The Ripple Effect

Jen and Karen Galway: Connections that heal

Mindful Little Talkers LLC Season 1 Episode 10

In this week's episode of The Ripple Effect I get to interview Karen Galway, who is an embodiment coach & speech therapist.  She and I met in divine timing on Instagram through mutual healers/docs we know, and Karen has been instrumental in me being congruent with my pivot in my career as a speech therapist to now a healer. 

Karen goes into why she is so passionate about the modality of Human Design, and how she uniquely uses it as a tool for people to embrace their gifts and let go of limiting beliefs and/or a limiting mindset.  She goes into a synopsis of the various designs and has a bunch of nuggets of awarenesses within this podcast to help you through your personal journey.

Karen Galway has a ton of coaching sessions that really dive deep into your Human Design, and unique and thorough lens of how to move through the limiting beliefs that may show up in your design.  Take a look at her offerings here:

She also has a wonderful podcast called: Your Life By Design

Find her on Instagram at:

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PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

Okay, everybody, I'm so excited for this next episode. And the next episode guest is Karen Galway and she is an embodiment coach and she's also trained as an a speech language pathologist like myself. So we have, that's part of our journey in how we met. And she's a, she does reiki. She's a healer. She uses a lot. She's a podcaster now. She has a show called Your Life by Design, which is fabulous, and so welcome, Karen, to the show. Thank you. So happy you're here, and so excited that we get to delve into. You know I was on podcast full circle. Yeah, it's full circle. We met through mutual people. You can listen to her podcast. She had me on her podcast and I talked about my journey, but now I get to like delve into your journey. And how did you find. Human design, cuz that's a big tool use in your coaching. Yes. Yeah. Let us know that. Dive right into it. Yeah, dive in. Yeah. So I am a pediatric speech therapist. and I love that we are both therapists, but also really pulled into that healing world and like just allowed ourselves, gave herself permission to kind of explore that. And so what I was. Discovering about myself and my own personal healing and healing journey was I couldn't get enough of it. I wanna get more, tell me more. Tell me more about myself. I wanna have more reiki. What downloads are you getting? Like I wanna, you know, heal this. And then it got to a point where I want to be able to share this information with other people to be able to help them. And then I felt like I was stuck at Crossroads, where am I gonna be, like speech therapist or am I gonna be coach? Like I feel so overwhelmed, like what's my identity around this? Like where should I go? And at around that same time I heard about human design through a few people I follow on social media. And I think I listened to a podcast about one, and I remember a couple of people saying that. when you are able to tap into your human design with your business, your business can, ex can expand because your business is just an extension of yourself. So if you're able to like tap into your own energy, that kind of pours into your business and I was like, oh, maybe this is what I should look into. And so at the same time I was in, I. This like coaching group. And so I happened to reach out in the group if anyone was trained in human design. Someone said, yes, I got a reading and. What I know now, but I, what I didn't know then was it was just kind of like a little snapshot of my human design. It didn't go into a lot of the stuff, but what I walked away from was, I'm a manifesting generator, and manifesting generators are multiline. They're not meant to be on one path. In fact, they're meant to follow where their heart kind of guides them and those desires, they're meant to lean into it. And what I've since discovered about myself going through this, the certification process, is that I have a huge sampling aura and it shows up in multiple places of my chart. And so sampling things, getting a feeling for it, Trying on that hat is it for me is really, a way that I learn and way that I integrate and further my expansion journey as opposed to I know what I wanna be when I grow up. I'm gonna be a speech therapist like this. Is it done? Yeah. And so this human design reading that I had at that time was like, you can be both. Like, you don't have to choose one or the other. And it was a huge weight that just got lifted off my shoulders about that. And. Where I was like, gosh, this is like so fascinating. And then learning about my authority and like how to make aligned decisions. And I remember practicing that with something and making a decision based on FOMO and not based on my authority. And it led me to frustration, which is a sign that I'm not in alignment to then like. Being true to myself and saying, no, I don't want this. And it was such like that exploration, which is human di human design's, really an exploration. It's just figuring things out for yourself. Take what resonates, what doesn't. And so it was through that whole process where I'm like, I wanna dive deeper into this. I wanna like really learn more. And so I end up getting the up taking the certification program through the Human Design Academy. And it's so funny cuz I'm such a manifesting generator through and through. So one of the things about MGS is they, because they're multi-line, it's almost like they wanna hurry up and finish something so they can jump into something else. And so because of that they'll skip steps. And when they skip steps, These are the steps that they need to complete. So they kind of go back and have to backtrack, which really doesn't save them time anyways. And I noticed through this process of doing the certification, that was like what happened with me, where I'm like, oh, I don't need to take that module yet. I don't need to take that module yet. I just wanna get comfortable in doing a reading and then I'll go back to it. Yeah. but yeah, I finished it. It took, I took a long time. I think it was designed that some people could do it in like two months or whatever. I took Almost nine months to complete it because I, I would take breaks and then I wanna integrate it and practice it and learn this material. also while being a speech therapist too, and life. Yeah. Yeah. You have, you have a lot going on. Yeah, I do. Yeah. Yeah. And so, And what I discovered through this whole process of my own, like human design, like diving into my chart and diving into other people's charts is, for me in particular, I just remember, seeing in my chart, in my unconscious earth and sunshine, there's a lot