The Ripple Effect

Jen & Jackie Baird ~ Animal Communicator

PJ McNerney Season 2 Episode 5

Have you been wanting to deepen your connection to your beloved pet?  

This podcast is a must listen then as I interview Jacqueline Baird, an animal communicator with White Lotus Animal Communication.  She delves into her experiences communicating with various animals and gives the listener tips and tricks to deepen our soul connection with our beloved pets.  She is a wealth of knowledge and you can find her at:

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Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

Today on the ripple effect podcast, we're back. It's been a little bit of a time before I had a latest guest, but I'm so excited to introduce you to my friend, Jackie Baird with. White Lotus Animal Communication and Healing. I guess her fancy title, I mean, besides being my friend is you're an animal communicator and you've worked on my animals. We met, gosh, we met, Probably just before, maybe 2019, both our kids went to the same charter school. And, it was a small enough charter that like, you were in the group and I could see your name and know who you were, but I feel like we grew closer during 2020 and Asking a lot of questions. Like a lot of this stuff doesn't make sense to us. And then we just, I don't know, our, just our friendship just grew. It just keeps growing from there, but I do end up having people on my show, either it's like the connections that heal, modalities that heal, which is so ironic because when I was going through training for like NET or CRA Sounds like you already knew about those things, which I was like, Whoa, like you're, I think one of your family members knew Dr. Versindale. And I'm like, Whoa. And you trust Dr. Versendaal videos. Like, you know, so yeah, that's so wild. but anyways, I wanted to introduce you and welcome you. And I, I know that so many people have their beloved pets and animals. And. I just recently had somebody ask Hey, does some of the stuff you do work on animals? I'm like, yes, but I'm not your girl for that. So give us a little background about, you and how you. have stepped into your healing abilities and why animals? I mean, has this just been, I don't know. So I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was younger. So, um, things did not happen quite that way. Then I had dogs that had issues that didn't make sense. Collies started like, Collies were like my kind of dog. And they were having a lot of issues with like vaccines and stuff early on. This was like in the late eighties. Okay. So, I started researching a lot of stuff and checking into things. And then, I did other health things like for myself, I read ology and studied herbology and all those kinds of things. And Dr. Versendaal's stuff, which was very interesting. And then I did animal acupressure. I never got certified in that I was doing most of this stuff at the time, just like for my own benefit. Yeah. So I started doing that and studied all that kind of stuff. Then I had my son and everything kind of got derailed. Yes, you know, I, I mean, I can relate for a little while. Yeah. And then, you know, like right before I met you, I was kind of starting to get back into stuff and starting to study again. And, I think you kept showing me different things and I was like, well, that one's interesting. I need to, you know, do that most of the modalities being for people, but I know, I know, but I think you can really use people stuff for animals. Sometimes you just have to kind of tweak it. I was gonna say, how much of, in your experience, because, you know, I remember watching the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan, and he's like, most of the issues are really the people and the animals are just matching the energy. Like, do you see that as like a common thread? Are you, You know, and also what animals do you mostly see? Or what's the weirdest animal? Not weirdest. What's the most, that's not the right word. The most unique animal you've worked on. I'll ask animal chiropractors, like what's the animal that you adjusted that's not super like norm, like part of the norm. Like not the regular everyday animal. I've worked on a few Okay. and that was very interesting. This one rabbit was not like a normal rabbit. Like I'd read up about rabbits ahead of time to make sure I kind of had a basic idea of the way they were supposed to act. Yeah. And this is why one of the things that I'm like, okay, I just have come to the conclusion that animals are just souls. They're just in an animal body. And so sometimes They might have animal traits and do things and whatever, but it's kind of similar to just looking at, you know, a person or whatever, it's the same kind of reasons, the same emotions, the same reasons for emotions, just. Yeah, I love that about, I love that about you and your work and like how the feedback you've given after working on our dogs. I have. I don't want, you would never say like, I have a favorite kid or a favorite dog, right? But I do think about like soul karma, things you're working out and the soul at the soul level. I have a deep soul connection with one of my dogs and you gave me really good, Feedback In that I don't think I was truly honoring how gifted my dog is with the healing arts and her soul and what she what other timelines and lifetimes and incarnations. She wasn't always a dog. And she's a pretty gifted healer because she would always be laying at The, outside the, my little home office when I would be doing NET or CRA or different healings or Theta, and interestingly enough, like your path is