The Ripple Effect

Jen & Dr. Sam Riley: Getting to the Root

Mindful Little Talkers LLC Season 1 Episode 13

I get to chat with Dr. Sam Riley who I met during a NeuroEmotional Technique seminar in Sedona back in 2021.  Dr. Sam is the one who first introduced me to Contact Reflex Analysis & we both certified in this modality a few weeks ago.  He uses this testing system on EVERYONE in his office.  Dr. Sam got to the root of a rash I had that would come and go for up to 2 years and it was becoming concerning to me.  I was seeing many docs/healer and doing tons of things for the rash  yet it would still come and go.  It's never been back ever since he put me on a protocol using CRA (Contact Reflex Analysis).  I am so grateful for him, his expertise, his mentorship with CRA, and also his friendship! 

Dr. Sam Riley practices out of Needham, Massachusetts and does virtual sessions and protocols.  He strives to learn all the best modalities to get to the root cause of any of your symptoms.  Everyone of my family members has benefitted from his proficiency and his ability to find the root cause using applied kinesiology:  muscle testing. 

Book an appointment with him here:
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Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

all right. On this week's episode, I have a very special guest. This is Dr. Sam Riley from Massachusetts. Welcome to the show and thank you. Absolutely. I wanted to share how Dr. Riley and I met. We met at, I think the first time we met was ins, no, was it Sedona or Philly? I, we met at the marketplace there right before going on the, the Pekao ceremony. Yes, that's right. And I remember he's, if you don't know, Dr. Sam's very tall. So this tall human comes in with an accent that my speech therapy mine couldn't place. I'm like, where is this guy from? So, no. Yeah. Anyways, welcome to the show. I remember that we didn't really get to work together in terms of like any t stuff at Sedona, but that's where we first met. And then it wasn't until Philly that we like were work shopping together. And then you're the one that introduced me to something that I want to talk about today, which is contact reflex analysis. I remember we were doing our n E T stuff, but then I needed extra cuz I was a hot mess. So, Pelvis did it for you. What's that? Ingle Was the pelvis, the pelvis adjustment? Exactly. And I was like, what is, what are you doing? I wanna know all about what, yeah, you were doing something different than n e t, although n e t was super helpful. And I will say that you've been super instrumental on my healing journey because I had this weird rash and been going to chiropractic all these different healers and whatnot, and the rash would just not go away. And it was one of your protocols that just cleared it up I wanted to chat about how you practice, what modalities you use, what are some of your favorites, and just kind of like what to expect when somebody, so I know I had something, it was probably fungal and you got me on some Supreme Nutrition products and it was like gone within three weeks and I was like, what? This has been a two year thing. And Dr. Sam was able to figure out T Tonic for you too. And conic. I needed a boat. I still need a boatload of that. I think I'll be on that for life. So conic is like your spirit animal, I think. Exactly. I I always test for like, so much of it. So, yeah. So just tell us a little bit about how you practice and then I'll also wanna delve into like how, like why are you the way that you are and why did you become a chiropractor and all those fun things too. so I think we, we all share applied kinesiology. I think we all kind of start with applied kinesiology, which is a lot of people will know it as muscle testing and it just, I really don't think there's anything else like it. It really gives you a window into the body, without having to do lab work and this, that, the other thing, and all these special tests, all you need is yourself, right? Mm-hmm. And so every muscle, organ, gland, everything is related in the body. So every organ has, Acupuncture points, spinal level nutrients, all these things. So we can start testing muscles and we can get a lot of information about where the current state of things are in the body. And when we're saying muscle testing, we're called chiropractors, but I think with that, we're really just functional neurologists cuz that's all we're doing. So we're, when I say muscle testing, think of it as five. Five outta five scale. I'm testing a muscle and it's strong against gravity and resistance. Mm-hmm. That's. For us, and a lot of these, deficiencies or weaknesses are gonna be three out of five, four out of five strengths. So neurologically, the muscle's just not doing what it's supposed to. And that can be for a variety of different reasons, right? We always talk about anything can cause anything. Maybe it's something emotional. Maybe there's some, nutritional deficiency. Maybe they have some type of, infection or hidden infection or biochemical imbalance that you need to support. So it just gives you a lot of information. You don't have to know anything about the history of the patient. You just walk in, start testing muscles and you can tell the patient in about two minutes everything that's wrong with them. So it's just an extremely powerful tool. And then me and Jen actually just went, was it three weeks ago now to, gosh, certified in contact reflux analysis, which is. One of the, one of the, I don't