The Ripple Effect

Jen and Dr. Scott Little

Dr. Scott Little Season 2 Episode 1

After a bit of a break from podcasting due to the eb and flow of life, I get to interview Dr. Scott Little (a light force chiropractor for people and animals).  We delve into his unique tool of measurement in terms of tuning into the bio-field of his patients and the certainty he has obtained by using this unique practitioner tool.  Dr. Scott chats about his technique in the field of chiropractic.  

Dr. Scott Little is a UNICORN as I like to call him...doing things differently and profoundly in the world of health and wellness.  On the eve of Thanksgiving we are super grateful for the network of healers/chiropractors and finding Dr. Scott via a referral from another trusted "unicorn".  

As we are grounding into our new digs in Teller County in Colorado we are forever thankful to have our paths cross with Dr. Scott Little.  Take a listen to his wealth of knowledge and you can find him on the socials here:

Dr. Scott Little:

Scott Little:

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

All right. I am back. I took a bit of a sabbatical, with podcasting because my whole family moved and it's been several months. So thank you listeners for being patient, but my next guest is, perfect. Because when you move, you get worried about, well, I'm not worried. It's not the right word. We got to find our unicorn healers again. And that was the whole thing was like, oh my gosh, are we going to find, cause we have unicorns back at our old house. And I just happened to ask our chiropractor, Dr. Marchman. I'm like, who's a real deal chiropractor in Teller County. And he was like, I know somebody and. It's like Dr. Scott Little, check him out. And that's just what we did. And here is introducing Dr. Scott Little. He practices out of Woodland Park and I would call you, I like to call them unicorn healers, the healers that are just doing things differently and profoundly. And you've just helped. Me and my family so much in such a short time. And I'm so grateful our paths crossed. And I just wanted to share with the listeners, what type of chiropractic you practice because you do things differently. and I love it. I love that about you. So go ahead and share a bit about. You, because you also are an animal chiropractor, your tools, you have a very specific instrument that you use to, to tune into biofields. And I'd love to just for you to just take, take it and run with it and share anything that you want to share. Oh, thank you, Jen. It is indeed an honor and a privilege to take care of you and your family. And I'm grateful to Dr. Ryan Marchman, my good friend for referring your family to me. He said, uh, this family will quickly become your favorite and he was not wrong. And he said, they are my favorites. And I said, well, uh, I will be satisfied to be their second favorite chiropractor then you can, you can stay there first. But, yeah, it's been an honor and a privilege to get to know you as a, not only a patient client, but A fellow practitioner, someone who, is on their own healing journey and helping others to be, on their healing journey and, yeah, you made mention of the idea that do things a little differently. And one of the things I commonly say is that, uh, saying you've been to a chiropractor, you know, a chiropractor is like saying you've been to church, eaten in a restaurant or listened to music, really just haven't said a darn thing. And, I have a, a project, an outfit called. Light force adjusting methods for humans and animals. I had the privilege of going to a chiropractic college that had two main techniques. Standard, what we call diversified adjusting, which I did not really gravitate towards. And, Logan basic, which was, is a light force contact technique that, characterized by taking a contact of about four to seven or 10. ounces. And I learned, uh, from my experience at Logan that chiropractic is not just cracking necks and popping backs. And, in fact, I, I consider that to be extremely sloppy. chiropractic. In fact, I just did a video a few days ago on the term manipulation versus adjustment. I refuse to ever use the term manipulation as what I do. I oftentimes say, if my wife called her mother and said, Scott's been manipulating me, I'm not getting invited home for Thanksgiving dinner. You know, I, Karen and I spent time in recovery, AA and Al Anon and celebrate recovery. And you never use the term manipulation in a positive way. Adjustment implies that you take something that is not right and make it better, make it right. Manipulation just means you changed it. You controlled it. You, you moved it, that's a manipulation. That's not an adjustment, but I learned. Through my experience at Logan College that, a chiropractic adjustment, could be done with just a very light force. And, I got exposed to some technology that allows me, as a practitioner, to monitor my electrodermal. activity. In the field of psychology and biofeedback, there are things that they measure when you, the patient are exposed to stress, your heart rate variability, your brainwave activity, your muscle tone, your skin temperature. And one of those is your skin conductance. Also known as electrodermal activity, also known as galvanic skin