kind of like, you already knew about those modalities and you've kind of gone after, I, I was in, an intuitive training class and you're delving into that as well. It's just Kind of gives us, it's almost like going to the gym every week. You get to do the meditations and do the work on yourself. I feel like that's what really helps me, focus and see all of this stuff and be open, you know, even be open to it, cause I don't know that I would have been open to it 10 years ago that it would be this way that animals seem more just like souls instead of, they're just. Wrapped in an animal body. So you let go of a lot of your own, assumptions or programs around. Cause I know you, do they teach you that in the different? Cause I know you took, coursework with animal communication., they do talk a lot about animal behaviors and things like that, which. I think can be helpful in certain situations. and it also depends on how evolved the soul is. If they're that into like just the animal side of it, right? You know, if they're just brand new, they're going to be like, okay, I have no idea what's going on. Kind of like people, animals that might have been like, just because sometimes they migrate from, like wild animals into, domesticated animals, they can still have a very evolved way of processing energy or thinking or absorbing, different energies or emotions or whatever, so to me,, I try not to really get caught up in that part of it. The, the habits or whatever, right now, because I've learned that now that I've been doing it for a little while. It's like, okay, why am I, worrying about why did I look at me like a rabbit? No, right, right. So that's cool. So like on your own journey, you've really just laid down any assumptions that you might have about, oh, a rabbit behaves like this, a horse behaves like this. Um, I'm working on a guinea pig today. I better read up all about guinea pigs because it's the only time that I need to know that kind of stuff is if it's something physical, like a digestive issue, like how their digestion works, what they, those kinds of things. are helpful to know because that's the body that they're in, right? Right, that's true. If you're looking at it from a healing standpoint of healing something physical, it's good to know how that part works, like respiration and, yeah, and like their nervous system and their spine, or if they don't. Yeah. Yeah. Like, well, placed in a body, you know, that kind of thing. So, yeah, that, that part is important because, it is the body that they're in. So they're still having to deal with that part of it. No, I mean, animals take on all of our emotions. And I think that's. That's the part that I really wanted to work with. Like I've had that idea for a very long time to help animals, like clear out the emotions that they're absorbing. Cause they feel like that's their job, especially dogs. I know my Remy, I have to have like talks with her about don't take on my stuff. This is my stuff. So would you say Something you told me, give me, let's just tell people because if people are just not even aware of that, there's stuff you can do on the quantum or energetically that is going to totally change an animal's trajectory with healing or health or how their vitality. Um, tell us. A little bit about how do people like What goes on in a session? People usually will they usually contact you because there's something physically going awry or I've had a few people contact me for physical stuff, but generally, it's they have questions, you know, like, Are they happy with something, why is it they're doing some certain behavior, things like that, oh, let's see, you know, like, a lot of the things are, reactive kind of stuff, like, why are they barking all the time, at whatever or something else, and a lot of the time, sometimes it's their breed, that's what they were bred to do, right, you know, right, Can't really talk them out of that. You can talk to them and say, okay, this is how we can get you to calm down quicker. Right. And then I usually try to teach people how to talk to their animals so that they will, cause some animals really see in pictures, like they want to see like a projection. You taught me that after we were, We, we're saving up for a big, hefty, expensive fence, but right now we live on an acre in the forest and our dogs have grounded. They're like, returned to their more natural state. So, I like to chase deer and they wander off and, you taught us and I told PJ and he, we both will be like, when we're yelling at them, like psychos, we're like, no, just show them the route home. We're This is where you have to come in and it's now and we are always so surprised when because like sometimes like, oh, it's not gonna work. And then yeah, do it and I'm like, whoa, that worked really well. And not always do we remember because sometimes I'll be like, yeah, like the psycho lady, But, um, but That's okay, yeah. I do it and I know I should be doing it, but I don't always remember, but I will say when we're intentional and we do both, hone in and show them in pictures what we want. And it's just like the subconscious mind, um, somebody, I don't know if you were telling me this or another animal communicator, like saying, don't pee on this. Pillow or whatever, all they see and hear is the pillow and the pee. You not even thinking, they should, you should think in the pictures of the behaviors that you do want them to do. Yeah. Right. Cause they don't really think and don't do blah blah blah. You know, it's like, well, even us as like, when we do our belief work, like our subconscious gets so confused with double