The Ripple Effect

Jen & Rebekah Varnum: The healing connections of fellow Mama Bears

Mindful Little Talkers LLC Season 1 Episode 12

In this week's episode I get to interview another fellow Mama Bear who rejected and continues to reject all the naysayer energy of others to recover her children/family and have them live their lives to the optimal.  This episode is one you won't want to miss if you are dealing with diagnoses like:  Autism and/or ADHD, injuries from injectables, and other toxins. 

I met Rebekah Varnum (find her on FB: while she was serendipitously placed under me for a detox product we both were seeing HUGE shifts in ourselves and family members while using.  We continued to grow closer as she was my Mama friend I could check in when there was so many mainstream mistruths circulation during the 2020 lockdowns.  I trust Rebekah's insight as she served in our military as well as her husband.  (Thank you, Rebekah and Jeff) Eventually as I was getting more training she started seeing me with her daughters for healings using modalities (NET ~ NeuroEmotional Technique), Theta Healing, and metaphysical clearings. 

Rebekah is a wealth of knowledge and very vulnerably shares her journey for recovering her kids back to their unique frequencies and what has worked for her and her family.  The journey is unfolding, yet Rebekah continues to make rippling waves of healing internally and externally. 

We discuss in this podcast the following modalities and/or products:

TRS: (how we met) (how Rebekah shut of the hose to the toxins, dyes, preservatives) (The modality that helped heal her son's allergies) (The Doctor Rebekah sees utilizing Quantum Neurology and reflex integration)

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

on this week's episode of The Ripple Effect, I have a mama friend named Rebecca Varnum, and we meet later on my journey. Welcome Rebecca. She is a mom. You say hello to everyone out there. she's a mama bear. And, they're an ex-military family. She met her husband in the army and she is a wealth of knowledge. And we meet, through a product that, a detox product. And somehow just a happy little coincidence if we believe in coincidences, that she was placed under me. it does have a multi-level or a direct sales, how you recommend it. But we meet through t r s and then it was just like, Unfolds into, I get to treat your highly gifted kids and help, support your family with different modalities. But I wanted to just have you share your very powerful story because you came in even before t r s, knowing a whole boatload about a bunch of stuff and then you helped me through that. What's going on with the world when, like the last two or three years. And having somebody and have somebody with like ex-military and kind of understanding the government a little bit at a different level was like such a beautiful lens for me. Yeah. So welcome. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I feel honored to be even asked to interview. I think that was really cool actually. So thanks for having me. yeah,, I probably met you well into my journey, like 15 years into my journey. So my oldest son is 20, he's diagnosed, A D H D autistic, and that happened. he was labeled ADHD around age four. He was pretty young and actually the doctors were like, we don't normally say that this young, but like for sure so severe. And standard Western trace's, whole story is standard Western protocol. I didn't know any better, so. Mm-hmm. I very much, whatever the doctor said was like, oh, okay, that's what we do. Like a lot of people I think. Yeah. And it wasn't until. we started down the regular medical path and it's oh, there's a pill for that. Take this. And then, we, it would work for a while and then it'd kind of stopped working, so they'd give him more. And so that would work for a little while and then stop working. They'd give him more, and then he'd start having these symptoms and side effects and things like that. And so it became this thing of changing meds, stacking meds, and like a medicine to deal with the side effect from the first medicine. And probably about, we were probably about the fifth, med change into things and I asked the doctor, I'm like, this isn't working. What el And in fact, the deal breaker, my son, he was kindergarten by the time they wanna start all this. he didn't really have the language for it, but was having suicidal thoughts. He would say things like, mama, I don't wanna be here anymore, or, I'm gonna go to sleep and not wake up anymore. Yeah. Or sometimes I think about jumping out the window. He would say these really average, it's five. Yeah, five. And it was in conjunction with the newest mid. And so that was when I took him to the doc. I'm like, abso fricking not. And they're like, we can give this other antipsychotic and