response. It basically means that if I show you a picture of something grotesque, evil, stressful, your skin will sweat and that's measurable. If I show you a picture of a child and a puppy and a field of flowers, a serenity producing Then, the electrodermal activity, the sweat response in your skin, and this is going on in every single human being, every single second of life. We just learned. To create with a very simple lens device, an ability to monitor our own skin conductance, our own electrodermal activity as it relates to sympathetic response of the autonomic nervous system. So when I connect with my patient. Field to field, biofield to biofield, and there's an exchange of information coming into me through my gut brain, my heart brain, my head brain, and then all of that is processed by all of, the amygdala, the hypothalamus, the frontal cortex, etc., and sends a signal, a sympathetic signal, to my entire body, but I measure it or monitor it. I prefer to use the term monitor than measure because I'm not really, quantifying anything. It's just a matter of monitoring that. And then I, as the practitioner, And the operating system and the software author to be able to say, is it Atlas? Is it Axis? Is it occiput? Is it right? Is it left? Is it sacrum? Is it,, and monitor through yes, no mental questions. The sympathetic response that I, And it's a tool that I'm extremely grateful to have been exposed to and developed. And I consider it to be my secret sauce of, having confidence. competence, and certainty in what it is that I'm finding and applying as a chiropractor. And the thing that's cool about it is I am the operating system. If I taught you how to do it, you would be the operating system and you would create a software protocol, like with drop down menus that would be totally different than mine. And so one of my passions and goals is to teach people what I call, I don't necessarily have a name for it, but it is, it is skin conductance monitoring. And we may call it a field interface analysis or something like that. I don't necessarily want to, and you don't want to model it necessarily with muscle testing because it's just, I've heard it so many different ways and not having my chiropractic background, like I'll check for like a weak muscle. It's more of a biofeedback tool, right? To, to, to measure, to, to not yours. I'm talking about muscle testing. Like, well, uh, in both cases, I believe them to be, uh, biofeedback feedback, like using your own. I like to explain it to people that maybe have never been this type of stimulus response, like, um, testing or energetic testing. Cause I've done, I work with people with their beliefs and we do a sway test, like say something. And that's. Creating physiology, but the words and the energy and the sound and then are they congruent with that or not? yes, no, and it's all like you said menus, but I've seen people use pendulums. I've seen people use fingers. Oh, oh, ring. Um, However, I do find your, I imagine your tool to measure stress responses comes in handy with horses and animals and kids like that can't talk yet, you know, you know, I'm, I'm really honored on several occasions during my 29 year career. I've been invited into either the delivery room or shortly thereafter for fellow practitioners, excellent chiropractors, but maybe didn't have, an analysis for a newborn that, that I did. and, you know, here, here's, uh, uh, devices. And you'll have to tell us your story. I mean, Dr. Scott, and basically this is just a, a film of a Mylar film stretched over a drum that we get a response from now I I'm making it happen now. And as any of this testing, whether it's muscle testing or anything, it's only as, as accurate as the practitioners ability to not have a, Like a predisposed like a 3D being more of a conduit of the energy in the biofield. And I hope this doesn't come off offensive, but we've all been to, health fairs and things. And there's some nutritional sales person there who says here, Jen. Hold your vitamins. See how your muscle goes weak when you hold your vitamins, but see when you hold mine that I make a profit on. See how strong they go. Muscle testing can be influenced. And with any of this, it's as accurate as one's ability to, have To eliminate their preconceived notions and so forth and so, you know muscle testing's a great Technology leg length analysis is a great technology Skin conductance it may monitoring is a great Technology, but the art of the healer versus the hack is to be able to say, you know, I don't know whether it's Atlas today or sacrum today or it's right or it's left or whatever. let's see. Let's just engage and see what we find and so You're in indeed correct The other day we Karen and my wife and I were on a hike and we encountered this mother holding a small child with a toddler nearby and I asked the toddler you having a great hike and The mother says, you're Dr. Little. And I said, okay, yeah. I, she goes, you may not recognize us, but you saved this baby's life. I'm like, tell me more. And, she said, the baby had torticollis, wouldn't nurse. And, we came, I said, I remember it. And I used my instrument and I found that, it was a left atlas. And I took a little stylus and put a contact there and it was a right