The Ripple Effect

Jen & Heather Roberts: (Her journey evolving from a RN to a Holistic Healer)

PJ McNerney Season 2 Episode 6

In this podcast episode, I get to interview Heather Roberts, a Holistic Healer out of Golden, Colorado.  Heather's journey is fascinating as she was a registered nurse for many years before delving into her journey into alternative, holistic medicine (root cause medicine).  She is has an abundance of tools in her tool box to help people get back to homeostasis in their body and mind.  Take a listen to her evolution and I she offers a unique perspective and expertise given her past in a Western Medical Model. 

You can book a virtual session with Heather Roberts or see her in person at her clinic. Read more about what Heather has to offer on your healing journey here:

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Find your host, Jen McNerney:

PJ McNerney:

Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.

Jennifer McNerney:

Welcome to the Ripple Effect. I am your host Jen McNerney, sharing the unfolding stories that made us and healed us.

Okay, today on the Ripple Effect, I have a very special guest who's sort of new on my journey. We just hooked up recently through some NET meetups. I have Heather Roberts, and she is a holistic healer. You have a very, you have a background that's so fascinating to me. I just want to say welcome to the Ripple Effect, and I just wanted you to tell us your journey. to this present title of Holistic Healer. Tell us about your background and all the modalities you do. And yeah, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. so I originally went to school for psychology. My first degree is a bachelor's in psychology and I always knew my whole life that I kind of was in going to be in the helping realm and I didn't really exactly know what that was going to look like. I got my bachelor's in psychology and then I went on to Start a graduate program in social work because I thought I would go into counseling of some sort of type And I was really interested in animal assisted therapy and then the timing of that coincided with my husband joining the military And so I ended up leaving graduate school and going to be where he was stationed in North Carolina And that kind of put things on hold for a couple of years and then I went back to school for nursing and so my second bachelors is in nursing And I worked at the major hospital system here in the Denver area for 10 years, and then, in 2015, my son was born. And he has profound special needs. We didn't know that immediately, but we knew there were some major challenges right away. And gradually over time, I kind of started opening my eyes to the natural and holistic realm and it took a lot for me to get there because I was very focused on the science, the evidence, the studies and the data. My mom's a physician as well and so we really came from that Western medicine model but in my desperation for my healing journey, I ended up. Seeking out holistic sort of natural health care because I wasn't getting what I needed from yeah, when I went to see my midwife basically and Doctors at that point and they just kept trying to prescribe me drugs that I knew I didn't need as a nurse I was like, I don't need that and they couldn't explain my extreme fatigue and exhaustion So was it an inner knowingness combined with like, oh that duality knowing that the Western model, but you had an inner knowingness that you didn't need those medications that they were suggesting. Well, I knew I didn't need those and I had no idea what the other answer was. And I was deaf. So this is your own, I mean, compounded by your son who has special needs. And you're, but after the pregnancy, was that when you had extreme fatigue or was it? He was about, I think that was when he was about a year old and it was just it was very taxing. I mean, it was a very, very stressful time. And and I was at that point in my life, I had started taking care of myself. So, prior to my pregnancy, my health, was challenged. I was very overweight, and, and even after I had my son, I had a lot of trouble with my weight. And then, by the time that I went to seek medical help, I was eating right, I was exercising, and I was like, why am I still so exhausted all the time? And, I had no idea. I didn't know where it would lead me, but I was just desperate enough to go and seek something alternative. So I ended up with this alternative healer, and she told me, You have adrenal fatigue. You have adrenal burnout. Like your adrenals are not online anymore because of all the stress from the last year. And that was kind of the beginning of this journey for me. And so after that, I kind of, little by slowly, started doing a deep dive, and reading all the books, and I would just devour these health books at night by myself. And meanwhile during the day I'm still going to the hospital and working at the hospital every day and doing the western medicine thing. And so it took me a long time. It took, it was about five years of that until I became more aware of my own capacity and the shift really