The Ripple Effect

Jen and Amy Stark Part 2

PJ McNerney Season 2 Episode 3

Amy Stark, a listener favorite, is back to discuss her personal transformation journey this past year finding missing links in her health journey related to  the importance of blood sugar regulation and.....ICE BATHS!  Amy is a wealth of knowledge related to mindset & transformation.  She offers tips on this podcast that are FREE to transform your life.  As always, it is a blast to chat with Amy.  Follow her tips and tricks for transformation on all the handles and search:       starktransformation

Click here for all Amy's handles and courses.

Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Okay. I am back. And today I have a guest who has been on my podcast before. She's the reason I podcast and her name is Amy Stark. She has her own show, the Stark transformation show, woo woo. And she is a dear, one of my besties. And I will say that the reason I had you on the first time was. To talk about how healing our friendship has been on my transformation journey and you're all about transformation and you so vulnerably shared in the first episode, it was the very first episode of the ripple effect, your journey of becoming like who you are and all the steps. Like along the way of what your transformation has been. And I know you've been through a huge transformation the past year. That was, I think we recorded in March. So we're almost coming up on a year. Oh, that was March. Holy cow. So I would love to hear you tell the listeners what kind of journey you've been on, because we both have been talking about how everybody's on a transformation journey. And you want to be going to healers that are doing the deep work. And I know you've been to Joe Dispenza. You've done a lot. Oh my gosh. What a past year. Yeah. So welcome back. And Jen. I love being here on your show and I'm, you. You know, you talk about how influential I was to your journey, but you were so helpful to me in so many ways. Like you always have received me as I am, the messy and the fun and the spiritual. And that's the thing is I am at this point in my life where give me the messy, Amy, like I am messy myself. And it's like deconditioning the conditional love that is imprinted. In our past and I love you. I love every aspect of you and thank you for receiving every aspect of me because I know I'm a messy person to love. You're beautiful. A beautiful mess. No, I would say that messy is more of a word of you really have to embody our shadow aspects of ourselves, right? there's a lot to figure out, right? And the thing is, is you and I are always challenging ourselves and changing. And there's a lot that goes into that. And, I can't believe that it was March that we actually talked last year because I listened to parts of the episode and I could still hear the hurt that was in my voice and my energy, from what happened to me last year. Last year, somebody took advantage of me, my kindness. I wanted to Shine my light bright and I thought, Oh, this is my time to do that. And I was all in. And, even more than all in, like I was excited and all this stuff. And this person just ripped the carpet out from underneath me. I think she couldn't handle the light that I was, which really mess with my head. in so many different ways, because like. You know, she knew who I was, she knew what I was doing, she knew why she was having me on her show. So it seemed like everything was aligned. It really did. And that's what really hurt, the most I think. and you know, I, it actually only occurred to me a couple of days ago, like I really suffered a self betrayal and I'll explain why, because, wow, this person. appeared to be one way. There were internal guidance system things going off, but I was like, you're overreacting or like, don't try to self sabotage, like I wasn't listening really to my intuition. And, even me after 17 years of all the training and all the things, and, knowing that my intuition is, It's generally, oh, it's always right. Yeah. Yeah. but so it was only until recently that I was like, you know what, Amy, like you really need to shift this mindset. Like it really, you knew at the end of the day, if you really looked at all the evidence that she was not to be trusted and that's exactly what happened. she. Obviously broke my trust and betrayed me, but then the worst part of the whole thing is like one, you know I can be like, whatever you're fucked up. You're sorry. Are we allowed to say that word? I can't remember. We are it's explicit Fuck. Yeah So like a part of my head and my heart understands that she's got her own shit And that she's really screwed up. So I there is like literally compassion that comes for me and then there's part of me that's like You really hurt me and I'm really angry and so I had to work through that and thank God We started doing ice baths because I think that really helped first of all Not only did I have a massive transformation because of this event in my life, last year Like it caused like a ripple effect like you yes, it really did and thank God like you got PJ for Valentine's Day The I know that it was like it was pretty it was only like a hundred bucks. It was like a starter thing and now Yeah, I, we're obsessed. We are obsessed. And I still like you, you have, A different relationship. I don't know if you still get scared to go in, but I do. yeah, so there's so much I could say about it, but it's good to get scared. It's good to get scared. I would say that there's so much information about like how great it is for like your physiology and like your body and your hormones and this, the physical stuff. But I have found a lot of metaphysical stuff. Yes. Like energy will just fly off of me. That wasn't mine. and I was having these downloads about there's those sayings when hell freezes over. I don't think darkness likes the cold. Yeah, no, I know. I have had. I mean, and I, it's no secret that I work with people with foreign energy and whatever you want to call that, in this 3d world, whether it's NT, it's just foreign energy that's in your field. That's disrupting your authentic frequency or your biofield. So to have something that where you can just get in a bath and it just you