about. Love of the body, love of the vessel that I'm in. And I've struggled a lot with like body image and I've struggled a lot with, and I was going through a time in my life where like I was at the biggest I'd ever been and it was really messing with like my idea of what beauty should look like. And I'm like, well, isn't this funny that this is showing up in my unconscious? and it just wanted me to think about what else. Does it show up for other people? How does it show up? How are these unconscious beliefs showing up? And and I love it for that as that tool to do that heavy digging. Yes. And I will say that I am, three of my children are manifesting generators. Mm-hmm. And I feel like you describing it for you and in your embodiment of it, and ob, obviously there's more to it. That's just like one general theme. I'm sure their personality, like you'll get into that, but I know that I absorbed enough to be like, I think there's something healing and, and knowing like, why am I the way that I am? Mm-hmm. You know, there's something healing and then I feel like you're doing something different. And maybe they teach this in the class, I don't know, because I've only had one human design reading from somebody else and we went in sort of deep, but I didn't have all the concepts or understanding. Mm-hmm. That's a lot, some nuggets that resonated and, it was helpful for me to be like, oh, that's why I have to dabble and make mistakes cuz that's how I learn instead of being like, I'm a failure, you know? Oh yeah. Like the belief of oh, I tried this. It didn't succeed, but that's just like part of my design. That's how I, that's part of your three, your unconscious three, but you have other things in your chart too. Um, I was looking at it earlier, that can kind of explain almost like in the best way possible, like a late bloomer in things. Mm-hmm. Like how, like almost. Yeah. And we can dive into that. Yeah, of course. But I would say that, I love how you're bringing these beliefs, these mm-hmm. Unconscious subconscious beliefs that we adopt. And we've had a chat about this before about how yes, we have beliefs that could be passed down through our dna, our lineage. Yeah. And then we have beliefs that could be on the historic, um, if you, if that's part of your. Belief system that we have other consciousness that mm-hmm. Other lifetimes or other experiences, or whether that's timeline, not time, not being linear. Maybe it's another timeline that you're actually experiencing. Right. So, so cool. Like to nerd out about all this. Subconscious stuff. We don't even tap into like half the stuff that our brain like, it's just wild. Mm-hmm. It's, it's wild. I mean, like, our reality is really 95% of our, it's reflected by 95% of our s or our rather, our subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our reality, and we're really only mindful of 5% of it. Cause of that conscious mind like that, that, that blows my mind. Yeah. Too. And Yeah. So are you mostly, I know you, are you still doing? What's cool is that Karen reached out to me, I think on Instagram. That's how we talked together because she thought somebody had posted that they know a speech therapist that was doing this healing stuff. And I think we, we both had a match, like I think a vibrational match about this identity stuff because so much of our journey was like very specific coursework, like when you become a speech language pathologist like. I don't know. There's not a lot to pivot to. Mm-hmm. Besides, mm-hmm. I mean, you could pivot settings, but I feel my, my degree is in communication disorders and sciences. There's a lot you can do with that degree too, though. I mean, like there's, I know there's, there is so much you can do and what's cool is that I have settled that. Identity crisis that I was having in that. Yeah. I help people find and embody their unique voice. Mm-hmm. Their expression in the world. So in many ways, the healing work that I'm doing, where we're letting go of limiting beliefs or we're letting go of foreign attachments or whatever, that's not ours, we're letting go, is helping somebody embody their unique frequency and embody. Yes. So I was like, this is my reframe. Yeah, no, you're, but you're still using, you're still using a lot of your, that the way that you process things and the way that you're able to look at it and, I, I feel like that from our experiences as speech therapists and like, you know or the education, I think, not to dismiss that, no. But like I totally echo what you're saying about, you are, Raised within a paradigm or a program and that paradigm or program is reflected of your parents' paradigm program was reflected of their parents. So, and you can continue to repeat that unless you're ready to like, okay, let's pivot this. Who am I really? And what I love about human design is, and you kind of said this is like, There is never anything wrong with you. There's, you have gates and the gate have a, they have a gift expression and a shadow expression, and so if you haven't done the shadow work or the inner work, it could be a shadow expression, but all you need to do is like almost bring shed light and awareness to that, to be able to transmute that to the gift expression. And things that tend to come easy to us are usually shown up in our chart. But if it comes easy to us, it's often too much for other people when we're younger, and especially if we don't fit whatever mold that they've created for themselves or what that should look like. And so an example of that is, I mean, you can tell this by my podcast. I mean, I went into the field of like speech therapy. Like I love chatting, I love talking, and I, my nickname I remember in junior high was Motormouth.,, I remember like that being like a password to like my computer and like in eighth grade. And and we had write down the password and give it to our teacher. So if anything were to ever happen, he could like figure it out. Yeah. And I remember him just cracking up in the middle of looking at all of'em. And, anyways, but I, I do remember like having this need to speak my feelings, having this ne like, almost like I would explode if I didn't. And people would say to me, I can't believe you just said that. Or I would like, I remember when I was older and I was working for someone, I'm like, I need to go speak my mind, or I need to tell my employer, what's going on. And people are like, I can't believe you did that. But in my human design, I have this channel, it's called a channel of openness that connects my throat center to my solar plexus. And it literally says, if needing to speak your emotions, then needing to speak your feeling. But the gift of that is when people are listening to what you're saying, it's almost like they're resonating to every word. They're hanging on to every word that you're