negatives or negatives and you have to, yeah. Yeah. And so they don't get that either. So it's a lot of, so some of it is, I feel like, is explaining to the people, okay, this is what your dog's thinking, right? And so then they maybe get it a little bit more better. Yeah. So that they don't go, oh, well, it's just an annoying behavior. It's not an annoying behavior to them. like I just had somebody that their dog was really laid back. Like I could, this dog was like so relaxed, but when they're on a walk. He would get like really, uh, you know, with other dogs that are coming this direction and I was like looking at it and I thought, well, he's not annoyed at them. It's more of, he goes to a doggy daycare and he's used to being off of a leash when he meets another dog, right? And he can move if he needs to, I kept seeing him kind of jumping around or whatever. And he doesn't feel like he can move on a leash. So he doesn't, so he doesn't feel safe. He's not feeling safe like he can normally escape if he needs to or do whatever, so it's just like little things. Yeah, it's just like little things sometimes that people wouldn't think of. You know, sometimes I, I wouldn't even think of that. I'll go, Oh, interesting one. Yeah. Well, and I'm sure you're just seeing how some of these animals have more evolved souls and more complexities and whatnot. So I will say, this was before I knew you. And the first time we ever delved into animal communication, was when our dog Emma was. We weren't sure we could tell if she was getting near the her end of her soul being in that body and we were really, I was concerned because as a child, we left. At one of our dogs, like mostly for us to get not being able to deal with the grief we let the dog suffer too long and I just absolutely did not want this for our dog. And she tuned in to Emma's soul field and Emma was saying that she really loved her time with us and all the stuff that she was also getting dementia so she would have like this. Oh yeah. And so she would be confused and we just wanted to know, like, when could we call in the vet that would, you know, her time. And so she actually was able to communicate, hey, it looks like when I stop eating. And da da da, but, or she was also said to the communicator that like when she starts to lose control of her bowels, get the call, call. Cause she's had so much pride. She was like a very athletic dog, she caught a peacock when I lived in San Pedro. Yeah, she was like part kangaroo. I don't know what she was like a breed that was like a shepherd mix, but she could jump over a six foot fence. No problem. She would just do these bouncy things. so she had a lot of pride. She didn't want to be the senior dog that was crapping on the carpet. And then also she was nesting in our, there were signs, but I felt, um, her being able to like communicate. We got almost like three more months with her because like, I feel like she felt seen and heard. So I don't know if like you have, um, people that, I don't know if they've ever contacted you for the end of life stuff, but you know, I did that when I was doing, um like my training in animal communication. I did that. And I did 1 person after that, who had just had a cat pass. Oh, that was very healing also, because, then you get answers of, okay, were they in pain? Was it the right time to let them go? That kind of thing. So then you can actually grieve and let go. Yeah, and I think that that's really helpful to see a lot of different, avenues, because you get stuck in your own thought of, oh, my gosh, did I do the right thing? Were they like in pain for longer? Was it,? Yeah, you do.'cause I, and I didn't wanna have that mental gymnastics'cause I still had always wondered about our childhood dog named Barney. Not after the dinosaur.'cause it was before that it was after, I think it was Barney Rubble way before that. And. I just remember it was really hard for my dad to like, let go of this special soul connection that he had. And I just didn't want that for Emma. And it, the animal communication, people don't realize how you even just like, Having the dog or the cat or rabbit's soul being seen or heard or validated, how healing that is, right? Yeah, I think it is very healing. It's very healing for them, because sometimes I will, I'll kind of connect and Sometimes they'll look at me kind of like, what? Oh, you can, you're, you wait. I have talking to me, you know, and it's very funny, some of them are like super excited, like, and other ones are like, I don't know what's going on here. This is a little odd. I did have a dog once that, It was obviously that he had some sort of parallel life or something going on that he could communicate like telepathically with his people and it was very upsetting to them that he could not do that now. So I kept talking, I tried to help the woman understand, you know, the pictures and stuff because at least maybe that would make him feel like he was being understood. Good? Because that was a super big frustration for him here was that he's like, I just, I feel like I'm alone. I feel like I'm kind of like in this little, space. So that was, I think, a validating thing to give him to be able to, Try to get her to, you know, I'm like, cause people talk to their animals, of course. Right. But it's more like talking at them because they're not really understanding what you're saying verbally. They hear the, the pitch, the inflection. What do you think? They're picking up on other things, not necessarily the words. I mean, depending on what kind of animal you have, sometimes they pick up on a lot of words and different things