The Ripple Effect

Jen and Grace Hughes: Authentic Connections

Mindful Little Talkers LLC Season 1 Episode 9

This episode with guest Grace Hughes is packed with nuggets of wisdom and awarenesses.  I met Grace will moderating a very large support group helping people use a toxic removal product.  Grace currently lives in northern Montana and is living the dream with her family.  She is a wealth of knowledge and has found modalities and products to heal herself and family.  Grace has a gift of guiding people through challenges with Grace and ease.  Our friendship and connection is unfolding and she is a connection of authenticity that keeps striving to be the best version of myself.  

You can find Grace in one place:

Everything you see on her websites/social media platforms are tried and true on her unfolding journey.

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Okay. I am so excited for my next episode guest. Her name is Grace Hughes. And the whole point of this podcast is to share people that have been instrumental and created a ripple effect in my life and my children. And Grace is one of those people. She, I meet her later in my journey, but so instrumental and we're just having so many awarenesses together. I'll go back and say that we met and I'll share my perspective of how we met and then you share yours and we'll kind of just go, grace, like, welcome though, and thank you so much. Jen, tell us where you live. I have a little bit of Really healthy envy of where you live. But I am living the dream in northwest Montana. Mm-hmm. And, we live rurally, about, an hour or so from any, town, city shopping anything in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. And it's yes. So she lives in the forest, y'all? I do. I nest live the forest nestled in the mountains, rocky mountains, right out my window. I'm so blessed. Yes. And it was very intentional to get here. I'm not from here, but, eight years in, we're loving it. Still loving it. Yeah. That's amazing. And I will say We met through a product that we had found. and I'll have to hear your story, how you found it, but I had, I don't know, probably scrolling. I found some sort of group and I joined it. And then I ordered it. And the product is called, t r s, which, Toxic Removal System. Thank you. Oh my God. That's it. I was like, wait. So anyways, grace is very versed. I remember being attracted to your posts specifically in this group cuz you moderated the group for a long time, right? For a while. Yeah. But the backstory is that this little blue bottle, was the thing, the very supplement that set, myself and my children like to really put our status with lime and co-infections into remission. So I will forever be, So grateful for. And then we met through just, I would see her post and you had all these,, you would guide people through their detox and if they had questions and you always had your, I was saying, what is your label? You were so many things, grace, but at the time that we met, you were really guiding people from such a space of love. Her posts, she would write were so beautifully written, very thorough, but loving the energy of love always coming in and possibilities and expansiveness. Like you always, that was your energy of your post. And I was like, I really wanna know this woman. So I was crying and I'm so glad that we connected because that it, it's the same way. Like I, when I remember seeing your posts in the group and your comments, cuz you also moderated for a while too. Yeah. For a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. And, it's a, huge group and, like hundreds of thousands and that, that was a, the thing like there was so, such a connectivity in the group and yet at the same time Oh yeah. We weren't necessarily personally connecting, but yes, I know what you mean about connecting with, through the energy and the intention of the post. And I remember seeing yours and seeing how much you were doing for your family, and I mean, just the full commitment. And I was just like, I wanna be like her. I feel like that vibrational frequency, like I could tell you were in, in, I can tell you were a badass like you went after for after it, and you're not like you're a no BS person. and I like loved that about you. But it was also, I think a little like my own insecurities, that I've worked, working through like friend wounds and female friend wounds and I was like, mm-hmm uh, am I good enough to be a friend And all, I had all worthiness things that was cute that I was, cuz I was crushing on you. I think in the, as girl crushes. Yeah, I know what you mean. I know I'm a fangirl too. Like I do a lot of fangirling inside. but that's the same thing. It's just funny because it's so mutual. Yes. You know, like you also are so well versed and into so many modalities and even, like you have your own, previous professional track record. Yes. That was not necessarily informed in this direction, but through your journey you became educated. You became informed and did the same thing that you solved me doing. If that's the whole beautiful thing's all done with me. Yeah. So tell us. Yes, exactly. Tell us though, cuz I know that, so I found t r s my intention, and it's so interesting on my journey in terms of my pivot with my career, was that it was about, Well, first me being the mama, bear healing my children, and then I put my oxygen mask on, which, maybe I should have done that sooner, but whatever, it's just all unfolding. for you, like, how did you find t r s because you, grace has, so many tools in her toolbox. I feel like you have this gift of finding the, cutting edge stuff that actually works and gets to the root. so tell us a little bit about how does that unfold for you and like how did you find t r s, how did you find that group? Well, I think a lot of it has to do with my, nature. I'm a information person, very fifth chakra, all about the truth and information. And so that also includes expression, which that gets wrapped into, how things are conveyed. But I found it through prayer, honestly. I was at a very difficult place in, trying to acknowledge what was going on with my family, my second son, regressed, with no, Immediate cause we couldn't figure it out for a long time. How he regressed into this auu, autism spectrum behaviors? Just before age two, I would say. he regressed and it wasn't after any vaccinations or anything like that because he had none. He was, born at home all natural. No, never vaccinated, n never antibiotics. None of the, no, none of the stuff that None of the student. None of the, yeah. Yeah. And so I had to figure out what was going on because most people