wanna say a problem with the chiropractic profession, but you go, the old joke is you go to a chiropractor, 10 different chiropractors, you get 10 different diagnoses, 10 different treatments, right? Nothing's gonna be the same. So with contact reflex analysis, if I can only practice one technique for the rest of my life, it would be that easily. And it just is, an energy technique that goes through and sees where the imbalances are in the body. And a lot of times, what we'll call it urgent wellness, like where is the biggest urgency in your system? Where is the weakest link that we need to go into and we need to support right away? And it's, in terms of prioritizing the, it's a system and it is just, I haven't seen anything like it. You always try to, I don't wanna say, disprove it, but you just, you always just trust the system and it just always, To where we need to go a hundred percent. And I think, I love the fact that the system, like I'm a speech language pathologist and I can take this system too and I will have a different menu of things than you do with your specialty area, but it really gets to the root and it's. It's amazing. And like I said, I just keep trusting the system cuz I'll be like, why did the, why did this person's body tell me this? And then it always makes sense, like in hindsight, but it's just so cool to look at energy testing that way. And I love that. That's what you're saying, all these cool modalities and if it was one that you had to choose and I'm like, and this is awesome because I'm not even a chiropractor and I still am certified in it. So I'm like, yes, I feel like we found the golden nugget, so to speak. and it's, we, Dr. Paul dentist mm-hmm. You know, acupuncturists, a couple physical therapists, medical doctors can do it. They just, um, like, uh, be legal drug dealers instead. So, exactly. I know, That whole idea where healthy people, and they're like, you would think that people would be getting curious as like, what are you doing? You're like, you're healthy, you're healing. And when it's like, I met with these doctors that were, Hey, listen, I'm doing, energy work, or I do muscle testing. They like look at me like I have three eyeballs. And I'm like, okay, whatever. We'll, that kind of thing, but I don't know why we don't see more medical doctors taking this, but. It is what it is. We're just in a different reality maybe. So it's like you said, it's just, it's just root cause medicine. Right? Right. Yeah. Reason, there's always a reason for something that, you know there whenever you hear of a diagnosis that's idiopathic or there's no known cause it, no. You guys just aren't good detectives. And I think with a lot of our work, we're really good detectives. Mm-hmm. At just. About where these deficiencies are, where these weaknesses are, where these people need to be built up. And the body has the innate ability to heal itself. You just have to give a little help sometimes. So right now. Cause I feel like, I don't know if this happens to you as a doctor healer or whatever, Practitioner, what are you attracting these days? Is it a lot of emotional stuff or is it like these, is it mold, yeast, fungus, or is it just a whole slew of a lot of toxicity? What's going on with like Yeah, I feel like the f, I feel like the first time I see people, no matter what they're coming in for, how healthy, how sick somebody is. 80, 85% of the time you're always starting off in the bladder. Like a lot of people have sick bladders and the bladders. System, the bladder's, the holder of all unresolved emotions. So it's extremely important. Nobody ever talks about it. we always talk about the gut, and the gut has a flora, but so does the kidney bladder, and I would argue potentially that it's just as significant, if not maybe slightly more important or a lot of parasites, parasites. But I'd say, I'm in Massachusetts too, right? There's a lot of older houses, there's a lot of moldy houses and you, you just ask the people too, and Oh, yeah. I, I see it in my shower. Oh yeah, I see it in my windows. Yeah, it's in my, air conditioner. So yeah, it's lot of fungus. I'm of the opinion, I don't care who you are, how healthy you are. If you have a pulse, you have parasites, you have lime, you have fungus. Just everybody outta balance. And that's the whole idea is that like we're not immune to these toxins that we're being, we're being, it's showered in our air, like we're be, it's everywhere in our water, but the homeostasis is the key. Is that, yeah. I was just curious if you use, I know that with CRA it's a whole triad, but are you seeing that. The bladder is the holder of all emotions. Are you doing like a lot of n E t or emotional work or belief work or whatnot too? Yep. And and that's, and I think that's the beauty too. C r a is like we always talk about anything can cause anything. And when, who say it's a bladder issue, say it's a parasite, say it's fungus, who cares? What we're doing is we're seeing all the different vectors that are affected with that imbalance. So let's just say it's parasites and maybe you need an adjustment to supply some neurology to a certain organ. Maybe there's an emotion that needs to be released that is within that parasite. Like you'll see a lot of things like large intestine, like people feeling stuck, grief and sadness. A lot of times too, and sometimes they need herbs to balance out those frequencies. And sometimes these people are so sick that if you give them herbs, they're gonna call you tomorrow and