The Ripple Effect
Healing is an INSIDE job, starting within and rippling outward into the external world. Jen McNerney shares her unfolding journey to wellness and has guests on her show who have created a personal healing & rippling effect. Sharing information and modalities that invite each of us to embody our unique frequency.
Jen is a certified NeuroEmotional Technique Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, Theta Healing Practitioner, Contact Reflex Analysis Practitioner, and energy healer. Jen is also a licensed speech therapist, although solely focusing on her healing practice at the moment.
Find Jen:
IG: @heartrootedhealing (business)
@jen_mcnerney_healer (personal)
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The Ripple Effect
A Call To Action to all light workers: Dissecting The Telepathy Tapes with Rebekah Varnum
In this episode I have a repeat guest: Rebekah Varnum where we dissect The Telepathy Tapes from the lens of practitioners and also Rebekah delves into speaking about her youngest child and her spiritual savant skill set and her telepathy abilities.
We chat about all the awarenesses and healing that Ky Dicken's podcast The Telepathy Tapes has ignited us to a call to action! Rebekah discusses some life changing modalities on her daughter's journey and her pivot into becoming a practitioner to these modalities. Rebekah is a Quantum Reflex Integration and Theta Practitioner who delves into deep emotional modalities and techniques combined with the primitive reflex integration knowledge.
You can find Rebekah Varnum on socials here:
Rebekah Varnum
Restoration Acres: A Healing Place
Find your host, Jen McNerney:
Warning, listen to this podcast at your own risk. Side effects may include joy, feeling, content, illumination, newfound senses of purpose and wellbeing. Courage, realizing you are not alone.
Okay. Today on the ripple effect podcast. Thank you. Rebecca Varnum for being here again. I took a little bit. Yeah, I took a little bit of a break. Um, and now I'm like, I got a fire lit under my booty after listening to the telepathy tapes. And you were the one that told me, Jen, you got to listen to the, this podcast. Oh my gosh. And I at first was like, yeah, yeah, but then another person told me and then another person told me and I'm like, Oh, okay, I'll go listen to this was like, you have to hear it. And then I didn't understand, like, I'm like, low key obsessed. Like I, I like you, I think. Did you blow through those? Like, I did. I, every opportunity I had like a chunk of time, I was like playing, we spend a lot of time in the car running to and fro from appointments. So it was like, every time it was like, be quiet or listen to telepathy tapes. Yes. Say my kids were like, where's mommy? I'm like, you know, I was in, so anyways, I wanted it, uh, for a background. Yes. Rebecca has been on my podcast before speaking about, um, I would say your whole journey with your older kids, your two older kids. So you had, so Rebecca is first a mom and, but now I love that you have Like so many of these moms that we're meeting, have pivoted into your natural gifts and how the, and delving into the modalities that's helped your kids. So now you're a QRI, which is Quantum Reflex Integration Practitioner and a Theta Practitioner. We've taken courses together in the emotional, like a deep emotional and metaphysical realm. and. You know, I want to say thank you, Rebecca, because we met in 2019, maybe 2019, 2020, probably 20. Yeah, 18. Maybe I think we met in 2018. We met on the internet in a, um, in a TRS group. Yeah, and that was totally divine spirit guided. Right? Like, no accident. And no, literally, I was like, Oh my gosh, she's an SLP. Are you kidding me? And then you started doing NET(NeuroEmotional Technique) and all of that. Oh, yeah, my career. It's so kismet and I career pivoted. And then You know, full circle moment. I just kind of wasn't even naming to anybody that I was a speech language pathologist anymore, because I was just so frustrated with my profession in the material paradigm and the Western medicine. And it was just like my, like, almost like a teenage tantrum where I'm not associated as it and now now after telepathy tapes and hearing all of those heroes that are not always wearing capes. Um, Anyway, let's, what is your take on the telepathy tapes? Like, what is it, what has it invoked in you? So much crying, first of all, I just found it so validating, first of all, and, you know, I think we talked about this, the assuming competence, there was a lot of like, I don't know. It's on one hand, we very much like expect regular things and normal things and talk to her very normal, but also like I had, I guess it's all like the testing and diagnosis is and like P. T. O. T. Speech and all the like focus on the physical aspects of. You know, her disability or whatever. I kind of lost track somewhere. So let's back up. Does your, does she have a label? Yeah, she. I mean, and this is part of what I don't like about the profession is in this world is that we have to have a label to get services and you have to play the game, the 3D game. A hundred percent. Um, she's got several. Disorders that are supposedly, uh, not connected. Me and Nero don't see eye to eye. Um, Liva