sacrum. And I took a contact there. I said, I never heard back from you. What happened? She goes, Oh, 10 minutes. After we left, she started nursing. The next day, her torticollis was gone. I'm like, you could have called. I love that you, I love that, divinely, she was put back on your path for that validation. That you had this big effect. Gave me confidence. Yes. Gave me confidence. and the thing that gave me, The most satisfaction in there is the use of this tool to be able to find, to check, is it left, is it right, is it left, is it right this contact, this line of drive, and stories like that and countless others in 29 years have given me an enormous amount of confidence that I I wish my fellow practitioners had that same level of but I know that just with palpation and leg length analysis and so and it's I I don't at all want to sound certainly not condescending but not critical of other forms of analysis because one person's art and technology is not better than another person's but in my own life I have some chiropractors that just will use them. They're doing the same. I love what you called it. Can you do that? Very that the sub, what did you call the response to the skin? Um, well, it's, it's, it's basically, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so Because this technology has been studied in different forms throughout the years, this is basically how a lie detector test works. It measures the sweat response in your fingertips. It also measures your heart rate and your brain waves, et cetera. But, and if I say my name is Jen, my subconscious obviously recognizes that as not. Not true. If I say my name is Scott, it recognizes it as true. The terms are either galvanic skin response, electrodermal activity. Electrodermal activity has been the prevailing terminology since the 60s. I, Just read and skin conductance or skin. Yes, skin conductance or skin conductance response, all terms to say, we can hook up sensors to your fingertips. When you have the light, I don't know. I've seen it in movies, but like they have the, like the different sensors. And they're analyzing, your voice, cause sound has, like, resonance, and everything. All of these technologies, physiological changes, they're measuring those. That's exactly right. And they're measuring things that are going on in you and in me every second. Of every day. Now, our tool is extremely primitive. There's no computer. There's no, there's no numbers and dials. There's nothing in there that's supposed to amplify any responses. Why did those balloons just throw up? I did. That was so cool. it's weird. I don't even know what happened. That was like magic. It, it clearly needed to happen. So this is, it really lends itself to the clinical setting more than maybe the research setting because. I might find something on a patient that you and it would be totally different than the way you would use it because you might be checking reflex points and things of that emotional stuff or metaphysical stuff like unseen things that might, yeah, it's more like a We all have different menus and I do believe that's exactly right. God creator. I'll use the word God. Cause I'm very congruent with that. a higher, whatever people use higher self higher, higher something,. I use God, like God created us uniquely. And I do believe our only job is to release all the things that are not ours and really embrace our unique frequency. So I'm going to have a different lens of perception and perceiving. than you. Correct. Yeah. And yet every second of the day when you're engaging with a client, your physiology is in constant flux and change, just like the meters on a, on an audio board or something like that., and as a practitioner, if you can develop a Drop down menu system, as you called it, and just be very open to yes, no answers and questions. Then, in real time, one can monitor their sweat response. If you were in my office, you'd see all these little containers of talc because you're like, you, I had a very profound experience recently in your office. I don't even know if I, I shared a little bit with you here and there, but I always have a child with me and it's, how it goes with the, we don't always get to have a full conversation. They're ready to go to the park. Yeah. We're ready to go to the park and, take on the day. and. I ordered, or I couldn't find it at the crystal shop. These, and maybe you could demystify crystals because some people with religious programming are really turned off by crystals or they've been tied to new agey stuff. So I'd love to hear your perspective on that because I had a profound experience with some, you're like, I don't usually use this one. And that's why I love your tool. Because like I'm not everybody that just lays on your table. And I needed, it was, was it moon's bloodstone or moon? It was some stone you put on my head. I think I did pull out a bloodstone. And then I just had this huge release of like grief and shame and I just had the, and it was really, it was on my left side and there was something going on with my mother. And you're like, and all she said was like, what's going on with your mother? And I think I needed to tell the story. Like sometimes your heart and your brain aren't communicating. I learned