don't have to think about it. It's just stuff is evicted from your biofield. It's true. It's very true. I know that's one of the reasons why I love it. there's nothing that feels better than when you, uh, conquer that fear, get in the water, and then you regulate and you're like, the hardest part of my day is now over. Anything else that I encounter, this is also chemistry and your brain is changing and your body. So it's you know it, and it's also actually physically changing. You can conquer anything after that. It's true. And you know what's so interesting, Jen? I did not expect this to happen, but, I kind of went from being neurodivergent, like extremely neurodivergent, to neurotypical. like I am, I would say like sometimes neurotypical and sometimes neurodivergent. Okay. Because of my background is a speech language pathologist and dealing with, labels like autism, which is or ADHD or ADD(attention deficit disorder) like the neurodivergent population. Mm-Hmm. Can you delve a little bit more into that for,'cause some, I know some people will be listening that are mamas of neurodivergent, right? Individuals. So what do you mean by that? So, first of all, I do think that, to a degree, I've never been diagnosed as autistic, but I do think that there were times in my life when I was definitely more autistic than not, and I could even still have some traits of being autistic. Do you think that's, do you think that's trauma responses, or do you think that's actually your genetic makeup? I think it's, well, so, a lot of kids who have autism actually have the MTHFR gene. Now, they don't say that it causes autism, yeah, there's definitely a, there's, there's a connection. It's a motherfucker. It's a correlation. I mean, correlation does not equal causation. There's definitely a correlation there. For sure. So I think that has definitely played a role in how sensitive I have been over the years. And Part of it is a trauma response, and a lot of it is just so blended that it's hard to even tell what what came first, the chicken or the egg kind of thing. But I know I can definitely put a line in the sand where, like, when I started doing ice baths, um, it's clearing the energy, that's for sure, but what it does is it gives you a dopamine hit, of 250%, and it can last for days. whereas like other times, like if you do something like scrolling on Instagram or, eat chocolate or other things like that, or have a beer, a quick pet a dog, quick dopamine. Yeah. Right. You get those quick ones and they go away. I found that giving my brain more dopamine really helps me be way more organized. Way happier. For instance, I remember a long time ago, Fen, Fen is neurotypical and always has been. And I was drinking some tea and I, would take the tea out of the bag and then I'd put it in my cup and then the wrapper would be on the counter. And it, drove her nuts. And I didn't even know that I had done that, right? I wasn't trying to be messy or whatever. Right. And now that I have the dopamine from the ice baths, essentially, I recognize things like that. I see them all the time. it's far more easy for me, whereas before I'd be like, I have to do that, I have to do that, I have to do that. I'll just do it. So the dopamine, like the dopamine, and I know in the realm of the autism community, it's a lot about balancing that vagal tone and there's Steven Porges does the polyvagal theory where you can't really have those social awarenesses without having a regulated or a functioning. So I know for a fact, those ice baths, not only with the dopamine and the neuro receptor, like Neurotransmitters that the vagal tone is a huge, component of the social communication. Right. Perfect. I love that you said that. And awareness is like you said, I now have an awareness that, there's so much going on there because there's that frontal lobe stuff, the organization or executive functioning, like the whole brain, like it seems like that was a missing component for your brain to, optimally function. Right. Yeah, no, it's definitely true. and when you say that about the nervous system, like the first month I did four hours of ice baths. Not all at once, but I just kept track of it because I was just curious. I was doing what my body felt like doing, and I would sometimes, I was getting in like three times a day. Just because it was so much fun. I remember that one time we were hanging out and I'm like, I'm so fucking high from all The ice baths, the I need to have a drink just to calm down. I know, like a downer. Yeah, like I was like, oh my god, and there is a dopamine hit for a short period of time when you have a drink, but then I knew that it would calm down everything. Like I, it is sort of like doing. A drug like speed or Joe Rogan talks about this and he's and I love him because he's so like crass and blunt and authentic. He's like said of all these kids getting a hit from a vape like get in a fucking ice bath. It's the same kind of hit. It's way better, but it's way better and it lasts longer and it actually balances your body back to homeostasis. Yes. Yeah, it's crazy to think that, but think about how we've said before to people who are, um, you know, losing their mind. They're like, go jump in a lake. Yes. No, probably the lake is cold. Right. That's the whole thing is that people would like, Oh God, take a hike, go take a hike, which is like go in nature, the trees, go jump in a lake, like get, you're not right in the head. Go regulate. I think these terms that are, and it's so funny because I remember having specific goals in the school district for working with the neurodivergent population on idioms like that, like what, what is the real meaning of go jump in a lake? Or, what does that cause of the social queuing. So it's just so fascinating how on my own healing journey and transformation. And I will say that the neurodivergent group that actually got me into. Healing because that's why the deep empathy is I think it's those kids that are so sensitive that are, are perceiving the unseen in the quantum differently. So so getting there, I think that's you naming that you're like grounding in, because I think so many of the. The kids that I would see were like up and out, they had