had some fairly severe injuries, falls when she was in infancy. And so Nero's like, there's no TBI. Those falls couldn't have caused this. That's not what's happening. She just, you know, has this collection of disorders. All my AltMed practitioners disagree. Like, when you're that little, and especially we get to talk about primitive reflex integration. Like, I was just having this conversation with, um, uh, Potential new client. And I was telling her because Liv's injuries were so young, she never even developed the neural pathways, which is different from like an adult who maybe was in a car accident. They get a TBI and their reflexes come back online. That's different because you're working with neural pathways that were already established versus ones that have never developed at all. So you develop these like compensating skills. So. We're I think the age of her injuries made such an impact, but she's got an intellectual disability. She's got ADHD. She's got global dyspraxia. So, like, she's completely nonverbal. She, she talks and she communicates and sometimes her approximations are close, like, oh, you just said I did it, didn't you? Um, but she uses a AAC device. Um, she uses touch chat as her app. So, I'm very much still learning that. It's like learning a whole new language. And we, you know, we did myofunctional therapy for a while, and that didn't get us anywhere with speech. And then we, uh, so we shifted into sign language, but then her apraxia impacts that as well. So now we're onto the AAC device to try and give her some language, but the telepathy tapes just like lit me back up because I've always. Been able to hear her in my mind. And somewhere along the, like, focus of like all the medical things. I lost track of that and Oh, well, she doesn't talk. So I don't understand what you want. And it's like, isn't that soul sucking and like the amount of, the amount of hope that gets just sucked right out of you when you listen to those doctors and practitioners and experts. Yeah. Um, so. Yeah. So why do you think. If you had to look, like, obviously, hindsight is always 20 20. What's been making the most difference for her? Um, neurological based interventions. we started with, a chiropractor who was doing quantum reflex, or quantum neurology. which is like a cranial nerve rehabilitation. Um, he uses cold lasers and he actually did some Melillo methods. So he was the one that introduced us to the idea of primitive reflexes and showed us, did some testing. And so we started on that path and we had such gains that I was like, Oh, let's find an OT. So I found an OT who was, Um, MNRI trained Muscatawba method, and so we added her to our team, and again, more gross, and then I stumbled on QRI, and I was like, this is it, this is bullet, it combines them, it's the lights and the lasers with the reflex patterns, and it has the frequencies too, and I think the frequencies are huge, like our kids, these kids that can't, it's, they're such high vibrational. Spirit, soul and beings. And so it's like when they come down into the density that is earth and 3D, it's too much. It's hard. It's really hard. And so I think that's why we see what we're labeling as disability, but what in actuality is just a much higher, it's like. You know, when you're running, it's like you've got old computer equipment and you're trying to download this like huge file and it's clunky and it doesn't work. That's what I think is going on with our kids. And that's why I think the telepathy is there is because they're trying to show us there's there's this new thing coming on board, and this physical aspect is not. What matters, I think, I think that's one way that was a big takeaway. And I've had the, the gift of working with so many of these individuals. And I'll, I remember, when And, you know, this was before I had a lot of tools, but so many of the non speakers are the reason I went and delved into my own personal healing and transformation, because I could tell that I could put my little smile on like, here's Miss Jen, she's ready to play and do play therapy and, but inside I was struggling with feeling very lonely and, depressed and they could Feel like my energy was, yeah, they could feel that there's no lying to these kids. No, and I put in, it was so sweet because they would feel that and they would give me a hug, but they probably imagine that you can't really turn off all the signals. Like you don't even know, like what thoughts you're hearing from who, and like, to be honest, like my, my, some of my, thoughts could be really dark and, when I, and they still can, I still can succumb to different thoughts and feelings. And I'm, I've always been super sensitive. And, so I started delving into energy, healing,, different like Tai Chi movements and just trying to. Re regulate so that I wasn't bringing my dirty energy into my, my, my energetic gunk because I would be like, Oh my gosh, like it's, yeah. And I felt really bad, like, and I also, you know, uh, so I was working with an individual and he, um, You know, that was the part that I kind of, I'm still dealing with going back. Like, are we working on homonyms? Like who gives a crap about homonyms? Like, you know, it was an, I, because the school district was paying