just told me, oh, he's a boy. He's just not talking yet. Da da da da. And he's, you know, know, these types of things led me to start doing my research because I just was not buying it. And you know that mother Yeah, that mother. Yeah. That mama bear intuition. It is right. Solid. Yeah. So certain things, came up on my radar. Tongue ties. led me to M T H F R mutations. That's actually the ticket of where I discovered t r s, because I kept seeing it in different chat threads and I'm like, what is this? And, uh, one of the things that I do in life is always look for signs. And I don't mean that in a cheesy way. I mean very intentionally. Um, have you ever read the Cel Esteem Prophecy? Mm-hmm. Okay. If, if Grace recommends a book, y'all, it's a good one. It's a classic, and I can say I read it, way back in my early twenties and then I read it again in, in my late twenties and it hit a totally different way. So it may. Be very different for you reading it now in the stage of your journey. But one of the things he talks about is about, recognizing guidance and how sometimes that certain things are just more in focus or they seem highlighted. And, that is the guidance, and the more you pay attention to what seems more attractive, not in an internal mental, this makes sense or da da da, but this is more intuitive in a present way. Like sometimes when you're trying to decide, say you're going down a path in the woods, do I take the right path or the left path one will kind of draw you more or seem more in detail or lit up. And I would, that's in the story. And I've been practicing that my whole life and I can say that by doing that, It has gotten me exactly where I am today, which I'm really grateful for. So I can't say enough about learning to. look openly and be present in the moment so that you can feel the guidance. And, that's what happened with t r s. So every time I saw t r s mentioned, it was almost like ding, ding, ding. And okay, so that's, I too joined the group and I joined a couple different groups. And, at that point, The TRS group that you and I were both in was quite small. Mm-hmm. and, so I joined as a mom, just as a member, just like everybody else. And the more, I more post I read, the more I'm like, okay, this is what we're doing. This is, this is it. It doesn't even matter if it's, the answer, but it's definitely the next step for us. It's part of, it's part of the answer. Yeah. Right. And what it did is it just unlocked a whole new world of possibilities for my family. and answered a whole lot of questions that I never had answers to because, recently, my mother had been diagnosed with colon cancer and, that was a real puzzlement because she had a similar lifestyle to me, eating organic and not doing, western medicine routines with antibiotics and things like that that. Can compromise your system over time. Right, right, right. So it was a big puzzle. and, but anyway, and she has since passed away. She passed away during this. But that was one of the things that was, a very, poignant part is if I had known then what I know now, things could be so different. I feel the same way about my father who passed. And I didn't know he had tongue tie, sleep apnea, similar jaw shape., so I get you when it's like I've had to still revisit the layers of regret and like, ugh, ugh. You know about the timing, the, ugh, I don't even know if I have a word for it. Yeah. Hindsight is 2020, and I've been, I've been in a very life reviewy phase right now. So just trying to get neutral to the things that they are and the way that they unfolded. But, did you notice, I have to ask you, did you notice a big, once you started using, t r s, did you have a big wow moment? Because with my kids I did and I was like, whoa, what's going on here? Oh, yes. Oh yes. For us, it, it was, immediate because I ordered it first and I used myself as the tester, because of course I, yes, that's one of the ways I hold integrity is I never suggest to anyone anything I haven't done myself. I hold that same, I am the same way. Yep. Same. Exactly. And that way you never have to be insecure about am I pushing beyond my limits? Am I, leading this person down the wrong path or whatever? You don't, because you know what you're talking about because it's your experience. Right. And you know what we probably should outline a little bit about what t r s actually is and what it does. Okay. So, and you're so gifted at talking about it, so I'm so excited. Talker. Well, yeah, it, what it is a nano zite that's lab grown, so it's ultrapure. So yeah, there's lots of zeolite products out there, but to me, this is the top of the echelon. it's like, You know, yes, you can get the job done with these other products, but this is the product because it is got the least amount of processing, which for all the people that like to have natural products, and that's a big, that's a big trigger for some people when we, when we're moderating and I get it. I get it. it is, yeah, I get it too, because I choose natural all the time. However, this made sense to me in the way that it's an, it's, it is natural. It's just in a controlled environment. So once you understand that Xite attracts all the toxins that it comes in contact, with, and binds it to the molecule. Correct. Then you realize that this came from the earth and it's full of all the toxins that's, that was in the environment in the earth. And so then that has to be broken down, stripped chemically, micronized, and all of that does wear and tear on the molecular bonds of the zeolite. So for all the people that are concerned about what it does and what happens in the body, zeoli by itself is biologically inert, so it doesn't have a direct interaction with the body. Things that happen when you take it are healing responses is very different. So once you change and reframe that in your mind mm-hmm. From, I'm sick, this is detox, you know? Yeah. To, oh, this is my body responding to healing now that the toxins are not there. Mm-hmm. It becomes very empowering. Oh, totally. So, Yeah. So this product, yes, it has some stigma around it because it's lab created, but it's no different than buying, hothouse fruit, you know, or tomatoes, your tomato looks perfect because no birds pecked on it and no bugs bit it and all of that. It's been nurtured and nice, right. There is perfection,, or a diamond that is, created. It has no flaws in it. It's still molecularly a diamond. It's just doesn't have the romanticism of coming from the dirt. Yeah, yeah. So at this point, none of us are trying to be romantic. We just wanna, well, you know, and I feel like anybody that was in that group,, I had been doing