What else he's throwing, throwing out more and more medic. It's like that vicious cycle, like how do you get off of those things? Well, and so he shrugged his shoulders at me and was like, well, cognitive behavior therapy, but they shrugged their shoulders and put their hands up. So I was like, mm-hmm, okay, fine. I'll figure it out then. And so I started researching and I came across fine gold, and that was our very first. Glimmer of hope that there could be something different. Mm-hmm. I'd love that program. I recommended to everybody, I learned. It's been around for a long time. I think I even heard about it during, somebody, a presenter when I was taking continuing ed hours, and I was like, whoa, cool. it's baseline standard stuff. Dr. Ben Feingold, when they first started doing the artificial dyes in the seventies was like, Hey, wait. He was the whistleblower about the guys back in his day. So, I recommend that to anybody as an excellent starting place. I liken it to if you've got an overflowing sink, you gotta turn the water off before you start mopping up the mess, right? And Fine. Gold was very much turning off the sink, so cutting the dyes, cutting the artificial preservatives, all the petroleum based things like that. And that also fine. Gold was really what, opened my eyes to the, like really the corruption in our system because you see things like, Nestle, who makes Fruit Loops here and makes Fruit Loops in the uk. But in the UK they don't have colors that's banned over there and they're like, hello, that's a known tumor. G causes behavior problems, know totally fine here in the US it's like they're intentionally trying to kill us. Yes, totally fine and. On top of it, go great lengths to manipulate, things like b h t. That's a petroleum based, preservative known, carcinogen known tumor, has behavior issues, causes brain inflammation, and they. Made it such that they changed it. I don't remember when, but they made this like 2% law or whatever. So if it's under a certain amount, they don't have to include it on the label. Things like Cheerios and like breads and nuts and crackers and cereals are notorious. So like Cheerios who touts their like, oh, we have good. They spray their packaging with that b h t as a preservative and don't have to include it in the label because it's not under that certain percentage. Wow. these chemicals are banned in other countries here. We've gone to great lengths and changed laws to manipulate to hide them. So it is, you come to the conclusion it's intentional. You can't. And then you begin to learn about the lobbyists and how the laws are made. And it's just, you just are like, you guys are a bunch of liars and thieves, and you're trying to hurt us on purpose. I really totally look up to you and your husband because you served for our country. You, you put your life on the line for us and you're still saying, There's so much up in corruption in our government and in, and there's, but there's such goodhearted people, that are gonna lay and let's not even mention all the injectables you have to get to even serve in our military. And yeah. So I was gonna say that it's because of our time in, I know, I know. I'm not, I'm all about Steph. Finding the original event, Rebecca, which would be like, I've been there, I've seen it from the inside. Mm-hmm. Listen to me. Listen to me. Well, and the military is, they're oftentimes a Guinea pig. there's a reason they get all of those things. It's like mm-hmm. We have a very select population that we can pull very specific data on. And in fact, the whole, Thing we were talking about earlier, the military data from the pilots is like astonishingly scary. And that lady was like, shut the. Shut up. They removed her from her position and everything. Oh, when? When there was a whistleblower that was talking about the pilots. Yeah. And that, yeah. But they're Okay. My point being that the military's data collection is such that they have records of everything. So often the military population is a Guinea pig for things. So Yeah. Being military, we're like, no, don't do it. I know and that does intersect with how we met through, T R S I. Already had Grace Hughes on, and she spoke about t r s and that's. Part of your story, but it's also the reason we met and then we just became friends on Facebook and then chatting. It was just, there was a lot of alignments there and I was undoing a lot of conditioning in the like liberal, Leaning political side, and I was like, ah, I had my red pill situation during all. I started researching everything going on every rabbit hole, and you were right there with me. Like, it's okay, Jen., like instead of it's true, but it's fine. I would ask her things like, Hey, I heard about this like conspiracy theory. What are your thoughts? And she's like, yeah, it's totally