for the services I had to honor the IEP and work towards the goals and, you know, we, there. There are SLPs that are working on the down low or OTs and in the schools. And you guys are all my hats off to you. Cause it is soul sucking when you have to fit into a paradigm that is just seems so pointless. But he looked at me and he was like, and I just seen a rainbow and I, and my dad had just passed and he didn't know that. And he's, and he, maybe he saw my dad too. Like he was like, he. He told me, he's like, you, you miss, you're so sad. You miss your dad, which is in heaven. And then he started giggling and laughing. And at the time, I think it was because he knew that I knew that he read my mind or felt, and so he was giddy, or maybe he was seeing my dad and they, and my dad's a very playful maybe and both. But I remember having to like. Be like, well, you know, so and so. This is not a very, this, I'll just call him Johnny. Johnny. This is not really a, an appropriate response to somebody whose dad just died. Like, Aw, because I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't, I was feeling I was a Triggered in grief. Yeah. So I couldn't see it that way. Yeah. Yeah. And, yeah, there's all these moments that have been downloading into my awareness of like, Oh my gosh, that was what was going on. Oh my gosh. No. And how I get that. I've had some moments of guilt to listen, but again, all the crying, like, Oh my God, that was. You just like have these awarenesses like, Oh gosh, I totally like, I missed that. I missed it. Yeah. Yeah. And then, but it was really sweet. I went to see my cranial sacral therapist, who is more than, you know, that is her background. Just like my background is an SLP and I'm so much more than that. You were background. Mom, practitioner, healer, like we're so much more, we're multidimensional. So she was working. I said, you know what? I think I need to really get this guilt and the shame out of my body because I keep being drawn to not like the positive because I knew intellectually that all these kids have forgiven me. I showed up with love. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't do the right things always, but I did, you know, I did the best that I could do. And you're not out there operating with malice. Yeah. And again, say no. Say no if you love and respect them or if you're out there like, you know, and you're not operating with malice. So yeah. So I was like, it just feels very stuck in my body. I don't know how to clear it. And so it was. Beautiful, because she says she doesn't always see spirits, but she's like, Oh my gosh, Jen. There's all these kids behind you and like a semi circle. And I told her about the telepathy tapes. So she's going to take a listen. Um, and it was like releasing the shame and the guilt because they're such pure spirits and so spiritually evolved with little to no ego that. I knew I'm blocking myself from, so the reframe was sending out telepathic frequency of like, how can I be of service to you? How can I help you? That's what I was just thinking. Doing this right here is giving voice. That is the, you know, the restitutions, so to speak, is like, you're taking what you learned and lifting it so that other people don't have to, learn the hard way. It's like you're spreading the message, you know, like, we're, yeah, we're here, and. The whole, just how advanced they are, it's like the, they know, they see it, we go into practitioners and it's like, she picks up the chart and she's like, she did that. Yeah. I'll never forget when she walked into my office and I had just started delving into like, okay, maybe you've let somebody cord into you and they're like, they're an energy vampire. Do you feel tired? Like, and there's. You know, as, as you know, cause you have the charts now and you do the same, uh, modality, similar modalities. And she just pointed to that and then like looked at you and I'm like, okay, let's get your arm up. Cause I use, uh, utilize applied kinesiology and muscle testing and, um, much like telepathy. I want people to know because I'm seeing in these groups that they're like, well, how do I know? What like, do I, and, and I think it was beautiful. What podcast episode where the, this. The non speaker was like, I need this tuning fork for my spirit and I need this tuning fork for my body to help me integrate and get back in there. And muscle testing to me is what healed me and my family from Lyme disease and co infections. Like you can ask the body, mind and spirit anything and get, you know, it's a valuable tool. And if you have a non speaker like, yes, it's valuable to learn it, you know, it's a good way of like, even just simple things like, cause a lot of times we're having to make decisions for them. It's like, um, should I put this in their lunch or this in their lunch? Because to some degree, their autonomy gets. put aside in a lot of situations because it's like here. I'll just do it for you. You know, so it's a way of respecting their autonomy and tuning in and I think it's good for Teaching us to be sensitive to their systems to you know, like I think let the tapes the kid that was very outside his body I've very much experienced that with Liv. I even just, when she was born, she, we had a