all the, I was going to a doctor for art muscle testing and we were doing the, using the vials, using the herbs and the supplements and also doing the emotional work. And I will say that played a big part in our healing component. That's why I'll. I have previous podcasts about neuro emotional technique or if it's EF f t or Yeah, whatever it is. we're multi-dimensional beings. We need to do all the layers of the work, um mm-hmm. To heal. Mm-hmm. But I will say that I don't know if you have a similar story. I will say that one of my, like my twins are the ones that just had the most toxins and, I will say they did have scheduled vaccine injuries, so I didn't know this, hindsight being 2020 obviously, but we were still just, and on top of that, they inherited all my gut biome and faulty, right. And the, and the M T H F R, the G and they have also, we don't come in with a clean slate. So they had some emotional stuff going on with beliefs on the lineage, all the things. So,, what I noticed is just within one week of t r s and taking it, maybe one spray, cuz I was like muscle testing what they needed and what they could handle and what was the op, the their optimal. And they, I noticed they're, Their sentence structure went from like one in two words to three and four words with Grace and Eon as a speech language pathologist background. I was like, whoa, whoa. I, and, and you know, I often will have to have like a big, big sign mm-hmm. For a big mm-hmm. And I'm like, oh, I'm in a hundred percent now and I'm gonna ride, I'm gonna ride the waves of, and it wasn't always like the healing response was challenging at times For sure. So anyway, and that was our experience too. So like I tried it on myself and I had no real major. Thing anyway, like I had a little nasal drip. Okay, no big deal. I'm like, okay, lymphatic cleansing, right? Sure. Okay, that makes sense to me. and but my main thing was I was not gonna turn inside out and, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah. Before I give it to my toddler. Right. So, that, that was the main thing. So after I've been on it for a month, I started, I did the same thing. I started slow and low one spray with my guy, because at that time he was oral defensive, so forget about spraying it in his mouth, I sprayed it on his spruce so that he could eat it that way. And, one of the things that he had was eczema, be big red patches on the inside of his elbows and behind his knees, sometimes around the face. In 48 hours, 75% of that eczema was gone. That was like, whoa. Hold the phone. Yeah. Um, we're, we're like, something, something is going on here that is, yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Right. And so like at that point I had only just done things like magnesium baths and, that kind of real subtle, trying to figure out how am I going to move forward with this? and yeah, so in two, I think it was in two weeks, my son went from zero words, just verbal stimming like that to. Saying the alphabet, a, B, c, like straight on, I have but like full body chills, just hearing that. Like, wow. Yeah. And and it, what was really exciting was watching his face say them to me. And it was like we, we both had the same expression really. And what this led us to realize is he could already read at two, he's hypoxic. Yes. So, um, uh, yeah, that was also a stunner because for all parents who struggle with trying to get their kids to read or all the parenting hacks of like, Hey, will you pass the C O O K I E S? Yeah. Out the window. Never worked. So, yeah. that was, That, but we totally were open to it, totally excited. You get all the books, all the apps, all the stuff,, and we're still there. We're still, on that different track of interests and learning. He's seven years old now, and, yeah, he's like on his fourth alphabet,, we do Greek letters and Russian alphabet and oh my gosh, now we're doing Japanese and Chinese. I'm like, oh, you know, and I you're basically teaching a gifted learner and you yourself Exactly. You yourself were, I don't you were labeled that, right? Yes. Back when that was like, Yeah, they didn't know as much. Right. When it was, when it was labeled differently. Yes. And even though I'm neurotypical, yes. It, it just, yeah. I did, I went to the gifted and talented classes and things like that and was taking French class in kindergarten. It was just a very different Yeah, learning scale for me because that was what I was interested in. I taught myself to write before I went to school, things like that. set me up on a different path, individually. Right. But, but yeah, so we also had those big challenges too, even with the gains of,, our speech blossoming and things like that. I think, it was also frustrating to follow that path because he started to learn to speak through scripting. So, it was still not really interactional, but everything was from something else. For those people listening that don't understand that. Right, right. So, um, you know, you would hear the same line from a video or something he read again and again and again, and it wasn't, you couldn't ask and get a response. It was just talking and you know what? That was okay. You know, that was awesome. The day that I first heard no, in response to a request, I was overjoyed. Okay. Like, most people think, oh my gosh, my toddler and no, and I was choice. Yes. Cause that he understood what I said. It was an answer. I mean, I didn't hear Yes. For months. Months, yeah. But I heard, no, and that was, the beginning to, and how far in were you with your Ts journey when you. You know the alphabet and you heard the No, the first, no. Was it like twice? Okay. The alphabet started about two weeks in. Yeah. And that was, and then it just,, the gates open and that's when words started coming and sentences, like even complex thing, he would say things he had no idea about. You could hand them like a law book and he'd be, tell you about lots of things. He had no idea, but he could read it and accurately. and so yeah, I would say, I know he was about two months in that he heard me sneeze and he said, bless you. Ah, so beautiful. That was like, you know, yes. Yes. So, and in a way that is scripting too. Like he knows, like when you hear this, this is what you say in response. So that's, like I could recognize because I was doing all kinds of research on the side, oh my gosh, this is what this is and this is what's going on. And, trying to, be present and without expectation or judgment and not too much pushing, just allow for the blooming. Cause we too had big, healing responses. He had never head bang before. But we had a period of that when we were building