happened during COVID. And so that was a big gift of COVID for me. And that's when I'm in my own practice. That's amazing. Yeah, it was. I have to ask you though, going back to like you delving, because, I think any mama with a special needs challenge within their kids, I'm like always the mama practitioners that have done the work to, or whatever we found. I feel like you are that way. I had, Tessie was on my podcast., these mama, even Dawn Hoezee, she had her own journey with being the mama. and healer. And it's just like a special breed because we will stay up till three, four, five in the morning, get zero sleep and just be on a deep dive into like holistic or alternative medicine or even like the emotions. Um, and I will love, I would love to hear how you found NET in a moment, but I wanted to ask you what that was like for you showing up in the Western model for, for like five years. Plus, just having this whole other side of you that's like delving into like alternative medicine or just a different way. It's such a different model than Western, finding the root cause of imbalances or whatnot. Right. And I felt like for myself, I was willing to go all in on the natural side. Not right away, but over those five years, I was like, I'm not taking any prescriptions. I'm not gonna do, these things that other people think are really good to do every year, all of that kind of stuff, and and yet with my son, he is profoundly disabled. And so we're still, we still, even today, see doctors, regular doctors at the regular hospital. Yeah, you're very much in the Western model, right? There's Yep, and there's still within that the place for helping in other ways with natural holistic healing. So even today we still take Elliot to my son, to a regular doctor. He still has medical procedures. He's on a few very limited prescription medications. And yet there's still a place within that for the holistic alternative healing that he's done. Yeah. And it's interesting because the doctors have been really shocked, really surprised of how well he has done given the circumstances. And in fact, when he was 13 months old, we went to the pulmonologist who basically had a palliative care meeting with us and said, How much do you want to do to keep your son alive? And the fact that he's now nine, and he's doing pretty well, and he has very rare seizures, and he's thriving, he's happy, he's a happy kid. And so, I think that it's really complemented the Western, approach that we're also doing. And then, for, as far as, working at the hospital, That's when, in those last two years, things were getting really disparate. We were really on a divergent path. And it was getting more and more challenging for me to just continue to go along with that model. But, you know, I stuck it out because that was my job. Yeah, yeah, and I love that you are bridging both worlds. So So very much like in a vulnerable way with your son. I think you shared a story. We roomed together most recently at a NET seminar. You definitely get to know people a little bit more as we're all processing deep, deep seated emotions and releasing. But you mentioned what happened when you weren't providing the supplementation for your son. And that was a big, that was like a big neon sign that like, wow, like what you, you and your husband are doing is profound. So can you share a little bit about, you know, he's on these limited Western, like pharmaceuticals. I don't know what we, what else we'd call it, but then you have been supplementing. Yes, so I had, once I went and saw this alternative healer that I saw, I brought Elliot in within a month and she started treating him as well. And she put him on, you know, we've done a bunch of different nutritional supplements over the years and my son has epilepsy and so he has seizures mostly that are brought on by fever or an extreme change in temperature or some sort of stress on the body. So it's not all the time that he has seizures. So, we were doing his routine supplements, and I always fill the little packs that have Monday through Sunday. And one week,, I was just fed up and I didn't, I didn't have time to do it. It slipped my mind, whatever happened. And he went four days without his supplements and on the fourth day he had a seizure. and he spiked a temperature that was high, really quickly. And it was interesting because that was the turning point for my husband where he was like, okay, where are Elliot's supplements? Yeah. Refilled. Um, and that was really great for him to get some, and that was in. I want to say that was in 2021 and he has not had a seizure since then, knock on wood. Wow, amazing. So you're an alternative practitioner that sort of helped you on this path to like the now Heather, the holistic healer. How did you find applied kinesiology? How did you find muscle testing? How did you find NET? Chiropractic? Like tell me a little bit about I'm just curious about that journey because you kind of, you have so many tools in your toolbox. And I'm just curious. It was, it was very God, it was very much a God shot. I was at a conference, staying with