehensive view of the energy body, and then body code is, let's pinpoint. For your knee pain, exactly what it is that is underlying it, or, maybe you have intense anxiety and using body code, we would be looking at, different trapped emotions that are causing the anxiety. Maybe it's fear, maybe it's unworthiness. Maybe it's, you know, feeling vulnerable. Like it can be a lot of different things that are creating the anxiety. and a lot of times it's subconscious beliefs that we're releasing. So just going back into the I'm not good enough, or I wanna be invisible, and yeah, which of those can we let go of? So that's all energetically done as well. I love it. Yeah, and I mean, I would say I do that with theta healing. N e t addresses beliefs and the trap, the stored emotions. and it's that's why I'm like, ah, we're just, we're using different modalities, but we're doing the same thing. I really think that's true. And I love that you dabble in so many different modalities as well. Oh yeah. I'm like, and I'm dabbling into sound healing cuz it's always been something I've been drawn to and I will say that Anne has recently, I don't know if you know this, but you've just created this ripple effect of permission for me to, look into like Qigong and I, you know, I was, and then you had the Sound Bowl during one of our Qigong things, and I was like, oh my gosh. Like, I've always been drawn to sound, even when as a speech language pathologist, there's like a listening program that's certain, like balancing the middle ear and the with sound and then. Yeah, so I'm just well grateful that like you do the same thing and then it gives me permission to be like, sometimes I used to have a belief that I'm so scatterbrained, or I'm a d d and I start something and I don't stop something and I'm learning that I'm drawn. They were always messages like, the things that. And why wouldn't we hit the body with every vibrational tool we have? Yeah. So in every session when someone comes in, I wanna use as many of my modalities as I can on them because they're all coming in through a different door, and then we really set it into the body with the vibrations. And the vibrations can take what was almost there and just pop you up a frequency. It can really get into all of the tissues and into all of the cells and just kind of upgrade everything. That's what, and then I like, yeah. You, you also use Yeah. You flower essences. Oh, I love that. Yeah, I remember that. You know, put that in the water afterwards, like, let's do all of it. Right. And shift as much as we can. That's my, like, that's why I love it. Your ball's out. I love Balls out. Yes. Falls. It's funny cuz we both played soccer and we're like, balls out. We come from a similar Midwest background. Like we're born the same year, in the same month. Oh yes. In the same month. There's like so many things. And then I was, when I found out you were from like the Rockford area and I'm from Schaumburg and my dad used to work in Rockford. I mean, what are the chances you used to drive an hour to work in Rockford? Oh yeah. Yeah. So yeah, just wild. Yeah. So Jen, I was born in a medical family. Okay. Um, my dad is still practicing as a medical doctor. Okay. And my mom was an rn, she was a registered nurse. Okay. So we did everything medical route and it also shows that I came from a family that really cares about people and their health. Of course. Right? A hundred percent. Nobody that goes. Some of the nurses and doc, oh my gosh. Their hearts are so, They're healers, they're, they wanna heal right people. Right. And when my mom was 61, she graduated with her homeopathy degree. Whoa. Wow. Oh cool. She and my sister went back to school and went and got their homeopathy degrees. So it's kind of this interesting Christmas, Thanksgiving dinner table where you've got like medical mixed with,, more of the energetic medicines. And so it's always just been kind of fun to, to play with all of that within my own family. And yes, we are all such support for each other to learn about all of this. I went to Northwestern University in Evanston and I graduated with a double major in math and economics. Oh my God. So if you wanna talk data and you wanna talk totally like different life, I was in a very. Different lifestyle. and so I went into consulting for a bunch of years. I was, you're person who did all the Excel spreadsheets, I implemented computer systems. I would design them and analyze them and train people on them. And like, you know, I'm a, I'm a jack of all traits, but it's always been in technology and data. And I think of math and you think of like the fi, there's like, there's a code. So you were a coding. And then my husband, who is a coder and he's very, he's like leaning more into the energetics and now, but he makes spreadsheets for everything and um Right. But there's something so brilliant about that. Um, about nature. About nature and then like seeing the patterns and seeing the frequent, like it's quantum, right? The quantum realm. Yeah. Well, and the funny thing is I started off as a psychology major. Hmm. And it was very quickly in my undergrad that I got so frustrated because not only you can't change people. And I thought, I know the answers. What a joke. You know, like it's different for