home birth and everything was fine, beautiful, wonderful. And it was like, as I was stepping out of the pool to go to my bed, there was this moment of where I thought her slipping away. And it was like, I had to like call her back into her body. And that's been kind of an ongoing theme. Throughout is like you live in this space. It's like trying to, it's like, in Aladdin, the genie talks about like, because we, you are this soul and this body and this is your container. But if you don't know, like I did love how, um, Akhil spelled out like it that landed and that was so funny because I was like, Oh my gosh, he needs MNRI because I had just gone to a course and, um, like he was like, literally I do not feel my body. I'm not connected to it. You know, and imagine the hand flapping, which is a top is because they're trying to feel something sensory. and the neurosensory. Components and I just, um, QRI has been such a big thing for us because it is that. It's a meeting her where he, where she's at this hype because it adds the lights and the vibrations. And if you think in terms of density, light and vibration is much less dense than something physical, but we're also using it on the body and like, yes, neurologically being like, it's safe to be in this container. There's a lot of like, why the MNRI? It's like the touch and like, Oh, this is where my body is. This is where my. I had to write, I had to write this down because, um, Pamela Curlee, she is Dr. Masgutova's like second hand, second hand woman bringing, um, MNRI to the world. And, she was explaining and it, it, it downloaded and stuck for me because. You go to these workshops and you work on each other. So you get to feel what the integration is doing for yourself. And oh my gosh, I'll be darned if I didn't have like a huge emotional release reintegrating ATNR on the left side, which has always been my side that I just, the expansion site, the tightness, whatever. So she says, why reflex? work sticks is once our brain understands the efficiency, the fastest way through physics, it will always choose the law of simple nature. It's thermal dynamics. Nature loves order. So from chaos to order. So it just stuck for me. And I was like, Oh, and then she also taught me this because I remember learning and being like, Oh my gosh, there's so many steps. And like, when you're learning, you get very rigid. And I lose my spiritual connection in the conscious, in the present time consciousness. And she touches with love and presence. And it really doesn't matter the steps. I've, I've learned, I mean, I probably flipped up like some of the steps to me, obviously, you know, but I took that to heart and I noticed that matters and the same thing that the telepathy tapes will confirm that is if you're present with a quiet mind. Then they feel safe to let, there's not the clutter, the mind clutter, so many of those individuals, there's to say that relax, like, you know, even when there was an, a speaker that got to visit the hill that they speak about in, in the telepathy tapes, which was such a beautiful, I was like. Wow, this is so great. I, uh, a little apart. You haven't tried going yet? Is that what you're telling me, Jen? I, you know what, I haven't, I, I haven't tried going yet because of, I feel like that's their sacred space, but the, the, I was so worried that The wrong people would try to go there. Yeah. And I, then I heard, I heard the divine, I heard the divine, the divine beings that are protecting that sacred space. I felt, I started crying cause I'm like, Oh, thank God. Thank I'm like, I needed to hear that because, um, because me being susceptible to entity attachments. Through, and this is, I help people releasing that, but I was like, Oh gosh, Oh gosh, this podcast. But I'm like, no, Jen, like they know what they're doing and he loves like, they're vibrating too high. They're, they're vibrating so high that there's no resonance for that to stick. Right. Or to like, Yeah. Um, but yeah, I think I have to give you this because I've had a beautiful experience, but asked to be invited and see what happens. See who shows up. Yeah. Yeah. And I've loved. What's happened with the telepathy tapes, because I'm connecting with people all over the world. Moms like you, um, SLPs and like Akhil's mom's going to be on the, The tomorrow we get to talk about like his journey, which I would have known because I met her in when I went to one of the QRI trainings, we were in a QRI training together. I wish I would have known, like, Bonnie has started to say something that we were taught. She was teaching muscle testing and talking about energy and that sort of thing, which, you know, I kind of love about QRI because they incorporate more of the like frequency and You know, Eastern philosophies and things like that. And I do remember her being like, now we're talking my language. And I was like, girl, me too. But yeah, but you know what? And I feel like the opportunity. I know, but I feel like I understand, like, Dr. Masgutova's. She so I get to go to MNRI and I consider it a root cause modality that I got, and I can get my continuing ed hours and Asha actually honors it. I hope so. Right. So I get that they're living in this. I feel like it's both and I was you, I, I met