someone in another state with no one that I knew, but I knew the, team people peripherally. So anyways, I get randomly put in with a room with these people and when I talk to them about the fatigue that, at that conference, this one woman said, you have to go and see Dawn. And I was like, okay. She called her a witch doctor. So now that's my, my, um, internal gauge of like, okay, when am I going to be a witch doctor? And she's well on your way. Dawn's gonna, Dawn's gonna help you out and Dawn, she has a background in nutrition and, she really is the one who I I was introduced to muscle testing through her. That was my very first ever introduction to muscle testing and I was very incredulous because of my background in medicine. And but she taught me. She taught me how to do it. Once, you know, you know, six years passed after that, seven years maybe. I shadowed her. She showed me what she was doing. She taught me the points and along the way. I got hooked up with, Lowell Keppel, who's a doctor in standard process, and he became my standard process mentor. And Dr. Keppel teaches muscle response analysis. So what I have in the office now in addition to NET is the charts for muscle response analysis. So I use those points as well as the NET, which are very similar, but there's some additional things that I like to check for as far as vitamin status and things like that that are not included on NETs. Um, chart. Yeah. So that's how I applied applied kinesiology and I was already deep into the standard process world from taking a lot of that nutrition through dawn. And then, that kind of, I was doing a little bit of chiropractic throughout my pregnancies and stuff like that too. Okay. So, so where did you have all that knowledge while you were still like showing up at the the hospital? Like, no, no, this is, this is post that. Okay, nice. So it was just like a deep dive. And so you found, um, NET through, Dr. Lowell. Through Dr. Keppel. Through Dr. Keppel. Yep. Cool. So he's the one who was like, you need to go to the NET seminar. It's next weekend here in Denver. And I was like, okay, I guess I'm going. Wow. That's amazing. And then you went through certificate. You were all in after the basic. I was not. I went there really essentially because I wanted to become more proficient at muscle testing and he said they'll, you know, help you with that, which they did. And then I didn't find that I had a huge shift at my first seminar. However, a couple of months later, and then, a few months later, maybe it was even a year later, Elliot was having a lot of trouble with falling asleep at night. And he would cry and cry. And it was like, he was crying sometimes for an hour, up to like four or five nights a week, even if we were sitting in his room with him, just nothing, there was no explanation. It kind of like gradually got, was getting worse and worse. And eventually I said, Dr. Keppel, please help me. And he said, bring him into the office. He did one session of NET, mind you, my, my child is non verbal, okay? Right, which is like, yeah, I was, I was, that's good to name because how helpless you must, you and your husband must have felt, because you don't know what's wrong. Yeah, yeah, so he's non verbal, he's non mobile, so he's sitting in his wheelchair, and Dr. Keppel has made contact with me and with Elliot, and I'm sort of acting as a pro. Surrogate muscle testing, yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And we did one session of NET and didn't change anything else and the crying fits stopped and then he had them maybe once a month. Wow. And so that was in January of 2022 and that's when I was like, okay, I guess I'm going to go to the seminar and learn more about it. I need to really solidify my proficiency with this technique. I've been using it off and on in clinic, but it was not in the, you know, exact certification. Yeah. Precision. Yeah. More in depth techniques. And so that's how I went to the Atlantic beach seminar in 2023. And when I was at that seminar, then I decided I really want to be an expert in this modality. And that's when I decided to get certified. So I got certified in January of 2024. You fast tracked girl. Wow. That's amazing. Yeah. I could. So, wow. Wonderful. And you are. I feel like, cause I've had NET, from you and I feel like you, it feels like you've been doing it forever. I've heard that from a lot of people actually since you mentioned that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I will say that my story with you is that, you know, you see different people and hormones is such a, wow, it's, it's very complex. It can be. I mean, it doesn't have to be. I don't want to put limits to that for anybody that's going through hormonal imbalances, but we had just met up recently. We meet up, we're trying to meet up monthly for our NET. We just go work on each other and because I will say that something that stuck with me that, Dr. Kevin will say, Dieter, I always say his name wrong. Detterman. I always want to say Detterman. I'm like, that's not right. Detterman. So he always says, be healthier than your healthiest