they're gonna say, Hey Doc, I feel terrible because, they're vibrating at such a low frequency. So a lot of these people need to be built up first, so you gotta build up their constitution. Mm-hmm. And you just cra tells you everything, so you just get Yeah, I a hundred percent agree. And, And who introduced you to contact reflex analysis? Like how did you find out about it? So, hunter, so Dr. Hoper, I think he is, I think Dr. Hoper DC on Instagram, Uhhuh, and so he had taken it with I think he had been exposed to it through Charlie and then, For listeners who don't know, Charlie, what's Dr. Who's Dr. Charlie? Uh, d What's he on Instagram? Uh, Dr. I dunno. He's 2.0. Charlie DC underscore 2.0. His, his membership too incredible. You're not gonna find information like that anywhere. not in any textbook. It's, really dumbed down too into, a very digestible, load of information. So he had, got it through Charlie, been exposed to it, and then Hunter was trying to get me to take it for like a year. And for some reason I was just, I was always against it. I just, I think the muscle testing with some of the other techniques I was already doing. It just didn't resonate, didn't make sense in my head. So I had fought it for a little while. Then I went to Hunters and he was playing Dr. Vernal videos. And so Dr. Vernal, for those that don't know, he was the creator of Contact Reflex analysis and. You just hear this guy talk. I mean, your jaw just hits the floor. There's no low moments. It's just clinical pearl after clinical pearl after clinical pearl, and you're just like, you could sit there and just watch him 24 7, 365 for the rest of your life. I'm in that camp too for sure. Right. So I was like, all right, I wanna know everything this guy knows. and I went and took it and I actually took it from Charlie the first time. I think it was in Atlanta. And that was it. And now use it rest history. Yeah. Every single patient, you don't walk in without getting contact. Reflex analysis. I love it. Yes. And that's what, and I'm grateful for you, without, You introducing it to me at n e t just being because, once you have it, it's like once you know that you can get to the root, that's what you did. I know we were doing n e t and of course I'm an a very emotional person, so yes, I could be working on n e T for life, but you can't negate all the other things because it's all like vibrational frequency and energy and whatnot. All right, Dr. Sam, I want to know, because I'm a speech therapist and I always like to know people's stories. I wanna know like how you're amazing. You're helping so many people. He sees people in person, but also your virtual appointments, everything that you've done for me and my family, and you've given my kids protocol. You work with my husband, you're helping us all back to homeostasis, and we do that all virtually. So. This is why this is muscle testing and energy testing and vibrational frequency is just where it's at. But I wanna know, sometimes I've been interviewing chiropractors and they've gotten in an accident in chiropractic help them or whatnot, but what was your journey to become a chiropractor? Probably. Very different from everybody. Um, I, growing up I had always, been into just the human body, so I did, I always thought physical therapy was gonna be it for me. And growing up I had a lot of injuries. I didn't, obviously, like a lot of people didn't know what I know now. I was very naive and I got stuck in this cycle between I think it was like, Maybe like mid-teens to early twenties where I was, played a lot of sports. I would injure my shoulder. I had to get surgery. I did all the pt. Went back to my first game in basketball. Shoulder came right out again, did surgery again, went through all the pt, came back again. I get hurt again. Shoulders out. All, all different pieces, but again, a lot of vulnerabilities. So I've had four shoulder surgeries. Wow. I did me, I did all the rehab, I did everything. I was supposedly good to go and just had a terrible experience with it. So I started shadowing a lot more physical therapists and I just, it just didn't resonate. It was like, Monday, Wednesday, Friday is hip day. Everybody's coming in, getting their hips touched for two minutes, go do a couple exercises, heat and stem, and then Tuesday, Thursday was shoulder day. And then same thing. And I just, it didn't really resonate for me. So I finished undergrad. I went to U r. I did exercise science kinesiology. Did two years of athletic training and I just, I felt like I didn't know enough. So I was working with a high school athletes, middle schoolers, soccer players, things like that. And I was just looking one day on the computer and I just saw that, oh, I. Well, chiropractic can do absolutely everything under a physical therapist's license that they can do, but they also have a bigger scope of practice. So in certain states, you can get nutritional recommendations. I can order special testing and imaging if that need be. you can do, just the, just exercise, all the pt, all the exercises, all the rehab stuff. So you just had a bigger scope, and you also have the ability to diagnose, right? Mm-hmm. People can just walk in off the street and come see me. So from that point, I just decided to go to chiropractic school. So I'd never been to a chiropractor before, just decided to roll. Love that. I love that about you. You go on your gut intuition and I absolutely like, that's super inspiring. You just trust it when you know. You know, mm-hmm. You