true. And I'm like, holy percent. Well, you know what though? Like I said, I met you 2020 and I was 15 years into my journey, so like none of this is new information for me. Right. Totally. You know what I mean? Like it Yeah. But it is, I feel like you start on that journey. I think like a lot of moms do, where we're just trying to heal our children or recover them, or just like we knew that there was some, they were acting a certain way and then all of a sudden there was like a huge regression or decline or something. And that's what happened with Trey. A hun. I, I used to say that at 18 months, I used to say it was like somebody flipped the light switch on him. You know, you and I as a speech language pathologist, I spent 20 years in that profession and that was so many countless mom stories. And we were taught that, oh yeah, like that's just autism and you just accept that label. And I'm like, and these moms would be like, you don't understand. I do. I feel the energy. You were telling the truth. You might be getting gaslit by this medical professional. I'm like, these people are telling the truth. And that's where I became a little bit vaccine hesitant because I was work before I had kids. I'm like listening to story after story after story. That's all the same. Yeah. Yeah. Not the same. I mean it, you know, similar. Mm-hmm. Well, and that's really, I, I mean, up in Trey, a hundred percent was fully vaccinated, like I said, at 18 months. And looking back at his records, I'm like, well, no freaking wonder. And I remember specifically, he was sick. He still had a little bit of a snotty runny nose, and they were like, oh, that's fine. And they're like, give him Tylenol. I'll give him his shots. So Trey was just like perfect storm it. Mm-hmm. When you have runny nose it or having a histamine response, your blood-brain barriers open, so you're more susceptible to toxins. Number two, they pre dose Tylenol, which depletes your liver, the glutathione, right? So you have no detox ability. number three, come to find out my kids' at M T H F R kids, so he's got already. Reduced detox abilities and now they've given him the Tylenol at a time where his Bronch brain area is open and then he got eight. Vaccines. There was like three combo, like the normal, All his regular things plus the flu shot and all the whole nine. And it was like very much a perfect storm. So it was in finding fine gold and then talking, like you said, you start talking to other moms and then you start digging. You're like, that's no, that's what happened. Yes. You don't. It's like you, you realize looking back when you find people who are like, no, I believe you. Yes. You're telling the truth that happened to us too. Mm-hmm. And so that was really our route to healing. We, shut off the hose with the fine gold. We stopped continuing to poison ourself. We. Quit doing vaccines. We quit eating any, we changed our diet drastically. he was still having responses, like a lot of reactions to things. So that's when we found, Nate and a ET that's named Buter pads Allergy elimination technique. Yeah. And so that's where I learned muscle testing and kinesiology and that sort of thing, because. They look at allergy as a much broader spectrum than just oh, you had an anaphylactic response. So they do muscle testing and Trey was allergic to like everything, including his own brain chemicals, his own body chemicals, his stomach acids, all of the building blocks. So we did that for, probably about two years. We did about 60 treatments and had drastic, another drastic leap and improvement there. And part of what we treated was the vaccines and all of that stuff too. Mm-hmm. And it just really calmed his entire system down. Wow. that part in that whole fine gold n a e T thing is when I started researching about vaccines and learning and then the path to healing him just made it so clear that Duh. That's exactly what happened, especially after I understand the mechanisms of injury, yes. And, I was talking earlier about the medica. We had done his genetics. That was another thing I talked about. The M T H F R mutation. We found he had that, but he also had, C O M T mutations. Okay. So that explained why he had such, he's always, yeah. you know how pe people are like, oh, I have that kid that has the opposite reaction to Benadryl. Benadryl makes them hyper. Yes. that was my older boy. So that's why he had like such suicidal thoughts and had such severe responses to the meds was that C O M T mutation. So that after we calmed his system down, finding out his genetics and finding out the like nutrient support really was like another LA Laval of healing, huh? Yeah, for sure. And then did you what is the age difference between your oldest son and then Did you also vaccinate your next son? okay. my two boys are only 15 months apart, so