like that, but it is. A lot of senses too. It's not just, words. It's the way they You're projecting the way you're talking. They're smelling you, you know, all that kind of stuff. It's so interesting. And it's so funny that like our podcast happened today because, I used to work with nonverbal individuals and we used to have these buttons for augmentative communication. You could program a word. Have you seen those dogs and I'm like, Oh my gosh, they're so much more evolved than we give them credit for. There's a speech therapist that has this dog named Stella and she has hunger. It's like a hungry. Yeah. And I, it's so funny because the dog was super disappointed that everybody was sleeping in because the dog wanted to go for a walk. and she was like, Bye. Yes. Like, like, so like they, they had, and yeah, I'm like, wow. I just think sometimes it's knowing how to communicate with them. And, and that's, you know, yeah, that's exactly it. It's, knowing how to get through to them because, even some other dogs might not be able to do it that way, but they can see pictures and they can, I really think a lot of people can hear them if they really, are just like very in tune with their animal that they can see what pictures the animals trying to give them to, so it, so somebody that's totally new to this concept, how do you practice, how do you get proficient at it? what would you say are some tips and tools to start just starting at really basic kind of things. Like, Projecting, okay, we're going to go for a walk. This is what's going to happen on the walk and see if you get any kind of feedback or anything. It might take some time, especially if you've never done anything like that before, that you're not, in tune with your intuition. Or being able to understand. it's like my dog that I have now, she's a Collie and Collies are very big talkers. Now she talks a lot. Like she has different inflections and noises for, it's probably like an entire language for her. Yeah. And so I've had to pick up on those kinds of cues that she gives me. And I'll be like, we don't have to talk about everything. You don't have to talk about it out loud with me all the time, but she's a very vocal girl. Yeah, that's who she is. But, um, they do want to get something across, things that are important to them. Right, right. Even the laid, even the laid back ones, one that I was just looking at, yesterday. He had a, super happy life. He was excited, but he needed like work, and that kind of stuff to be more interested because she was like, he doesn't really like to eat. And I go, because eating is boring, right? Right. Bowl, It was really kind of funny because, I was like,, the foods in the bowl. It's not that exciting. Try something that, they have to sniff around and find different stuff. So, you know, hopefully that, that will keep his brain more excited about finding the food than just like, ah, it's there, whatever. I feel like so much of their different breeds, have different, I think I have a book or about the different breeds and they're like sort of purpose, right? They have to feel like they have purpose. They're just like, again, that's like humans. I mean, anybody with a soul, there's some core things that we all, You know, but I would like you to talk about it because I, I've always found it so fascinating that, and I've heard it from people that had really bad trauma in their life, that it was like, if it wasn't for my dog, yeah, I wouldn't be here. And I do think it's something that like, it breaks my heart because these, especially dogs, I think cats do too, to a certain degree. And I haven't probably had enough experience with. like other animals. Horses seem like they are extraordinarily evolved no matter what. They get caught in like weird things but, they are so evolved they're really trying to help push you forward. You know. Um, but dogs, especially, so absorb people's stuff. I've seen so many dogs that have, diseases or whatever, and it's, the same kind of thing. Because they're trying to trans they're such empaths, yeah. Yeah, that they're trying to help, you know, I'm not quite sure if it's, across the board that they're trying to help heal that, or if they're just trying to take it on, you know, it's kind of both. Both. But I do find it fascinating that, Dog spelled backwards is God. And, and I do. And I think we were both at the same seminar recently. And the presenter was like, and I kind of got triggered at first about him saying, Oh, humans are not like, it's not possible for us to do unconditional love. And I sat with that. And I'm like, He's not wrong. It's true. And that's why dogs, I mean, something that's a little bit of our ego gets in there or we have like something that doesn't allow us to fully love unconditionally, but dogs. Yeah. I mean, that's what I, I was like, I had my dogs that I took everywhere with me when I was going through like a really hard time in my life. And, they, and I was not. The best human at that time. And they still were so excited to see me. Yeah. I mean, you know, it was like the one, the two souls that actually appreciated me and like, it is, it's the only other word aside from like us not being able to really like give that level of love, but to receive it from a dog is so healing. Yeah. Yeah. And it, Yeah, I'm trying to think of what I was going to say, um. About dogs, they're so interesting. You know, it's, that was one of the things that I really wanted to work on. And I guess, at some point I might kind of transition into doing people and their animals, I think that's kind of the evolution of the way that I'm kind of going, because