just feel like. And, I think it was the first year in, so Hunter's, sister Ade, um mm-hmm. She's also a chiropractor, right. Yep. She does a lot of the same techniques. And, her mom came up one weekend and, you know, I didn't, I was like, bare just getting scratched to the surface, into getting introduced. Like they applied kinesiology and muscle testing. And so Ezra's mom came up and I saw her working on on her, and I'm just sitting there as a spectator, just like everybody. Right. And I'm just sitting there. Yeah. What, what are they doing? Yeah. What witchcraft is this going? What the witch scrap. Yep. Then I got on the table and she did a couple things to me and I had a couple things resolved very quickly that I'd had for a while, and it was just kinda like one of those aha moments. And then I had another teacher in school who was my biochemistry teacher, and she had been doing this for a while as well. So I was like my initial exposure, but, even up to three years ago. I didn't know half of these other techniques. So I feel like I always say like every seminar you go to, you hear about another technique that you never knew about. It's so tough. It's so tough to hang with you chiropractors. Cause I'm like, what? Like you're all going after it all the time. And so I am, I'm like, what do I need it? And they're, and they all have acronyms and you're like, okay, C cpk, this, this, this. I'm like, the letter soup. I'm like, what? It feels like it's a swirly soup. So I do love though. That again, we can plug any of those letter soups into contact reflux analysis. And you can, you're getting all these modalities, but you're still using c r a like daily, right? Every day, every patient. contact, reflect analysis is like, windows right to your computer. Mm-hmm. And then all your programs that you have are all your other techniques. So it just organizes everything into a system and the system just never fails. Yeah. So you really got, you delved more into, all these, how did you get hooked into all these different modalities or I know you have to take continued hours, but I will say that find the chiropractors that are just passionate about. Healing people and getting to the root, the root cause medicine, because none of the stuff that, you're getting, you're not getting CEUs for Right. To keep your license. No. So they're absolutely, they're dishing out the money because they care about people, not because they're getting these continuing ed hours. So just, just wanted to point that out because I see that. it's not scientific enough or there, there's no studies on it and we know who funds the studies and where the money's going. Studies and if you don't, then you got some homework to do. I know, and I'm always so, surprised to meet, and this is any profession, is that it's almost like once you've been red pilled, you can't unsee the corruption that's everywhere in every system of our beingness. So I'm always surprised to find chiropractors that are still like into. And you're like, wait, I thought that you're, you believe that the body has a natural ability to heal. I don't understand you. but there, I have to do any, anything around my judgment around that. But, there's just things I notice and I'm like, huh, that's interesting. And it's, it's tough too. Cause it's not that I. Dislike 90% of chiropractors, but it's, I kind. But you kind of do. Why don't get your arm up? Let's test. Say I like 90% of the chiropractors. Nope. no, it's not that. It's just a resonance thing., I don't know any, well, I know a couple speech language pathologists that are now being turned, like taking neuro emotional technique. And you guys are all good about connecting me with those people. but half of my profession, I more than half, 90%. I don't think I ever resonated with the people in my profession, but I'm also just, an odd, an odd soul. yeah stuff too, because a lot of'em are, it's just it's the same concept. It's like compartmentalization. It's like I got my blinders on. Everything is structure. Everything's structure. So no matter what type of pain or headache or digestive symptom or fungal skin stuff, whatever they're coming in with, right? It's always oh, we just gotta adjust you three, four, or five places the same, 3, 4, 5 places every time. We'll see you next Wednesday. I'll see you three times a week. Yeah. And Yes. Why would, and there's so many reasons why a person wouldn't be able to hold that structural, alignment or the adjustment, right? And, and so getting to the root is where it's at. Adrenals and emotions, adrenals and emotions. I love that you, I feel like everything has a, Emotional, which is energy and motion. The the definition of emotion is energy and motion. So I feel like that's everything in our beliefs and I'll I healing from Lyme disease and co-infections, and I know you see a lot of these kinds of patients, we were sick. But guess what helped me the most is healing my emotions like that. Then my supplements started working I was doing all the right things for my Lyme and co-infections, but I still wasn't getting better. And it wasn't until I found your emotional technique and really started taking a deep dive into, my childhood wounds. And cuz that's what original event, emotionals work was where it was at for me. So, Lime and parasites are like the two most. Oh, they love each other. Right? They hide. It's, it's, you have to address the parasites. That's what actually was what got us into our remission status is that we were taking different