up with you before the conference and I was like, Oh, you got to go to this thing, but I want to know the information. But then it was totally not the experience I had because Pamela is like, she meditates like it, it's all these people that are walking the fine line. It's coming. Whether people are still trying to fight the old paradigm or not, it's coming online. That's why we're getting these kids. You know, you were talking about the chatter. It's like live when she, you know, when she's trying to like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, but I'm like, I don't know what you're saying. She'll stop. And she looks at me and I'm like, Oh, you would like the blue cup. It's like, she almost has to drop the speech efforts for the mental efforts to come through clearer. So there's something about the chatter and the static and dropping that to be in this, like, Zero point place with people. And that's what you're saying about the MRI, like the presence, you know, QRI is like that too. There's like certain reflex patterns you have to like, you know, go up, but your intention matters above everything. You know, if your intention is to support this child and build neurologic awareness and like integrate reflexes, it's going to happen. You know, so absolutely. And I, yeah, I was hiding out kind of afraid and like the telepathy tapes have and I've talked to so many people. I'm like, I'm like, it is a call to action and it's like light workers. unite And we, and I, and I know that I have. Um, we all have, we all are, have God given gifts, God, God, creator, whatever your word is, source, spirit. We all were uniquely made with our gifts. And that is always been my tenant. Let's get you to be able to share your gifts because you don't, you wouldn't have incarnated here in a body that's so dis, I mean, you did choose, I believe that we do choose these things for our soul growth. So that is part of my belief system. It's just that you wouldn't choose to be locked in that body the whole time and not get to share your gifts. And maybe you do. And maybe then you repeat a cycle. But I think it's like these These non speakers, these light beings are light workers. We have, we're uniting right now and I don't even care about Asha. I mean, I'm not, I'm not trying to wish them to take my license away, but I will be of service to these. individuals and souls, no matter if I have a license or not. And that was what my cranial sacral therapist reframed for me is like, Jen, your intention has a frequency, like your integrity. If you're, if you're speaking from integrity, that is all that matters. And If I don't have what's going to help somebody, I'm going to refer out and I'm not claiming that I have some primitive reflex knowledge. I'm not claiming that I'm a core specialist for MNRI. I just, you know, I have some quantum neurology. I've put, I've started to put it out there. What we have, she said, your intention has a frequency. So if. Who do I want? Who am I a gift to? You know, bring these kids that do want what I have to offer, bring these home. Because there are some of us who are searching. We're tired of, like, I've been doing PT every week for a year and, she still can't walk up the stairs. Right. I'm like, well, and I'll say, what are we doing here? And I, I'll say that there are all parents who are seeking, John Paul's mom. Libby is an SLP, and you know, she went against the grain with the, the, SPELLING oh, she's, oh gosh. I just, I don't know. There's, uh, I could get, I could get teary eyed just like thinking about everything. But, um, as a mom. Do you like so that you could help like these special unicorn OTs PTs SLPs that might be in the schools or in the system, so to speak, um, what would you say to them as a mom, you're not really care that you don't really care that they don't have like, you just want to help. I don't know. You know what I'm trying to ask you. I don't know if you know what I'm trying to ask you. Maybe I'll just send it to you right now. First of all, they're in there. Like she, they understand she's in there. Don't talk about her in front of her. She's in there. And she knows way more than her physical body can express. I think that was I, I think that was one of the big things in the telepathy tapes. It just felt very validating. Like I've said this, she's here, she like, Oh, she has a receptive language disorder. I'm like, she understands so much more than like, because she's seeing a bigger picture, it's like, it's all energy too. I like the, the way that the spellers were able to like put into words. This happens when we work like with clients is sometimes we don't have a word for the frequency that we're feeling or picking up and we try our best to describe it. Words are a bit limiting, the language limiting. And then I was so blown away because I was thinking about my meditation practice and I try so hard to get to like a certain brainwave or into the Theta's come easier, but into that like meditative. Into the void, like where you're no, you're no thing, you're no body, you're like, it's just the void of nothingness. Yeah. It's so hard, but I think it's a lot easier for the kids that go to the hill, like the kids, teens, the individuals. Um, so like they're at a