patient. And it sticks with me because you really have to be. all in on your own healing journey, I feel like to provide. So you, we had met up and you did probably the standard process point, whatever your points were, the, what was it called? The muscle response. Analysis. Analysis. M R A. There's so many different acronyms in this whole realm. And you found that I needed, uh, Simplex F. Was that correct? Yes. And then, and it was just two simple supplements. And I felt in the yin and, the homeopathy from NET. Uh, Yin Yang and I just, those two supplements, it totally balanced my, I ended up being, I'm, I'm paramenopausal, I guess you would say. I'm, I'm in that phase of sort of irregular, menstruation cycle. I'm 47. It's just, you know, and I had to, there was a boatload of emotions that you cleared. And I'll be darn if like, we don't, you have to like, look at the emotional component because having all the modalities together that I have at my disposal because it can address the body stuff and the mind stuff simultaneously. Yeah, with hormonal stuff, you know, I see a lot of women with hormonal challenges, mostly in that pre peri and menopausal phase, mostly challenged with things like night sweats, insomnia, hot flashes, all of that realm, and also like irritability and PMS. Let me tell you it's very common. All of these things are very common. However, they are not normal. Okay, right And so how do we get the body back into a state of homeostasis? And where your body can kind of self regulate and modulate a little bit better Frequently there is an emotional component simplex F is an incredible product that has four protomorphic in it and they kind of It's, it's a little bit of a difficult thing to understand exactly what they're doing. But for those who really want to know, it's, uh, it helps to distract autoantigens in your system so that the tissue can actually heal itself. So really it is getting at the healing of those organs. So simplex F is. It's addressing the female endocrine system and then simplex M is for the males and that in conjunction with usually the yin yang spray is incredible because it works so freaking fast. People are amazed when they feel better so quickly. And then frequently I'll use other herbs like chase tree or wild yam. And what I do in my practice is everything is individualized. and unique to that person's needs in that moment. And so I don't have any prescription or suggestion, I should say, that I would make for everyone. it's really what is your body need to balance you out. And sometimes it's also minerals or a nutritional deficiency, right? So we have to make sure that all these things are working together in balance. And the other questions to ask with hormonal stuff is, okay, have you been on birth control? Most. Women in our society have been on birth control, some for more than 10 years, some for more than 20 years. They're putting kids on birth control at 12 for acne or whatever it is. And so, it just, there's a lot of, For people, because that is, you know, that is such a common thing. And I will say that I knew I had the wherewithal to go off of birth control several years before trying to think about having a child. So like my late twenties, maybe 29, but I was definitely on birth control from like eight, 11 years, that was just common, common. But, what knowledge do you have about birth control and how it disrupts Yeah, I mean, what have you noticed? Because you're like, I always, if that's a question, you're like, I always ask if people have been on birth control. I think it can, I don't know the specifics. I couldn't cite a study or a paper for you. Sure. I think it's very disruptive, to how we were intended and it's interference and it can lead to a lot of downstream effects that are so far beyond the time of ever taking it that you don't correlate it. You're not like, oh, now I have leaky gut. This is probably from my birth control. That's like the last thing on your mind, but it can have a lot of deleterious effects in the long term that most people are not aware of. I like that answer. So if somebody comes to see you, what does a session look like? I mean, are you just going into that body and figuring out where the imbalances through muscle testing and just, Yeah, so right now in my practices and is changing as always as as everything does right now, for first session, I definitely want to do a detox. I always do a cell cleanse for every client and they sit with their feet in that water with the ion array and everything and get to see all of the debris that comes out. And it's a cellular level cleanse. And then also we're addressing the issues that they came in with one. Once I've gotten sort of a history of what's, what they're doing, their habits, their lifestyle, because all of that comes into play. We can never downplay, you know, how much effect stress has in our lives too, right? And then I'm asking about those specific issue that they have, let's say just for this example, that it was that hormonal concern. I'm asking about that issue, and then, Finding a muscle response from that and