they, they, so, Trey was fully vaccinated, Ty was as well, but I don't think that Ty has the same mutations. even as babies. Trey had the tongue tie, he had the blue bug, he had the store bite, like all the way down. He had all of the mutations he had. Midline weaknesses, slow to crawl, those sorts of things. Ty didn't have any of that, and plus, you know what, having two kids back to back. Yes. And then the first one now being like, special needs. Cuz it was like 18 months when he, he went crazy. Yeah. So crazy. I, yeah. I lowkey have P T S D from him being a toddler and by that time I had a three month old infant. Also. Wow. So so you're going through your own trauma as well. doctor appointments didn't get made on time, so he was often delayed and pushed back and we skipped a few, so I don't think he has the founda. Trey also was C-section, I had group B Streps, so all the antibiotics he spent 18 days in the nicu. Wow. He had surfactant for his lungs, like he ended up with pneumonia, so he had antibiotics for that. So I think he had a weaker starting place. So Ty doesn't have as many of the issues, but. Trey was about five when we started meds, so about seven when I really started our biomed journey. Mm-hmm. So that by that time, Ty would've been due for his kindergarten boosters. And I already, like you said, I had that hesitancy uhhuh, and so he didn't have near. The start place or as many either, there's, and you talk about the Yeah. And you already named it so well, you talk about that perfect storm, about the genetics. and I will say this, and Rebecca knows because, you're, I feel like, I don't know what your next step is, but you're a healer yourself. I will just name that even if you won't claim it. but we don't come in with a clean slate. So you're looking at those military toxins between you and your husband, like from the injectables and then whatever. Our food source, like if we're just eating what? I don't know. We, I grew up in this grocery store eighties. Yeah. It was all fat free, all the preservatives, all the things. Yeah. And then, yeah. So it's just interesting to see when we get to compare children. and I know that I meet you much, much obviously later on your journey. Yeah. And you were saying that doesn't really make sense cuz you already knew better with. say your youngest daughter, so she's Rebecca, has four children like myself. Yeah. There's a big, huge gap. Re uh, Leva was our retirement gift, you know, so there's like, see Trace 20, we have one of those two, so there's 15 years before them. So when live came along, Liva home birth, unvaccinated like you super touchy. Never had antibiotics her entire life, like all of these things. So like I came to her thinking like, oh, I know what I'm doing. I got this uhhuh. And she's really made it me delve into the world of quantum healing. It's like cuz mm-hmm. Travion taught me all these things about physical and it's like we got there and have a good solid base and I feel like we're doing pretty good. Like you were talking about military. Like my husband's brother's also in the military, and there is a drastic difference in their health. And a lot of that comes down to what we do. Yes. even just his pain levels, he went and got MRIs and stuff done for his hips and stuff like that, and they're like, mm, double hip replacement. That's all we got for you, sir. Oh, wow. And he manages his pain naturally. Like grent, he's got a lot of grit. That's part of it. Yeah. But we use homeopathy, we use cannabis, we use essential oils. We use, oh, they called, it's not your, you're not talking about your husband's brother, you're talking about your husband. But they were telling you that the only option is like a double hip replacement. Wow. Yeah. And so guys like him are on like heavy duty opiates, like his brother. They've got him on pretty heavy prescriptions, he's got a lot of migraines. He had surgery. So yeah, he has flares like better days and worse days where. And he's gotta take some pretty heavy meds to cope with it and deal with it. I was talking to my dad this morning, Jeff had some things going on his, with his heart. He had some AFib and I start researching that and I come across moral Lee's root cause protocol and that's like real big on mineral balance, your salt and vitamin C. And so magnesium magnesium's huge part of it. Huge. Yes. So we've been doing that and like he just had his last test and his AFib is like under two percent's. Wow. It's near gone. And with magnesium really, it's like as easy as some supplementations. And I think you know about some other people. We know they've had to have surgeries and they're on medications and like just. Very drastic, different, like he takes no prescription drugs, like other guys in his same situation who have been 20 years in the military have that level of pain and body degradation and toxicity, like the burn pits and the injectables and all of that. this dude's doing great. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like I, so it. So I came thinking I knew cuz I'm like, look, exactly, you did. That's, I love how you described it. And I do see like on the spiritual level is that our kids are,, we're all vibrating and we're on a certain timeline and we're just like shifting up. And so you're right, she comes in to be like, oh. You're pretty healed on the physical. Let's heal us on the metaphysical and the quantum level because there's beliefs there. There's like, there's past life stuff we need to blow through and I can name that because I have. Been honored that Rebecca's trusted me on some of their healing journey with doing some of the metaphysical healing and the theta belief work or mm-hmm. Looking at that kind of, that realm of healing. It's crazy how much it showed up in the physical liver's issues I really do think are around trauma. She had some falls and injuries as an infant and it set her up. We've been working with. Primitive reflex integration and I love that. Yes. Quantum neurology and those two things are really making leaps and bounds, so Oh, yes, yes. That's, I know that it's but the, you were talking about the metaphysical part of her disability is the balance issues tripping and falling. She's was not anymore, thank God, but was all the time. I mean, she'd fall. Mm-hmm. 20, 30, 50 times a day. Like she couldn't she'd trip over herself. She'd run straight into things. And I remember one of the things you, she had like gremlins on her ankles. There, there is aspecific on. I mean, if you had to name something, there are certain entities that do cause falls. So yes, the metaphysical heel is real. I see it on the daily in my practice. Yeah. And it was crazy how much she stopped tripping and falling like a drastic overnight difference when you cleared those things. It, I know. That's shocking difference. This is wild. You're never gonna believe this. I know. I just had a wild session this morning and I'm like, I sometimes am like, really God. this is my, this is. This is my gift to the world. Like it's hard to explain this stuff, but thank you for naming that. That helped her balance. There was like a metaphysical yuck, a foreign thing attached to her and it was so cute because she's so. Tuned in. She's so dialed into source and creator that I have my little AK menus and she just went over one session and it's so funny that it just popped into, it was like a year ago right around now. I know, I saw that. You're like, huh? Yeah. And. She is just like points to like whatever it was. and I'm like, all right, let me borrow your arm and surrogate muscle testing. And I'm like, oh, she's rude. No, a hundred percent. You said that about Liv too. she, that next level, I really think, again, back to her disability, she has no, like in intelligible speech, but. I, and I know it sounds crazy. I tell everybody, I know it sounds crazy, but I hear her in my head. But if you think about human evolution, why wouldn't we be developing our psychic guilt? The telepathy. The telepathy, yeah. Because she's it's not like she's checked out.,, it's like she's almost. Dialed in so much that words are like petty. Like, why are we using words? This is the new, the new. We're going into 5g, everybody. We're not gonna be using words. It's almost, but we've had to work through some beliefs about communication, accepting it and owning it and trusting it. and trusting that your intuition is spot on like that. There's that I know what she needs and like I'm doing what she needs and giving her and like she's not lacking something because of it. Yeah. Yeah. It's huge. So we have done modality, like neuro emotional technique to kind of just get off the charge. And then we've been, there's, we are always floored by some of the sessions, like, holy crap. And then I feel like I, it always makes so much sense too,, oh yeah, of course. So I will say that you guys do see a practitioner who does quantum neurology. So all the listeners, it's like a infrared light and just there's a ho we have a holographic nervous system. We have, there, it's the quantum level of getting back online and the, I delved into mosco Tova method. I'm like, there's definitely something to the primitive reflex stuff and like getting, and so I, Think that's fabulous. And then the metaphysical stuff, a lot of people negate that. I just worked with somebody where the muscle testing was like so whacked and I'm like, oh, you forgot to look for those sneaky attachments, like entities that like to f with everything. It's so dysregulating to somebody's holographic nervous system when you have something attached like that to you. Yeah. That's,, I think that's