herbs for like specific for lime, bartonella, but it wasn't till we could get rid of the parasites and the biofilm and the, all that. And, and again, I passed the. That onto my children because if I had a hidden infections in while they were in the womb, they're just getting those parasites and all my toxicity. So I think that's a good point. Like I see that. All that, multiple times a week. These, and these kids are sicker than ever now, and the parents just don't know that these things exist, right? Because they're the kids coming in two weeks old, two months old, six months old, and they're full of eczema all over their body. They go to the bathroom once or twice a week, super constipated. They're not sleeping. They're waking up throughout the night multiple times. They're restless and you go to the doctor and it's like, oh, well just rub this cream on it, or Here take Metamucil, or, oh, it's normal and it's not. Yeah, we were told that, we were told that our baby that was crying like 22 hours out of like the, I don't know, like the entire day. We were told that that was colic and that he'll grow out of it. And you're like, and every part of my intuition was screaming. Fuck, no, this is not normal. None of this is normal. But those are the gas lighty things. And then on top of that, and I've had, it's been on the podcast, I call it injectables. We got so injured from our wellness checks, just because there was no root cause intention there. It was slap this over this symptom, slap this over that symptom, and slowly you're just, You're just getting sicker and sicker over time. And it, so it wasn't until we actually found chiropractic, that our whole world and our whole paradigm started to shift, and then we stopped, poisoning ourselves and our kids. Uh so that was a big one. And then we just started to heal and, and giving our bodies what it needed. But I will say that it wasn't until. I really had to go and dig into the emotions that I, that we as a family structure really started to heal. Yeah. So that's our story. Um, but I will say thank you so much for, being so instrumental on our healing journey. That's part of why I have you, I wanted you to be on the podcast is like the ripple effect because. Yeah, I wouldn't have known about c r a wasn't for you. And then I had, taken my first class with Dr. CJ Cooper in Iowa, and it's, it's a, I think it's a small but growing tribe of, practitioners. And I think it's gonna take off, I hope anyway. And if not, I'll just keep watching Dr. Vernel videos. That's it. Just want those videos, gimme all personal videos. Yeah. Do you didn't get to meet him. You didn't, you weren't in, you didn't go to anything when he was alive. He's passed on, so, yeah. Yeah. But Char, Dr. Charlie met him in person, right? Maybe? I don't think so. You missed them too? No. Okay. That's right. There was only like three of the practitioners that were the old timers at cra r a, the certification. Well, what is in store for you? Like, what is your intention with your practice? Are you just like, cuz you're going after it? Like where, where do you see yourself in five years? Dr. Sam? Oh, the job interview. Gosh. I honestly, I don't know. We'll, you're busy. You're busy though. I, I'm busy. I got some things to work out, but I'm not really forcing anything. I'm just kinda what? I know. I know. And that is true. That is true about you. Well, So we'll see. Well, I'm grateful, our paths crossed because as soon as I like met you, I'm like, he feels so familiar. and so I'm just grateful for, you being a mentor, like helping me study and see c r a in a different way, put different things on my menu and being a friend and being our healer. So thank you for just you being you, and we're very grateful for you. I know us Mc Nutty is over here. I gotta, I gotta call you in a couple emergencies here and there. Yeah. I'm like, I'm the metaphysical. The, I have my metaphysical menu is weird and awesome at the same time. But yes, I get to look at the, the strange stuff and, uh, I feel, I feel terrible after they leave and just like, Jen, I need you. Yeah. What would you do? It's interesting cuz it's the metaphysical heel is real. I'm noticing people will be doing everything and then it's just that thing that's maybe not even from Yeah, it's, it's foreign energy. I'll just call it foreign energy, which is just like a parasite or mold, something that's out of balance that's being dysregulating to your, your nervous system and your holographic nervous system, whatever that is. If that's an aura or whatever for you, whatever word insert. So, yeah. Well, I. Well, I will let you go and thank you for your time. I know you have, some time off, so I want you to enjoy that. Awesome. Well, where can people find you on Instagram before I forget, I always forget to say that it's Dr. Sam Riley. Let me look you up. Think it's, it's Dr. Sam Riley. I think. Yeah, he's got some amazing content on there. You can just learn by watching his videos. I know I learn. Or he put your cra cheat sheet of the VerVita products was like, I'm like, oh my gosh, this is gold. I'm saving all these and sending'em to my patients. So I think that's all people want. People just want the cheat sheets. Like you should, you should start charging for those. I no a membership, do. A membership. No. Anyways. Thank you Dr. Sam, and I hope you have a lovely afternoon and All right, my friend. I'll talk to you soon. Thank you for having me

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.