saying. And I've been told that to people,, I just want you to keep talking. I can't, like I can't stop listening. And so while at one point I felt. Shamed for having this need to talk and like, why do I talk so much and why do I, I've been told that I ruin birthday, surprise birthday parties. Cause I'd be the one in the corner like giggling or something or whatever. And like my voice got associated with something that caused an inconvenience to people when this literally is my gift. And if I'm able to embrace that. Then, then you're able to like stand on those coattails and be able to have like, be able to step in those gifts and be able to help other people through it. And so that's a big part of human design is like, where are your gifts? And they could be in your unconscious where you don't even realize it and you need someone else to bring it up or to like bring it to your forefront. Where are your gifts? What is easy for you and what is really you? And even in your chart, you can sometimes see, Where there might be limiting beliefs that have been there, for various lifetimes too. Mm-hmm. Um, that's not, oh, I don't see it always the case, but a lot of times I, sometimes I do see it depending on what I'm looking for. and it just like brings that awareness and you can't shift things unless you're aware of it. Absolutely. That's a hundred percent awareness is key. and. Yeah, you've just nailed it basically. That's what, that's what this is about. Like if you're not aware of it, you can't, you don't, you're not looking for it. You're a conscious, and unc you have to bring it to the awareness and sometimes your conscious mind, you ha like within the modality of neuro emotional technique, sometimes people's, I, I might have something that is revealed in the subconscious and they might have to talk about it more so that their conscious mind could catch up to Yep. The story. So it's, it's so fascinating and I mm-hmm. I would love to dabble in human design, but I f I kind of feel like it's not my, it's not my calling, but it's super interesting. Mm-hmm. And I like to know, I think it's another tool and I just love how you're utilizing it as a modality to help people. Mm-hmm. Um, yeah. Free from those limiting beliefs, break free from the subconscious blocks that maybe mm-hmm. You know, bring awareness. I think that's amazing. So thank you. I mean, it really is a rabbit hole. So much more that you can do Jean keys, you can do so many other things and I don't necessarily feel called dive super. Incredibly deep right now. What I love it for is the tool to bring like that awareness. Mm-hmm. And and just to kind of like transmute like these blockages through that process and, especially when we dive into the unconscious mind or the unconscious, part of the, your chart where like you're not even aware of it and, I think it's just a beautiful thing when people like start, like opening them up and they're like, oh my gosh, I always thought that this was an issue. Or,, a challenge for me, or why do I always by myself seeking out the same type of people? Well, that could be because of like your identity that you have or a subconscious like filter that you have based on what relationships, but could also be reflected in your chart where you have, Hanging gates in your chart where like it could be a gate that doesn't fully connect to the other center. And so it's just halfway there. And usually when you ha when you meet someone that has the other half, it can sometimes feel very magnetic., and then you could be seeking same people to fulfill this feeling of feeling whole when we're whole. Anyways, it's just like this feeling. And I just love going on a journey with people with that, with their chart. Cool. Awesome. Like the, I feel like it's all resonance, so. Mm-hmm. You know, we do attract whatever's going on in our internal world and all of our thoughts and everything is, is literally co-creating the reality. So I've learned through just my own healing journey is that as I'm getting more to my authentic vibration, yeah. Friend circles look different. Um mm-hmm. You just, it just, it's an interesting journey and it's all about awareness. And a lot of times throughout the day, because of my br I'm tr training my brain to ask, is this really you or is this like a program? Mm-hmm. Or why am I that I am, why did I get triggered by that person? What was it about their energy that was triggering, or the words? So my filter is constantly, Checking. And I think that's such an incredible place to be in because it really shows that you have control, that co-creating process, being able to have, this not necessarily control, but you're able to co-create. And so when there are these triggers that are coming up, it means that's something for you to clear that hasn't been cleared yet. Yeah. And so easy for us to be like angry and stomping our feet and everything and but to be able to like, Look at that from like, um, a bird's eye view of why it happened and then see the connection and then for you with all the tools that you have, being able to clear that on an energetic level. Yes, I do a ton of, um, traits with other healers. Uh, just mm-hmm. Make sure that I am constantly growing and my soul is, that's important to me. That truth is important to me res like. It's, it's all part of the journey, and I love getting to a place now where I'm pretty regulated. I've worked on myself in terms of not being in a fight or flight constantly, which when I had Lyme disease that was like totally out of balance or parasites, whatever, the biomedical stuff and the, and even the emotions. The more regulated I've become, the more aware and the more I'm able to have that bird's eye view. of the triggers. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So I only know very basic stuff about my, human design. So what would a session look like with you if you're just starting to work with somebody? Yeah, so there's a couple things. What I often tell people is, If you're wanting to explore human design, remember that there's over 7 billion people in the world. And so if you are limiting to yourself to a type authority and strategy, you're literally lumping yourself in the category of millions of other people. And it doesn't in way, it's a construct, right? Like right, right. So like, oh, I'm a Manus generator, so that's why I can't do this, or I'm good at this, or whatever. No, I do see people doing that. I'm like, oh no, you just. Signed up for another program, which I mean it, it's, which is part of the journey, right? It's like you're playing around and shying on the different labels and identities. Yes, I get it. Yeah. I mean, it's helpful and it's part of the whole human design system, so it's good to know that. But if you just stop at that, you're selling yourself short and I think human design