up to a big, yeast die off. Oh my gosh. I've never seen so much poop in my life. Wow. Wow. You know? Cause he was still in diapers at that time and it was just, you know, oh my gosh. Those smelly, those smelly t rs poops when they were like releasing so many things. I was like, oh my god, this smells like metal. Like, you could smell the poops and any mother like. I don't know. Maybe, I think most moms do it. I like your poop has so many answers in it. It, well, yeah, our whole lives there's so much answer in poop. and most people are afraid to look there. It's so telling, isn't it? So, I mean, you meanwhile, yeah. Meanwhile, I know meanwhile, me and my crew like you or like different friends will like be like, oh my God, we just we're like, like sending poop pictures and I just passed this and I feel like a million dollars. Which by the way, everybody listening, everybody has parasites. Everybody does. Everybody does. And just like, there's a book, like everybody eats, so everybody poops. So, it's like we, we are not, it's so funny that the US has some sort of a weird thing that it's like parasites come from most people, the mainstream. There's a lot of people waking up to the fact that. Agreed. And you hit it. And this is like a whole different tangent. I know. Because we just are waking up those people that are so committed to their purity and their antibacterial and viral ideas. Because of course I'm not big. I'm all about terrain theory. Yes. Terrain theory, where it's at. Yeah. And bio whole different. I know. We could, like I said, grace and I could talk about a bazillion things and we could have a podcast episode every single week we could. And then have a hard time like, think, just like narrowing it down to put it back to Let's, all right, let's go back. I, that was my fault. I went on a tangent. But you were No, no, no. It's good. It's really good. it's real, it's part of the big, like seismic shift in society right now. Wow. About, the fear of being sick because it's such bullshit. I know. It, it is such a mind control thing and holds so many people back, whether it's an injury, whether it's. Illness or being contagious, or I don't wanna do this to somebody else, or please help me. there's so much drama around this, right? and what it needs to be is knowledge and needs to be confidence and empowering to your body because this is what your body's actually doing is keeping you alive, keeping your spirit contained, and you are in control of it. It's not, you're a victim to your world. And I think that was one of the beautiful things about t r s is we no longer were victimized by the symptoms of toxins, right? Yes. Because I, and back to, you just brought it back like I wanted to say, like the symptoms of toxins. My son had a bout of, and this is even before I found t r s, that my. Lady, who does muscle testing, she's cling heart train, and she, my son was banging his head, the front, like he'd get frustrated and just bang his head on the floor and mm-hmm. With my traditional speech language mythology training, oh no, he's autistic. But if, listen, if I would've stopped at that label, we wouldn't have these leaps and bounds healings that was really just right. The biomedical, the toxins that are in and around us and everywhere we are not am immune. And that's why the terrain theory is just be a terrible, no good host for these things that are all around us. Whether that's toxic people, whether it's toxic, food, it all counts. It all counts. It's all energy, it's all vibrational frequency and it all adds up. but again, the journey. And that's why like the moderating, you moderating and helping people because how scary would it be if your kid wasn't headbanging before t r s Now they're having a release of the toxins and in that release of the candida or the yeast or the fungus or the parasite. Yes. Like they're head banging. So that was what you beautifully did is that listen, this is normal and I've seen it. And also there's a lot of weight to when you've been through it. Right? Yes, ma'am. Yes. That is the thing. How many times have you been confronted for being a shill for a product? And in reality it's, no. This I am you. Mm-hmm. I've been through this and now I'm sharing it and holding your hand as you go through the leg of the woods that I just came out of. Yeah. That's what it's so much deeper and of a service place. It's so much more it's never been about the money. It's never been about, the volume. Like whatever. I don't even care who you buy it from. I'm, I was there to help you. Yes. You, families, have hope. Exactly. Anchor into possibility, because this can change too, because this is another issue is diagnoses. People hold on to labels and then they're confined. Yes. It creates a confinement that you're n then your lens doesn't even look. Right at the other things, it's just like a belief. If you have a belief about something, guess what? You're gonna be looking for situations and scenarios to validate that belief, so, right. Well, subconsciously even. Even if you're consciously right, trying not to, your subconscious already has it registered. Mm-hmm. This is my limit, this is the way it is, and that is up to you. and that is really scary for a lot of people because most people still need somebody else to tell them what is normal, what is good. External validates what is safe. Yeah, yeah. and that is the inner child, That is the inner child being insecure and needing parenting. Mm-hmm. Uh, segue into Yes. Post college, which is perfect. Exactly. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. The validation of having somebody in a white coat who is trained, who supposedly knows more than you to tell you what's going on, and then all of a sudden, okay, now I can work with this is not necessary. That's scary for a lot of people because they're like,, I don't know. I don't know. This is not my field. Well make it your field. What's stopping you? Nothing. The information is out there with the internet now as well. Whether you're talking about just reading articles or finding a picture. Even podcasting now that we have all these people like, me just being like, you know what? I've got a story. I've got a lot of people that know a lot of stuff. I'm starting a podcast. Like this is how the ripple happens. Yes. And this is how consciousness, how the ripple happens. And I will say that it's a lot of moms that get gaslit by these authority figures, whether it's in the medical community or even in the government. Like when your mama intuition is, this doesn't resonate as truth. And yeah, you are gaslighting me questioning that. Oh, and that's what ha that was