biomedical, they had, they had all the things that you're describing. And, yeah, it's just fascinating where we, I think we were at a point where we were like very excited and we were at a women's group, women's circle. And we're like. Everybody needs to go do ice baths. Like that was our solution for everything. It's true though. I mean, the whole world takes the planet Earth and put it in ice. it's funny how when you find something you just want everybody to experience it at least just once so that they can decide for themselves. But most people are just like there's no way and I'm like just give it a shot. I didn't like cold at all. Like I was in fact, I I still think, yeah, you did in a wetsuit. I have the wetsuit. I was very afraid to go in, but then once I was in, my first time I did a seven day. You did. I know. I was like, holy cow. Cause my first time didn't look as peaceful as you in the ice bath. It was like, you were like, Oh, I have found like what it is for you. The missing component. Yeah. And what's weird, Jen, is 12 years ago, I saw a psychic in Union Square where I just sat down for 20 minutes, maybe with her. And she was like, you need cold water. And I was like, and I only remember. Yeah. Like maybe for that year I was like, okay, maybe I should seek out some cold water. And then I completely forgot about it. But then after I wound up doing the ice baths, I was like, Oh yeah. She already recognized that on my timeline as something that was really huge and pivotal for me And you said I think the biggest aspect of it is also the dopamine, and my brain retraining itself. but I think the energy, I just picked up so much energy from being an energy healer for all those years. And then I had a lot of trauma growing up and I think I just needed to really cleanse my body. And I don't do ice baths that often now. of course, like right now it's frozen solid, which sucks outside. I'm outside walking in the cold for an hour, with no jacket on a jacket. That's the biggest like for me is that I used to run cold, the cold hands, the anemia. So It's balanced for me. I, I like,, I live in the metaphysical, but you know, so much more about like the blood sugar regulation, the hormone regulation, you're dabbling with fasting. You have a glucose, the monitor for your blood sugar. And yeah, would you say that the ice baths were pivotal in healing, like getting to this point, what other modalities are you just doing on the daily that have contributed? Well, so I feel like this past year has been a very physical healing year. whereas. For the last 16 years before that, it was all metaphysical. I definitely was doing biohacking and I'm always aware of my body and feeding my body the things that it needs. But I really feel like this year was just so transformational. And so the ice baths were huge. I then, I think because you get so present with yourself that I was like. What is going on with my blood sugar? Like I Want to it was something that was gnawing at me I just had an intuition about it and there really was no like, blood work that said anything about it And that's the thing that I try to explain to people is that because I really truly believe As well as everybody trying ice baths, I think everybody should wear a glucose monitor for two weeks because that's how long it lasts at least so they can learn about, what their blood sugar is doing. Mm hmm. So there's, some things that I learned that were amazing. So again, my blood work was pretty much fine., he was like, you have insulin resistance, we can lower it a little bit, it's not that big of a deal. But really what I was experiencing was the highs and the lows. And what, we, don't really realize as a population just yet, and I think it's going to come out, is that when we're stressed, it really affects our, blood sugar. So it's as if you're eating a candy bar. So people can be like, I eat really healthy, and, if you're stressed, though, it does not really matter. That's something that I did not understand, that you can be And if, and what's interesting is so I'm reading fast, like a girl, which is another book. I think everybody should read. That's a woman. That's like over 35. even, and if you're trying to get pregnant, I highly recommend you read it. because it, she talks about your hormones in a way that is really easy to understand, but also how to. Balance them in a free way essentially, cause you're fasting and also it doesn't cost anything to not eat. with the cost of groceries, y'all, we all need to be like, we ca, we can we, I'm fasting a lot more, but what's so interesting is that like guys, can fast all the time for as long as they want, but we have such a delicate hormone balance that, for years, I've been following men in the field of fasting. Yeah. Like, right. Yeah. Yeah. And, I know women who've really overdone it and lost their hair and you know Had some really awful things lose their period their hormones get totally balanced They get acne all these things, but you know So I like as soon as I started hearing about that stuff Thankfully I didn't go too far with fasting and I was like I need more information about this and this book has it Like okay, that's like a girl by dr. Mindy pelts she talks about blood sugar and how important it is and that she believes that everybody should have one as well, which I love that she talks about that, because ultimately when we're stressed, when we feel disconnected, so I would imagine that probably kids with autism have, just blood sugar dysregulation. Yeah. So oxytocin is what balances the cortisol, which then causes a cascading effect to your other hormones. And what she really focuses on is just. There are certain times of your schedule where, or cycle, when you can, fast and when you can't, and it has to do with your hormones. And, like I was just telling Jen before the podcast, I was like, I think I really balanced my hormones because I almost feel sedated in the second part of my, cycle. I've never felt as calm as I do now as I have in the past. Like, yeah. And I'm 43. So like that to say that I, and it's only been two months, maybe I did one 24 hour fast already, in the beginning of January. Wow. And, it was a forced fast. I wound up getting