readings, I do offer those and where we can go really deep into it. But what I love to do is to go on a journey with someone. And so I have what's called an activate intensive where you, I, you take, you give me a limiting belief that you have a block and I look at your human design chart to. See where it explains it and then we're able then to talk about combining it also with your upbringing and like the beliefs that you had growing up and how, I can see why this would be magnified because of this gate that's in this center, but look at like where it is in your chart and and then it helps again bring that awareness so we can clear it. Mm-hmm. And. Then walking away with this better understanding of why they believed that or why they had that. So going on this journey, so, activate intensives. I, and I did that for my own self. It actually came organically out of, a reading I did with someone who, I can't remember all the specifics, but she stuttered when she was a child and she had this belief that. She didn't have of anything of importance to say and that she like no one would wanna listen to her and and to talk. Was it a struggle for her, even though she no longer stuttered and in her chart on her unconscious side, it had something to the effect of, I can't remember the specific gates, but something to the effect of, She convey really great ideas and like really, like people completely understand, like her ideas and she's able to break down concepts easily. But it was in her own conscious and she's like, well, people do tell me like I, I present really well. And when I dove further into her chart, I. It showed that, I can't remember if it was in Pluto, which is represents her biggest transformation somewhere in her chart where it said that there were challenges regarding communication that she had to overcome. And I remember like looking at that after we did a reading and I texted her, I'm like, also, by the way, and I just typed it out and I'm like, How beautiful. And then she ended up having her own podcast and then she like end up like, presenting more, but like, how beautiful that your chart tells a story that reflects your beliefs. And I'm like, huh, if that did that for her. What else? So then that's when I started diving into more and I found, I saw mine paid attention to more of like the gates that are all about loving the body and the vessel, the nine in. I'm like, oh, interesting. And then I started offering these activate intensives and I, there was one woman who had a belief of, she was a coach and she had the really interesting situation where she would, she was employed by a company and they would send her clients. Mm-hmm. Um, Her pay, however, was reflective of, was based on how the clients would review that session. Mm-hmm. So, and they had to use specific words. So they said the session was good, it would be like this pay rate, but the session was excellent, would be this pay rate. And if, like you had, if you're going through clearing, sometimes it's really hard and you walk away being like, what the hell just happened? And so that could have been reflective. She wanted to branch away from that and didn't feel like she could go on her own, have her own clients, even though she did have her own clients. I'm like, I'm trying to understand why you think you can't have your own clients when you already have it. I looked at her chart. She had this fear, I think it was a gate 44, I think, but it was like fear of the past, coming back and I. It was in her unconscious earth or suns, which when I see something in like the sun and earth gates, whether it's conscious or unconscious, I know it plays a really big role, right? And so I started asking her about it and she's like, well, you know, I was in a cult, right? And I'm like, Nope, I did not know that. And so we were able to, I was able to show her. I'm like, I can see. A similarity between this employer of you are rated based on your performance. Mm-hmm. And a cult of you are treated well based on how you behave. Yes. And this fear of your foundation and your safety net going away if you walk away from it. Yeah. And it was, and by the end of it, she's I thought I cleared all this. I thought this, but clearly I have more work to do. And so this is like the beauty of the activate intensive. And so I call it activate intensive because we all know what it's like to feel activated in a way of like we feel like. Man, I'm on cloud nine, like I am. Like, you know, I so amazing. And so when you're able to release that and then anchor into your gifts, what you're really good at, what you're here to do, then you're able to walk away, move through that limiting belief and know that you're here for a greater purpose. And so that's like the activate intensive. and then I also do one-on-one coaching with different packages where we include human design as like an in-depth human design reading as the foundation. Mm-hmm. So then, Our sessions. I understand things more, but it's is not just all human design coaching, it's also just subconscious mind and like working through like the patterns and all that stuff. And you have a podcast, so if you're not, I know I have a podcast too, you know, that's like free information everybody. Mm-hmm. Go listen her podcast cuz she talks about tools to train your subconscious and shift your mindset and has different guests on. And I feel like there's a lack of downloads you can get just from listening to a podcast. Oh, totally. I also have on my website if, I did a masterclass a week or so ago called Fuck the Fear. Mm-hmm. And it's all about moving through the fear and going after what you want, because it doesn't matter where we go in our life, how much we up-level, how much we upgrade, we'll always face fear. It's not something we can like, walk away from because we are human after all, and it's a human feeling. But fear can be this, False evidence appearing real, right? it's a perceived fear. So I, it's a masterclass where I talk about that and how to move through it. so that's, on my website as well. Very cool. Yeah. Do you see like people's charts, In terms of somebody might have more fear than other people. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. if your spleen in your human design is all about survival and instinct, and fear gates can reside in your spleen. So if you have gates in your spleen, the shadow expression could be fears, like limiting beliefs that are holding you back. And so when I do an activate intensive, the very first thing is I look at the fear gates, and then I see where those fear gates show up in the chart. Do they show up in one of the sun or earth signs? And that tells me that there's a big theme. Does it show up in, your Pluto so that it's like you're here for a big transformation? Like where does it show up? And and how does, how does that show up as well? And then if your spleen is undefined, so it's white and it has a couple gates that are activated, you can almost take on the fears of other people. Mm-hmm. And so they may not be your fears, they may be someone else's fears. You're feeling the energy of fear. your chart, you have, your spleen is defined, but you have Every gate except one activated in there. And so when we see a center that has a lot of gates activated, there is this theory, I think Ra Uru who created, Human design. I think he might have said that. Like, if a lesson isn't learned, you get another gate activated, for that chart. And so when I see, a center that has all kinds of gates activated, then I'm like, oh, maybe there's a theme in here of working through fears, working through, certain beliefs. So I look at that as well. Oh, cool. So what, so if somebody's just like new mm-hmm. To human design. And I can relate how I was new to it. Mm-hmm. And it was helpful for me to find out that I am a generator, a peer generator, and it made sense because of my people pleasing programming. I would say yes to everybody when I mm-hmm. And when it wasn't congruent, it wasn't a full body Yes. For me, I was just doing it out of oh, you know, they're not, that says it in your chart too. I see that they're not gonna like me. Mm-hmm. This so. When I read that really it's that simple for generators that we have endless energy because the people will be like, when you do so much, and I'm like, or you have all this energy, I go, yes, because like I'm only saying yes now to the things that light me up. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then have the energy to carry you through. Yeah. So when I had that information, I'm like, oh, this makes sense because I feel that in my body somatically. Mm-hmm. Um, if I say, Yes. To something that, like when I said yes to being like a Girl Scout leader and I was not congruent with it, it like drained the heck up. Drained you. Yeah. It totally Dr. I was like so tired. Mm-hmm. And sit down and mm-hmm. It was just like every Yeah. Cause your safe girl wasn't let up to give you that energy to do it. Yeah. Yeah. So like, what, so what nuggets if somebody's started out, like if you were to go through the different types, like cuz of mm-hmm. I, I only know as much as like you have the different. Type, what is it? Five or six of them? How many? It's five types or they're also called auras. Yeah, auras. So can you tell us the five auras? Just give us a little snapshot of Yeah, I will before I, I do that. I don't know if this is on my website and that's something I'm realizing, something I keep forgetting to do. Oh, you guys can find Karen at Karen. It's just your name. Karen karen Yeah. And on Instagram, it's, I am Karen Galway. But on Instagram, on the links page, there's a downloadable of Learning a little bit about your human design, so you can click on that, but. I say this in the podcast, I don't know how often I say it. and you know how not everyone listens to the beginning and the end. They just I fast forward and yeah. But, there is, if anyone were to listen to it and either do a review, I. Or, and screenshot that review. Share other stories, or share other stories and screenshot it and email me the screenshot. I will email them a document that literally runs through everything in their human design. Like how, discover your personality profile, how to, learn about like the channels, like all the different parts. So then it's a way for them to take pieces of it in at their own time as well. Yeah. So that's new to I'm new to podcasting. Thank you for being a big inspiration for me to do this. and like those reviews. Help get the message out. So I You're great about promoting that. I'm like, I was talking to my husband, I'm like, I need to include that. Like, please, if you're enjoying the podcast, like share and give a ring. I know. I need to start doing that more too. and put it in like the body of the podcast or remind people at the end of the podcast. Yeah. and and what I tell people is to screenshot it because they might post it, screenshot it or rather email me the screenshot because they might. Do a review or screenshot it and tag me on Instagram, but I may not see it if I'm not friends with'em. Or I might go to my,, the algorithms are, it's so interesting to look at, but if they were to screenshot that they were posted on Instagram and post like that, Episode they listen to and screenshot that and email me that screenshot. Then I know, and I can email it back. The guide. Yeah. But, yeah, back to, okay. So there are five human design types. Mm-hmm. You're a generator. So generators are the most common and they are, I think 36% of the population generators are. they have this sacl energy. They are here to do what lights them up and what they love to do. The manifesting generator is a hybrid between the manifestor and the generator. And so they're more of a generator cuz they also have that sacral connection. Um, they are like 32%. So manifesting generators and generators make up the bulk of the population. And because of this, Immense amount of energy that they kept access to. They can sometimes find themselves doing things for the sake of doing it because it's I need to like channel this energy. Mm-hmm. And, which can lead to burnout and resistance and all the other stuff. But, it's really important for manifesting generators to really tune in and your authority varies. You could be like a sac or you can be an emotional. So it depends on what part, what type of. Generator manifest and generator, you are. But when you're able to lean into your authority, you're able to have more insight into what works for you,, what is meant for you, and not lean into conditioning and yeah. And I, I think I like love learning about what my friends are because I have, several friends that are manifesting generators and for whatever reason and. Um, knowing that they might cancel plans like the day of. Mm-hmm. But that's part of their design, like mm-hmm. and not to take it too personally that, that they might not get a full body Yes. Because of the sampling and you know, especially if they're like, a, an emotional manifesting generator like me, because. We tend to make decisions in the moment. Mm-hmm. Because it feels good, right. But as an emotional authority. Clarity comes in over time. Clarity doesn't come in the, now as a gen, as a pure generator, you're a pure generator, so you're a sacral. You don't have the defined emotional authority. Yeah, so you're a sacral generator. Clarity comes to you in the moment, and if you wait over time to make a decision, you can be leaning into in conditioning. Like your mind kind of comes in and like, should I or shouldn't I? But it's in that moment, Emotional authority. It's like you need to like almost ride this emotional wave and come to neutrality because if you're in a high of your way, things could look good. If you're in a lo of your way, things can look bad. It's getting to that neutrality. Yeah. And so when examples of like plans, what I am trying to do for myself is if someone says, do you wanna do dinner? On Friday, and if it's Tuesday, my response is, that feels good right now. Let me let you know on Thursday or something like that. Um, yeah, I think communication is key. And I've had a cadence with my friend who is a manifesting generator and then my own kids, like they, you know, planning things like for the weekend, say on a Monday, things can shift. Yes. And, so trying to give my kids even tools to communicate that. Mm-hmm. And know that's, Perfectly okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Totally. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I think teaching kids permission to change your mind, permission to do something different, permission to feel into things and if it doesn't feel good to pivot, right. To learn that at such an early age, I think will serve them well. And I, yeah, cuz we can go on a whole tangent about like how that could show up in, in the college years. But, okay. So we did generator manifesting. Generator projector is the next, comment or 22% of the population projectors are known as the guides. And I love Mia projector. They're, they can give you some really solid advice. They're really good at giving advice. the thing with projectors though, they're. Strategy is to wait to be invited to almost provide this advice, wait to be invited to even, put something out there. So with projectors, they almost need to like just show, even on if it's like a business or whatever, like on Instagram or YouTube, just kind of showing this is what I'm good at. I'm doing this. Not saying, Hey, come to this. It's just I'm just showing. And then have someone come up to me like, oh, can you. Can you show me that? Can you do, have you ever thought about doing a course on that or whatever and then that becomes the invitation to like, get things going? Or if they have like solid advice to be like, Hey, can I give you some advice on this? Permission before. Yeah, because it can lead. To a lot of resistance and a lot of people not wanting to hear that advice, especially with projectors, they can almost see light years ahead. They can almost see like ahead of the, its time. And so people may not be ready for that. Yeah. Yeah. And it could, it could be very off-put. Yeah. yeah. Manifestors are, like 9% of the population and they're known as like just a do it. And I always joke, Or think about like they're like the Nike commercial. Like just get up and do it. And when we think about like business courses or the hustle culture of just get up and do it, it's speaking to the manifestor style because the manifestor is the only, type that doesn't necessarily have to respond to anything. They literally, if they. Are inspired by something or intuitively you're like, oh, I should look into that. That's, their pulse is on to go explore it. And and so you have these people like just do it, but they're only really teaching to 9% of the population where everyone else needs to respond to something. Right. No wonder that doesn't resonate. You're like, uh, yeah. And so manifestors have an on off pulse and so it's if they have, this. intuitive nudge to kind of go follow something. Like they follow it and they can probably do it almost lock themselves in a room, get it done, and they need to inform the people around them that this decision impacts. So if there's someone that's working on a project, they may wanna let their partner know or their friends know, just so you know, I'm gonna be unavailable for the next few days cause I'm gonna be in this. And then that when it comes to when that's completed, their pulse sometimes will then go off and that's when like they, they nurture themselves. They nourish themselves. So it's this pulse on and off. And Manifestors have this really, they have their aura is, it like pushes things out of the way so they can get stuff done. And so they can come across as being intimidating. They can come across as being, secretive. Mm-hmm. And. They've learned to be secretive as well because of this big aura that they have, that they've al almost been like too much for people in the past. And so it's just again, a way of no, you're not too much. No, like this is having the awareness, like you're too much based on someone else's expectation, cuz they're not comfortable, but that's their own Yes. Story and their own filter. Yeah. and the last one is reflector. They're less than 1% and they are very different in how they operate. They're. Chart is. There's nothing defined in their chart. It's all undefined, so it's all white when you look at it. And so they can take on, they take on other people's energies. They sample other people's energies. So reflectors environment is crucial for them. It's like making sure that they're in the right place, because if they're not in the right place and then they take on that energy, it can really throw them off. they're called a mirror, so they reflect back. My sister is a reflector, and she, when I read what started learning about it, I'm like, oh my gosh, this is totally her. And she's Makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Like she, it's like the wisdom that she's able to provide and like the insight. but they're, yeah, they're the most rare. Wow. And then the. Is, that was beautiful, Karen. what about the personality, like types, the ones through six, right? Yeah. Can you just, so the way that it works is, You when you do your human design, when you pull up your human design chart, you will get a profile, you'll get a number slash number. Mm-hmm. And so for you, you're a one three, the one represents your conscious side and the three represents your unconscious side, and that's collected from your. Conscious. the one comes from your conscious son and earth, and the three comes from your unconscious son and earth. And that gives you more of it's like the costume you wear in this lifetime, like the personality that you have in this lifetime. And that can give you insight into, who you are, how you show up. there's also based on which one you have, you could have, your theme could be a personal theme or a transpersonal theme. And so a personal theme is basically your life. Mm-hmm. Is, and you have a personal theme. So your life is. All about serving yourself first and healing yourself first. And from that place other, it's like a ripple effect. Mm-hmm. Um, which is funny cause it's the name of your podcast. Are you reading mine specifically or are you just giving an example? I'm just giving an example. I can, I have some notes, but yeah, that, I mean that makes sense to me. I was like, wait, but but that's so personal. It's like this, it's the ripple effect. The people who have transpersonal, I have a transpersonal is I, there's need to help other people and through the. The process of learning to help other people, I then also am able to heal myself. So it's just like a shift in that. That's not to say that I'm not gonna have a desire to heal myself for the sake of healing myself. but it's just like an overarching theme of this need to like, help other people, versus like just wanting just to help yourself and there's that ripple effect. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. So, Yeah, there's so much to it. It sounds, there's so much to it. And, when I do human design readings, I'm not one of those people that can look at your chart and be like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. I have to sit down. There's some things I know right away, but yeah. Some of the other things I have to look at and then look at my references and Take this analytical piece to it. And I think that's something I'm really good at. And I think that's why I do really well as a speech therapist because I like getting to the root cause. I like getting to like why it's happening. And so I take this, I go on a journey with your chart and One of the things, I say is it's such an honor to be invited to do someone's chart because I am having an understanding of who they are. And so it's, it's a personal thing, right? It's like this intimate piece. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, do you want me to read a few things about yours and then we can Yeah. And I we'll talk about all the offerings you have and get Yeah. Yeah. You're a 13, so you're the investigative martyr. So the one is you're conscious, the investigative is this piece of wanting to research, getting information, almost like needing as much information before you make this decision to jump into what you wanna jump into. So there's like this deep introspective side, an inquisitive nature to figure out this is worth committing to. The one, the one three, there's like a deep fear with the one three of it comes from the one of, the rug could be pulled out from under you at any point. And so it's like I need to get as much information as I can so then I can, I know what to expect the answers to the questions. And so it's really important for one threes to have a solid foundation to feel secure in this foundation, so they can be more themselves. and if you don't feel secure with someone or something, there could be like this finding fault with someone, finding boredom and like checking yourself out, I'm done. Like this is not for me. Um, and you can almost feel like a chameleon amongst other people unless you're comfortable with those people because it, you need to feel secure and found and in that foundation. Otherwise, you just. It's very like superficial. Mm-hmm. Um, let's see, what else? so you are here to change, to be in charge of your own life as well as become a voice and a person of authority in your field of expertise. and it's important that you have control of your environment so that you have that freedom and autonomy to move around. Which kind of comes from that three piece. Three is like the martyr. Is this trial and error part of your life? I have, a three as well where it's like, Sampling aura. Let's try it on, see if it fits. Let's try it on to see if it fits and kind of like move around and bounce around and like wondering why things aren't working out until at some point it does. Cause it takes time to like sample through. so let's see. so basically the bottom line is you need to feel secure within your friendships and in your foundations and relationships. And when you have that foundation, you don't wanna lose it. It's like you ha you're committed to a hundred percent. Oh yeah. I'm a super loyal friend. If like, if I feel safe and like Yeah, yeah. For permission to be myself. Like it's my quirks and everything. Yes. Yes. Yes, exactly. And it's it's uncomfortable to be in gray areas when you're not quite sure if you can be yourself. And so to have like a really supportive community, which I feel like you've done a really good job in, cultivating that in your life. It sounds like in me, it's taken me a while. Like again, I am a late bloomer. I'm in my mid forties, and I feel like mm-hmm. I'm finally like, oh. Mm-hmm. Now, well, well, that's like, I feel like the three, but that's also, I saw that in your, incarnation cross. So you have the right angle cross of service, and your purpose is to provide betterment for society, which I'm like, well, hello. Speech therapist, like n e t practitioner, practitioner at. As well as your, congratulations on getting certified and Yeah. And contact resource flex analysis. Yes. Yeah. So, your gift is like having this cool, logical assessment of situations and and it's like people come, people like to come to you cuz you're able to almost like, be cool in the situation and kind of like, look at things, get the information, let's take the information and we can make a decision. Um, you can sometimes, like you can be this, um, almost like critical of things. But with the right angle cross of service, we have to be careful that criti critical doesn't go inward and become self-critical. Mm-hmm. Um, So the active surface is not personal, but about improving the world. So this is what I was talking about when you were saying about, oh, I might as well just help you, is like, there is like an energy of, well, no one's gonna do it, so I'll just do it anyways. Yeah, yeah. I do that when I'm, yeah. I'll be like, oh well. I'm learning that just because I can do it or I have these intuitive gifts mm-hmm. I can see like metaphysical stuff doesn't mean like I have to help somebody. They have to be like, like I don't, yeah. Yeah. So like being like a hundred percent like, and that's with your authority being a hundred percent on board before you go ahead and do it. And that's your energy. Um, you love to be at the forefront of things that bring tangible improvements, but following your strategy and authority will ensure, uh, which pursuits to follow. So it's all about. But like, again, like just being aware, where you're putting your energy, knowing that you're here to help people, but you're not here to help every single person that you see. It's what, where do you wanna put your energy to and have those boundaries up? Um, Yeah. I'm putting that out to the universe. Like, only send me the people that are like, really want to heal. Mm-hmm. Really wanna work. Not, you know, not the ones that are like, eh, maybe I wanna heal. Yeah. Congruent with each other. It's just a vibrational match, so. Mm-hmm. There's also in your chart, I'm looking at my notes right now, we don't have to go into all of it, but