our journey is how we woke up, was, questioning after our kids are having a horrible. Inflammatory. Like we're lucky they didn't die in their sleep type reaction to some scheduled things. So we, there was no way we could both even, you know, my husband, I was a little more open at the time and my husband wasn't, but he even was like O m G, and then we ordered the studies and we started doing a deep dive rabbit hole into vaccines and what they do and what they are and how there's no actual plus there's no control. Like, it's like the study structure was what got my very engineering minded, super smart, intelligent husband going, holy cow. Holy cow. Yeah. There's no safety tests? No, none of them. For none of them? No. Not just the covid. No, none of them. Really scary. That was mind blowing for us. And then we feel like, well, you know, and we've gotten ridiculed, humiliated, labeled, conspiracy theorists, whatever. But you know what? We're still sharing the information because we care. We want like people to know and make an informed decision. Great. If it's not your truth, it's not your truth. Whatever. You know what? Karma doesn't stop for somebody's feelings and you know their opinions. Yeah, that's true. That's true. It just doesn't. That's true. and I mean that in the kindest way I know you do. Karma is cause and effect simple. Right? if you really wanna bust it down and it's not religious thing, it's just cause and effect patterns. Patterns that repeat until you change them and then you basically create a new pattern. So, we're here on earth to work with this because of the duality, the dual nature of contrast in the earth, realm of life, death, light, dark, all of it. Earth welcome. Okay. I have to let people know that you're so wise because of so many reasons why you're so wise. You're, your parents and your, the trials and the challenges you've been through, but. like you were a yoki for, I don't know, before you were a mother and before you met your husband, you were on this big journey. Spiritual and embodiment, like the body, spirit, all the things. So yeah, all the things. So Grace is so wise. This is why I met her. I'm like, can we just like hang out like all the time? Which we're trying, which I'm trying to manifest that. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I'm really fortunate to, have had many lifetimes in my short lifetime. Yes. And that has to do with, being bold in my choices. Mm-hmm. Basically, once I realized that I was capable of steering this ship, I got busy and just started adjusting the sail. And Woo. Um, when did you have that moment that you were the one that, that sovereignty, that oh my gosh, I can't help, I can't rely on an external government or a doctor, a religious guru even, or like a, even your, the teacher mentor relationship. Like when did you start to take back all your like sovereignty and power, and I'm sure that it's always unfolding for us. Sure. But like when was the real pivotal moment for you? Yeah. Yeah, it, it was always there. And that's, that whole hindsight is 2020. I can follow it all the way. Yes. All the way back. You've done some sessions and you've been, you've always had it. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah., this is part of my mission here. yeah. God blessed me with certain gifts to withstand hardship. Like that endurance and strength is something that I didn't cultivate, I was born with and it was pretty apparent. Same thing with my interest and my, in connecting people and information. I can remember being very small and being like, I wonder what that person in that car is thinking. And my mom's like, be quiet. Cause What do you say? I mean, yeah. I mean, I can say now to my kids when they have those questions, I entertain them. I talk them all up. Yes. but I can also can understand from my mother's perspective, what is this? What is this talk? You know, I mean, I can understand that too, because like when you, but when you're in fight or flight, you're like, ah, it just seems like chaos and noise. Right, right, right. There's a lot of coping mechanisms going on because, my dad was alcoholic, my mother co-dependent, so I created a lot of, a whole world of things going on that I had no idea about as a child. But as I grew, I could see how that manifested into my family patterns and dysfunction, especially with the difference between me and my younger brother, da da. However, to answer your question, I married young, and I was in a position in that marriage where I, was doing a whole lot of work and my partner wasn't, and that, how, how to tie that up. I. We'll just cut to the chase. I was on a phone call with my then yoga teacher, and at that point I was, only taking class once a week doing, just doing what, how most people are introduced to yoga. Okay. Do a couple videos and I go to my class and, I'd done some more, deeper work in breath, breath work. So I was moving deeper and deeper into who I was and what my issues were. Because up until that point I was still an immature person. I was my child's self in an adult, body. And so many of us, So many are. Yeah. So many us. Yeah. And so this, I think I was 24 maybe. Yeah. 25 at this. Yeah. I was 25 at this time. I think maybe 26. I don't know. It's hard to say. So many time is so mushy. Um, okay. Totally. So, but I was, I was talking to her, I was struggling and I was like, I have a, um, a mortgage and card payment and I'm working three jobs, including my self-employment job, but I was now working extra jobs to make sure that I had all my monetary things supported. Meanwhile, I was not getting the support from my then husband. And I was, you know, crying to her about like, why do, why is it, why do I have to, and I have nothing left for me, blah, blah. You know? And she's like, well, do you have to have a house? Oh, and oh, whoa. And it was like, you're like, it was a very poignant question. Like, you, you, you know, we think, oh, you need to grow up and get a, the card get married, you do all these things to college. All these things. Yeah. Yeah. And um, and I was doing all of that, trying to be normal, trying to be, try to fit in or be nor whatever, whatever that looks like. This is what human Americans do, and I'm doing it great. Cause I'm also a woman, and I'm making it all happen and, all of this stuff. It was really, um, uh a. Big mental masturbation is what it was. Yeah. Okay. I love that. Actually, you should coin that. I would've used, I would've used mind Fuck, but I like mental masturbation and, but at that time I didn't know that was my life. That was right. Who I was. Right. And when you're still that identified with who attach I am attached you and what I do, like it, then we start to get existential,, how am I not myself? How am I supposed to be different? Right. I mean, this is who I am. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, and, but are you because exactly. Are you happy? Isn't that part of the plan? You know? Mm-hmm. And, that, I would say that was when you started the question, everything hold the phone moment, and started to think about what do I, I really need, what do I want? And, and it slowly destroyed my marriage, which was perfect because it was unhealthy and not good. I had married a version of my father Sure. As so many of us do. Absolutely. And that was, the, real growth point, the real pivot of claiming my life as my own and who I am. and. Basically driving the wheels off of my old life. Like I, I drove it until I couldn't drive it anymore, and then it was done. It was not, a mental conversation with myself. It was like, this is broken and it's not going anymore. I woke up one day and I was like, you need to move out. That, that's how that went. And, but from that point on that I've always, made decisions from an empowered place of. Responsibility, accountability. Mm-hmm. It is not about victimhood in, circumstance because that's very different when we're children. It's circumstance, you don't have control who your parents are and where you live. Somebody else is making all those decisions, who's in your class. All of those things are out of your control and you're just trying to like, make it happen. Hold it together. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. If you don't have a foundation beneath you,, a structured support system, whether it's family, whether it's. Coaches, whatever, you know, wherever it is, role models, wherever you get your structure. Yeah, right. Then you get lost in those lower chakra things of, I have a right to be here. I, I am strong and independent in my choices, or, yes. yes. So is the root chakra, that personal power, the, like the safety, our, we lose our foundation and you, and to tie it all again, I just had a most profound, you checked in for me doing a quantum healing, and it's, that's what I'm doing is I have a lot of awarenesses that are up and heady and in the ethers, but now it's about embodying it, all of it, and bringing it down. Same thing with my mouth stuff. And so I'm still unpacking all that and Bri has the videos for breathing and she, you to, and I am, I ordered the book you recommended and I'm like gonna get. In touch with my breath and brown in. Yes. And you said that yoga can be entirely breath work. Not the, cuz I was like, I am so not flexible. Like yoga, the way that it's presented, marketed to marketed, market marketed. Thank you. I'm like, nope, not for me. But when you said no, Jen chew yoga is like breath work, I'm like, ah, this resonates for me. Yes. Okay. I'm open to trying this. Yes. And that's the whole thing is the, that idea of the stretchy pants on the mat is great. It's a great segue for our society because we're so visual and superficial. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Let's name it, let's name it, name it, right All in it. And, and so for that, I'm grateful, that's, however, in my, of all the gifts, that I've been given and grace is who I am, but it's also what I've been given because I had excellent yoga teachers right out the gate. I did not have to go to several different teachers in order to find somebody who had something to offer. I had excellent teachers. Right out the gate. And that this is also part of that reflection of thank you for guidance, because these women, had a yoga studio right above my massage therapy center. Wow. So every day I'd see them walk in and I'd wave through the window when I was at the desk, you know, and, they came in for massage and said, and eventually we started talking, oh, do you wanna, do you want a trade? You know, many people, in the healing. Absolutely. We do a lot of trades. Right. Yields. Yeah. We all trade. And that's how I got so, well versed in different areas is my trading because I got to trade with acupuncturists and herbalist and yoga teachers and so many different things that people wanna massage. Okay. And then I can go and get. Treatment for myself with their specialty. And I got exposed to so many things that,, I probably couldn't otherwise. So yeah. So, that was a beautiful, beautiful blessing for me is to have very knowledgeable teachers and they both focused on, it was a pair of sisters in Norfolk, Virginia. Yeah. And they had a place called Inside Out Yoga. And, they still teach, I'm still their student. I, I still am learning from lessons they gave me 15 years ago, 20 years ago. That beautiful or, yes. So beautiful, so grateful for this and, This is truly like I, this is how I started to understand the ripple effect Yes. The impact of any one person in your life. It came in that one question, that one question that was what, how many words? Yes. That that changed your entire, because it was like you were ready to hear it, you were ready to receive it. And I'm like, this is how my life has unfolded too, is these and sometimes people, I'm asking them to be on my podcast, they're like, wait, did I have a ripple? I'm like, yes, you did. And here's the story. I don't always take the time to let these people know, but of course, because it's a hindsight 2020 moment where you're like, oh my gosh. And sometimes it looks like an adversary, like, right, that, right. You're like, that person that was super toxic or that situation that felt like so big and that everything was ending was actually a gift. Absolutely. And that was also in that same period of time, I had a huge conflict with my business partner at that, massage center. And, Gabrielle told me, she's your biggest spiritual gift. And I was like, get outta here. I don't even know. She's making me crazy. Right. You know, like that's the very, the gut, the knee jerk response we have to like, situation. Yeah. When we're in it and disregulated, right? Like, oh, she's like, sit with it, sit with it. See what's coming up. That's yours. This is not her doing it to you. Right? Like, which is that whole like victim archetype, which I've Right. As a, as a people pleaser, I've had to undo it. And I'll still recognize when I'm going back into the pattern, I'm like, whoa, Jen. Right. What you doing? Hold on. This isn't happening to you. It's happening for you. Yes. You know the reframe. What are you gonna do with it? That's the, that's the question. That's the empowerment in taking it back is bringing it back to you that you don't need to react because reacting is