different frequency and so it's almost like this where we're, we're rising up in frequency. They have to come down and meet us. And so we, what can we do to make sure that their bodies feel safe, calm and not in pain because there was a speller. I can't remember his name now that wrote spelled out. That all the stimuli from the outside is an assault, like the sensory stimuli. No, I, I mean, I'm not even. I mean, we're talking, these are kids who are like struggle. So I don't even want to compare my struggles to theirs because they're not the same. But I tell my kids all the time, like, oh, your noises hurt me. Loud noises hurt me. It's too bright. It's, um. Yeah, I think like the one kid was talking, he said, we want access to more alternative alternative therapies, the reflex integration, the sound therapy, sound therapy, reading a lot about hyperbaric oxygen chambers, and you know, just the concept of these dense bodies, and these high vibrational spirits, whatever you can do to lighten the density of the body, What are you eating? What are you drinking? Are you detoxing? Do you have nutrition? All of that matters. It makes it, when you stack those things, it makes it easier to exist in the density. You know, you lighten it. I'm a big believer in diet and detoxes are foundational. You have to take care of the bodies. Right. They're already in bodies that are challenged. And now, you know, it's like trying to swim with snow boots on. You give them an extra challenge. Right. It's like on our last. So it's just so foundational what you're consuming. the EMFs, we all, we have, you know, again, alternative therapies. I've got orgonite all over my house. I've got crystals all over my house. You know, I, we shut our wifi off those sorts of things that are like, Ooh, and I think it was, wasn't it Houston that like gravitated to the crystals and his mom, Katie. Yeah, it was. Like super, I think Christian and so like crystals have, but I love how we're getting asked to look at our beliefs and the programming that that's limiting us and not. Um, serving us to its highest and best good and, that's, I think Liva's gift is very much in that spiritual realm. I think she said she's a spiritual savant. That's what I would think. I mean, you've seen her walk in and be like, Oh, this is what she needs. Like our chiropractor, she would walk in and like touch the spots that were out. I will say. I'll say that I, but she'll do that with the crystals too. She'll grab a crystal and come up to you and like hold it. And then like, you know, our current chiropractor laughs'cause she like, I don't know that she gives her the credit I do. She thinks she's just like pretending muscle test. Not, I've seen it firsthand because, and you know, um. I guess what I've noticed about your special soul, I mean, you have, you have four special souls, I will say, yeah, and I will say though, when, cause I, I think I was, you were asking me in the office about the receptive like, cause you were kind of going down. The school district route, you get pulled in, you get sucked back in. And, and then you were asking me. Like about the Praxia, they do, they do listen, like you got to practice even spellers, like you have to start with a gross motor and even like, I don't even know why don't even get, don't even get me started with the AAC device because the gross motor, the gross motor, it, that's what matters to produce this speech in any format, you know? So, and it's so funny because, uh, Dr. Masgutove, I guess, Pamela was telling this story because she's traditionally trained as an SLP and, um, Dr. Masgutova, who you I've seen videos. She's a genius. Like there's all these geniuses that are downloading like stuff to help right the collective. And she's definitely one of those same with Pamela. And, um, Pamela said. Dr. Masgutova was like, Oh, and all of you speech language pathologists know that you have to start with integrating the hand reflexes and the feet before you even work on speech. And we're all like, I, I bet you, I can ask about, no, I was like hiding, like, you know, hiding out. Cause no, we were not taught that. Thank goodness. They do teach that in Russia, which is phenomenal. Right. Um, Anyway, I guess that, um, what I was trying to ask you is that you're a mom, and so many moms will say, what, you don't care what helps, like, or what certification, like, I'm after results. I don't care what's going to do it. Well, I will say that. Liva has a frequency where I know she's in there. When you were telling me like that, like the label of intellectually da, da, da, and receptive language delay. I think her IQ is like 42. You look at her. I do not believe it. That's what I mean. Like, I just looked at her. The soul. Right. She's, she's no, I'm like, what is she teaching? I think that's a question that like to ask her, like, what are you teaching mommy? What are you here to teach? Because she. I think some of these parents are starting to reframe it and giving them that autonomy. Like she can, she's probably, nobody's nobody's cared to ask her what she's teaching us. Well, no, I haven't. I mean, I definitely feel like my kids have all led me to growth. I mean, even just in terms of the theta healing and listening to, um, These telepathy