this in a different modality and sometimes it's as healing as naming it to tame it, telling the story, so that I can release it. So there was some, so all you were doing is you're not necessarily asking emotional questions, but I had a big release with some sort of a hip thing, adjustment with a stone. And so I'm probably not the person to demystify crystals because I'm a, I'm big time a novice when it comes to crystals. Oh my, maybe we're both novices. So my chiropractic approach is very light force and I needed a stylus. To just apply a light, right amount of light. So I went to our local rock shop and for 5 purchased a selenite stone or a pen shaped thing, rounded it off. And I would use that as a. a stylus to apply pressure and a vector and a line and drive. And then I started using it with my horses and I would use the blunt end to work out fascial and do soft tissue work and they would get dirty. Selenite is extremely soft. So when you bring it back and you wash it, it starts to melt like salt. So I needed something that was harder. So I go to the other rock shop and see all of these reiki wands and, different things like that. And. I became a junkie. I just started buying them because they were pretty and they had certain carvings that lended him to work with it. and so I am open to the idea of reading about the idea that, we have these energy centers in the body. You could call them chakras or I call them energy centers and they are color. They're associated with colors, and so we use red jasper in more of the pelvis and sacrum, and we use, I use yellow mucaite in the solar plexus, and I use, my rose quartz and my green aventurine and in, in the heart, and I'm open to that, but, and they're all organized by that, and I read about it, but I'm basically putting it to the test to see If I get any greater value by using rose quartz in the heart chakra, I think I did have that, but I love it. I think we use it the same way. Like I have friends that know everything about what are the benefits of the rose quartz? What, like what kind of energy and vibration they like give off. And I am just like, I think it looks cool. I'm gravitating to it. I must, I mostly trust. My connection to higher self and divine, and that's what I go off of. if I'm being frankly honest about it, that's what I'm doing. And I don't know if that's what you're doing. My wife has tremendous allergy, asthma, sinus infections and things of that nature. Always has. Has a hypertonic, immune system. So anything that isn't Karen that's even in the environment, she's allergic to it. and that's frustrating. But I did go online and just said, what crystals would I use for those types of things? Zyngote, Amethyst, and, yeah,, I got about six or seven green aventurine, lapis and a variety of different stones, all pretty much the ones that are associated with up here. And so we, I would bring those home at night and just put them on her nightstand and instantly she wasn't having to use her inhaler and she had a distinct, and so we bought those for her and bracelets and that. Worked and, so it's been, I'm very open to the idea of reading the metaphysical aspects of a certain stone. And what the connection I had to make was, God made carrots and blueberries with different properties. and I think a lot of us can resonate with the idea that blueberries are high in antioxidants and have a lot of, energetic and vibrational and nutritional. Properties that are different from a carrot that might be different from kale and like the process. It's all vibrational resonance to me. If you're going to eat something that is low vibrational, it might. Bring your energy down a bit to digest that and so anyway, I become open to the idea that Red Jasper and amethyst may have totally different properties from a practical standpoint I use the stones As per the different energy areas that I'm adjusting, but more often than not, just because a stone is carved in a certain way or has a certain weight that I'm going for something like that. I will admit, I do things with you as an open minded healer that I wouldn't do in 95 percent of that's true. And I will say like any, most, Practitioners that work on me are like, this doesn't usually come up. I am that open to I'm like, I don't know. I'm like, that's possible. I do think like anything is possible. Like miracles happen on the daily. Look at that little baby that you helped. You just posted it or some, a patient of yours, a little dog patient. You just had a brilliant video about that little dog having a profound. Yeah, Oliver is a little four and a half pound poodle who's somewhere between 10 and 13 years old adopted. So they don't really know exactly. and he came in with a head tilt and a hunched back and clearly in a lot of pain. And we've adjusted Ollie twice now. And the funny thing was the owner sent me about six different videos the other night and they all were terrible. Ollie just looked and. She said she was going to send me some things and then only at the end of sending me six videos, that these are all before. And then she said, yeah, so it's but the cool thing is that the confidence, competence, and certainty that I get from using my lens device to monitor my electrodermal activity is an analysis that