acting again. It is not present. It is not discernment. It is repeating a pattern. Is that who you wanna be? Is that what you're doing? Yeah. And it's an, it's a pause to sit there and reflect in that moment, to just take a breath, slow down. Am I reacting or am I present? Is, am I responding to this moment and feeling now, or am I just doing the same shit again? And it makes you grace, the very best perfect parent to your two boys and you know, a spouse, like when you were naming that, You know, and, and I can name this from, coming from a speech therapy background, the old me would be like, well, why doesn't she have him in speech therapy? And The, but I'm like, you are doing, the reason I was effective in hindsight as a speech therapist, I wasn't putting these neuro like the, neurotypical versus neurodivergent. I wasn't putting these neurodivergent individuals into a confining box. I was just letting them unfold into who they are and not,, they're not the label, they're not the label. And were their symptoms or behaviors or their symptoms or their behaviors, and that was the healing frequency and space that like I was getting. Kids to say more in my sessions. They're like, wow, I'll only say that in for Jen. And I'm just like, when you were sharing about your son and unfolding through t r s and the detox and then getting the words and like the brain healing and all of the things and the metaphysical stuff too. I'm like, oh my gosh, he never needed speech therapy. He had a mom that didn't treat him or put him in a box. And you still continue to do that, right? And that's why like, you know, and I was so lucky and fortunate to like actually meet you in person. How funny is the internet that we had such a strong connection, never even met in person. And then I happened to have n e t seminar that was in Big Fork, Montana. You lived about an hour or you were, we didn't meet that at that time. We didn't meet at that time. We didn't meet, yeah. You were nearby. But it just, and it makes sense because I was going through some big things. It was one of these things we were not aligned fully yet. It was spiraling in. Yes. And that's the whole thing about divine timing is you have to trust it. Mm-hmm. Because sometimes, I mean, we, we could see each other spiraling in Yes. Right? Yes. But, um, if you don't trust that timing, we sometimes push things and then it collapses or backfires, and then we get, struggle with the disappointment, blah, blah, blah. But sometimes it's with. Outside of our view. So that's the whole thing. Things are lining up, spiraling and being, and I remember you. I didn't, yeah, I didn't have a car. You didn't have a car. It was just not the right time for us to meet in person. And then, then I got, I fell so in love with that area in Montana, talk about grid work, where my soul just feels so good in Montana. Yes. And then I was like, okay, is this just because I was at N E T and I had just had all this healing and around all these people? Yeah. But so I just, we decided to visit again and like again. And then, and it was on one of the visits I was looking at entertaining properties that we, it we, we align and we got to meet in person. It was so magical. It was like that, I don't know, I can't describe the feeling, but like when you pulled up to Echo Lake Cafe and, we're like, and then we just, we could have I think we could have probably talked for so many more hours than we did. Oh yeah, for sure. I think you had somewhere to be And that was the only reason, that was the reason I think I was looking at a property or something. I should have just canceled that whatever, whatever. It was perfect. It's still perfect. It was so perfect. And I, that's the thing that most people I think don't realize. When you have a soul connection, when you are an open-hearted person and you receive somebody else fully, it doesn't really matter if your meat suit is in the same room. It just doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. You know, we sat down and I was like, Hey, what's up? You know? And it was like, yeah, it always was. Right, right. I mean, it was no big deal. Familiar, no big deal. Like the energy was just in alignment. And do you remember that, you had birthday and and I brought you a little birthday gift? Yes. You were like, yes, I do. I wanted a deck of Oracle cards. I'm like, I had forgotten. Yes, I had forgotten my cards. I usually, I'm the person where, like, going through tsa, like I have my crystals and you, you know so much about crystals. Like even I just, I just am drawn to ones. I'm like, I don't even know why. And that'll look up what it does. I'm like, oh, that's why. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like one of those people. But, yeah. So you had, you had given me the DECA card and I think a Chris, like I am, like I couldn't, I'm like, what? I like almost had tears in my eyes because it was just such a beautiful validation that, of that soul connection. Right cuz you had left your cards at home and you were missing them. And so it just was like, okay. And it's, and it's still one of my favorite decks, the star seed oracle in that. So I love that deck too. Me too. Yeah. Anyway, do you know that today I pulled the card from that one and it was, you're not everyone's cup of tea, which is perfect because I think there's a lot of nervousness. Nervousness. I didn't start a podcast for so long because of that, because I'm undoing that people pleaser thing where I wanna be liked and loved by everybody and like, hello. No. And right. The energy right now is I'm learning a lot of lessons about neutrality, where like, I'm being me, authentically me, and I am triggering the heck out of people just for no good reason. Just me just. And, you know, this is the same teacher Anna told me the same thing, you know? Cause I used to be insecure. Like I, I'm not, I'm not that great of a teacher. I can't do all these poses. I'm still working on touching my toes. You know, like all those insecurities of the ideas of what you're supposed to do. And she was like, grace, you teach by showing up. And, you know, it was very empowering. It was also kind of like, what, you know, like a lot of responsibility just to be me, but at, at the same time, it makes sense because when you are true to yourself and you lead by example and you live unapologetically mm-hmm. By your own standards with integrity, confidence, compassion, all the, all the things. Mm-hmm. And you're just, you just being. It transforms other people because it gives other people the permission to be them. Which, which sends out that ripple, the purpose. Ripple. Exactly. It's, and then we