tapes, these gifts are inherent. We have them, you know, we've, they talk about all this junk DNA. Well, what if it's not junk? Well, if it's just latent, well, if it's inactive. And so in theta healing, there's this whole process to activate latent DNA. You go up to creator and you command it and witness it be done. And it is. And so that's one of the. That's the tenets, the tenets of the genesis of witnessing and knowing and perceiving that it's happening. Um, yeah, so we're both, Rebecca and I are both talking about theta healing, um, and I've got your different modalities and I know I kind of, I feel like I'm the same way I get the information I have to like sort it out from my unique lens and sometimes it looks Like the conspiracy with like theorists, like in the background, but it all, but things are connected so much more than we give them credit for, you know, how am I able to know when my kids at school that she's gotten hurt before my phone rings and the nurse is because we're connected on this quantum level. And so I think that's one of the big takeaways too, is there. Telling us to step up, they're encouraging us to like, get with the program and this old paradigm of, Oh, you're broken and you're useless. And it's had me confront a lot of ableism. I think it's what the telepathy tapes, you know, some of the tears are about is like, oh, I have misjudged you. And it's like, as soon as you hear it, it's like, the light's gone. You're like, of course, I know this. Of course, I know this. Like, this is not. Come on, Rebekah, get it together. But, you know, it's. I don't know. We get distracted by the material and it's so much less about that. Like, that's the slowest vibration is the physical. If you talk in terms of, like, spiritual, emotional, like, by the time it shows up physically, it's So, I think they're, they're asking us to step into this higher frequency and, do whatever we need to do to clear the density and clear the chatter. Clear the programming and the beliefs and, like Activate this DNA and let's get with it. You know what I mean? And I love, I mean, to see that that podcast is the number one podcast. So people are listening. The amount, my inbox, my inbox is blowing up. I know I've been, I've emailed old clients. I haven't gotten the response back. So they probably full on do you think I'm crazy, which I am okay. Like, I feel like, I feel like being, being called an anti vaxxer for so many years. And has prepared me for this warrior stance right now of not even caring. I'm like, whatever you I've been called for 15 years. Let me call me what you will. I'm like, used to this. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's but it's but it's handholding to the people that are just breaking out of it. And maybe that's some of our role too, right? The parents or the practitioners that are like, I've had my inbox, like, wait, you're an SLP healer. Wait, talk to me more about this. I'm like, you guys are all healers. You don't know. I'm going to a new training here, probably in a couple of weeks, actually. I've just recently been assigned, but it's myofascial release. It's John Barnes, myofascial release and. One of their lead teachers is an SLP. I was like, okay, this, this is a sign, Yeah. And I, this is a sign, this is, and I, it, it was a full circle moment because as you know, like I don't really advertise much that I'm an SLP and Oh yeah. Because I like quantum stuff, you know? But I had this, and both where I'm like. Not honoring my past is not integrating all of me, and it was keeping it small for me. Well, and I love how, to some degree, you were a little bit pushed into reactivating the SLP. You kind of were like, I don't want to. Oh, yeah, so I had to do a ton of NET to get congruent because Yeah, it's like broken open with the telepathy tapes. It's like you had, you were being pushed to go back to SLP, but it's like this telepathy tapes came online to be like, see, this is why this is why. And it all makes sense now, like my journey of, you know, delving. And yeah, I, I will say that the 3d world and having to pay bills and whatever, and my husband is finding a more, more aligned abundance. So I was like, listen, um, It's like this for SLPs because they're so needed. Do you have a pulse? Are you breathing? You're hired. So I was like, okay, I could go put my SLP hat back on, but I don't want to, but I don't want to limit. I didn't want to limit. Yeah. All that I know. And so listening to the telepathy tapes and they're talking about sound healing and energy in the quantum and consciousness and remote viewing. I was like, what? Yes. It gave permission to be all of me. And I feel like that's what, like, I don't, when I tell people and I don't, I hope it's like. When I tell people that telepathy tapes has healed is healing me both personally and professionally it is like it's so it's helping me settle wounds that I didn't even know were still there. Yeah, no same well and that word you said permission to it's like, I don't know it feels free, not more than freeing it feels like we're being called to action, like yes it's free to like. Accept this and acknowledge it and own it. But more than that, stop hiding it. Stop being scared about it. Stop like, right. And that's people