been my biggest benefit working with you. I feel like my nervous system is so much more regulated. Like I'm so much more in Buck. Gets credit for that too. Yes. He's the guy who's the, in Denver that does the quantum neurology, but like I just, I'm so much more, it's more than grounded. Grounded doesn't seem the right word for it, but like just. You have more of your unique freq, your frequency. You're embodying your vibrational frequency. I feel like, More solid in who I am actually, and not so impacted by external, artificial, like things that aren't mine. You know what I mean? Yeah. I feel like even you just said generationally or linear, we're carrying things that either. We just need to drop or weren't ours to begin with, that we've picked up and it's I don't know, I, clearing those makes such an impact in the nervous system. So being more like centered I think is really, yeah. And then. You do then know when you have that kind of awareness, if there is something foreign attached to you, I don't feel quite, we right, or I'm dysregulated, or you can tell on your children that much more. They get back from school and you're like, Hmm. What did they pick up at school? I had an episode one time I had gotten into, not a disagreement, but a conversation that was heated and like afterwards I just, I felt. I don't just so not me, uhhuh. And it was like, oh, I totally picked up something in that moment and had to like, no. Yeah, you don't have permission to be here. Just because I went there and that place does not mean that I am giving you permission to be here. I may have matched for a minute, but No, you don't provide. Right. And, and I will name that Rebecca is. You're one of the people, talk about inspiring. I, I will sometimes get people attacking me because I am talking about entities and demons and that I'm, I, and I'm not removing'em. I'm just like going to God creator, whatever your word is for source. And you have such a biblical knowledge because of your background., you have a religious background. Yeah. It's a little culty for some people, but I was raised Jehovah's Witness. I went. Away from that pretty far. after my parents got divorced. Sure. It was like no longer that was, it was a thing my mom was doing, yeah. But like when the divorce, it was like, oh, we're not going to church. Good little Jehovah's witness thing. But looking back on that now, one of the things that I carry from that, because it wasn't all great, there's no, but there's some religious trauma there too. But those people were in their Bible like nobody else. And so a lot, so I've come, it's like a pendulum. You swing and warm it way all the way to, yeah. Now onto the middle. Yeah, it was Jehovah's Witness on one end where tarot cards and muscle testing. Yeah. And that's the devil, right? In the look at, and now you're using a mixture of it all, right? yeah. I swing all the way to the other end into what they would call spiritualism and all of that, and now it's Back into the middle. It's like both, right? The middle and both. Yeah. Because you know a lot of what they say about like entities and demons and that's valid to, that's it's true. That's valid. Also in the spiritual field, they hide as these love and light and like mm-hmm. They, they. They play pretend, and they're mimics. And the Bible says that yeah, he's the father of all lies like that. He, that's his thing is deceit. And so you get these people in these like spiritual worlds who are very, love and light. They kind of like what? Like they're not spiritual whitewashing. Yeah, yeah. They're not grounded in to true source creator. And so pretender energies, trickster energies, I think you like to call'em, can make their way in infiltrate, but. So, yeah, I, sometimes I feel like myre, I get a little extreme about my boy. Not extreme. I'm very convicted. I'm very convicted because of my experience, it, it becomes an undeniable thing. You're like, you've experienced this, you're not gonna tell me this isn't true. So I get a little. Extreme about things, but I think sometimes in some ways that helps me. I think I've just embraced my weirdo. no, the Bible says devils are real and I work with a theta girl who can die. Yeah. and I just, because I don't like. I, my, I am, my husband knows the VI bible very well. PJ is I'm like, cliff notes help me that somebody's saying I'm, doing witch, which then brings up like past life existences for me, where I was like a witch and hung for that. Or just so it's all this persecution and, but not like you think you are. Right? Right., every time I get that persecution energy, I'm like, wait. And then I'm like, okay, just breathe. This is, yeah. But I like. When people have, the Bible backing this quantum stuff because it's all there. It's all there. And, I just think we get into these, programs that