sick and I'm like, I didn't know this. Jen, you can fast for 24 hours and do a gut reset. You can fast for 48 hours. A cellular reset, right? Wouldn't it reset your cells? Like it's a gut. Yeah. It resets your gut. Yeah. Oh, okay. And then, 24, or sorry, 48 hours, you get a, upgrade to your dopamine system. So like when you get dopamine, your brain, absorbs it differently. Like it's more easily absorbed after a 48 hour fast. After a 72 hour fast, then you can, you start producing stem cells. So any kind of problems that you might have, like a long time injury. Then your body starts to repair that. So if you go longer than 72 hours, the whole time your body is fixing that injury or goes to the next one, if it's already been fixed. if you're my age, like time travel, it's amazing. So I have not done yet, 48 or 72 hours, but. Like these are healing tools that like I wasn't using and I'm like surprised that I had been missing this It comes when it's supposed to come and again, like if you have dysregulated blood sugar, it definitely is a lot harder to fast. So There are certain times your cycle you should be keto Ketobiotic basically so low ish carb, right? Yeah, so like under so would you say like, I guess it, it's aligned with the, like having a monitor that's specific to you monitoring your blood, like that's, what's key because it's no, nobody's system is going to be the same. So that's why just reading a book about fasting that maybe a male wrote, so that's where you're saying everybody, and even in the book, that makes sense because like the whole tenet of. Healing that I do is all frequency because just because vitamin D is good for you doesn't mean it's good for your system in the present moment. Like it's all about balancing back to homeostasis and using the body. and the mind and the spirit, the, like to guide you back to homeostasis. So it sounds like it's no different, like in terms of that, everybody's going to be a little bit different when on their journey to balancing their blood sugar. And that's the interesting thing that I've noticed is that over this course of the year where I have done ice baths, I've done the blood sugar. I worked out 203 times, which I had not worked out. That much the year before or the years before, I, cause you know what I was, I would work out and I wouldn't lose weight and I'd be frustrated, but what I didn't realize was I was actually regulating my blood sugar, which was really beneficial for me. I was losing out on that benefit. And so I also think that once you get COVID, I've heard not only through my own experience, but from others. That it dysregulates your blood sugar. So that's something to consider and I think that's one of the reasons why I became very inflamed. What's that? Yeah, the whole like long haul COVID symptoms and all that. Yeah, mm hmm. People just not feeling right after they got it. Even though they don't have symptoms. Right. Of COVID. And I do think that, yeah, played a role for me, it was dysregulating my blood sugar, which I didn't really understand. So I was getting random symptoms like randomly out of breath, randomly dizzy, randomly like irritable. less patient, so there's just things that you start to realize. And then I started diving even deeper and I was like, wow, this rabbit hole goes a lot further than I thought. And I had been diagnosed with insulin resistance. I don't even know, maybe 10 years ago. I started looking at some research from Stanford and then they were talking about anxiety and depression being related to insulin resistance. And I'm like, Holy cow. And then Dr. Mindy Peltz, the fast like a girl lady, she says that blood sugar underlies all disease. Yeah, dysregulation and I, she's not the only, I think it's catching on, but, within the chiropractic functional medicine community, I know Dr. Charlie has a huge following and a membership, and he's been constantly talking about if you want to, if you want your health to truly change, regulate your blood. Right. Yeah. Yes. It's all about, it's all about your blood quality and like,, whether that's parasitic or,, you needing to build up your bloods, like it's all about blood sugar regulation and the quality of your blood. Right. So, you know, the combination of all of these things that I was doing, I also am gluten free and I definitely watched a grain, so I really don't have much grains. I wind up having like corn chips or something like that, but that's usually not, not really a huge thing that I do. I wound up losing a half an inch, basically a week over the course of this past year. so it was like where you had been doing all those things, but hit a plateau and super frustrating. I remember it was. Yeah. I'm like, I don't get it. What am I missing here? And it was basically the blood sugar regulation. and that's why I really feel like everybody should try to, especially if you have trouble losing weight. Because. I was experiencing things that I didn't understand. for instance, your blood sugar upon waking could be high because you've been fasting for, let's say, 16 hours. And so your body's finally tapping into the resources that it has stored, which you want it to do. But like when I would test my blood sugar, this was before the CGMs, it would be high and I'd be so frustrated. I'm like, it looks like I ate a candy bar and I just woke up. Like, what is going on? But that's actually part of the healing process, so that's important to know like what your body's doing I also didn't know your progesterone or sorry your blood sugar is higher when you're making progesterone and it needs blood sugar high blood sugar to make progesterone not high high but like it's going to be elevated so like you could get frustrated. At first, I was. I was like, Why is my blood sugar suddenly high? Found out that's part of my cycle. So we're, it's so intertwined with each other that your body is, needs this delicate balance, and if we aren't paying attention to it, we're missing a huge component of our health. I just really didn't understand, and as much as I've learned over the 17 years, and I've studied nutrition, and I know what's healthy to put in your body and what's not, this was just something somehow Went right over my head like