allows me to know exactly what Oliver the four pound poodle needs or this newborn child or a horse or, patients that are atypical and can't just communicate. You can't just do leg length analysis. You can't easily do other forms of analysis. And so this gives me something to scan my patient and, Have a line of drive correction that I'm confident in and then to be able to I had a patient yesterday We were talking about that. She's been a patient for about three or four years now but this was like the first time we ever sat down and had a heart to heart about What it is I'm doing and what, how the instrument, or the device works, and the science behind it. And she, her comment was, I've never known how it worked, but every single time you scan me and you go to an area, it happens to be where I hurt. Now, my purpose and objective as a chiropractor is not to treat pain, but just to find areas of dysfunction and interference and see what kind of line of drive would. be corrective in that nature. And, but it's nice to know that, at the same time, we found where the patient was hurting or where the patient knew that the problem was without asking, without having the conversation. And, that just, really amplifies the confidence that we have in our ability to come to the table and know what to do on any given session and perhaps more importantly when to know that you've done everything that needs to be To take place on that session. So it's time to go. It's time for your kids to go to the park. You're all clear. You're all clear. And now we just need to allow time to take place to, to allow. I always talk about I have very few friends here. I'm meeting more people because we just moved here, where can people find you on social media or, even in Teller County? Because I always, this is Teller County. This is the very purpose of this podcast. I call it the ripple effect, like the people that have made rippling effects in our healing journey. And I just noticed that you never know who is listening and who that one person that you may totally change the trajectory of their life or their healing journey, or they might find somebody that's, find you or find somebody that does your type of, I mean, I know there's no, there's no two Dr. Scott's, but you are, you're a unicorn. So where can we find you? Well, uh, you know, on Facebook, my name is Scott little, and I have a Dr. Scott little page, but then I don't utilize nearly as much as just, uh, Scott in the podcast. And then my, my website is drscottlittle. com. And that website serves one. Purpose and it is to host my 14 minute new patient orientation and I always ask people to watch that prior to coming in. It's only 14 minutes and I always tell people that I will give you a 50 credit towards your first visit. for having watched that, prior to coming in and other chiropractors less. how do you know they watched it? Well, because they come in and they say, I never knew that you took care of dogs. I never knew that you could adjust a horse. I never knew. And then the other thing is, at the very end, on that day that I. Recorded it. I was wearing a, a black fleece and a blue ball cap. And I say, so when you come in, make sure you tell me I was wearing a blue ball cap and a black, so a have a little code Yeah. So it's so much fun when people come in and they say, you are wearing a blue hat and a black fleece, and. And so, you know, doctor means teacher and the most important thing that I can do is to teach people where health comes from, what causes us to lose our health, what we can do to regain it, and what we can do to keep it forever. And, I certainly consider chiropractic because we live in a stress filled world and stress is all around us. And because the objective of chiropractic is essentially, to undo the effects of stress on the body. And not just to treat pain or discomfort. That's a small part or side effect. We don't ever use the term side a bandaid solution. We don't use the term side effect because in life there is cause and effect. There's no term, side effect, except in the pharmaceutical industry, which wants to make the, negative effects of their drugs, uh, seem less. Less a whatever. But, the point is that, that video is an awesome way of learning more about my approach and thinking towards chiropractic and life, health and vitality and the improvement I get a lot. Yeah. Of and yeah. Please reach out if there's any more put, I'll put that all in the, um. Podcast notes so people can reach out to you and, and thank you, Dr. Scott for, I know you put out videos in our little community pages. I watch them. I don't, I mean, and I, I love them because I learn from you. And thank you for all the light you're bringing into this world and getting people healthy. And I know you have to actually get going to do your purpose and be the light. So thank you so much for taking time to chat with me. us today, and I know we could chat for hours about this stuff. Well, I, I appreciate it, Jen. I appreciate you. I appreciate your family. I feel it a huge blessing that God moved you to our community so that we can go grow old together. But, uh, thanks so much for this opportunity. Absolutely. Take care. Have a blessed day.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.