everybody and people are on their own paths and not everybody is ready for whatever that change is. And then in my classes, I never knew what the teachers wanted. It's this gray area of like, you know, there's no right answer. And I thought, okay, math. One is, one is always two. I can do math and so. It, it was really, it was a great major and it took me places and I worked hard, but I also found that my body was breaking down. Mm. And, um,, I was working, you know, 12 plus hour days and traveling and just starting to have all of these joint pains. I had arthritis in my wrists at age 19. I started having jaw pains, neck pains, lower back pains. Wow. I'd go to PTs and chiropractors and, had the muscle relaxers at home and was doing all the things and I just couldn't jump out of it. Okay. So that was probably, oh gosh, 20 years. It was for a long time. And when I turned 39, I found out that I had Lyme disease. Hmm. And at the time it was from a person who was muscle testing me. And then since then I've taken, done some urine tests and have confirmed Lyme. Um, but we've really traced that back to age eight. And all of these different things that have happened in my life and with my body have been associated with that tick bite. A tick bite on my head. Um, and, yeah, no, and I, I mean, we share a similar story. It's so funny. I think I got diagnosed, in 2017, so I would've been, yeah, it'd already have been like 30, 38 or 39. That's wild. That like around Okay. And, and I thought, and I had. Not many symptoms of it, but it was like that little bit. So I thought when I did the urine test, that it would come back negative and I'm like, whoa, okay. There it is. Yeah. But then it was like hindsight being 2020 about why I reacted so negatively to certain medica. Everything I put in my body was like a reaction, whether it was an antibiotic or whatever western that I was. Taking would make, everybody's okay, well I'm gonna get the worst reaction, kind of thing that was happening for, I was that way too. When I was five. They put me on a medication and my hair started falling out. My siblings were on the same medication. Their hair did not fall out. Right. You're like, why is, is, why is this? Yeah. Right. And you, and then recently I've been delving into, yeah, our trauma, like just not having. People can get a tick bite and their immune system can handle it. But then there's some people that you know, can't, like we're just saying how Lyme, just how it presents itself in terms of, not that they can handle it or that they get on, you know, something, they're able to detox it out or whatnot. It's all about finding homeostasis. These. Viruses or bacteria can live within our body and not take over our bodies. Yes. And for some reason it was taking over our bodies. Right. And so we're not really fighting it, we're just helping our bodies to become stronger. To be the one in charge. Yes. The seniority thing, and that was when I started to heal, was when I was doing the emotional work. About, um, seniority, whether that's foreign energy that looks metaphysical, whether that's foreign energy, that's a fungus, a bacteria, whatever. It's all vibrational frequency. That's why I think sound healing makes sense because it's like, it cycles per second and it's like, it's all mm-hmm. How do we measure energy, energy, emotions, or energy and motion? Like, it's just kind of this whole flow thing and do you, I mean, we'll always prob, we'll always pee on that, that test and it'll show that we have. Lyme. That's what I understand it as. I don't know if you're told differently. I just don't have any symptoms. It's like my body's in homeostasis with yay the lime or whatever, the Bartonella or whatever, right? But when it, when I do notice that things are out of balance, it's just like my body's just giving me information. It's out of balance, right? Take this supplement, go see Ann. Go get a session at, you know, there's something out of balance that needs to go back to homeostasis. So, Right. Listen to our bodies and I also wanna make sure that your listeners understand that there are so many layers to all of this. Mm-hmm. We don't just find out a diagnosis and then poof or suddenly healed this years and years and years. And it takes a lot of different. Modalities. And so I just started dabbling in all these different modalities, trying to figure out how to heal myself and heal my kids. I have three children and they each had their issues and, some of them were fairly major things. Some major A D H D that was, really impacting all relationships. There was some bedwetting, there was one of my children. As a baby would not look at you, would not make any eye contact. Yeah. And, just really was not present at all. One of my kids' heads like just crazy outbursts and would punch and kick the walls and make holes in the walls and so all of this aggression. And I'd say, okay, what are we gonna do? Because we don't wanna hang on to all of these things until adulthood. What can we do now? And now we're at about 15 years of my family just going. And trying all these modalities and watching these amazing miracles. It's amazing. That's amazing. Amazing. Yeah. Now I have people come up to me all the time and tell me how great my kids are and how, how does so-and-so