then countering to what's going to fix or modulate or help the body to respond to that better. And generally it's more than one thing, okay? And I use a lot of different modalities that complement each other and it's all individualized for each person. So it could be some frequency work with, I have an iTericare frequency blower, I have a Rife machine that I use. quite often, as well as, the emotional stuff. That's another external component to the emotion code. I do, as well as the neuromotional technique. essential oils can be really helpful. Yeah, I love it. I love that you're route, like you're diving in for more. I love that you are gravitating towards contact reflex analysis because you'll see that you'll be able to just organize everything You so much more proficiently, because you're, I feel like you're already doing it. It's just going to like solidify kind of what you're already doing. Right, right. And then internally, then I asked the body what it needs internally. And there's various points that you contact, that I learned from Dawn, or what it might be internally. So is it an herb? Isn't an essential oil? Is it something nutritional? Is it a homeopathic? Is it omega support? Or is it a mineral? So we assess for that, as well, and then see coming back around to make sure that then once we've, these things into the body is, are we now having a strong muscle response when I asked the question about the hormones again. And then I like to use a little scale to see how much of it has resolved. So if we started out with an organ functioning at let's say 40%, I want to be at a hundred percent when we finish. That's kind of how I operate. Yeah, so it's a yeah, CRA is going to make so much sense to you because you're already intuitively doing it. So it's cool because you'll get to pull in all your, your tools and you're also delving into the Leibovitz protocol. Super excited about that. Super excited. I think, they have such an interesting model. So Dr. Leibowitz created this testing protocol of bioresonant vials, which tests the body for sensitivities or imbalances. And importantly, the major thing that they're addressing, I think, is subclinical infections and dysbiosis within the body. Dysbiosis, meaning that there is a disruption in what the normal microbiome looks like in within the body. And so you test these vials and then very importantly as well, testing for what foods you've become sensitive to. And I'd like to delve into that for just a moment because, I think there's a lot of myths misconceptions about food to share with where I am of it. Of course, always my understanding as of th basically that we have as assaults to our system and that can look like th pesticides, radiation, heavy metals, assaults Um, the, the things that we use externally as well as irritating foods. Okay. So think about your gluten, lectins, those kinds of things that kind of irritate the delicate single layer. We have one, Cell layer thick in our small intestine. Okay. Wow. We have these assaults on the body Then we at the same time not thinking about it are eating whatever we normally eat. And so That can cause some leaky gut trouble when we have these assaults coming in. So the leaky gut is the one cell Opening up a little bit because of that zonulin and then food matter and particulates are getting through the gap. When we have food matter getting through that gap, our body thinks, Oh my gosh, this is a foreign invader we must attack. That is the immune response, which is natural and normal that our body should recognize. Food does not belong in the bloodstream, but that's how close they are in that one cell layer. So we develop the sensitivity, to foods that we often eat. Yay! So now, I'm like bummer, sorry, wah, wah, wah. Yeah. so that's my current understanding. And so the idea with Lebowitz remove all the foods that you're sensitive to. And for every person, that's going to be unique and individual. Heal the dysbiosis. The subclinical infections, meaning kill off the parasites, the bacteria, the SIBO, the SIFO, the fungal, the Candida, the, Lyme or Bartonella Borrelia, whatever subclinical infections are present in the body, you get rid of those, including the biofilms. Including the spores, including the mycotoxins, endotoxins, okay? Then gradually reintroduce the foods that you were sensitive to. And once the body has had that infection removed and has adequate time to repair that gut, you should not have to avoid that food forever. Which I think is a great news, right? Because so many people get these restrictive diets and they think that, and that's where the emotional component of the NET probably comes in. You think like, oh my gosh, I can eat barely anything, but it's only temporary. Right, right, and, and, that is the different thing with Lebowitz. With other things that I know about allergy, protocols, you're like, okay, we'll stay off gluten and dairy and nightshades forever. And it's like, I don't know how sustainable that is. And in my practice, I'm really about. What's something that we can do to get you one step closer to your health? And where