I didn't because again, the blood work did not say That I had that I was close to diabetes or anything and I wasn't but it was the dips and the highs From the stress and here's another thing like I didn't understand that when you have alcohol It actually drops your blood sugar because your blood sugar Is now, the body knows that the liver needs to start processing the alcohol and not monitoring the blood sugar or something like that. I don't quite understand it, so I, now I realized why my hangovers like were so bad on me because my blood sugar was dipping so low. But if I just add a little bit of orange juice to it, then it doesn't go so low and it doesn't feel so hard on my body. Does that make sense? It makes a lot of sense. Yeah. So there's little things like that. And I didn't know that ice baths were really dropping my blood sugar as well, which I'm still investigating and figuring out. But I've learned to add a little bit of sugar right before I take an ice bath. And I'm always monitoring it. But I always bounce back, which is what you need. You need to be bouncing back. And I actually got a chance to talk to Dr. Mindy about that. Yeah. I went to see her in Louisville. She came to speak and at Quicksilver and that was cool. But anyway, I, I also then, I'm doing this whole physical thing. Then I did the Joe Dispenza event. Right. That's what I was going to say because I had somebody on my podcast recently who is an RN and she's a frequency practitioner. She's the, she's. I mean, her background is a registered nurse and she was in the Western medicine model, but she's also done the deep like subconscious work. And so I don't want you to negate all because I know the first part of your journey was. and I think we have a similar journey where I lived on, being sort of diagnosed as a inattentive ADD, often la la land, I was not in my body for the first decades of my life. And now it's about embodying and grounding my light into my body and being in full embodiment. But she was saying that. A lot of people will start with the body first, because even if you don't, even if you're not into the quantum realm or the metaphysical, it creates that shift and gets you ready to do the deep work. So part of what I want you to touch on is that I don't want to give the message that it's just like all your problems are going to be solved by getting in a nice bath or balancing your blood sugar. But a lot of them, your physical health problems. Will be, and it might give you enough constitution to release the deep subconscious patterns and beliefs. And that's where like Joe Dispenza comes in, like you did. The deep subconscious work. Right. So like, if you look at my journey as a whole, like I started out, first of all, I was sugar addicted way back 26 years old. That's when I started my journey. that was the fat, the fat free craze was all about fat and sugar is great. Yeah. That still was true, but it's not, anyway. Uh, so yeah, so I was completely sugar addicted. I was eating crap all the time. I hated vegetables, blah, blah, blah. As soon as I started meditating. I started to gravitate towards the healthier things. And the more that I did energy work, the more that I was just naturally not attracted to the sugary process grows. It's a vibrational thing, right? It wasn't in alignment with me. So like that stuff went away. And then I continue to look deeper and deeper. And I realized it is about vibration. It is about energy. And I want to fuel my body. I love my body. I love me, So when you love yourself, you want to give yourself the best stuff, right? And, I always tell Aidan, he's our million dollar racehorse, but I'm my million dollar racehorse. Like I want to feed my million dollar resource, the best food ever, and give them the best circumstances so that I will perform the best. and then it became about, again, the deep dive into the brain and the reprogramming. And, cause you have to like kind of upgrade your system, right? Like I kept getting better processors if you're PJ. Yes. I know my computer and shit, so then I, I was finally ready for Joe Dispenza. the experience that I had at Joe Dispenza was absolutely incredible. I highly recommend if anybody's ever thought of going, to do that, it's like coming up for me. I can tell, like I've watched your journey and, I think you're right, it all comes in the right timing, getting your brain ready and it was absolutely my time. And, there was healings that I got. from that experience that I never thought I would have gotten. I didn't know that I needed it, but I got it, and I definitely needed it. And, because I'm very intuitive, I was told, by a spirit, okay, so the first half of the week is gonna be, like, super fun and light, and you're gonna have, cool experiences, and then the second half of the week Like prepare yourself. This is gonna be very transformative and deep and I was kind of like, okay, and then I forgot But then when it happened I'm Thursday and Friday. I was like, oh my gosh like I could not believe the things that I was experiencing the I mean Sobbing like letting go of so much stuff that I didn't even know I needed to let go of That I didn't even know was still bothering me. It was awesome And I fully immersed myself the whole week like I was all in it is a very intense experience You do 35 hours of meditation. You are learning. I don't know double that at least Somebody Described it, like it is kind of popular right now to do like a medicinal journey, whether it's ayahuasca different Whatever your modality or tool is But it sounds like you don't have to do that. You can go and do the breath work and you can. Do the deep journeying, like through something like Joe Dispenza or just going to a place and giving yourself permission to go to the deep levels. Yeah. Within you, deeply into the ego and figuring out what all the limiting beliefs and patterns and stress patterns and what you're storing and holding onto. Right, right. And I just, first of all, if you're out there and you're like, Joe Dispenza, he doesn't resonate with me, he's changed a lot, so, I wouldn't discount him, just yet. Like, make sure you're listening to more recent stuff, because he's gone through his own transformations, and