have so much confidence and. Why is this one so calm and peaceful all the time and it's like, while these aren't accidents, it we, no, you were very intentional. Yeah. I do find that. It's funny cuz even on our healing journey, we're going through p our whole family's going through Pet Pal expansions me later in life, like realizing that some of my, sleep apnea, I didn't know that. Not, you know, not getting into REM sleep kind of affects everything. Yes. It's how your body detoxes. Emotions and toxins and all the things. So you know, now my kids are going, now I know better, do better. But same thing with you dabbling with all these modalities and one, vision therapy worked great for my oldest, but then we, I thought, great, I'm gonna try it with my middle chi, or and didn't do anything. So it's so interesting how we're dabbling, but we're also following our. Intuition. You using your mama intuition when you're like finding these people and these modalities? Absolutely. Um, yeah. So I do want the, go ahead. I found the secret sauce. What's the secret sauce? Ann, please? I finally found it's that secret ingredient. This is gonna sound so cliche. No. What is, what is it cliche, but you know, you think about grandma and why does her food always taste so good? Oh, it's the same way with energy medicine. It's love. Thank you. And it's love. Love is that unique vibration of every human. And it's where you. You are connected to the physical and the 3D world and nature, and this whole vibration of, of nature is perfection, and that is in our bodies, and then we're connected up to spirit. And spirit is your divine light. And your divine light is everywhere within you. It's what makes you know it. It's your energetic self. And when you merge a physical self and your energetic. Self, it merges at the heart and it's this unique vibration of you and everybody has their own essence. And that is your chi and that is your life force, and that is love. And when you go into these sessions, I find that the healers who have just this beautiful, powerful love. It, it welcomes more spiritual guidance and more support in that session, and amazing things change. And when the person laying on the table is open to receiving love mm-hmm. It, it changes everything too. It's just like this magical explosion of energy and of miracles. Yes. Miracles. Yes. I love that. Yeah. I love that you just simplified, I think. I'll interview so many different people, but we all have a similar message and it is about that heart. And then I was even in taking a sound healing course, it's an online course in traditional, different spiritual, the soul is housed in your heart. That's when many traditions will believe. Is that like Yes. Like your heart space. And then our heart. I'm learning through a modality called contact reflex analysis. It's all about balancing out that heart energy. So the whole tenant is muscle testing and asking the body questions, but it's all about homeostasis and that the heart is the queen bee. It actually starts beating at 17 to 22 days of gestation and it's before the brain. So sometimes we think that the brain is the powerhouse. It's really the heart that, right, that every other organ and system in our body will sacrifice itself to keep that heart beating and not tired. And. And I'm learning all this cool stuff about the heart. And then that's why I love hanging out with horses because they have a hu Like their heart space is like eight to 10 times bigger than a humans. And so, you know, I'll go out on a day at the ranch and just be hanging out with the horse and I'm like, wow, I feel so grounded and calm and peaceful and mean. You can feel that vibration from 10 feet away. Mm-hmm. Totally. It's pretty amazing. Totally. Yeah. So when did you start to heal from your Lyme? I feel like 30. It was a newer diagnosis or was it more like a hindsight like, oh, this is why things were challenging back at? Um, both, but I think most of my healing happened from age 39 to 43. Year 44. It's interesting. We have a similar, like I moved to Colorado and that's when my healing journey really accelerated, which was only like seven years ago. So right. Right. And what I did for my lime was a lot of different pieces. I received core synchronism, so a lot of the physical support. Um, I also took a lot of supplements and, many of these supplements are, are tinctures from Germany. Mm-hmm. Um, that, you know, would be sent over here. Germany has a lot of lime and so they, I know. They have a lot of different, they have, that's why like Dr. Klinghardt, I go to a Dr. Klinghardt, oh, he's a German trained, you know, the art muscle testing. He's like the pioneer for the lime and yeah, so, so that's what I did. There's a woman in Denver who does the a r T method of K clinging heart. Um, and, and so she was the one who guided me through it and took tons of supplements, supporting the kidneys, supporting the liver. What is her name? I don't know if it's the same person we went to, Anya Ska. Oh, different person. Okay. And then my, my lady was also cha trained art muscle testing through Dr. Klinghardt and Oh, and she is the mother of Dr. Nailer, who is the line. Oh, well that, so I went, so that's where I went at Sound Clinic and I saw Sherry