I am personally in my health journey is I was ready to take that leap and do the full Lebowitz protocol and do all the food elimination because I want that root cause healing. So that's where I am and that's what I am starting to integrate into my practice. However, I think it's going to be interesting to see who's ready for it and who's not ready for it. Because it is kind of an investment in yourself, in time and energy to prepare foods for yourself. That is true. And you were so gung ho that you started this even before you were in Florida on vacation, which I was like, wow, girl, you are a warrior. I had no idea before I went for my Lebowitz testing that I was going to be sensitive to so much. I might have put it off till after Florida had I known. But how it's what it, it is what it is. And you, yeah. You're amazing. And you, you did it well, thank you. Yes. Um, wow. So that was a lot of, I thank you for sharing all of your, I love that you have the RN background and I feel like you're, you're gonna be so unique in, you are so unique in that you can bridge. And educate people because you do have the knowledge about like different prescriptions and you have the and both like bridging these two worlds and I love even on your own journey. And I think I got this. So I Lyme and co infections were a big deal for myself and my family and I passed on. those infections or to my children in utero. And so we, we were on a healing journey because we were healing ourselves. I had to first heal my, well, I first had to put my oxygen mask on so that I could make, informed decisions for my children. But I think because of feeling like Western medicine was failing, failing, failing, I did start to have a lot of resentment Um, just, you know, energy that I needed to release about Western Medicine Model. And then having to go through a jaw surgery and expansion. I was like, it's an and both thing. We need to use both medical models at times and we don't have to demonize one or the other. And I think that you're going to be so instrumental in, um, Bridging these two models and being able to like, okay, because sometimes that's why I love muscle testing as I was going to sound clinic and sometimes you might have to take an antibiotic. Or that, but knowing when and where and using muscle testing to know there's a time and a place. Um, yeah, I love that. And I think that it does help my patients knowing that, my nursing background and that I have some sense of what they're going through with all these procedures or whatever, what have you, or the suggestions from the Western medicine doctor and then I agree with you a hundred percent. I love to muscle test. For whatever they're taking and if it's, if it seems that the body wants it great and if it seems that the body is maybe done with it, then that's where you can have that conversation or if the patient wants to come off of it, those are two different things, of course, and then they have a, then they have a conversation with their doctor about what they might shift to so. That's beautiful. So I want, I'll, it'll be in the podcast notes, but where, what's your website? Like, where can people find you? Do you do virtual sessions? Are you mostly working in person? Do you do a little and both? Like, how can I'm doing a little and both right now. of course, you can't do everything virtual that I do, but I am offering some virtual sessions. My website is www. elevatedstandardclinic. com. And, I'm not super active on social at the moment, but I'm hoping to increase that in the future. And, yes, and I am located in Golden, Colorado. That's the home base here. And I love to, just connect with people and see how it might be complementary to what they're doing or helpful in some sort of way. The other thing that I also wanted to point out was the NET component of addressing. Being ready to heal. Right. And, you know, I'm okay being healthy. Things like that. The statements, the feelings that we can delve into and see where is the resistance. Where is the quote unquote benefit that you've been getting from treatment. From your body needing this healing time. Is it rest? Is it less responsibilities at home? Is it sympathy? Whatever it might be of course different for every person And that can be a good way to also compliment and make sure that you're optimizing what you are doing With congruency with emotionality and I have a story for that personal so I can share it Until I, I was going to sound clinic with, doing the muscle testing of the different vials herbs. A lot of it was standard. that's, well, some of those standard process, some of it was, supreme nutrition, the Lebowitz supplement line. And, It really didn't really start. I didn't really start to heal until I addressed those emotions. So my chiropractor was introducing like simultaneously introducing me to neuroemotional technique. And I had resistances and stress about like believing I was on all these Lyme support groups. And it seemed like hopeless, like these people weren't getting better. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, this feels like it was a grief thing, so I had to work through, I'm okay getting healthy, I'm okay, I, I'm stronger than my Lyme disease, like, just knowing, just going through my resistances to these labels and these different things, thinking that, you know, I couldn't heal, and it wasn't until we were peeling layer after layer of these emotional components, for me, I tend to live in that emotional realm. Um, so that's why my menu on CRA has got, it's stacked for the, um, the emotional tools. Yet I will say that once I combine those, releasing those emotions plus the supplementation, that's when we all started to heal. Amazing. That's so cool. I love that and I love, you know, they give us such great examples at seminar of how deeply rooted these beliefs can be and turning into things like personal laws and really believing that it's not good for me to get healthy or it's not okay for me to get healthy. Well, it's not even possible or, yeah. It's not possible. So breaking those limiting beliefs and the other thing I did want to mention is emotional freedom technique. Are you familiar with that? Yes. My, I have a friend who's like very gifted at it. I've done, I mean, I've done sessions with her and it's amazing. And I'll just intuitively tap on some of those points, but I don't, I'm not trained in it. So like sometimes I'll be working with something like, Oh gosh, we got to tap, you know. Yeah. Yes, absolutely. I love that so much. And I have some people come in here who aren't ready to face some kind of an issue and that is another really great tool in my toolbox to kind of like introduce them a little more gently and get their body online. You're accessing the meridian endpoints and using statement to kind of, um, bring things together neurologically. So it's really incredible. I love that you have all those tools and I think you're such a gift to everybody out there and I am excited to see where your practice like elevates to. I love that you said elevated standard clinic. You keep just leveling up. And it's amazing. Oh, thank you so much. I'm so excited too for our continued relationship and learning from each other. Absolutely. So thank you for taking time out of your, I know you're busy and chatting and I love that. It truly is the ripple effect. I never know who's like listening to the, we, I just do it because it feels like there's times I've been like, well, you know, I'll take a break or this or that, but then I'll get a sign from God where it's like, You know, somebody was at an NEC Summit, I listened to your podcast and I, I tried to like remain like, I'm like you, like inside, I was like, you do, but I worked a lot on that at, uh, in Florida, just about, about all of that. But I'm excited to see where this information ripples out and who finds you and. Yeah, you know, they always tell us in NET, the work isn't ever done and, um, my chiropractor who I see for NET sometimes has said to me like, you don't graduate from this work, you know, it's done. There's always something to work on. I find it really funny when people come in and they don't really know what they want to work on. Luckily, they gave us lots of ideas. Oh, I love it. Yeah, going on a feeling, going, yeah, there were so many ways. Like when, when they just don't know, so. So, but, but all that to say is that it's a journey. It's not like I'm eventually going to arrive and just be healthy and fixed and cured. It's like a journey of healing or that's been my experience and it's definitely elevated and it goes up and up, although it's not linear, right? Sometimes you feel like you get setbacks. Like, you know, my daughter have getting a concussion and we've made all these gains with healing. And she, um, You know, has a concussion right now that we're healing and then you, it was lovely to have you, you know, I'm like, help, Heather, like, what should I be testing for supplement wise? Because you do have that RN background and I'm just now delving into like, The supplements. So it's constantly an evolution. Absolutely. And we help each other out whenever we can. And, I texted Jerrilea the other day, another fellow, uh, who we were in Florida with, and I had taken Elliot to a doctor's appointment and it was painful. And she said for him, and she said, did you use ER 9 1 1 and pain relief? And I said, no, I didn't even think of it. So I know. Of course. Like I contacted you and I contacted Dr. Sam Riley and I'm like, help, I feel like I'm too close to this and I'm forgetting like all my tools because I'm in it. I'm in the, the stress. And he was like, Jen, just do CRA, put it on the triad. You got this. And I was like, breath in, I got this. But I get it. We forget sometimes when we use her too close to home. And that's why we have our friends that we can reach out to and network and be in community with together to support each other too. So happy to do it anytime. Awesome. Well, thank you so much. Thank you for you. Thank you for being on the podcast. And I'm just excited to see everything unfold for you. Thank you for having me..

PJ McNerney:

All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.