I really enjoyed Yeah, like, that's who you really want to be going to see. If you're looking to up level yourself, you want somebody else who's also up leveling themselves, and I really enjoyed his vibration, this past summer. Wow, present time. Yeah. Yeah. And, that's what I've been resonating. I haven't even the good news. I haven't even listened to his past stuff. So I'm only going off of, word of mouth, like you're like, or watching you transform after going through that. And, again, it's, I think the message to drive home is that find a practitioner that's doing the deep work on themselves every single day. And you have just embedded. Modalities that work for you on the daily, right? Yeah. Well, so that's the thing is it's like a layering effect. And when I first start working with people, they're like, Oh, that's a lot for me to try. But the more that you get this stuff into your routine, the, and you see the value of it, the more you're likely to incorporate it. And it becomes part of your habit, so it changes who you are. there's so many things that I do now that are just so. Easy.. And so it's worth it that I just do them all the time. Like going to bed at a regular time or, working out now, walking outside in nature, wearing blue blocking glasses at night or having curtains that are dark on your windows. Right. Like all these things, they all add up and they're little or even, or just like EMF protection, like putting like the phone away. There's just different little hacks that make a difference. Absolutely. It's like, yeah, you're, it's almost like you're depositing, like into your own, like a savings account. Resilience account. A resilience, your resilience account. I like that. Where it's like, they talk about sleep deprivation and all that, where it's like you're borrowing from, I mean, there's just so many little things you can do that gets you ready. For the up leveling. And I love that our body is just designed to innately heal. So, I just think that the metaphysical is so interesting because I'll work with some people, some mamas that are trying to heal their children and they don't realize that. The lineage healing comes from first healing within doing the deep work that actually like you can create so much shift in your children by doing the epigenetic work, these little hacks, like the biohacking stuff. And, Yeah, it's just, it's huge. And there's so much that's free. Like I didn't realize that moving from Frederick, Colorado to divide Colorado among the trees and in the mountains was going to be hugely regulating for our entire little family ecosystem, just the trees, just hanging out, just living in the environment where there's that it's so it's, it's peace, it's just so easy to regulate here for us. Like we don't have to think about it. Or like stand on our grounding mat. No, we can just go stand in the trees, listen to the wind, observe the trees, feel their energy. And, so I just love that you're putting out so much content on tick tock and you have your, which I, I feel like, your course, you are energy. It feels like a timeless course because I can go back and listen to it and get something different because I'm different. My lens, my lens in which I perceive the information now is different. It always is. And it's interesting. we think that, success is like a straight line or healing is a straight line up. But like the whole point is it's really more like a spiral and you keep revisiting things and seeing things differently. And I was just talking to somebody today and I was like, I think my, the thing that I'm working through right now is the, not last transformation because I don't believe that there will be unless I die. And then there's even more transformation there, right? I know, then who knows what's on the other side of that. But I have constantly been transforming myself in little ways, but also, huge ways. Like I've mentioned, before, like coming out of the closet, that was a big one. Actually leaving my own twin sister to go to college was a transformation. Separating from her like I was shocked at how I people didn't know who she was and like we're treating me just as a single person like a singleton and I was like You're like, yeah, so weird. I'm like, I don't have to tell them that I have a twin sister. Like, you know, I could It's a clean slate. You could, but you could also just rewrite your story without The having her be a part of it. Yeah. So that was probably the, one of the first big transformations then coming out of the closet. Like I went from science teacher to healer. That was a huge one. I, left working to become a full time healer., I then, podcasting, I was going to say, I started a podcast, getting a website, telling people I do this stuff. There have been transformations and at a certain point, one of the things that I'm just gonna say, because it's you, but you know, that I can do certain things like with my energy and,, like I was scared to tell a lot of people that I can do these things. Yeah. I mean, I changed the structure of why I, I noticed you, you've been out with that on social media lately and I'm very proud. Yeah. I'm very proud of you. It's hugely inspiring as, as I sit in my office in Teller County. And I am very comfortable telling like remote people about my, my services, but I haven't, I am now going through a transformation of being full anchoring in this light. Um, and this is nothing against religion, but I'm in a very highly religious. So there's a little bit of an incongruence that I'm working through and getting curious about, like, well, why haven't you posted to, the community page, what you do? Because, I know it's valuable. I know people have transformed with the modalities that, And my gifts that I offer. But I will say that, my whole point of this is that it's we're all going through something right. And up leveling and you putting that out there, that sounds batshit crazy to maybe somebody that doesn't fucking understand Hey, I can change the structure of water. It kind of maybe sounds like egotistical, but no, they like there's tools that prove. The quantum stuff that like unseen powers that we have because we are one with source like we are just as powerful