maybe become limiting and not that pro. We all, we're running on program. We are in this existence, so we need programs to keep us safe and alive. It's like we're not going to not be able to subscribe to something because Yeah. We do. I think though a big piece of it is claiming our sovereignty. Yeah. Even you, you think about the Bible knowledge, that's one of the big things of the Bible is if I'm with you, who can stand against you and like all things through Christ. So if you are real clear on who you're connected to and what that source is for you, whatever you name it. Yes. You know what I mean? Yes. Like my dad and my stepmom are going through this journey into Judaism and things like that. And so, they have different naming, but it,, it seems like the energy behind it is safe. We agree on way more things than we disagree on because it is that, like that oneness energy. It is that source. It is that. Yeah. One of the things I always had a problem in the like new age thing was like, I am God. And it's like I am God, as in I am a fractal of God. Yes. But I am denying source. It felt like denying source to me. That's what it was. Yeah. It had, it has a bit of an ego, like I am God. Like I am. Mm-hmm. I am God in that. We all are, but, But I think definitely, I think it's recognize a source. Yes, absolutely. And that was the part when people were coming at me that were very religious and I just got some, cuz I've been putting more content out there. I have this podcast, so who knows, they're probably people listening than getting triggered left and right. I said, okay, go find an n t practitioner. Doesn't have to be me. Cause clearly you're, I'm just, it's more or less that. I'm like, I think we're speaking the same energy or vibration, but we're calling it different things. We're naming it or it's nuanced. So like you said, we're more alike than we're not alike. And that was what, my political undoing where I'm like, I don't belong to any group or side. Is a lot like that because of, it comes back to claiming your sovereignty. Yes. There's a reason you don't identify with either side. I don't need you to represent me. I represent me. Mm-hmm. I know what's good for me. And claiming your sovereignty is Bible Act, yes. I like that spider back. You were talking about like the ology and Yeah. It resonates, truth resonates. Like it is, it has a resonance. Yes. It has a feel it in your spirit. I'll get spiritual chills when something is true. It like true. Yeah. Like when I'm working with somebody and we're, we've hit something deep within their subconscious and I'm like, holy spiritual chills, like, yeah, there they are. That's truth. That's resonating at truth, but I wanna say that how. How, if we're bringing you back up to speed to now, how are your two sons doing? Like you've done so much physical healing with them, and then how are the girls doing and okay, so my oldest, we, 18 months was a big flip for him. Kindergarten, we started the med journey about seven. We started biomed. He's 20 now. Uhhuh. So like first grade, he started on IEPs and all of those sorts of things. By 10th grade, they, he didn't qualify for special ed services anymore. They were like, we can't help you. Congratulations. You've graduated. You're doing it, you're doing it great. He didn't qualify for any hours of support like his, That's a huge deal because when he started deep into, special ed was in fifth grade and, he was like in a, an enclosed classroom and like he was considered a behavior kid. The military thing comes into this. We had moved from DC to Colorado and so where we lived in DC was a very different I don't know how to say this very different,, environment like Trey and Ty were the white kids in their class mm-hmm. To come here and there's no, not a whole lot of different You have, yeah. We had that happening. So there's just a different vibe. And Colorado, has had some violence in their past, so our experience of them was that they were much more sensitive to Angry children or you're not standard kid. And because he's got, we're high functioning autism and A D H D and that sort of thing, and we don't medicate, he already doesn't fit the mold. And then he, when he reacts to bullying, then now he's the bad kid and they're like, oh God, put him in the private room. So to be from that, Two, five years down the road, special ed being like, we can't help him anymore. Congratulations. He's done. That was a huge, yeah, that's the huge deal. Like he cried so much, and I, honestly, I have to keep that in mind now that we're dealing with Liva. Yeah. Because her. Prognosis and what her goals are right now and what they see for her is very different than the vision I hold for her. And I just have to remember, this isn't the first time I've done it where all the professionals are