just, we, we ripple out and then we ripple up and we like the consciousness raises. It's like, ah, ba boom, ba boom, ba boom, boom. Yep. Exactly what it is. That's the whole thing. And the more people we have that can stand in their truth and be. Honest about who they are, what they want, speak clearly, all of these things. Mm-hmm. The, the more the more it serves every single person. That is literally the ripple effect. And that, is beautiful. Yeah. And I, when you told me this is the name of your podcast, I was like, I know it. I didn't it for the longest. I didn't start my podcast with the name. It just came to me when I was like getting certain about my why for the podcast. I didn't even care if one person,, whatever. I mean, selfishly my ego might be like, yeah, you care a little bit. But I didn't really, if I was really going in, I'm like, you know what? My story and the people that have been instrumental in our story and the things, the modalities that we have found to heal and raise our vibration, they matter. And if one person that listens to this podcast gets something from it, has done its job. That's right. You know, that's right. Every single day is like that, you will hold the door open for somebody and it gives'em faith in humanity again. Right. It's that simple of just doing be just be, be who you wanna be, the be the, that you wanna be. Yeah., I love it. It's beautiful. And I know we've talked Yeah, it's, I was just gonna say, talking about,, our kids and allowing them to be who they are. Yeah. Allowing them instead of trying to, put them into a therapy that says, this is how you're supposed to respond. This is how you're supposed to be in order to get along with normal people. You know what f that noise for everybody, I don't care who you are, f that noise of, how to get along with normal people is how to make yourself. Mediocre. How to settle. They're valuable tools to recognizing how different behaviors manifest and how you can get along. But this, I think, idea of that you're supposed to get along with everybody all the time is bananas. And it's part of the societal disruption we're going through right now is you have to pick what you stand up for and what you'll tolerate. Mm-hmm. That's saying if you don't stand up for something, you'll fall for anything. And that is very, very dangerous. On a small level or a big level, a big level, it doesn't really matter because we live in a fractal universe, a fractal reality. Any single drop of the ocean is a drop of the entire ocean. It doesn't matter where it is, it all counts or. Or it's both. And that is really transcending the duality into the one reality that exists is embracing the duality. Mm-hmm. So when you Yes, allow any person to be who they are, you're transforming yourself because you get to enjoy them for who they are. And they're getting to be who they are without feeling like they need to apologize or make themselves smaller. Right. And I also like to view it as like an unfolding thing, because for sure meeting the person in the present as they're unfolding a lot of grace and a lot of grace, and it's, so tell me, because the people can find you because of your middle name, like you have named a lot of your, and what does your middle name mean? I love how that you said you've always had it and oh yeah. My middle name is Seraphine, and that means of the SIFs, the sif in our choir of angels, the highest, the throne of God, and, so a Sera is of the SIFs. And so there's a, strong defensive and righteousness to, this name on, the angelic realm. There's so many different little things there. So I just decided I would keep that as part of my identity. Same thing with my first name, so it turns out that I have make this pretty profound. I know grace therapy, like that's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And what's really cool is my mother never knew where she got that name. Mm-hmm. Cause my first name, I had a great-grandmother, grace, and she named me intentionally after her because we both had skinny feet and she really liked her sassy attitude., like when she first met, went to meet my great Grammy Grace,, she's this old lady sitting in the corner, she stood up and her underpants fell down and she just kicked him off into the corner and went and shook my mom's hand. That's amazing. It just made a real big impression on her. And so I carry that name with pride. And even though, you know, now you have tons of graces as little girls, but in, in our generation, it wasn't that popular. Popular, no. Yeah. Oh, I have the very popular seventies name Jennifer. You do. Yeah. Yeah. So I know what you're saying. That's right. Yeah. you have organized, like a one shop stop shop where people can find you, not shop, but like, you have a link tree. And it's, yeah, I saw a link tree that I keep, updating because things change and, I just try to give people all the information because it's hard to get your, email address and your website, blah, blah, blah. And, there's so much in the world. so yeah, I just, I always stick my link tree there because whether you're looking for information videos or you're looking for one of the products that I, suggest or whatever, and it's Link tree and it's, back slash earthbound sine. Correct. Correct. And where, and people can find you on social media through there. And I'll also link it to this podcast. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I got a YouTube channel., and, you have your ts link too in there. Correct. Uhhuh, I have my Ts link and awesome links for other products that I like. and use, I mean, everything that's in there, I only offer it because I use it. Yes, yes. The integrity of knowing. Yeah. And then that way you can guide people Exactly. With the products. Yeah. It makes sense. It makes complete sense for me. 100%. grace, I, I know we could possibly have a part two, part three, part four. And we'll, yes, I said we'll, and, but I wanted to thank you for being on sharing your story, sharing your wisdom. Like I really do believe that there's so many people that have. This wisdom that does need to be shared doesn't have to be this popular. Like, oh, I can only have so and so on my podcast because they have this many followers and listeners, that is not my intention here. I'm bringing the people that have made profound impacts, and you are one of them. I love you so much. You're like a soul sister. We like, we level up with every conversation, every voice, text, and I love that. I love our connection. I'm so grateful for it. And thanks you too, for taking your time today and having my pleasure.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.