because we are the oneness we're not separate. And, so to me it doesn't sound crazy, but I can imagine that putting that out there on a tick tock. Is probably a little bit like, ah, I know, I mean, I can't tell you how many times I was like, how do I say this? and then I was like, just say it like, it took a while for me to be able to. So here's the thing. Like, I was able to change the structure of water. in that I was able to change the pH just for the listener. And so I was able to take it from nine to seven, but the weird thing is, I mean, that's cool. That's definitely hard to do. I don't know that many people could do that, but what I also did accidentally, but I have such clear intentions and focus when I put my mind to it. That she said, change the pH. So I change just the pH, which actually breaks a law in physics. Like I, the water should have had more particles in it, but it didn't. So it's the particles remained the same, but the pH changed. And she was like I need to change the particles per million. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, like what do we need? She's like more. And I was like, okay, I'll download more. So I downloaded more. And then a couple of seconds, she then measured it again and there was more particles in it. Yes. And that's how beliefs work. Like when I work through the quantum realm is that, and people will say, they'll feel the download coming in. And I'm like, and I, and it's just like you said, it is that simple if we get out of how away from the limit that, Oh my gosh, there's no way you can change the start. Like it is what it is. It's energy. That's matter. That's how downloads work. If you have a faulty belief that's limiting you and maybe you had that belief to protect you from an old version of yourself. It's not to damn the belief that like you survived in or the environment that you needed to call in to survive, but now. We're in the season of anything's fucking possible. I know how beautiful is that? And how, you just being authentic, look, this was easy. Like you can do it too. And these are the little things I do on my daily. These are the little habits that I've adopted that have helped me. Spiral to change my reality. And that's where, so I changed matter in the form of water. Right. But that's what I do for myself, but I also help people as a healer to do that. And I teach people how to master their mindset. And one of the things that Joe dispenser says is like. Free, he, I love it. He shouts it. He's like, free yourself. And it's yes, if you don't free yourself, who the hell is? I'm gonna free you. Right, like you're,, you're your own savior. Fucking stop looking on the external and go within. Right. And you need people like you and I to point you in the right direction and say, you might want to look at your mindset, you might want to look at how you're looking at the world, or you might want to look at your blood sugar, you, but, it is up to you to adopt those things and to put them into practice and to make that transformation yours and own it. And one of the, on TikTok, as I, yeah, I did a whole series on transformation, like the things that you need to know for transformation. And one of them, the most important one I would say is your why, because Anytime you try something, you need to know why you're doing it so that you will keep doing it. Like you have to remember it has to be a good enough. Why? And, if you are somebody who wants to change your life, you need to remember that you hate your old, or you don't like what you have or whatever you, yeah, whatever you've been doing, isn't working. Right. So you have to change and do right. Nobody else is going to do it for you. No. And that's the whole thing is the reframe about the type of, I wouldn't even say like mentor, healer or whatever. I don't know whatever label it is. It's not that I feel like it's more of we're activators. Yes. We activate something within you. that gives you the inspiration or the resilience to go within and change. And there's been times I'll do the work, like we'll get a protocol. Somebody like, you're going to take this supplement that's going to help you with your whatever. But I can't make you take those. I can't make you go do an ice bath or organ flush or whatever is the prescribed protocol to get you back to homeostasis. So and I've let go of my responsibility that people follow through because it's hard to watch. It is hard to watch. It is hard to watch. And I. And I guess like some of the best advice that I give is like through my own mistakes and that's the part it's actually part of my human design is like one of my personality traits is like that I'll try everything at least once and be like, well, nope, that's not for me. That was really terrible. No good idea, but I can then, authentically tell people like, yeah, that's not going to work. Like, or, you know, you can try it. Cause I'm all about Anything can cure anything, any, you know, possibilities. It's all about belief. So if you believe it'll work, it probably won't. Like, if you wholeheartedly believe it, I think it'll work. Absolutely. That's the whole thing about congruence. But, um, so what is your biggest, like, would you go back to like, where does somebody start blood sugar regulation? I, it depends. If you are like trying to lose weight, yes, blood sugar regulation, but, or get over any chronic disease, I would definitely look at that. I would really just, I always go back to this and I think this is really, really important. Your why? Well, that's very important, but like, how is this happening for you rather than happening to you? Um, no matter what it is, like, why was blood sugar, like, how was that happening for me? I don't know. I, it's a good question, but Let's see, it's all awareness is right. Let me tell you, yeah, it's fun to be high on sugar. I mean, it is sure. I, but now I feel way more stable, you know, and, um, right. And I definitely like being high on sugar is very similar to meditation, which is probably why it went away because, you know, when you do a lot of meditation, you. feel like almost high on life. It's like a, like when you get downloads from source, it's like your vibe, like you feel bubbly and a