the truth. Like my, she doesn't talk, but I hear her in my mind. You're going to have to deal. I don't have to tell you if you can't do that. Yeah. Here's a class. Uh, I know a person, right? I don't know. You know, like that whole, um, I could probably help you with that, but one more thing, when did you figure it sounded like early on, you knew you talked about the water, but when did you figure it out? When did you figure it? Like, when did you wholeheartedly know that that was what was happening? I mean, maybe that's a tough question. No, literally days. Like I would ask, you know, you talk to your babies, see people. Listen, how do we understand our babies and our dogs if our dog sits there and looks at you and goes, Oh, you want to go outside? What is that? Is that not telepathy? I mean, how do we understand our babies? So, but live us from very early. It was like, that's what I say. I felt out of that because when she was little, we used to joke and call her our little space baby, like she would just look at you and you're like, Oh, you would like to go outside now. Okay. Like a hypnotic, a hypnotic stare. She just like looks at you and like beams the thought and then you're like, Oh, you would like to go have some juice now. You know, you just like. No. So I think very, I mean, infancy, like days old, like I remember having an experience with her. I was like, Oh, do you want to? Yeah. It was like, did I hear that? She didn't just say yes to me, but like this baby just said yeah to me. You know, but we, so part of our story with her and infant, we were RVing, so we were kind of in our own little family bubble. So it was like, this is just the space baby, but coming back and like comparing her to peers and like, Oh, this is more. And then you start the doctors and it's like, Oh, she's not space baby. She's just disabled. And it's like, no, actually, no, that's not true. And she is a space baby, and also her body doesn't work how she wants it to, but like. She is still space baby and like how freaking lucky that this high vibrational being chose me, you know, And I love that we like, I love that we have modalities to work through that. And you, you came with an intention. And when we did a trade where you're like, I want the childlike wonder. Yeah. She's leading me back into. You know, like my first son, he's had a regressive autism, 18 month vaccine injury and everything I learned was to like recover him and so Liva was born into this space of like organic everything, you know, and she's led me way deeper into the land of healing and recovery because she's like, listen. It's vibrational medicine that I need, you know, so the QRI and the theta healing and NET and all of this has been what has moved her forward and been able to help her body function better. You know, it just, um, I don't know, she is still space baby though. So I think just recognizing that and being it, it's just valid. Yeah. The quantum savant that she is. And, um, I love. Your journey to it. So thank you for being this badass mama that now I just made it explicit. Sorry, y'all. I guess I could. Well, I have I have sometimes Yeah, I can delete it. Or I can leave it because I can leave it. It's authentic. It's sometimes there's a cathartic the F bomb is cathartic to say, I was gonna say and if you're interviewing with me, there's a little element of like, listen, yeah, I love Jesus, and I am fully aligned with source, but also still drop that word. Yeah, leave it in there. Exactly. Well, thank you for, sharing your wealth of knowledge. It sounds like you've like many of these. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you're still being called back to like this, whatever's going to regulate whatever frequency. Yeah. It's all, everything has, so it's cool. For sure. All right, well thank you Jen. Well, where, oh, wait. And I, I was gonna say, well, where can people find you? It'll be in the podcast notes. Um, like how do they contact you on Facebook? I'm on Facebook. Restoration Acres a healing place, and like I said, I do a mix. Um, I very much do the QRI, but also I think the emotional healing is so valid too. I mean, if you learn anything about neurological. Growth and learning the body can't learn when it's in a fight or flight state so regulation is like priority And then you start teaching the body like you calm it and then teach it. It's safe here Here's you know, you were saying in the quote about the most effective methods So the lights are like this is how we bring speech up to our brain, you know, it's just Everything everything coming online. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think it all matters. So I don't do just one thing. I do lots of things, but I love that. Yeah. So the bank, you can choose from it and whatever you need, we'll do, you know, exactly. Well, thank you for being here and sharing your knowledge.
PJ McNerney:All content by Jennifer McNerney and guests are for educational and informational purposes only. Listeners acknowledge said content does not constitute medical or professional advice or services. This podcast is for private, non-commercial use Only guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect any agency, organization, company, or potentially even themselves.