there is that symbiotic relationship, um, you know, I don't want to see animals because animals are getting sicker and sicker with more things, right? And, It's many reasons, but it's also because people are getting sicker and sicker. I know, I was just going to say humans are getting, I mean, that's the thing is that if they're just absorbing it, like we are, There's just so many environmental toxins, not to mention the metaphysical toxins, the, all the things, but, um, Yeah, I guess it's, it's needed animals can have entities attached to them and things like that. So, you know, I mean, yeah, I, I have had to clear my dogs. I mean, of course, me and Jackie are talking about something. If you're new to this, it's just foreign energy. It's just energy. That's not yours, but you'll see, um, I think this is, this is probably where you bridge it because dogs will just be like out there like barking at something like, and you know something's there. Yeah, but yeah, the unseen that they're barking at whether it's an entity a ghost some kind of something. Yeah, and whatever it is. Whatever it is, they're perceiving it in a different way or, but what, how the particular animal that maybe had foreign energy or entity attached to it, how did it change the behavior? Is it similar to like humans or? Um, you know, I didn't look at it that closely, but I would think that it's something very similar. Like it would create a lot of, it, it seems more, more primal to a small degree, like instead of. They're like irritation because I'm in people I see them get angrier or it just, um, it is a catalyst to exasperate things that are already there. I would say that I would say that it's more of a magnifier of something that might be a problem. I haven't seen anybody bring anything in to be able to deal with stuff like, you know, people do. Um, more of, like, I would probably say it's like, you know, foreign energy that's probably coming from the people. Right. You know, it's not like gamers. Like, they're courted. That's probably something that comes to them directly. it's more by proxy kind of thing, you know, right. Well, and I will say that you saying that your healing practice is kind of evolving into including the human and making them accountable for their healing. Because, um, when we moved to the mountains and got more regulated, our nervous dog, that's her breed, she's part poodle, Ruby, part poodle. And, um, golden, retriever, but she's mostly poodles. So she's very smart, which I find that I don't know if this is a true statement. Maybe this is just for Ruby. I feel like the smarter the dog and the more aware, they're like more nervous, but like more aware of the surroundings or whatnot. But some of that is like, you know, empathic people. They're so sensitive. Um, because they do think a lot like they have more awareness of things or have a different, so she, yeah. So like we started to all regulate up in the trees and the ground and there's a lot of quartz smoky quart in our land up here and we were like, she's a different dog. She's like night and day. Like she's just more chill. Um, PJ will joke that she's kind of like a bougie bourgeois. Um, But like, she's all turned into nature Ruby and she almost catches deer and like they'll bring in like a deer bone and we're like, gross, this is disgusting. Like, I mean, I don't think they killed it, but like they find random things that they're so excited to show us and we're like, oh, okay. Well, and you know what? Most people don't even understand this, but standard poodles were used for hunting in France. Really? So they were, she's like in her element. We were like, who is this dog? I don't know if they're still classified in a working dog breed. I don't even remember anymore, but yeah, they were, that's why they're so smart is they were used for that. They needed to be able to think for themselves. So, you know, it doesn't surprise me that she's more relaxed like, oh, thank God. I'm like, not I know versus like, like they would be barking at like every noise because we lived in a more of a neighborhood and yeah, they're just they still bark. Like you said, there's certain breeds when, when you have the neighbors calling animal control because your dog is barking. I mean, if it's nonstop, but like, yeah. Dogs are they're supposed to bark. Yeah, right. We should be kind of happy because they're probably scaring away like wildlife. And yeah, I mean, I've been barking for two hours. Different story. That's different. Right. Right. Normal. Yeah, I know. And that's the thing that's frustrating to me is like when people will be like, I just want my dog to stop barking. Okay, well, but they're a dog. You need them. I would just like you to stop breathing. You're breathing too heavy. Please stop breathing. But yeah, so I mean, some of them I think is that is some of part of my job, I guess, is to like, be like, that's what their that's what their job is. They have some dogs have to have a job. Like, that's what they that way. The working good there. if you want a dog. That wants a job, then, you know, get like a working, herding kind of breed. If you don't, do not get that. Don't go there. No. Because it is not going to be fun and they're going to have bad behaviors and it won't matter how much I talk to them, they will still have bad behavior. Yeah, I mean, unless you start doing something else with them so that they can focus that energy. Yeah, we, have you had much experience with dogs that maybe came from, like the trauma that they store? It would just be like people, right? Like, is that a true statement? Like dogs that maybe were