I looked at each of your earth and sun signs and your unconscious sun signs. So the way that it works is that earth is grounding to the sun. So in order to integrate your sun sign, you have to first integrate your earth sign. Mm-hmm. So you integrate your conscious earth sign. That is grounding then to the sun sign. And once you integrate those, then now you can move to the unconscious side, start on the unconscious earth and integrate to the un to the unconscious. Sun is like just the, like a brief overview of it, but your unconscious sun is in, gate 18 and that's the gate of correction. And so this is, Yeah, this is gifted critics, confined, fault with things in order to make perfect. it almost could be known as like the perfectionist. Yeah. Um, but there's something else that I was seeing. Um, oh gosh. Oh, your, this is what it was. Um, The north node. So we all know about like south node and north node, like an astrology. Same thing. South node is what you came in here already mastering and you need to integrate. And north node is what you're here to master. And so your north node is gate 50, which is gate of of values. And so it's all about finding, um, Equilibrium with things and responsibility, but the shadow side is no sense of responsibility and like, almost like I'm gonna do whatever I want. I don't have any responsibility. And I remember you saying a story about one time, like you just kind of went traveling somewhere. I don't know where you went, where it's like, I'm just gonna go travel, like whatever. Or the story of that you told me, where like you did that, hit that time like that. So it's almost like that was like, Where you need to go is to learn the responsibility. And that was a big part of your journey. So you had to have, had to have not, not feeling responsible cause that was part of your journey. Yeah. Yeah. Well it makes sense with the duality, with the perfectionism and the people and all that. Like sometimes I'm just like, screw it, I don't wanna do any of that. Yeah. Anytime I've done, but the times I've done that, I've been really big, big, um, Big awareness is so, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So, so anyways, Karen, like thank you so much for your time. I feel like this is so fascinating. No wonder you like, are so passionate about this. Cause I feel like it is so amazing. And yeah, like I, I just was listening to your podcast about mindset and like the tips of like how you train, like I'm like, you have all these nuggets of information just within your podcast, but then also you have these classes that. I feel like are more mm-hmm. Attainable, where you can take, you know what the masterclass would. Mm-hmm. The fuck your Fear class. Yeah. And, so where can people find you? Were I am Karen Galway, Instagram. Yes. So Instagram, I'm Karen Galway. my website's karen and then my podcast, your Life By Design are the three main places where I spend, I'm present the most. and then on my website there's like, well, I was talking about the activate intensive. You can book a human design reading the coaching. so yeah, I just, I'm excited to evolve within this space as well. And I'm getting trained in rapid resolution therapy, which is like a subconscious mind tool. And I'm like, how beautiful is it to do this heavy lifting with the human design? Bring things. To awareness and be like, poof, lets take it away with my question derby. That, like, that is like, I feel like we are so aligned with this root cause stuff. Mm-hmm. Let's just hit the root and resolve it. Mm-hmm. And you feel so free. I've, I've seen myself transform with this kind of work and healing work. So thank you for all that you do and your energy, your uniqueness that you put. Oh, thank you. And I am, I've, I know that I just healed by getting to know you because of, um, I was going through that identity crisis as a speech language pathologist. Mm-hmm. And now I'm like, it can be, and both Jen, it could be. And both. There was also, Jen, I was gonna tell you this, I, there was like a seminar program course of like myofunctional therapy, which is what my kind of like niche is within the speech therapy world. And I didn't go to it, but there was someone who presented on energy work in cranial sacro therapy to help with. The improvement of, just easing tension in the body. But I was surprised to hear energy work and I'm like, oh, well I love that this field is kind of opening up to include more of that. And I think there are a lot of speech therapists out there that had this gift of healing, which is why they chose this profession Yes. To begin with. And I think more and more people are probably opening up to it as you're starting to see more. And I was having a podcast and like, like I'm not in any, I don't think I'm in any speech therapy groups anymore. But I've had people like Jonathan Macoff. Uh, Dr. Macoff is like, anytime he meets a speech therapist at an NT seminar, he's like, talk to Chin. So I get people like asking me and then I just had somebody on Instagram was like, wait, I just saw you were doing contact reflex analysis. I'm a speech therapist. Like, wait, can you take this course? I'm like, yes you can. And you can, you know that. And I purposely put my um, my letter soup. M S C C S L P L license. Yeah. I put that on all my certificates because I want people to have permission to tru because I feel like speech language pathologists are the healers. Mm-hmm. We are healers. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And we didn't just go into it just because. And we're coaches. I mean, how many times have we coached parents with their children and how the parents hand through things and having them like shift their perspective of what their child is going through. I mean, like we literally are child. You have to look at that lens, the bird, that bird's eye lens of looking at the whole picture. I think that's why we see patterns and we notice things. Yeah. And we are feelers. We, yeah. Yeah. Anyways,, thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and your wisdom and your, your all. Yeah. Go look up Karen, and follow her. Thank you for having me on. Jen, I am so proud of you that you've decided to go ahead and have your own podcast and, so thank, grateful to have to be a guest meeting that type of person that can hold space for not like being like, oh, you're doing a podcast. Too. Like you were like, no, go do it. Like, oh, well talk about holding space. You're the one that was like patient, like we did a whole episode and I forgot to press record, so I was like, I'm just double checking. Yes, this has been recording. Yes, you're recording. Yeah. Yeah. You can listen to that episode on my podcast to hear us talk a little bit about it, but that was a trip. Well, thank you.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.