Fox. So, Similar. Okay. Similar. Funny. Yeah. Yeah. And we did end up at Sound Clinic because Anya is not a medical doctor, and so she was able to give me all of these tinctures. But at some point if muscle testing sent her towards, need a prescription Yeah. Or an antibiotic. Something that needed a prescription, she would send me into the Sound Clinic. Oh yeah. And so it was really nice to have. Both of those to lean on. Mm-hmm. Um, and then we did a lot of Chiang and, um, I don't know, I don't know what else. Imt integrated manual therapy. A lot of different, yeah. And I mean, the supplements were a big part of our, journey. However, I do remember Sherry Fox looking at us and, you know, in the Lyme community. Some people are very ill and don't get better, even with the supplements and they're doing all the right things, and they have the gluten-free diet and like they're, they're eliminating all the infl inflammatory things. But she would look at me, she's like, Jen, what are you and your family doing if you guys are healing like fast? And I was like, that's a great medical professional to ask that question. I know. And I go, I go, well, good for her. I go, Siri, well, you know, We are very empathic, like we're feelers. We feel other people's emotions, like whatever I, you know, I'm in this intuitive training class. I do something called non-emotional technique. I go to acupuncture, and so she's like, oh, you're dealing with your emotions. And they're like, yes. I think a lot of her patients that maybe aren't getting the results, same practitioner doing the muscle testing. Finding what the body's saying as first priority to deal with, whether that's parasites or whatever. It was just a different, um, she was noticing that we were healing faster and that's, that's brilliant. So I will say we are multidimensional, so it all matters. It's all frequency. Our, and that's why our muscle testing, I could, I have a set of twins that would be going through muscle testing and they would, even though they have a similar diagnosis and symptoms, their bodies would. Say, no, let's, uh, deal with the parasite first, or let's deal with the fungus. Right? And so our bodies are always saying, this is gonna bring me back to homeostasis. And so very cool. Yeah. Yeah. You know, um, it, I was working with body code around that time. And releasing a lot of trapped emotions. Mm-hmm. And what I noticed, we had talked earlier about how my son was whistling when he came home from school after a Qigong session with Body Code. I found that my kids would start singing. We didn't have music in our house, and suddenly we've got whistling and we have singing and all of this. The vibrations of music entered our home after. Wow. After we were receiving all of this energy work. It was amazing. That's beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. And your kids are, obviously we are an unfolding process in this journey of life. But you got, your kids are thriving and your family Yeah. Is thriving and you guys are just doing your thing. Um, your, I look at them as being on a different trajectory than they used to be on. So, and that's why I love working with kids, because just a couple sessions can switch their entire trajectory of their lives. Oh yes. Their kids are like, they, they're the way that they integrate the energy. So quickly. It's so fast, so fun to observe and witness, right? And so I've had kids come in who are cutting, who are suicidal, some who have major anxiety and can't even go to school. And after just a couple of sessions, They're happier, they're engaging with their families. Again, they're talking, they're going to school. They're, and all of this stuff is a thing of the past. Wow. And you, and like you did with my daughter, you can do this. They can be anywhere in the world and you, they can come to your website and just schedule a session with you. Is that how this works? I mean, isn't that amazing? So I do, isn't that so cool? Yes. Like energy is amazing. I do have an office in Lafayette and I love seeing people in person because there's just that thing about seeing someone in person and you can feel each other's hearts. Right? You can feel each other's vibrations. Yeah. And when they land the table and they close their eyes, they have an experience and they're very aware of it. I mean, I have people who are twitching on the table, whose stomachs are gurgling. They suddenly take a deep breath and don't expect to. I've had that. I've had that happen. Really? I was on the table and I was in the state and all of a sudden my like left leg did this like weird jerk mo moment. I was like, whoa. What was that? Yes. Their hands go tingly. Sometimes they start crying. There's so many things. Some people don't feel anything and they're just laying there and they fall asleep and that's okay too. but there's an experience that happens. And when we're remote, the same energy is being moved. And I feel that it is equally powerful when I'm working on them remotely, because even in person, I'm not touching you physically. So I, I cannot touch you from a mile away or two feet away. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Yeah. but, I think people are less aware of what they're feeling if they're not in person. I agree. It's like a hundred percent intentional. Their body is there on the table. You're I'm laying there. I know. And I'm also able to like, give myself permission to like really let go of all the other distractions. Sure there's internal distractions because of whatever I'm moving within me, but I'm, I've showed up to your table. And I'm like, this is me and you've given that time. Mm-hmm. Whereas I can work on you while you're at work. I know. and I can totally work on you and it will be equally effective. You, you recently worked on me when I got a, a raging fever just after getting my titanium screws out of, I got my whole pala expansion device out. And I was like, I, I'm sick. I need help, but I can't get to your office cause I didn't obviously wanna get you sick. It was, it was definitely a, uh, detox. A detox. Right. Eptember. It was like something, yeah. Yeah. But I will say I still felt the shift, like big time and then everything that you mentioned that you moved when we got on that phone, I was like, oh yeah. Oh. But I, it is different. I truly love coming to you in person as well. I feel like it, it's helpful if somebody comes in person for their first session. Absolutely. And then they know what they're looking for, what they're expecting. But, but I certainly work with people who I've never met and, I, I worked with a four year old girl, five sessions and I've never met her and huge changes. She went from, needing to use the bathroom every 10 minutes. Her nervous system was so, Chaotic that she had to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes all day long. And well, the ladder is like what? The holder of a lot of unresolved emotions and that a lot of fear in there and, yeah. Yeah, yeah. And so after one session that was down to, 30 or 45 minutes in between, and then after two sessions, it was like a normal kid, hour and a half. Wow. Yeah. And but we did five sessions and just like helped clear the deeper things that were causing that, like we don't want that to just come back again. So that was really, you know what's so cool Anne, is that you don't even know who's gonna hear this podcast. We don't know. Right? Like, I am not doing that for that. It's just really a ripple effect, like sharing my story, the people that have changed my kids' lives or trajectory or my own, and, I love that I was on an, Amy's podcast and I have a couple clients that just listen to it and like talk about vibrational frequency. They're like, well, I heard you on so-and-so's podcast and that's why I booked the session. So where can people find you, Anne? What is, you have a new website you like? Yes. So I recently named my company and it took a very long time to come up with this name, but I'm so excited. I am live Your Light. So online I'm live your and. What I'm really trying to do here is help you to align with your own inner light. We're not trying to change you, we're not trying to make you like anybody else. Just finding who you are and aligning with you that's all we're doing here. I know. It's so simple. Yeah. So like, wow. Profound. I love it. Yeah, so now I have scheduling online, which is great. Know it's beautiful. That's how, that's what I loved. I was like, wow, this is so easy. I just scheduled an appointment and you, yeah. Yeah, and in a way it goes. And then I do classes and mainly that's. To,, recognize that we have the power to, do our own work and to move our own energy. Yeah. So I am more than happy to have you come in for a session and I move the energy for you. That is great. And I'll give you little tools that you can maintain it at home and, little tips and things like that. But also if you come to any of my classes, it is super low cost as a way of keeping your energy balanced. I teach Qigong meditations every Tuesday and Wednesday. I do Qigong movement forms Tuesdays and Fridays. And then on Tuesdays I also have a group healing. And so just a whole bunch of people lay down on a yoga mat, close their eyes, and I am talking the whole time doing a group healing on everybody. I love that. I wanna get to one of the, those is that listed on your, live your website. The it is glasses in where you are. Cool. It's, yeah. Awesome. Well, I, yeah, thank you, Anne for being, I just, I feel like I could talk to you for hours about this stuff. So it's fun. It's fun, it's fun. That's, that's the thing. Energy work. So I came from this like super, narrow view of like one plus one is two, and it's all data. And, and you gotta work hard, hard, hard. And if you're not working hard, you're not doing it right. And now I feel like I've finally entered this point in my life where it's all creative. Like that's what. Energy work is, it's being quiet enough to hear the things that you weren't even thinking, and then to follow it and see where it leads and it's so neat. That's awesome. Yeah. So fun. Well, I, well, well thank you for being on and I am excited. I'll definitely have to have a part two cuz you and me are such dabblers. We'll have to come back and be like, okay, so what modalities have you like, cuz I know you're dabbling into human design now and I love it. And I'm, it's great. It's all, yeah. Well, thank you for having me on. It's been a pleasure. Awesome. Thank you. All right.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.