physically abused or neglected or maybe our Remy has something weird because we, She was a foster dog and she got passed around to three different families before she landed with us. And I still, and she was also the runt, so she just had all this like, worthiness stuff and emotional stuff. And I'm like, oh, that's like a lot like some of the people that walk into my office, so do you see that? Yeah, animals definitely have emotional stuff. And especially if it's something newer or, well, even older, honestly. you want to get that stuff out of their system so that they can heal and it doesn't become a physical problem. Because the emotions will settle in an organ, or in a space, or whatever, or block meridians, or, And do you release that? Like in your sessions energetically or, or do you like communicate with them? oh, I see this, release it or tell, how do you. Yeah. yeah, I usually talk to people about, okay. I'm seeing this emotion that's there. it's in that organ. Sometimes it's just blocking a meridian or something. I've seen it like at the back of a brain. at the brainstem, that kind of thing. it's not in any place specific sometimes, but you know, sometimes it depends, but yeah, usually I'll figure out the right way to try to release it. And sometimes it needs to be replaced with something more positive. Other times it just needs to be replaced. So it's like a case by case, just to it's definitely like people, just depends. Sometimes it can be past life stuff. Sometimes it's like lineage, genetics. Or brought down from lines, yeah, that's what I love about you is that, you're basically delving in. We, we go to the same. We've gone to, CEW which is just more of the metaphysical stuff and the emotional stuff in an energetic timeline. And we've done Theta healing together. but I love that you're, Just bringing in that knowledge to your sessions with the animals. Yeah.,and I think that, the CEW stuff with the emotions was really transformative to me because I thought, oh my gosh, it's like, it's an easier way to think about it, before it was like all over the place. Yeah. And now can kind of pinpoint it and look at it. Like that timeline and looking, yeah. Yeah. That's cool. Timeline and that kind of thing. So that, that really made a huge difference for me, understanding that. it's on this line and you can, and also getting it out all the way through the line instead of just clearing. Okay, if it's some genetic stuff, just clearing the back line. Well, you need to bring it all the way through, right? So it's all completely gone. Yeah. Just focusing on one section. Yeah, I feel like I know. I feel like I got more downloads after going, taking it a second time just because there were things I'm like, oh, wow, I could be doing belief work so much more efficiently, but sometimes. People I work with need all the chat and the talk, but some people are just ready for that program to go and you can just compress it on the timeline and bring it forward. I'm like, wow, this is awesome. So that's the thing about animals. They don't care. I know they don't care about the story, right? They don't need it. They don't need. People might need some of the background or, you know, you give them information, but. Yeah, they don't even really care about the story as long as they're you just want to feel better. Oh, yeah, especially with their animals, right? Yeah. No. Yeah. Do you mostly work? Um, virtually or I know energy I I do virtual sessions with people for, you know, zoom, I do a few in person and it's really hard. it's because things are very distracting with the animals, sometimes people will be more talkative to me like when I'm in person and then it's like, okay, well, I can't really focus on what's, what's going on. So you put it on with animals. It works better. I stayed pretty much virtual. Doesn't mean that I won't, like, you know, move in a different direction at some point. We'll see. But, for right now, we're Speaking of your, your chatty dog, I love it. It's You know, UPS might be some place in the neighborhood and she has to make sure I know that. That's amazing. It's perfectly time. Well, so Jackie, where can people book, a session for their animal with you? What is the name of your website? You can go to my website, which and I'll put this in the podcast notes. Yeah. And they can always, email me if they want to talk, we can set up a time just to talk to see if, I'm the right person. But that's, that's the easiest way. Great. That's amazing. Well, thank you for sharing all of your Animal soul knowledge and things that you've observed and, um, thank you for being my friend. Well, thank you too. No, I'm so glad our paths crossed and you are definitely a person that's created a ripple effect of healing and who knows, who hears this and gets to, um, help their animal release so. I mean, I just hope to at least help people understand their specific animal a little bit better. Yeah, they can almost deepen that soul connection. Yeah. Like, how, how great that is. You know, and sometimes it just validates things that they kind of already know, right? You know? Well, that, and you know, like, in a while, then they get to be like, wow, I, I am. intuitive or I do have abilities to communicate differently with my animals. So, so thank you for sharing even the little tidbits today and hopefully people out there listening will start to practice because I'll even forget. We'll do it. So this is a good reminder for me. Like I said, I forget to do it sometimes, too. Right. Well, thank you. Thank you again. And, yeah. Thank you.

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.