like, isn't. That's cute too. You've been training, don't wanna eat food, die. Yeah. Like, that's fine. And so now we're like, okay, you and your lasers. You and your lasers and your demonn slayer lady that's, Frederick. No, I know. If you, it some days I'm like, that's why I'm like, wow. Jokes on me. God, with you. Yeah. And, and the gifts that Yeah. You bestowed upon me, so I know to some degree I think it's forcing us to like own who we are. Who we are. Like, I like, I need you to step into this. So it's like I love that it's incrementally though, That you didn't get these type of people when you first started. No. Again, the Bible, A lamp to your foot, to your footsteps. Yeah. You know what I, yeah. If you think about walking in the dark and you've got a lamp, how far can you see a step? Or two, three, maybe. Mm-hmm. I really love that analogy cuz it's like that when you're following spirit, they're like, okay, here's the next big thing. And you're like, I know, like when this happened, when something happened when somebody's in my office today and they like, they muscle test it. And then even in my little metaphysical manual, it's It had a little bit of fear behind it,, be sure you're the right one to do this. And I was like, okay. and I'm like, I'm pretty sure if you're testing for it, but yes, I'm noticing that is that the more we embrace and trust spirit, God, creator, whatever your word, Jesus, whatever your word is for that source, Christ, that consciousness, that energy, when you start just owning it, it's like almost like you get. More down, you can do this. And I've grown so much closer to God, creator watching cuz it's the genesis of witnessing for me. I, I see something and then I watch it get released to the light and I'm always like, whoa. And then you will be like, Hey Jen, you, we should be like pulling out the chem trails in the sky. I'm like, oh my gosh. I didn't think to think that big. There's, it's just nice to feed off of these possibilities. Yeah, for sure. And knowing that. Miracles happen all the time and you just believe you're worthy of them and that they're possible. it's, and I know well, and the bigger it expands, the bigger it's, the better it gets, the better it gets. It's so just oh, I can do that. That means I could do that, and I can exactly. And I think that's part of the religious undoing is like really taking ownership of what could we be, what could it be like if we didn't have all these false things that limiting beliefs and all these things that are like impact. And I think in the Bible I was working with somebody who had more of a biblical lens or a Christian lens. And not that it's not the same, but. She was saying, oh, the lies, like the lies, like whether you wanna call it the devil, like those are limiting beliefs. I'd be like, I think it's the same thing. It's the same thing a hundred percent. And yeah, so I often check in with people's emotional reality, even before I make commands in Theta. I'll be like, Hey, are you gonna be triggered by the word creator or like God, like I'm always checking in because those things matter for people. and I will, I'd like to honor people where they're at and what their journey is and what their lens is and their perspective because Yeah. I appreciate you being on here. I know that, You have been a big part of my journey. You trusting me. and like coming up here and we're doing some wild metaphysical stuff, helped me to become a better healer and just and your kids like, oh my gosh. the world is so bright. Your future, the future is so bright your kids are so high vibrational beings. They're souls. yeah. So I, it gives me a lot of hope when I'm like, like when I'm. Have my moments of, looking at the world and I'm like, wait, what's going on here? I'm like, wait, turn the TV off. Lemme look at these kids. Exactly. Let's go outside, see if we can bust these Ken trails up. Come on. Exactly. You bring. Yeah. That was so fun. When, and we become close as friends, we do some fun mom things where we go to Salt Cave and I bring all my, I bring my lights into the salt cave. I know. I love it. Yeah,, that's great to hear cuz you've been a huge part of our journey too. So Yeah, and that's the whole thing, is that ripple effect and then, yeah, who knows who's gonna listen to this podcast and be like, huh, little, this is just how energy works and the ripple effect works is just for sure. Yeah. thank you for taking your time. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. I know you have a, your little one that we're talking about is probably about to wake up, so we'll let you off. I know it's been perfect timing. I've had beautiful little space of quiet, exactly. Enjoy the rest of your little quiet before she wakes up. You guys have a good one.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.