little buzz, like that little, like when you drink alcohol and it's like, Oh, like I, I feel lighter. so yeah, there's that spiritual, that's the soul downloads the vibration. That's. Yeah. Yeah. Which always transforming and then it set me out on a path to learn about how mental health is connected with that. Which I couldn't believe like how deeply connected and it's not talked about No. The bio, like yeah. The biochemical stuff. And, I think there's so much there about like addiction and pattern. Like there's just so much there that we are just now scratching the surface and getting to the root of that. And, Yeah, I think it's brilliant. I want people to follow you. you have so many episodes that are such an amazing resource of on the stark transformation show. And people can listen to your podcast, you're doing a lot of tick tock information that you're just giving people for free because you're not like your ego is not involved here. It's just you just want everybody to feel like themselves. They're true versions of themselves, like the optimal version. And so your, what is your handle on Tik Tok? It's like amystark333. Yeah, or start transformation. Somehow if you type in either one, it will work. I don't, I don't know. I don't, I still don't, I still don't know. But yeah, it's start transformation on all handles, basically Instagram, Facebook. You can follow me on Amy stark on Facebook if you like, but TikTok is really where I have a lot of information coming out on a regular, and you have any, your course though is on the, your website, right? The You Are Energy course. Yeah. And, and that's really reasonably priced. Like if people are just looking for ways to transform where it's you're not signing up with a coach. Yeah. Specifically, and if you know, like right now, people are feeling the effects of inflation. So you have a lot of free and cost effective ways to transform information. Yeah, I just spoke with somebody who was like, I can't afford to work with you one on one. what do you recommend? And it's like. Listen, you can do my your energy course. It's very reasonable. It's only 57. Then you can go on Tik Tok and learn a ton of stuff from me and listen to my podcast. I have blogs that I've written, you know, there's just so many resources. I've been on other people's podcasts or obviously, which, which I, which I will say that, there was a lull where I'm like, why am I even doing this podcast? And then the universe or source was like, I was at, NET(NeuroEmotional Technique) and so he's like, Oh, I have listened to your podcast. And I'm like, you have like, you know, like, I mean, it's just those moments where, you know, being a mom of four or being like, like having life, the 3d stuff where it's a labor of love, to put out a podcast. But I, I do enjoy genuinely talking to people like we could talk for hours and we just, and everybody like PJ will say like, when I'm with you, I feel like we just like our vibration, we just go up and up and up, because both of us love each other for the ways that we are and nothing feels better than being loved for who you are. Yeah. We've talked about authenticity. Is like actually measured more powerful than love even or like some of these are like love, which I think maybe that's what we feel when we get together, where I think when you, I think when you, experience authenticity, it's a love for yourself. Thank you. I love that reframe. Yeah, that's self love, which, is that in every self help book? Yep, it is. It's funny though. There must be something there. There must be something. But you would think it would be so hard to find that, because we talk about it, Like it's with so much effort, but like really we're just coming home to who we really are and I know why, you know why, both of us know why people, hide themselves, it's, it can feel dangerous and people have told us that, but once we let go of that, it's really beautiful. It's so liberating, yeah. Yeah. I thank you for, hanging out with me today on the podcast. I miss you. I can't believe I know we are definitely going to get together and go hiking or, or whatever shows up. But, I don't care if we have to meet an Ikea. I will. I know. Oh my God. That we do need to meet an Ikea. We could walk. Or maybe Castle Rock and do a hike. I don't know. I was looking at some hikes that are midway, but that'd be awesome. I love you. And maybe we can go jump in a lake together at a hike. Dude, I'm telling you, like I was walking around Wanaka and it's all frozen and I saw the water and I was like, Ooh. I, I like. Follow people. this lady on, Tik TOK, who just does that. She just goes to these beautiful places. She just sledgehammers a hole. She puts up tea light candles and she just gets it. And she looks so peaceful. And, I'm like, okay. So the only like that I've come across that I really want to do that is Brainerd Lake. Cause it's very clear. Wanaka Lake. I don't think it's going to be very clear. I'm a little, I do get a little grossed out when I'm dirty. That's fair. That's fair. We can work through that too. Yeah, no, definitely. But maybe, maybe our next thing is to do one of those Wim Hof journeys where we, oh, that'd be so fun. Yeah. Yeah. I need to learn how to breathe. That's on my, that is for 2024. Breath work is, I will say that. I've been doing breath work and, I've been doing oil pulling that would be proud of me. You just, you, that's something I need to get back into because, obviously with my teenager mouth, yeah. So, and that's a whole nother podcast, but I have a tick tock about why I have braces, all the things. You're amazing. Cause you, you've gone through so much just to get to where you are, like with your mouth and it looks great. By the way, I haven't seen it in a while and your teeth just look so straight. I don't know, I think, it'll be a year, February 6th, that I got my braces on, but she was, thinking more like, 24 months, so I probably have another year or this, but that's fine, that's, it's worth it. Yeah, I love you. Thank you. I love you and. Until we, meet again on podcast world or, but definitely, in real world. All right. I love you. Love you too. Thanks for having me.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.